Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 905: undercurrent


The rotten mud exudes a stench. A wild wolf that broke into the place in a panic sank deep in it, howling and trying to pull out its legs, but sank deeper and deeper until the mud flooded its ears and nose, interrupting its miserable life. Call.

When Vicente returned to the swamp, he happened to see this scene, and saw a gloomy and cold figure in black floating in the place where he often moved.

The exposed parts of the black-robed man were only bones, needle-shaped red flames danced in the sunken eye sockets, and the clothes were made of gorgeous gold thread to form a strange pattern.

He also noticed Vicente's return, and said in a hoarse and gloomy voice like a dead man, "Where did you go just now? An envoy from the Magic Council is coming."

Vicente said flatly: "I went home and settled some things."

And, took Shirley back.

"Go home? Solve the matter? You massacred the city? You destroyed the churches and courts in the city?" The black-robed lich said in surprise and anger, "Do you know how much trouble this will bring us? You Want to destroy the organization?"

When the church has an absolute advantage, there are necromancers massacring the city. This is definitely an extremely provocative behavior, and it will definitely attract legendary hunts!

"Congus, this is my business. If you are not satisfied, I can quit the organization." Vicente replied simply, without any argument.

This lich is the leader of "Supreme Soul", Archmage Congers. At the beginning of Kux's change, he relied on the numerous and strange necromantic life-saving spells to escape by chance, but later "Supreme Soul" was also destroyed Sexual blow, only a small number of members escaped. He also had to hide completely for a while.

A few years later, the wind died down a bit, and he left the hiding place, trying to reorganize the "Supreme Soul". During this process, he accidentally learned that the half-plane of the "Lord of Death" had never been found by the church, and it seemed to be automatically closed , So, he returned to the swamp near Kux, looking for clues about the demiplane that the "Death Lord" might have left behind. It turned out to be an accidental discovery of a self-taught necromancer in the swamp. Vicente? Miranda.

Just relying on a few common necromancer magic books and incomplete materials in the swamp, he became an official magician within a few years, which made Congus, who was planning to reorganize "Supreme Soul", appreciate it very much, so In the name of guidance. Replaced Vicente with "Soul Supreme".

But what happened over the next twenty years made Congers unable to believe his eyes. This guy named "Vicente? Miranda" might be because he didn't receive formal magic education. Many ideas run counter to the fundamental philosophy of the necromancy system, but because of this, he, who is not bound by past knowledge at all, actually improved and revised many concepts of the necromancy system. He has repeatedly made great breakthroughs in the field of human body structure and circulation, and has received several real-world feedbacks. He has been promoted to the nine rings at a speed that Congers could not have imagined!

In twenty-eight years, he became an archmage from scratch. This is definitely a genius among magical geniuses. Even in the heyday of the magic empire, as far as Congers knows, there are only four or five people who can match this record. Even the "Sun King" Thanos, who is known as the most powerful magician, took longer than Vicente because of the special nature of "Fate Without Trace".

Of course, Congus also benefited greatly from Vicente's huge breakthrough. In addition to the "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" and "Basics of Calculus" passed by the Magic Council, his cognition The world is almost semi-solidified, and it is sure to try to be promoted to a legend in fifty years.

Therefore, Congers had mixed feelings about Vicente. He was obviously a person who was going to be treated and cultivated as a student, but in a short time he was on an equal footing with him, and had the strength to challenge him, so he was busy rebuilding the organization I haven't had time to establish a teacher-student relationship with him and cultivate a friendship that can be trusted with each other.

However, Congers has no intention of suppressing Vicente and protecting his rights for the time being, because he knows that Vicente may have had an adventure and sacrificed part of his own flesh and blood with a strange item, otherwise he would not have been able to survive in the first place. The environment and materials are harsh to break through to a full-time mage. Therefore, if he wants to be promoted to a legend, he needs a greater theoretical breakthrough and a longer time, but he is different. Will bow down.

Hearing Vicente's simple and cold answer, Congers suppressed his anger and said, "Will there be no such thing in the future?"

"Cooks also has a 'mad dog'." Vicente made no secrets.

"Just a night watchman?" Congers breathed a sigh of relief, "I will tell the various branches and major organizations to let them pay attention to concealment recently."

Vicente nodded slightly: "Who is the envoy of the Magic Council?"

He is very interested in this aspect, because he read "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" and "Basics of Calculus" from Congers, and he was extremely shocked by the thoughts contained in it, and connected with himself in the structure and circulation of the human body. Even if he hadn't learned calculus, no matter how talented he was, he wouldn't be able to build a spell model more simply than before, so that the speed of advancement could set a record.

Therefore, even though he is still indifferent on the surface, but in his heart he has long wanted to meet Derek, the author of these two books? Douglas again.

Congers floated in front of Vicente: "It's Fernando, one of the authors of "Basic Calculus."

His perception of the Magic Council is equally complicated. On the one hand, he resists the other party's intention to integrate his "Supreme Soul" organization; .

"Then we can see it." Vicente touched the storage bag in his arms.

In the hidden forest of "Supreme Soul".

A small market for exchanging magic materials and spell books happened today. It was lively and noisy. Vicente and Congers passed by the edge and stepped into the underground palace.

"The appointment time is half an hour later." Congers sat behind his desk.

Vicente didn't answer, turned to Congers' bookshelf, took out a thick book, and read it carefully.

Time passed very quickly, and half an hour passed without knowing it. At this time, the magician in charge of the reception came in with a bright and fiery lady.

"Fernando?" Congers asked uncertainly, but there was a big difference between this fiery lady and Fernando.

Fernando nodded slightly: "I was recently watched by the night watchmen of the church, so I had to change and go out."

He pulled the belt, his chest suddenly sunken, and he turned into a short and handsome man.

Vicente looked at this scene and said to himself in disgust: "Pervert."

As a normal person, he still attaches great importance to the boundaries between men and women. Even if there is a need to change, the difference is only in stature and appearance.

Fernando immediately became angry: "At least it's better than you who make people feel sick!"

Vicente didn't answer, not bothering to argue with him.

After Fernando yelled a few words, seeing that there was no response from the other party, he lost motivation, so he turned to look at Congers: "I want to meet the author of "Human Structure and Circulation Theory."

Congers recently compiled Vicente's research results into a book, and exchanged them for the latest research results of Douglas, Fernando, the Magic Council, and the mysterious "Silver Gray Lady".

Congus raised his bone palm and pointed at Vicente: "That's him."

"Huh?" Fernando, who had become an archmage, noticed that Vicente, who was also an archmage, was so young!

In the market outside.

Oliver, who had already grown a mustache, was led by his friends and participated in such a lively magic gathering for the first time. While looking for a beautiful female magician, he casually looked at the magic books.

For more than twenty years, limited by the level of books and the lack of teaching, he still stays in the fifth ring.

""Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy", "Fundamentals of Calculus"... What kind of books are these?" Oliver hid from place to place, and rarely had the experience of attending magic gatherings. He had never heard of many things and many books.

The vendor looked at the bumpkin's face and said, "You'll know it when you look at it."

"Hey, can you read it yourself?" Oliver picked up the book honestly and bluntly.

After a while, he forgot about chasing the beautiful witch, forgot everything around him, and completely immersed himself in the world of books.

There are such books!

There is such a theory!

The holy city of Lance, the Great Hall of Light.

Adrian, the ninth-rank cardinal, entered the sacred room in awe, not daring to lift his head until he had an audience with Pope Gregory.

Just at the beginning of the year, His Majesty the Pope used the "God's Arrival Technique" to kill the Mother Earth, and completely drove magicians, dark creatures, and the church of alien gods into the country surrounded by dark mountains and mountains, which officially announced that The only remaining Sylvanus Empire among the three major magic empires was completely destroyed!

After Adrian paid homage to the Pope, he discovered that the most powerful Saint Ivan was also in the Great Hall of Light, receiving the Pope's orders.

"During this time, you organize cardinals and epic knights to patrol along the Dark Mountains, and prepare for the gradual encroachment after fifteen years." Pope Gregory estimated his own recovery time, and added a certain amount of allowance.

The handsome and masculine Ivan lowered his head: "I would like to obey the order of the Pope."

Watching Ivan leave, Gregory narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he had cards such as excommunication in his hand and was not worried about the saint's rebellion at all, he still took precautions habitually, such as letting Ivan stay In the holy city of Reims or the front line of the Dark Mountains, he is not allowed to return to the northern region where he started, such as dispersing several cardinals with better relations with him to various parishes.

After a moment of silence, Gregory said kindly to Adrian: "I will appoint you as the bishop of the Ice and Snow Cathedral in the northern province of the Shahran Empire. I hope you can assist Felix well."

Mixing sand is also one of the means of prevention.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." Adrian replied with trepidation.