Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 906: get together


"Hey, do you want to buy it or not? Don't stand here and hinder me from exchanging." The vendor saw Oliver fascinatedly reading and studying "Mathematical Principles of Magic Philosophy" and "Basic Calculus" in front of his booth. Two books, expelled loudly angrily.

"Ah?" Oliver shivered all over, recovered from the feeling of being so beautiful as if he had entered Mount Paradise, and waved the two books vigorously, "Buy! I'll buy! Which organization are their authors?"

He can't wait to meet magicians who can research such a beautiful mathematical system and shocking theory, and express his inner excitement to them.

Although because of the basics, he could only browse through it roughly, and didn't even have time to study in depth at the beginning, but this did not prevent him from feeling the shock beyond the age brought by the beauty and gravity of pure mathematics.

"Your Excellency Douglas from the Magic Council, the author of "Fundamentals of Calculus", and the 'Silver Gray Lady' and Mr. Fernando from the Magic Council." Mentioning them, the tone of the vendor also showed obvious respect.

Oliver danced and took out a low-quality Hailan stone, happily put away the books and other selected materials, and said to himself: The magic council belongs to the magic council, I want to join the magic council! "

The vibration of a book of this level to a beginner is simply incomparable!

After babbling a few words like this, he raised his head and looked at the vendor with piercing eyes, which made the vendor back a few steps in fright, and said indistinctly, "I, I didn't sell it." Bad quality."

"Can you tell me where to join the Magic Council?" Oliver asked excitedly.

The vendor let out a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "If I had known, I would have joined in a long time ago!"

After finishing speaking, he said earnestly and earnestly: "For more than 20 years, the oppression of the church on us has been maintained, and all organizations can only develop latently. How can it be so easy to join?"

"I'm sure I can ask!" Oliver had already made up his mind, even though there were very few female magicians in the Magic Council. You have to join them too!

So, he kept asking everyone in the market, even though he was disappointed again and again, it didn't stop him from continuing to ask. For this, he paid a lot of treasures.

But his conspicuous behavior also made the "Supreme Soul" mage secretly observing the market roughly confirm that he was not a night watchman.

Finally, a "soul supreme" magician looked at the "soul stone" and reminded him: "Mr. Fernando of the Magic Council is here as a guest, you go there and wait."

He pointed to the forest path outside the market.

"Mr. Fernando?" Oliver was excited again, and ran to the side of the path to wait.

According to the hidden magician, a person was specially assigned to monitor him, making sure that he would not leak this information.

After more than ten minutes, Oliver saw a short man in a bright red magic robe, a lich, and a skinny man coming from the corner of the path.

"Although you are not very good, your "Human Body Structure and Circulation Theory" can still be barely read." Fernando yawned, hardly praising anyone.

Vicente had a cold face, and said in a flat tone: "Although you are a pervert, you are indeed not bad in calculus."

He was tit for tat.

Fernando curled his lips. The desire to communicate with the arcane overwhelmed the urge to roar—within the Council of Magic, Vicente's theory was summed up in the arcane.

He also has good research on the structure of the human body, and he communicated deeply with Vicente and Congers.

Standing not far in front of him, Oliver listened to the three discuss theories that he could not understand at all, and suddenly felt that he had just entered the gate of magic, and there was still a vast world waiting to be explored.

"One day, I will join their ranks. Discuss the mysteries of the world and the human body!" Oliver quietly clenched his fists and set his ideal.

At this moment, Oliver was almost sure that the short red-robed mage was Mr. Fernando, so he waited nervously, and when the three approached him, he walked over. Using standard magic etiquette, I saluted gracefully: "Dear Mr. Fernando, I am a post-scholar who admires Your Excellency Douglas and your profound knowledge. I hope to join the Magic Council and listen to your guidance."

finished. He froze in place anxiously, afraid of being rejected, afraid of missing this opportunity.

Fernando froze for a moment, then said with a serious face: "Our magic council welcomes every magician to join, but one thing must be explained in advance. Anyone who joins the council must accept the atmosphere of open discussion in the council, and accept arcane arts and papers. Of course, the author of the thesis will get the corresponding remuneration provided by the council and every reader."

"Arcane?" Oliver asked a little blankly.

After Fernando explained the definition of arcane art, he asked repeatedly: "Can you accept it?"

Oliver thought for a while, and besides the spell model and some spellcasting skills, he didn't have any arcane theories to keep secret, so he nodded solemnly: "Mr. Fernando, I am willing."

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to join the Magic Council, and Oliver was so happy and excited that he felt unreal.

Fernando nodded lightly: "But before that, we need to accept our review, after all, we can't let the night watchman get in."

"No problem." This sentence made Oliver's sense of unreality disappear, and he found a sense of groundedness again.

Vicente listened to the conversation between Fernando and Oliver and felt that he had nothing to do, so he turned and left.

Inside the Ice and Snow Cathedral.

Adrian looked at the information at hand, and asked the seventh-level cardinal in charge of the tribunal in front of him with a look of hesitation: "Why didn't you arrest a few nobles? They are suspected of colluding with magicians!"

The cardinal said respectfully but not afraid: "Master Adrian, they are only suspected. We don't have any evidence. The Lord taught us not to doubt others casually."

"No evidence? What is no evidence!" Adrian threw a book in front of the cardinal with a sullen face, "Haven't you read the book "The Sorcerer's Hammer?"

The cardinal glanced at the cover, and said calmly: "Mad Dog has a wealth of experience from being a night watchman to a magistrate. Many of his ideas and practices are indeed suitable for places where magicians are rampant, but Lord Adrian, This is the northern region, one of the places where we first developed, with the purest beliefs, nobles are trustworthy, and cannot be compared with the Holm region."

Adrian looked at the cardinal with anger in his eyes, and almost accused him of shielding the fallen and betraying the Lord, but after thinking of other similar things he saw in the northern province during this period, he suppressed his anger , nodded slightly: "No matter what, if you have suspicions in the future, you should ask more questions."

When the cardinal obeyed the order to leave, he narrowed his eyes with a heavy face. There was something wrong with the northern province, and he had to investigate it secretly.

Another twenty years have passed, and the time has come to the end of the 424th year of the sacred calendar.

Adrian looked at the thick pile of materials piled up in front of him, his face was still grim. The problems in the northern provinces were more serious than imagined. Many clergymen and nobles colluded to divide up property and degenerate enjoyment, forgetting that magicians have not yet Nearly extinct, forgetting that the War in the Dark Mountains has only solidified the fringes, and they seem to have a disagreement about the teachings!

And all of this is obviously dominated by the upper class, and all the clues point to several ninth-level cardinals in this diocese, who guard the cathedrals like themselves.

Over the past twenty years, Adrian has eliminated obstacles little by little, found clues, and finally completed the preliminary investigation recently, and decided to uncover the shady scene.

According to the procedure, he first had to report to Cardinal St. Felix of the diocese.

He has never doubted Felix's loyalty. In fact, so far, no clergyman has betrayed the church. "Excommunication" and the existence of the true God make this kind of thing absolutely impossible. Therefore, he will here Things are defined only as being addicted to enjoyment and not being pious enough, and a saint, a saint who is detached from basic desires, obviously cannot fall into enjoyment and is not impious, otherwise the Lord would not have given him such great power .

Picking up the materials, Adrian went to the cathedral where Felix was located through the teleportation array, waited for ten minutes, and was received by Felix.

"The problem is serious." Felix flipped through the materials, read carefully for a while, and then made this judgment with a serious face.

Adrian nodded in agreement: "Yes, Lord St. Felix, it must be rectified in time."

Felix looked at the closed door and said to Adrian, "Make a plan first, and we'll discuss it later."

"Yes, my lord." After saluting, Adrian turned and walked towards the door.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly felt a terrifying holy light coming, and then his thinking became sluggish.

Before falling into eternal darkness, he turned his head with difficulty, and vaguely saw Lord Saint Felix just put down his right hand, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

On December 21, 424, Adrian, the bishop of the Ice and Snow Cathedral in the northern province of the Shahran Empire, was attacked by a magician colluding with the devil and unfortunately died, causing the holy city of Lance to shake.

In a place similar to a theater hall, the half-circle around the central high platform was full of seats.

"... So, I think that Earth, Fire, Feng Shui should not be equated with elements, but they should be regarded as a force..." Oliver waved his arms and spoke to the people below vigorously.