Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 910: Extra special edition of The Voice of Mystery (Part 1)


The melody of the first movement of Moonlight.

The music ends.

Nightingale (sweet and smiling voice): Welcome to "The Voice of Mystery", I am your old friend Nightingale, and we will have a special talk show tonight.

Pause on purpose.

Nightingale continued: "Hehe, are you curious? Frankly speaking, I am equally curious, because I don't know how special this interview is. All of this is hidden in the envelope in my hand. Now, let me open it .

"Whoah!" (drawn out sound of surprise).

"What did I see?!" (voice in disbelief)

"Tonight's special talk show has invited Grand Arcanist His Excellency Lucien Evans and his wife, Her Majesty Queen Natasha Viorit of the Kingdom of Holm. In addition, there are two special guests, One is the Prince of Vampires, Lord Evans' good friend, His Excellency Rhine Karenldia, the famous 'Observer', the Earl of Silver Eyes, and the other is a genius Arcanist of the Necromancer Department, loved by everyone' Body Mysteries' host, Mr. Felipe Carneiro!"

"Are you all excited and can't believe it's true?"

"I don't know if you guys are like that, at least I'm very, very excited, thank you 'Sky Radio', thank you to the Voice of Mystery program, for giving me the opportunity to interview them. I will not hide, Lord Evans has always been my Whether it’s arcane, magic, or music, so I’m very, very curious about everything about him, as well as his wife and friends!”

"Okay, let us welcome Your Excellency Evans, Your Majesty the Queen, Your Excellency Karen Diya, and Mr. Canelo." (Applause, slightly excited tone), "Please introduce yourself first, okay?"

Lucien (gentle and gentle, elegant and young, with a voice that is not magnetic enough): Hello everyone, I am Lucien Evans, I hope our appearance did not scare everyone (laughs)

Natasha (good-sounding but neither weak nor shrill, a majestic, heroic female voice, always full of hope and courage): Hello listeners, I am Natasha Violet, and I am very happy to participate in this talk show , To be honest, I have always liked listening to "The Sound of Mystery", it brings us a different kind of happiness, and it is my honor to be able to add more joy to it.

Rhine (full of magnetism and temptation, with some background, always unhurried, a little leisurely, but with a unique rhythm, with a touch of banter): Hello everyone, I am Rhine Karenldia, (laughs) Although I am a vampire, an undead creature that always hides in a dark coffin in your eyes, this does not prevent me from having a "healthy" taste (Lucien laughs), and I know how to appreciate music that is related to concerts, operas, dramas, horse racing, Hunting and other completely different entertainment, for me, as long as a thing is interesting, it can continue and participate in it.

Felipe (gloomy, with a slightly arrogant tone full of sarcasm and stubbornness): Hello, everyone, I am Felipe Carneiro.

Nightingale: Thank you to several distinguished guests for participating in our talk show. This is really the most grand talk show since the "Voice of Mystery".

We have screened seven questions from our readers' letters, which represent the audience's curiosity about grand arcanists and extraordinary figures, and now, they are in my envelope.

(sound of envelope being opened)

NATASHA (interrupting): I'm curious what the questions might be

Nightingale (laughs): The first question, please answer, what do you think of love? Well, let's start with Lord Evans first.

Lucien (the tone is still calm, gentle and elegant): Love is difficult to measure with words and standards. I can only say that I like to be with her, miss her, worry about her, and think about the things I have experienced with her. I can't help but smile, and when I get along with her, I don't need extra words, and I feel warm and sweet.

Nightingale: But many people's love will eventually become boring, boring and boring, what do you think

Lucien: Let go of your "soul", blend and resonate in your heart, even the most boring things will become interesting because of each other's company. Of course, this requires heart and can't be treated numbly.

Nightingale: Very, how should I put it, I answered very attentively (laughs), Your Majesty, what do you think of love

Natasha (laughs): Love comes when you realize you don't care about his gender.

Nightingale (laughs): Very short but powerful answer, what about waiting for the initial spark of love to fade? Is your love still in the passionate stage

Natasha: Our feelings come from getting along day after day, from unconscious interactions. When we understand it, it has penetrated into the flesh and blood. It is not hot enough but meaningful. Unless the whole life is burned, the spark will never be extinguished. , I think since we can love ourselves all the time, we can also accommodate another person.

Nightingale: It's very romantic. How about Your Excellency Karen Diya? How do you feel about love

Rhine: Actually, I've had many love experiences, in various forms (chuckles), and in every relationship, the love fire was fierce and pure, unforgettable, and equally interesting, Beautiful, but in the end, I seldom convert them into vampires, because the long time will make most of the lives hideous, and make the best love rotten, so, in order to maintain the beauty of love, I would rather choose Watching them grow old and die quietly, and this beauty will always be bright and vivid in my memory.

Nightingale (hesitatingly): As expected of an "observer", I, I have a different opinion, maybe I don't have the long life span of a vampire, and I can't feel the changes brought about by the passage of time, but I think that what you fall in love with may just be In love, you have never met someone who makes you willing to accompany you even if it is ugly, so you are afraid of the withering of love, fear of future changes, and you have no confidence to go on.

Rhine (smiling low and easy): Maybe it is true that I have not met that person, the one who can keep my long life interesting. Sometimes, I am very envious of arcanists. Their interest in exploring the nature of the world is endless of.

Nightingale: Thank you, Your Excellency Karen Dija, for letting us see the love concept of the undead. Where is Mr. Felipe

Felipe (cold and emotionless): I'm only interested in research on hormone-based mood changes.

Nightingale: Very, very arcane point of view, the second question, what do you do when you fall in love with a certain woman or man? Is it the same as normal people? Lord Evans

Lucien: I will investigate whether she has a lover, investigate her likes and dislikes, and then make my own pursuit plan, get close to her little by little, gain her favor, and then slowly deepen until I have a certain love. Only when you grasp it will you confess.

Nightingale (joking): Didn't you directly pursue the confession

Lucien (thought seriously): In theory, confessing at the very beginning would scare the girls. After all, they were strangers at that time. In the hearts of most girls, the sense of fear would overwhelm the sense of joy. , the real confession should be when each other's minds are hazy, but they also feel each other.

Nightingale: Haha, very methodical way of pursuing, how about you, Your Majesty the Queen? What would you do

Natasha (without hesitation): If you like it, you have to do it. Choose different tactics according to the opponent's different personality, but you must be bold, you must take the initiative, you must be active. At the beginning, when Evans was born, I was...

Cough cough (Lucien coughs and interrupts)

Natasha (laughing): In short, take the initiative.