Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 911: Extra special edition of The Voice of Mystery (Part 2)


Nightingale (laughs): What a pity, I still want to hear about the situation back then, how about you, Your Excellency Karen Ldia

Rhine (laughing): Whenever I meet an interesting teenager, I will approach him or her. Maybe I will take the initiative to tease, seduce, or just quietly watch. Sometimes, love is not possession It is also very good to watch him change little by little, grow up little by little, and be involved in the general trend of the world little by little.

Nightingale (silent for a moment): It's really unique, how about you, Mr. Felipe

Felipe: I don't think I'll ever communicate with a woman who has a soul beyond the body.

Nightingale: Alright, let's move on to the third question. What is the one thing you regret or feel guilty about the most? Let's start with Mr. Evans.

Lucien: Uh...

Nightingale (laughs): Are there many? Her Majesty should be worried.

Lucien (hehe laughed, then sighed in a low voice): The most guilty thing is when Alto played dead and saw so many ordinary people mourning the death of a great musician, I felt very guilty.

Nightingale: This was something I had to do under the circumstances. What about you, Your Majesty

Natasha (voice is equally low): The biggest regret is that I grew up too slowly and failed to participate in the war against the northern heresies. Another regret is that I thought that I just need to watch silently and help secretly, and ignore exchanged.

Nightingale: The past is the past, how about you, Your Excellency Karen Aldia

Rhine (with a chuckle): What I regret the most is that I didn't discipline my descendants well. My grandson chased and killed his father all over the land.

Nightingale: I'm curious? So what happened

Rhine: I don’t want to talk about a very operatic emotional dispute. However, I am more relieved now. The descendants have their own choices and lives, and what they want to do is their business. I don’t need to manipulate them. life.

Nightingale (joking tone): Actually, you just don't want to be responsible, right

Rhine (jokingly): Don't expose it.

Nightingale: How about you, Mr. Felipe? Is there anything you regret or feel guilty about

Felipe (still cold and emotionless): I regret that I was not bold enough when I was in Calendia Castle, otherwise I would not have troubles later.

Nightingale (laughs twice): The fourth question, what is the thing you are most grateful for? Your Excellency Evans, please speak first.

Lucien (feeling): I am very glad that I boldly chose the path of magic, otherwise I would not be able to come to Allinge, and I would not be able to meet teachers, speakers and other people who are very important to me, and I would not be able to truly stand on the side of Natasha. side.

Nightingale (sincerely): This is also a blessing for the council and us, Your Majesty, it's your turn.

Natasha: Although I regret it, I am also very fortunate that the first relationship experience ended in failure, otherwise I would have missed Lucien.

Nightingale: Very romantic, how about you, Your Excellency Karen Uedia? What are you thankful for

Rhine (the tone became a little serious, but still with a little joke): I am very glad that I chose the tavern in the poor area when I went to Alto, otherwise I would have missed the funniest teenager I have ever seen. Many times, I am far from Witnessing history is often only one step away.

Nightingale: I very much regret that I didn't see the identity of Lord Evans at that time. Mr. Felipe, you have something to be thankful for.

Felipe (silenced for a while): I'm glad I wasn't bold enough in the Karonaldia Castle. The current arcane system is what I like.

Nightingale (cannot help laughing): I am also very glad, the fifth question, what are you worrying about? Lord Evans

Lucien (smiling): I don't have anything to worry about, I just miss Alto's life a little bit.

Nightingale (smiling): Me too, Your Majesty, how about you

Natasha (in a flat tone): He was easily surpassed in strength and has been unable to catch up.

Nightingale (hehe laughed): I think this is the voice of many Your Excellencies, Your Excellency, Viscount Karen Aldia, you should have nothing particularly to worry about, right

Rhine (serious): When the little guy you can tease, tease, and tease grows up, well, the thing that really bothers me is being trapped by Sard's conspiracy, which is usually me who designs others.

Nightingale: This is really something that "observers" have to worry about. Mr. Felipe, what about you

Felipe: Some people say that they will invent magnification magic dozens or hundreds of times higher than the current one, but I haven't waited for it.

(Lucien laughs dryly)

Nightingale (hehehe laughed a few times): There should be, the sixth question, what is your first impression of each other? Sir Evans, what was your first impression of Her Majesty the Queen

Lucien (laughs): Beautiful, heroic, and powerful.

Nightingale: Beauty comes first? This is really a man's point of view, what about the observer? What about Mr. Felipe

Lucien: To Mr. Rhine, he is handsome, elegant, and slightly weird; to Felipe, he is gloomy, crazy, and dangerous.

Nightingale: Very orthodox impression, Your Majesty, what about you

Natasha (laughs): My first impression of Lucien is that of a pervert! And then there's the musically talented pervert! The impression of Mr. Rhine is that he is a very good chief, very handsome, and should be very popular with girls, and he must be optimistic about Sylvia. The impression of Felipe is that he is a crazy arcanist who has problems playing necromancy .

Nightingale (laughing out of breath): Sir Evans used to be a pervert, haha, very interesting impression, Sir Observer, how about you

Rhine (joking tone): My first impression of Lucien, an interesting and pure pretty little guy, Natasha, a knight with potential, very beautiful, interesting personality, but unfortunately not pure enough, Felipe, um , a pure but uninteresting magician.

Nightingale: Pure, interesting, beautiful, these are the main labels for you to see people, Your Excellency the Observer? Mr. Felipe, what is your impression of them? For example, to Mr. Evans

Felipe (gloomy): Mysterious, powerful, dangerous, and knowledgeable "Professor".

Nightingale: I also had the same impression before, what about the observers

Felipe: Terrifying undead, precious research material.

(Line laughs)

Nightingale: ... a typical view of necromancers, what about Her Majesty the Queen

Felipe (same old): Violent noblewoman with only muscles.

Nightingale (quickly interjecting): Haha, let's move on to the last question. What suggestions do you have for everyone to learn arcane arts

Lucien (answering the conversation): We must pay attention to the foundation, especially the foundation of mathematics and science, so that we can better learn and research advanced arcane content, so it is necessary to strengthen the practice.

Nightingale: This is a nightmare, Your Majesty, what is your suggestion

Natasha: Actually, arcane art is very interesting, especially when doing experiments. My only suggestion is that everyone must listen to Lucien, haha.

Nightingale: It seems that Her Majesty the Queen also has research on arcane arts, Your Excellency the Observer, how about you

Rhine (laughs): You have to be interested in learning arcane arts, hehe, at least I don't.

Nightingale: ... Very frankly, Mr. Felipe, what advice do you have for everyone

Felipe: There are many mysteries hidden in the realm of the undead, which are worth exploring.

Nightingale: I hope that more people will let go of their prejudice against necromancers. This is a field related to life and soul. Well, this is the end of today's special interview. Let us thank Your Excellency Lucien Evans, His Majesty the Queen , His Excellency Rhein Carruldia, with the participation of Mr. Felipe Carneiro.

Music Begins (Canon in D major)

Extra Story of Arcane Throne - Journey to Another World Volume