Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 912: Visitors from another world


The setting sun is like blood, the yellow sand is boundless, and no trace of life can be seen at a glance, just like a dilapidated scene after the end of the world.

On the edge of the sand dunes, a convoy is slowly approaching. The driver and the surrounding guards are all sluggish due to the high temperature. No one speaks, maintaining a palpitating silence, as if they are a team of dead returning from death .

In the center of the convoy, pulled by four strange horses with a single hump is an extraordinarily gorgeous carriage. The gold background is covered with mysterious patterns of various colors, which together create a picture of three golden dragons flying towards the sun with eyes. .

Around it, all the yellow sand blowing over fell silently, as if it couldn't bear to pollute it.

The camel was driven by an experienced middle-aged coachman. He stared intently at the front of the road, ignored the guards who passed by from time to time, and possessed a certain arrogance.

"The wind is going to blow..." Suddenly, an old voice sounded from the carriage.

The middle-aged driver said respectfully, "Sir, do you need to stop?"

"Well, find a sheltered place to camp, don't let the children be frightened." The old voice ordered lightly.

The middle-aged coachman who received the order straightened his back, spoke very fast but unambiguously directed the convoy, went around behind the sand dunes, and then set up camp, separated the carriage from the camel horses, and made preparations to withstand the desert storm.

"Lord Honassan, is there any danger?"

A dozen young people with confused expressions came down from the other carriage one after another. They were all about seventeen or eighteen years old. A young man with a pointed nose, his hair is deep purple, his eyes are blue, and there is an extremely weird mysterious pattern on the back of his hands, which seems to be born with it, revealing from the skin, and is full of incongruity with the whole body It feels like a child's random graffiti prank.

Others, men and women, quietly scattered around the young man, faintly centered on him.

"Grelo, the sandstorm is coming, watch them and don't let them run around." The old man called Honasan said kindly, not angry at Gurero's rash question.

Guerrero suppressed a smile and saluted: "Yes, Mr. Hornathan."

This completely confirmed his leadership position among his peers!

Precociously, he attached great importance to this, and began to order and arrange companions, and the other boys and girls who left their parents for the first time were at a time when they were at a loss, and they just needed such a leader to rely on, so they did not reject it for the time being.

"Master Honasan is really kind. He is completely different from the wizards I have heard. They all say that wizards are noble and powerful but cruel." A girl with blond hair like a waterfall said casually to Guerrero in the midst of her busy schedule.

Her smile was so sweet that Gurero was taken aback for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Cecilia, you can't say that."

Cecilia was taken aback by his reaction, covered her mouth unconsciously with her right hand, looked at him blankly, and felt a little grievance and anger in her heart.

After getting serious, Guerrero smiled immediately, and quietly took a look at Cecilia's tall and well-proportioned figure: "Shh, be careful not to be heard speaking ill of wizards and adults, and you can only say it when there are no outsiders in the future."

Cecilia suddenly realized, and smiled gratefully: "I'm always so careless, thanks to your reminder."

The wizarding regime has always been harsh.

Guerrero looked around, raised his head slightly and said: "And these are all rumors, those stupid guys have never even seen a wizard, I bet there are absolutely a few such wizards! Cecilia, we all You are a person who wants to become a wizard, do you think you will become cruel and cruel in the future?"

"That's right." Cecilia replied blankly. She hadn't thought about it from this angle at all. Guerrero is really knowledgeable. As expected, he has completed two "human body refining" and is only one step away from becoming an official wizard. genius!

However, she felt weird that Gullrero called ordinary people "stupid guys", after all, she and others were still ordinary people in a strict sense.

"Cecilia, come back quickly, the sandstorm is coming soon." A girl with a round face shouted loudly.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Cecilia waved her right hand in response, saying goodbye to Gurero politely, "Grero, I'll go first, Cynthia is waiting for me, you pay attention to safety, get into the carriage early. "

At this moment, on the horizon in the distance, yellow sand was rolling in, covering the sky and covering the sun, rushing towards this direction.

Guerrero estimated the time, quickened his pace, and walked towards the carriage he was riding in.

But suddenly, his eyes went dark, and his surroundings became invisible, which made him almost think that he was blind.

Pa, a huge silver-white lightning pierced the sky, illuminating the darkness.

Boom, as if the thunder in his heart woke up Guerrero, and he was surprised to see the yellow sand rolling in the sky solidified in mid-air.

Crackling, lightning struck one after another, thousands of silver snakes danced wildly, and an unimaginable lightning dome gathered in the depths of the desert.

"What is this?" Guerrero stared at this scene dumbfounded.

"What is this?" An old voice sounded beside him.

Only then did he realize that Master Honathan had left his "Wizard's Car" at some point, and stood beside him with a stunned expression.

Honasan has a white beard that reaches to his chest, his hair and eyebrows are all white, his eyes are colorful and strange, and the back of his bare hands and neck are engraved with patterns similar to those of Gurero, which is mysterious and weird. , is inlaid with a strange gem that is as transparent as a mirror and can see people's shadows.

"Lord Honasan, you don't..." Guerrero forcefully swallowed the question of "you don't know", so as not to annoy the arrogant wizard.

In several other carriages, Cecilia, Cynthia, Chilvera and others were all shaken by the huge thunder, and noticed the vision in the sky and in the distance.

"What's going on..." they murmured to themselves in bewilderment.

The llamas next to them began to become restless and wandered in place, no longer obedient and obedient.

Suddenly, the gigantic egg condensed by thunder exploded, and the sky was filled with boundless light, and a majestic, mighty and terrifying aura was born from it, making all the camels crawl on the ground, not daring to move at all. All the sand dunes collapsed directly, thousands of miles of flat waves, the sky seemed to be as short as the top of the head, dark and oppressive, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed immediately.

Gullero fell limply to the ground unconsciously, feeling how helpless he was when the end of the world came!

The light gradually disappeared, and the terrifying aura disappeared quietly. Guerrero saw that Master Honasan was sitting on the ground like himself, muttering vague words, what kind of witch king, what omen, what? destroy.


In the depths of the desert, after the Thunder Light Dome exploded, a silvery white light door full of strange patterns condensed on the spot.

Above the gate of light, a lively and bustling city first appeared, and then the perspective quickly increased, planets, stars, comets, galaxies, etc. were highlighted one after another, and finally it was fixed on the vast picture of the universe.

Creaking and creaking, the light door seemed to be rejected by the whole world, constantly collapsing slightly and shaking.

After more than ten seconds, the light door shook more and more violently, as if it was about to collapse and collapse. At this moment, a white and slender hand protruded from the door, with cleanly cut nails.

With this palm lightly clenched, the Guangmen immediately stabilized.

Then, endless rays of light rushed over from the door!

In the light, the two figures gradually solidified. One was wearing a black double-breasted long dress, a top hat of the same color, and a monocle hanging from his left eye. He looked handsome and refined, and whispered to himself: "From Body sensing calculations, gravity is... ”

A series of data information makes people feel dizzy.

And the other is a purple-haired woman in silver-gray full-body armor. She is heroic and has a beautiful face. Her body is not stable, and she is constantly absorbing the nearby thunder, yellow sand, and air to rebuild. It took a long time to truly forming.

"There is no significant difference in the details of the body. It can also be elementalized and actinized, but there is no feeling of being surrounded by a 'sea of energy'. My body can only maintain the power of the sky knight for five seconds, and then I must replenish energy." Nata Sha rubbed her chin with her right hand, analyzing her current situation with a look of great interest.

Lucien just finished the preliminary calculation of the parameters of the surrounding environment, and said with a smile: "It seems that there is not much difference, but in fact it is far worse. The reason why the underlying structure of our world is unstable is because the two universes interact with each other, causing From the microcosmic level to the macrocosmic world, there is an order-of-magnitude change relationship, and you can't 'sense' the 'energy ocean' now, which means that there is no coupled universe here, so the instability of its underlying structure should be the embodiment of its own rules, that is to say, The projection method of high-dimensional space-time here is different from our world, and the cosmological constant is also different."

Natasha looked thoughtful, but after a few seconds she laughed and said, "Since there is such a big difference, we should be able to see many interesting things, right? For example, human beings whose gender can be switched according to their own needs?"

"Hello." Lucien helplessly stopped her from thinking about it, "No accident, there should be extraordinary power in this world, and due to the instability of its underlying structure, there will be many strange and dangerous environments and creatures."

"It's good to be dangerous." Natasha nodded in satisfaction, and then clicked her tongue: "But now I can only maintain the level of a great knight, which is the peak of physical strength, and it is difficult to act for a long time. What should I do?"

This kind of difficulty cannot be solved by oneself, professional problems must be handed over to professionals, and my husband is obviously the best among professionals.

The gate of light slowly disappeared, and lightning and thunder snakes danced around. Lucien imitated Natasha, stroked his chin, and said with a narrow smile: "I know too little about this world, and I don't have the necessary information at hand. This problem can only be solved by deeply analyzing the nature and operation laws of the extraordinary power in this world, so you have to endure the current level of power for the time being."

"What about you? Can your magic work?" Natasha froze for a moment and asked intuitively.

Lucien shook his head: "The rules of projection are different. The soul of this world is very weak. My current soul form cannot carry spell models. However, the essence of my soul is already close to a high-dimensional god-like. If you want, you can use it in Here, the god-like strength is exerted, and the "energy sea" of our universe is borrowed through the high-dimensional connection, but in terms of the existence form of this world, there should be no natural god-like."

"It's maddening to compare people to people!" Natasha sighed, deliberately using a sentence that Lucien liked to use.

Lucien smiled and said: "But I haven't found the 'I' of this world yet, and I haven't established a soul connection. Once I become deified, I will be forcibly collapsed by the entire universe, and it won't last for thirty seconds. If it exceeds three times, I am now Our strength will not be able to maintain our existence in this world, and we will directly 'return' home, so I will thank you, Your Majesty, for your protection."

"Ha, it's really rare!" Natasha said very happily, completely disregarding that she can only play at the peak level of a great knight for the time being.

At this moment, the thunder light disappeared, and the darkness nearby began to fade. Lucien looked at the sky and said with a gentle smile, "Just now I noticed someone over there. Your Majesty, let's go, go and experience the extraordinary power of this world."

"That's exactly what I thought!" Natasha replied eagerly.

The speed of the big knight was not slow, and it didn't take long for the two of them to disappear into the desert.

About ten minutes later, a mass of pitch black suddenly appeared in the dark sky, thick as ink, twisted, forming a black shadow, quietly watching the huge hole left after the disappearance of the "Gate to Another World", nothing. Hollow!

"You came earlier than me?" An erratic male and female voice sounded in the desert at the edge of the hole, and the yellow sand rushed quickly, forming a sand man.

The "black shadow" formed by the ball of "ink" said coldly: "I happen to be nearby."

"Did you find anything? What happened just now? That power, that breath, made me tremble all over. Even Adelman in his heyday was just an ant compared to it!" Sandman's tone revealed Feeling a little scared, "Could it be the gods in the legend?"

"Don't be funny, you and I are both witch kings, the most powerful people in this world, don't you understand that those gods are all ignorant fantasies of various natural phenomena? The world is vast, and none of our nine witch kings have explored it. To one tenth, it is not surprising that some unknown terrifying phenomenon appears, the important thing is, what can we get from here?" The black shadow looked at the void, and two gloomy lights shot out from his eyes, looking extremely eager .

"I didn't find any traces of living beings. Maybe it's a natural phenomenon..." The sand man was silent for a while and said, "You and I, who are near the kingdom, should have sensed the changes just now. Don't let this news leak out."

"The intelligent beings in the entire desert should have felt it. Can you obliterate the light? My power characteristics are not suitable for doing this kind of thing." "Shadow" did not laugh at the whims of "Sandman", but asked very seriously possible.

"Sandman" thought for a while and said: "Simple destruction can be done, but it will take a long time, and there must be intelligent beings who can leave, so I can only let the destruction sandstorm ravage here as much as possible to delay the leak of news. "

"Then during this period of time, let's hurry up and realize that this place won't last long." "Shadow" found that the hole was slowly shrinking.