Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 913: join in


The violent hurricane rolled up the yellow sand all over the sky, covered the sun, suffocated the ears and nose, and brought a harsh omen of death.

"Fortunately, we were not far from the edge of the desert..." A guard looked back at the scene where the yellow sand covered the sky and covered the sun, and said from the bottom of his heart.

"If it's half an hour later, I won't be able to see the passionate Lacena girl, X, I can't wait, this mission is really dangerous!" His companion echoed his words, this mission first met The astonishing scene of the thunderstorm, the horrible atmosphere that makes people crawl and fear, and then encounter the death sandstorm that may not be encountered once in hundreds of years. If you can survive, you should really reward yourself!

The carriage the wizard Honathan was riding in kept moving forward at a slow speed. Ever since he encountered the scene and atmosphere that seemed to be the end of the world, he fell into such a silence. He didn't know what he was thinking, what he was thinking, or pure shock. .

Gullrero sat on the edge of the carriage, looking at the gradually thickening soil and the emerging greenery outside the window, his mind was in a mess, as if thousands of lightning thunder snakes were still rampant in his heart, and the breath that made his limbs still tremble Still vivid.

"What happened? Is it a sign of the end of the world?" He thought for a while that a monster comparable to the Witch King was born, and for a while he thought it was a symbol of the end of the world. He panicked and went to the "Redstone The excitement of Lacena becoming a noble wizard disappeared without knowing it.

At this time, the carriage that Cecilia and Cynthia were riding in was exactly parallel to Guerrero's, and their faces appeared by the window.

"Grero, did you notice more outside than us before?" Cecilia's green eyes were like clear lake water, and she looked at Gurero curiously.

Guerrero shook his head subconsciously: "The same, all the same!"

The thing that frightened him to the ground was a shameful thing that he didn't want to face, and his calm, competent and talented image was almost destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Hee hee, Guerrero, let me tell you, just now Depay peed on his pants!" The cute round-faced girl Cynthia quietly spread the news.

"Really?" Guerrero immediately forgot his embarrassing incident and his leader's demeanor, and asked with great interest, haha, Depay actually peed his pants? So funny and too coke! I can't tell that he is so timid and has such a strong body for nothing!

Chilvera, who was in the same compartment as him, was also attracted by this topic, and moved to the window, waiting for Cynthia and Cecilia's narration.

Cecilia's face was slightly red, and she was embarrassed to say it, but Cynthia said happily: "I heard from Sainz, he said that the whole car smells like urine, and there is a yellow puddle on the floor. We Girls are not ashamed!"

"Depay is such a coward." Gurero said shaking his head. In comparison, the fact that he was frightened and collapsed outside seemed not so embarrassing, and Mr. Honasan was the same as himself!

"Who are you? What are you here for?" Just as they were about to gossip, the captain of the patrolling guard suddenly asked loudly.

Uh... Following the sound, the four poked their heads out, looked over, and saw two more strangers at the edge of the convoy, one was wearing a strange long black dress, and an even stranger tall hat, with a patch above his eyes. "Crystal", but it's pretty good-looking—Cecilia and Cynthia said to themselves, one seemed to be a swordsman, wearing a full body armor, holding a silver-gray long sword, with bright purple hair, full of heroic spirit, for Ben The stunning and shocking appearance adds a bit of unique charm.

"It's so beautiful..." Guerrero and Chilvera muttered to themselves simultaneously.

Hmph, Cynthia glanced at them dissatisfiedly, but pouted after turning her head, feeling very inferior.

Cecilia was first shocked by the beauty of the female swordsman, then saw her raise her eyebrows at her, blinked her eyes, blushed immediately, and lowered her head for some reason.

"Shyer than our little guy..." the female swordsman laughed lowly, and said in the ear of the strangely dressed man.

She didn't deliberately lower her voice, which made Cecilia blush, this lady is really weird!

The man shook his head with a smile, and said to the captain of the guard: "We are travelers from afar. We wanted to go to Lasena to find a relative, but we encountered a storm in the desert and lost all our luggage. We managed to get out. I don't know if I can go on the road with you, I still have a few remaining gems on me, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lucien Evans, and this is my wife Natasha Violet."

He has a gentle smile and a friendly attitude. He doesn't look like someone who has just encountered a sandstorm, but it is true that they came out of the desert. There is still yellow sand on their bodies, and his accent is very weird, as if they have just learned a common language Not long, difficult and rugged.

Seeing that the strangely dressed man behaved calmly and with outstanding demeanor, the captain of the guard did not dare to be negligent, and replied with a smile: "Wait a minute, you two, this kind of thing requires the consent of the wizard."

"Wizard..." Lucien nodded slightly. Is wizard an extraordinary profession in this world

The lingua franca was learned by him and Natasha quietly following behind the convoy for a period of time: Even though the soul projection is weak and cannot use spells, as a god-like, Lucien's soul essence is very strong, and it is not easy to connect with other people's souls. In the same way, it is also possible to learn languages in this way in turn. Coupled with the unimaginable calculation and memory, one can easily learn the lingua franca of the world in a short period of time.

"Well, Lord Honathan." The guard captain nodded proudly. This is a world ruled by wizards, even if it is far away.

He patted his horse and turned around, heading towards the carriage in the center, leaving two assistants watching Lucien and Natasha.

"Where are you from? Alchemy Paradise, or the City of Elements?" A deputy looked at Natasha and asked, which were the two farthest countries from the "City of Red Stone".

"Castle in the sky." Natasha replied "seriously".

"Where? Why haven't I heard of it?" The two deputies were stunned for a moment. As mercenaries traveling all over the world, although they thought they were not well-informed, the nine "Witch King Kingdoms" were still very clear. Is there a castle in the sky

Natasha chuckled, and said like an aria: "In that far away place, a city beyond the reputation of a wizard."

"Is there really a city outside the 'Kingdom of the Witch King'? I thought it was just a legend!" Cynthia who was in the carriage next to her suddenly interjected, her face full of interest.

"Really." Natasha nodded very seriously, "Our city is built with azure boulders, so it is called 'Sky City'."

"Sounds so beautiful." Cynthia quietly pulled Cecilia, this beautiful lady seemed easy to get along with.

"We can't verify your origins. I'm afraid we can't take you to La Seine together." The deputy said in embarrassment, and at the same time looked back at the captain who was talking with Master Honasan near the central carriage. Those who are willing to bring such a pleasing lady, but casually accepting people of unknown origin can easily cause losses to the team.

Another deputy looked at the hands of Lucien and Natasha, saw that they were clean, without any pattern, nodded thoughtfully and said: "It seems that you really come from a city that is not famous as a wizard, hey , have never been trained as a human body, and can actually cross the desert alone... What do you rely on?"

He judged in the front, followed by curious inquiry.

Lucien looked at the mercenary guards around him, looked at Gullero, Cecilia and others looking out of the car window, and found that they all had strange inscription patterns on the backs of their hands, which seemed to grow directly to the Moreover, these patterns have an unspeakable charm, as if they hide endless mysteries.

Human body refining, wizard, alchemy heaven, inscription pattern on the hand... From these words, Lucien preliminarily judged what the most common supernatural power in this world is: magicians imitate the magic patterns on supernatural creatures. Inscribed in the soul to gain power, and the wizards in this world seem to have weak souls, so they can only use the method of human body training to refine similar patterns on their own bodies, which can be regarded as fusion with the magician's blood. The idea of transformation is similar, but it starts from the direction of alchemy.

However, these patterns are quite different from spell models, and their functions and operating mechanisms are obviously different. They still need to inquire and observe carefully, and then analyze and study the essential laws of the multidimensional universe to fundamentally grasp it... Think of it with a standard arcanist's thinking Lucien, who was concerned about the problem, didn't speak any more, and just stared blankly, which made the guards, Cecilia and the others feel that this man was weird.

Natasha waved her long sword, and replied very "sincerely": "We don't have a human body, we just rely on natural strength and skill training."

"Natural strength and skill training? Haha." The guards all smiled and shook their heads. What level can this reach? Seeing that they are all human beings, it is impossible for them to have the same strength as monsters! That strength is at most equivalent to that of an ordinary mercenary who has undergone human body training, and there is no threat!

Amidst the laughter, Guerrero suddenly asked: "Mr. Evans, you don't seem to be a swordsman? Where does your strength come from?"

Perhaps because of the other party's appearance, demeanor and beautiful wife, he always felt that seeing the other party was not pleasing to the eye.

"Me?" Lucien recovered from his quick calculations and smiled, "I walked out of the sandstorm under the protection of Natasha."

This is the truth! You can't use your own efforts at all!

The guards, Guerrero, and Chilvera all gave a meaningful oh, and looked at Lucien with a touch of disdain.

Cecilia and Cynthia sighed slightly, because they had such a good appearance.

For them who have been indoctrinated with wizards and human body training to become famous since childhood, power is above all else!

At this time, the guard captain returned from the central carriage, and said quite seriously: "Master Honassan said that you are very honest, and I sympathize with you staying in the convoy, but I remind you that you must abide by the rules and not offend the wizards and future wizards." .”

In his opinion, the main reason why Master Honasan agrees is that these two people from a remote place have not undergone human body training. After all, there is no threat. Of course, Master Honasan's kind temper is another important factor, otherwise it would be another important factor. The arrogant and ruthless wizard will just ignore it, and if he dares to pester him, he will directly use it to refine materials.

Looking at the three-headed golden dragon engraved on the carriage running towards the anthropomorphic sun, Lucien nodded thoughtfully and said with a smile, "No problem, this is an advance payment."

He had previously discovered that the gemstones here also contained energy of different natures.

Seeing that Lucien only had three gems on him, many of the guards who were secretly greedy withdrew their gazes. Not only were they poor in strength, they were also poor.