Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 914: great field


"Are you looking for relatives in Lasena?" The captain of the guard asked cautiously after accepting the two gems.

Lucien nodded lightly: "Yes."

The "I" in this world should be considered a relative, right

There are thin black patterns on the corners of the eyes and brows of the captain of the guard. At this time, there is a glimmer of light that is difficult for ordinary people to see, which makes his blue eyes sway with faint ripples, which is particularly attractive.

Under such gaze, Lucien remained unmoved, and continued to communicate with Natasha at the "mind (soul)" level through the powerful soul essence.

"Is there really another projection of your essential soul in La Sena?" Natasha asked curiously.

Lucien said with a chuckle: "I have initially come into contact with the essential soul at the high-dimensional level, and I have also arrived in this world, so it is not difficult to sense where he is."

"Hey, it may not be him." Natasha raised her eyebrows and said with a smirk, "I don't know what kind of person, what you look like, what kind of personality you are in this world, whether you are male or female." , whether it is a human or a beast, like a stronger taste, or a lighter taste... "

"It's easy to find the 'me' in this world, but it's relatively troublesome to find the 'you' in this world. After all, you haven't touched your own high-dimensional essence soul, and lack the necessary calculation and sensing conditions." Lucien hurriedly called Ended the madam's wild thoughts and changed the subject.

Natasha was stunned: "'I', the 'I' in this world must be equally heroic, brave, unyielding, optimistic, cheerful, and humorous..."

Lucien wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist, and continued to listen to Natasha boasting about herself without shame.

After Natasha finished the series of adjectives, she asked with concern: "It's relatively troublesome, so there is still a way?"

Having been married for many years, she knew very well what Lucien's accustomed words meant.

"Well, after you have mastered the nature of power and the general laws of operation of this world, you can use them to directly use your soul to vibrate the projection of this world, so as to find her." Lucien nodded and said.

"The 'I' in this world, in fact, hey, apart from the essence of the soul, it has nothing to do with me. I am me, and she is her. Perhaps the personality, identity, hobbies, and essential characteristics are all different." Natasha suddenly sighed with a bit of a musician's temperament.

"Yes, no matter what the 'I' looks like in this world, you can't connect his behavior with me. We are us, they are them, and each other's lives have nothing to do with each other." Lucien half-joking It is authentic, "In order to maintain your current essential characteristics, you must strive to step into the god-like realm as soon as possible and enter the 'true god', instead of letting other soul projections complete this step, otherwise you will be assimilated."

"This has always been my goal!" Natasha once again expressed her "desire to fight" and belief.

The two communicated at the spiritual level, and after the captain of the guard looked at Lucien, his deep blue eyes returned to normal, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "There is no carriage assigned to you, so you can only follow the convoy like servants, no problem, right?" ?”

"No problem." Lucien replied gracefully, without any embarrassment.

After arranging the two, the guard captain continued his patrol on a camel horse.

Natasha pulled Lucien and walked directly to Cecilia and Cynthia's carriage, smiling brightly and said: "Get to know me, I'm Natasha, this is my husband Lucien, I don't know what to call him you?"

Seeing her bright smile and listening to her not shy greeting, both Cecilia and Cynthia felt that the other had a strong aura. It seemed that she was the master and queen of this place, and the two of them were Lucky guests who receive a special treat and greeting.

This feeling was not abrupt, and the two of them answered Natasha's question without rejection.

"Ma'am, my name is Cecilia, and I'm from a border town in the 'Redstone Country'."

"Ma'am, you can just call me Cynthia, from Repulse Bay City in the 'Redstone Country'"

The two girls quickly became acquainted with Natasha, and they were very interested in the "Castle in the Sky" with a strong musical atmosphere in her mouth, and at the same time told each other some local news.

This gave Lucien a general understanding of the situation here. The rulers of this world are wizards. They master the mysteries of human body refining. They can gradually evolve ordinary humans into wizards, with the ability to breathe fire, control wind, and fly. Wizards It is further divided into official wizards, lower wizards, upper wizards and wizard kings.

Every witch king rules a country, and there are nine such existences in the whole world. The "Alchemy Paradise" and "City of Elements" mentioned by the guards before, "Redstone Country" and "Black Water Abyss" Like "Sandstorm Pole", they are among the nine major kingdoms, and they have a terrifying witch king who can control life and death, destroy mountains, and break rivers. It's just that their respective bodies have different mysteries and different powers. .

As for the specific situation, Lucien and Natasha still need to learn more about it.

While chatting, Cynthia looked at Natasha, who was following the carriage on foot, and said, "Sister Natasha, get in the carriage, it's so hard to talk like this."

Her address has evolved from Ma'am, Mrs. Natasha to Sister Natasha.

"That's right, there are only two of us in the carriage, it's spacious and not crowded." Cecilia hesitated for a moment, and agreed.

It's not that she doesn't welcome Natasha, but the other party has a husband, and it doesn't feel good to let him into the girls-only carriage, but seeing his gentle and polite appearance, there shouldn't be any problem.

Seeing this scene, Guerrero originally wanted to stop him as the leader, but after thinking about it, it seemed that he was not generous enough, and Cecilia and Cynthia had no real affiliation with him, so they probably wouldn't listen to him Yes, stopping it rashly would only embarrass him in front of other people, so he forcibly held back and exchanged the basic knowledge of human body training with Chilvera in an unhappy mood, feeling a subtle sense of his private territory being violated.

Natasha didn't refuse, and deliberately didn't ask Lucien's question, and entered the carriage hand in hand with him, and sat across from the two girls.

"Are you going to La Seine to become a wizard?" Natasha continued to inquire about the situation in this world with a very charming smile.

Cecilia waved her hand and said embarrassingly: "It's just that the talent is not bad. I was selected by the wizard and went to the 'Tower of Flamere' in Lasena to learn. Only there I initially mastered the mysteries of human body refining , and completed three times of human body training, we can be regarded as official wizards, and we are still far behind."

"Yeah, we've only completed one human body refinement so far." Cynthia revealed the back of her right hand, which has a strange pattern of a cow's head and a human body.

It's strange because Lucien can only judge its appearance based on its outline, but its actual structure is quite complicated, full of incomprehensible patterns.

Then, the girl Cynthia flaunted heartily: "My first human body training is called 'Juli', which can be compared to a cow, you see."

She stretched her right hand down, grabbed a box made of fine iron in the carriage, and lifted it up seemingly easily: "It's full of heavy metal, and it's quite difficult for a normal adult man to lift it."

She was full of eager expressions of praising me and praising me, and she had a strong urge to show off in front of travelers from far away who didn't know the power of wizards.

Seeing that Lucien and Natasha didn't speak, and their eyes were focused on the iron box in her hand, Cynthia thought they doubted the weight, so she pushed the box over and said proudly, "If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was slightly opened, and she forgot to close it. Natasha stretched out her right hand, picked up the iron box, shook it left and right like a toy, and then nodded slightly: " Not light."

Not only was Cynthia stunned there, but Cecilia also forgot that she was holding the book in her hand, and let it fall to the floor with a slap. What kind of strange force is this

Can you have such strength without being tempered by the human body

This is not in line with common sense!

The sound of the book falling brought Cecilia back to her senses, and she stammered slightly: "Natasha, Sister Natasha, yours, your strength?"

"Well, my natural strength." Natasha said with a sincere expression of believing in me.

Natural blood is also considered natural!

"It's hard, no wonder you can cross the desert. Do the people there have such fear, uh, such great strength?" Cynthia rubbed her eyes, suspecting that she had misread just now.

Natasha chuckled lightly: "Mostly, Lucien's strength is not small."

Lucien just smiled and said nothing, and didn't do the boring thing of lifting boxes.

"The people in 'City of the Sky' are really, really, really..." Cecilia didn't know how to describe it more appropriately, and she gradually fell silent as she spoke.

"Mr. Evans, your strength is not small, why don't you exercise your skills, so that you don't have to rely on sister Natasha for protection." Cynthia asked bitterly.

Natasha laughed before Lucien said: "He doesn't like to exercise, he just likes to think."

Immediately, the eyes of Cynthia and Cecilia changed. A big man has no energy, instead of exercising, he just sits and daydreams all day long, letting his wife protect him. It's really shameful! Look at him, he is still in a daze without knowing what he is thinking, what a weirdo!

"Miss Cecilia, what is your first human body training ability?" Lucien asked Cecilia suddenly after carefully observing the pattern on the back of Cynthia's hand.

Cecilia froze for a moment, and replied politely: "My human body is formed into a formation called the 'Wind Controlling Ring'. At present, it can make me more agile and flexible, and at the same time, it can also interfere with the opponent."

This is one of the most basic forming formations, not a secret.

Lucien looked at the circular pattern made of cyan patterns on the back of her hand, and sincerely commented: "Not bad."

Hey, what a big breath! It's almost like His Majesty the Witch King is commenting!

This is what Cynthia and Cecilia thought spontaneously. They felt that this Mr. Evans didn't know anything about human body training, and he looked arrogant and conceited. "The Ring of Wind" actually only said "Not bad"! who do you think You Are

In the pedigree chart of all the human bodies that can complete the "Ladder of the Sage" for the ninth time and lead to the "Great Domain", the "Ten Basic Formation Formation" is the foundation of the foundation and the beginning of everything, even if If one of them was not completed in the first human body training, it must be made up for the second and third times, otherwise it is said that it will only stay at the level of a low-level wizard forever.

For the basic essence condensed by tens of thousands of years of history in the field of human body refining, he actually dismissed it with a sentence of "not bad"

It's ridiculous to pretend to understand when you don't know!

The two girls are both polite and good girls, and their slander is their own. They still maintain a basic smile on the surface, and only Cecilia whispered: "This is one of the ten basic formations, which can connect many human bodies. Refined into an array to form the 'Ladder of the Sage'. His Majesty the Witch King of 'Sandstorm Pole' started from it, and finally refined himself into the 'Plundering Storm' and entered the 'Great Domain'."

Natasha blinked her eyes when she heard these few professional words, but Lucien roughly figured out what it meant from the information and literal meaning obtained from the analysis, but he remained calm on the surface, pretending to be dazed: " 'The Ladder of the Sage'? 'The Great Realm'?"

Cynthia snickered, and pointed to the book in Cecilia's hand: "These are the basic knowledge of human body cultivation, which is introduced in this book."

"Can I take a look? It doesn't involve wizard's mysteries, right?" Lucien planned that even if the other party didn't show it to him, he would have to find a chance to watch it secretly later.

Cecilia pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It contains the meanings of various nouns and symbolic patterns in the field of human body refining, as well as one to three forming formations, but only the shape, without the specific function, meaning, and outline of each part. and refinement, so it's not considered a wizard's mystery, it's just an ordinary reading material, and it doesn't matter if I lend it to you."

She said it was a loan, but she put the book in the middle, spread it out page by page, and slowly introduced it to Lucien and Natasha, so that they would not understand common sense, and when communicating with others, they would irritate each other and cause a tragedy You know, she and Cynthia really like Natasha, a hearty and heroic big sister.