Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 915: Sage's Ladder


"This picture symbolizes the 'Great Domain'." Cecilia turned to the title page and pointed to the pattern on it.

This is a pattern of three golden dragons running towards the anthropomorphic sun, which is exactly the same as what Lucien saw on the carriage of the wizard Hornasan. It is weird and mysterious, with strong symbolic meaning.

Cecilia continued to introduce: "The inheritance of wizards originally came from alchemists, and there is still a kingdom of witch kings that retains the title of 'Alchemy Paradise'."

"Alchemists believe that although there are many species in this world and strange scenes are everywhere, there must be an unchanging essence in the changing substances. The blood of a great being gave birth to the entire material and spiritual world, so it was named 'Holy Blood', or 'Holy Blood' for short."

"Is there really a great existence?" Lucien raised his left eyebrow.

Cynthia interjected: "No one has seen it, but if there is no great existence, how did our world come into existence? How did all kinds of monsters appear? Where did we come from? Therefore, alchemists and wizards all I believe that this must be the 'work' of a certain great existence. As for the specific details, each school has its own conjectures. For example, the wizards in our "Redstone Country" generally believe that the great existence is the source of everything. The world was created in the void of nothing, and various things were conceived with my own blood."

"Creation God said." Lucien simply named it, like a qualified scholar classifying myths and legends.

Such a peaceful and indifferent attitude made Cecilia and Cynthia curl their lips secretly. This guy seems too arrogant!

So Cecilia said in depth: "No matter what conjectures each school has, but the alchemists have indeed developed the entire alchemy system based on the existence of the 'holy blood'. There are brand new products, a brilliant alchemy civilization, and various powerful alchemy items."

"Have they extracted the 'Holy Blood'?" Lucien asked suddenly.

He does believe that there is an unchanging essence in the changing world, but that is a law, a system composed of various formulas and axioms, not substantive "holy blood" and other things. If there really is a "holy blood", it needs to be studied carefully, it definitely reveals the most essential objective laws of this world - something that can be incorporated into one's own multidimensional universe system.

Cecilia shook her head hesitantly: "'Although through various alchemy experiments, we can indeed feel the 'holy blood' and the unchanging inner, but whether it is the age of alchemy or the current age of wizards, even with Many geniuses tried one after another, but no one can extract the 'Holy Blood', I think that those who can do this must surpass the level of His Majesty the Witch King, and infinitely approach the great existence."

Just as Lucien nodded slightly, Cecilia continued: "However, in the process of refining the 'Holy Blood', we created the 'Holy Stone', which is considered to be the product closest to the 'Holy Blood', It can drive all kinds of refining formations, can increase the success rate of alchemy and refining experiments, and can supplement itself."

Hearing her description, Lucien frowned slightly. It seemed like energy crystals and energy blocks. It was a new research direction of energy storage opened by the Magic Council, but there was little progress. The particularity of this world may be the key to their success, and I can start from this aspect to study the laws of nature.

Seeing that Lucien no longer showed indifferent contempt, Cecilia felt a little better: "The glory of the alchemy age did not last long, because many great alchemists discovered that although their work created a lot of magic However, they cannot improve themselves, their lives will be exhausted normally, their bodies are not strong, if they leave the alchemy weapons, they may not even be able to deal with ordinary people."

"Under such a trend of thought, many alchemists began to look for ways to improve their bodies and souls through alchemy. After countless failures, 'human body refining' was officially born."

When they said this, Cecilia and Cynthia raised their heads slightly. The education they received since they were young made them deeply proud of the human body.

"Human body refining developed from alchemy? From this point of view, the guiding ideology is the same. Well, the human body itself is also a thing conceived by the 'holy blood'. It can also be comprehensively affected by the characteristics of different substances, and it can also be formed through refining. Respond slowly to purify your own 'holy blood', get closer to the essence a little bit, and step into the 'great realm'."

Lucien thoughtfully analyzed it with the thinking of this world. Of course, as far as the patterns he saw, he was more inclined that this is still a "way" to communicate with the "world", but he hasn't figured it out yet. Know how to communicate.

To put it simply, the alchemists started from the wrong way of thinking and used not-so-correct methods to gradually explore a path that can still be developed at present.

This is actually the same as the development trajectory of many things.

Cecilia and Cynthia first listened to Lucien's description with smiles on their faces, but as they listened, their smiles disappeared, and they said in unison with stunned faces: "Mr. Evans, you have been in contact with the 'human body' before." Refined into'?"

Otherwise, how could it be possible to express the core idea of "refining the human body" so transparently

Although they don't quite understand what "guiding ideology" is, the following descriptions about the holy blood, the human body, the essence, and the great realm are all correct!

"It's a simple logical reasoning." Lucien replied with an "innocent" face.

wack! Cecilia and Cynthia said in their hearts again.

After stabilizing her emotions, Cecilia said briefly: "It's almost like what you said, Mr. Evans. Alchemists purify their bodies and souls with the 'holy blood' through refining their own bodies." , and the improvement of various processes of alchemy, gaining powerful power and more life, so 'wizards' began to occupy the mainstream."

"According to the theory of human body formation, there are nine steps for the human body to lead to the 'Great Realm', and a total of nine human bodies are required to form an array. The structure of the previous formation is simple, but it is the foundation of everything. It is impossible to continue to improve, and the subsequent formations are more complicated than one, reflecting the mysteries of the great domain, mastered by His Majesty the Witch King and high-ranking wizards, and ordinary wizards can only obtain it if they make great achievements or are favored by them."

"And the twelve 'Ultimate Human Formation Arrays' are only found in the inheritance of His Majesty the Witch King."

"Once you can perfectly communicate with the nine formations in your body and connect them together, you will 'build' a 'ladder of sages' leading to the 'great realm." Cecilia flipped through the catalog and On the first page, he pointed to the pattern on the second page.

The background of this pattern is a void full of various twisted monsters. A nine-story staircase extends from the bottom to the top, and a vague golden palace is painted on the top.

There are various complicated and mysterious patterns on this nine-story staircase, which seems to contain the highest secret of building the "Sage's Ladder", but there are more parts hidden in the darkness.

"This is the 'Ladder of the Sage'?" Natasha looked at the pattern curiously, and asked enthusiastically, "Is this the Witch King if you build the 'Ladder of the Sage' and step into the 'Great Realm'? Where are the other wizards strong?"

"'The Sage's Ladder' is the symbol of His Majesty the Witch King." Cynthia replied before Cecilia nodded.

Cecilia smiled and said: "We can only know the power of His Majesty the Witch King from the rumors. Apart from power, it is said that the biggest difference between them and the upper wizards is that they can communicate with the greatness through the 'ladder of sages'." Domain', the power will never run dry, and there is no need for supplements such as holy stones and gems."

Energy sea! Natasha and Lucien heard each other's voice at the same time.

Such a description undoubtedly made them think of the undulating "energy sea" in the vacuum, the endless "energy sea".

Is this world special enough to communicate directly

Seeing that Lucien and Natasha were silent, Cecilia and Cynthia thought they had shocked the two travelers from afar, and continued to turn the pages of the book with a little satisfaction.

"This is the symbolic pattern of the 'Secret of the Elements'."

"This is the pattern formed by the 'wind control ring'."

"This is the 'Snake of Framan'." They introduced one by one, and finally stopped on a long snake nailed to the cross, "It symbolizes the 'corruption' in alchemy and human body refining At the same time, it also symbolizes that before stepping into the 'Great Domain', one must suffer a lot, and the 'Tower of Flamere' in La Seine is the place where wizard apprentices are trained."

"A wizard apprentice... who has completed three human body trainings is an official wizard, and nine times is a wizard king. What about the lower and upper wizards?" Natasha is more concerned about the power level of this world.

"Complete five times of human body training, you will be a low-level wizard, and seven times, you will be a high-level wizard." Cecilia replied quite yearningly.

Lucien, who had been thinking quietly, suddenly asked, "But you don't seem to need supplements from holy stones and gemstones?"

Cecilia was a little embarrassed and said: "We have just completed a human body training. As long as we don't starve for a long time, our body can be satisfied. Only when we become an official wizard will we rely on gems and holy stones to replenish. However, the 'holy stone' Refining is difficult, the method is secret, and sometimes even requires the fusion of a large amount of life, so except for some high-ranking wizards, no one can afford to use it."

Having said that, she closed the book, pointed to the snake holding her own tail on the back cover, and said, "This is the 'snake of circulation', a symbol of great existence, and a manifestation of 'circulation' in alchemy and human body refining."

Looking at this familiar Ouroboros, Lucien couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. It seems that even though the nature of different universes is very different, in a few details, people still have the same thinking.

"Mr. Evans, don't you think it's right?" Cynthia lowered her face slightly.

This guy has repeatedly shown a contemptuous and indifferent attitude!