Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 917: misleading


For Cecilia, Cynthia and others, one of the most ingrained common senses is that it is impossible for human beings to have the strength to defeat Warcraft without being tempered by the human body. People also have to be equipped with corresponding alchemy devices to drive them, otherwise they won't last long, and Natasha obviously doesn't have the latter.

Therefore, in their eyes, Natasha has been upgraded from a beautiful big sister to a humanoid monster!

Or is she a tyrannosaurus turned into a human by a high-ranking wizard

This contrasting picture completely shocked everyone. It wasn't until Natasha dragged the crocodile to the fire, and the smell of blood came to their nostrils, that they woke up and jumped back in unison. Subconsciously want to stay away from this terrifying humanoid monster!

What happened today was incredible!

"I don't know how it tastes after baking?" Natasha didn't care about their eyes at all, and asked Lucien very calmly, this is the "chef" at home!

Lucien walked up to the Crocodile with great interest, pinched its muscles, nodded slightly and said, "The meat is of good quality, even if it lacks the necessary seasonings, it can be very delicious with basic salt."

Hey, what you guys are talking about is monsters that are comparable to wizards, not beef on the market!

Such cries echoed in the hearts of Cecilia, Cynthia and the others, but they dared not speak out. The crocodile with eyes wide open and still in pain was silently "watching" them.

"Your strength comes from your blood?" Suddenly, an old voice sounded.

"Lord Honasan!" Guerrero was the first to come back to his senses, and saw the door of the central carriage open, and the white-haired wizard Honassan slowly came out, the mirror-like jewel on his forehead covered everyone's figures. reflected in it.

Natasha smiled and nodded: "This is our talent."

The old wizard's sense is still very keen, and he can actually detect that my power comes from blood. Of course, according to the current research results of the parliament, it does not come from blood alone, but from every cell.

"'Us'?" Hornasan repeated thoughtfully, "Do the humans in 'Sky City' have the talent of purifying blood, close to 'Holy Blood'?"

He had obviously been paying attention to Lucien and Natasha, who had joined the team halfway, and tried to incorporate the power of the bloodline into a system that wizards could understand.

Purified blood? Near the Holy Blood

The faces of Manga, Guerrero, Cecilia and the others suddenly changed again. There were surprise, envy, and scrutiny. It was wonderful.

At the same time, they subsided a little fear of the humanoid tyrannosaurus. The unknown is the scariest thing. Once it can be brought into the scope of their own knowledge, it is relatively acceptable, and they no longer have such an unlimited fear. Well, Mr. Hornasan’s The judgment must be correct, everything in this world is conceived from the holy blood!

"I just heard about 'Holy Blood' for the first time today, and I don't know if our talent is related to it." Natasha replied in a very "serious" way, "Anyway, talent is innate."

"I'm very interested in your talents, why don't you sit down and have a good chat, while eating?" Hornasan walked to the fire and extended an invitation to Natasha.

Natasha nodded with a smile, but she sighed at Lucien in her heart: "I bet, this old guy must be trying to trick my blood, the 'meaning' of hiding it and not daring to say it clearly is after arriving at the next place , join other wizards to catch us?"

"That makes sense." Lucien echoed, "But since he doesn't dare to fight directly, it shows that he is not sure of defeating you. That is to say, his strength is at most stronger than that of the crocodile dragon, and not as strong as that of the great knight." level."

"I heard from Cecilia that he is an official wizard who has completed four human body transformations. In other words, the strength of an official wizard is equivalent to that of a knight." Natasha really likes to analyze the level of combat power.

Lucien thought for a while and said, "From my preliminary results of analyzing the formation of human bodies and Cecilia's description, the wizards in this world should be close to the combination of magicians and knights, but there are not as many wizards as there are. Abundant means, and there is no knight to improve his physical fitness in the most comprehensive way."

"Well, I will pay attention to this, and I will not simply treat them as magicians or knights." Natasha was quite eager to try, "With my current strength, I should be able to deal with the next wizard, regardless Afterwards, if the ability of the Sky Knight explodes, it is estimated that it will be able to compete with the high-ranking wizard in a short time."

"It can't be calculated in such a simple way. After all, the power of the two worlds is different. At least the high-level wizards who have mastered the 'Holy Stone' are not something that the sky knights can compete with." Lucien reminded Natasha as a reference. But he didn't care too much, because he knew that Natasha would never underestimate the enemy and be arrogant.

During the exchange, the two returned to the fire and sat next to the wizard Honathan.

The two girls Cecilia and Cynthia sat down again a little excitedly and a little bit at a loss, wanting to speak to Natasha but dare not speak.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Natasha raised her left eyebrow, her enthusiasm and familiarity remained, and suddenly Cecilia and Cynthia's inexplicable sense of strangeness and distance disappeared, and their smiles became bright.

"Sister Natasha, I now believe that you can cross the desert!" Cynthia said with emotion very quickly. Compared with those monsters in the desert, Sister Natasha is the real monster!

Cecilia asked even more curiously: "Sister Natasha, in Sky City, does everyone have a talent like yours?"

This is also the question Honassan wanted to explore, so he didn't speak, and looked at Cecilia and Natasha with a kind smile.

All of a sudden, the apprentices and guards beside the fire pricked up their ears.

Natasha coughed, and said according to Lucien's concept: "In Sky City, we all believe that the human body itself contains enormous power, but this power is suppressed and locked up for various reasons. Only by hard training and breaking the shackles can this talent of power reappear and change itself, so most of us in Sky City have talents like mine, but their nature is a little different."

After listening to Natasha's words, Cecilia and the other apprentices gasped. Can they possess such terrifying power just by working hard? Are the people in Sky City all monsters

The wizard Honassan nodded thoughtfully, and slowly said: "Everything in the world is conceived from the 'holy blood', and the human body naturally contains the holy blood, which contains huge power. The fundamental concept of 'refining the human body', however, the 'holy blood' is not blocked or suppressed, but diluted and thinned, only by purification and refinement, can we get close to the original source."

"I suspect that your tempering itself is a process of purification, not the so-called breaking the shackles."

He reinterpreted Natasha's description with the thinking of a wizard, and immediately made Gullero, Cecilia and other apprentices suddenly realize, and laughed at his fuss just now. It turned out that it was not that the people in Sky City were monsters, but that they The understanding of the world is not accurate enough. Starting from the wrong idea, I accidentally discovered a better method and got the correct result.

In fact, there is no essential difference between this and "human body refining"!

This kind of thinking was exactly what Lucien wanted them to have, so neither he nor Natasha corrected Hornathan's interpretation, but looked at each other "unknown".

After understanding the "essence" of Sky City's power, Gulleiro and others became more curious and concerned about the advantages of Sky City's tempering method and "human body training", which involved their most fundamental self-confidence!

"Ms. Natasha, I don't know what level your strength belongs to in Sky City?" Guerrero couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked.

Natasha replied deliberately and honestly: "There are not many people better than me."

As the "Sword of Truth" blood knight at the pinnacle of legend, she is quite confident in her words.

Oh... Relaxed, happy, and proud voices sounded together, not only the self-confidence of the wizard apprentices was greatly satisfied, even Honathan couldn't help stroking his beard.

Although Natasha is powerful, she has not yet shown the ability to reach the next level wizard, let alone the upper level wizard and His Majesty the Witch King!

The atmosphere suddenly became warm, and everyone began to ask Natasha about the customs and customs of Sky City. Natasha had reality as a blueprint, so she could easily describe it, and what she described was a real city.

At the same time, she became more and more vigilant. Hornasan didn't mean to inquire about the "method of tempering" in Sky City at all, indicating that he did have other ideas, perhaps out of politeness or intending to obtain it directly by force.

Listening to their discussion, Lucien's heart suddenly moved, he had an inspiration, and thought of a certain key point, so he immersed himself in his own thinking world again, and re-analyzed and calculated the human body to form an array.

During the heated discussion, Cynthia turned her eyes and noticed that Lucien was "in a daze" again, so she couldn't help curling her lips: "Sister Natasha, is Mr. Evans always, always so weird? "

"Most of the time not." Natasha was very honest and answered with a smile, very happy to spoil Lucien's image.

That is, a small percentage of the time? What a stupid fool! The other apprentices had this thought spontaneously, it was a pity that such a powerful and beautiful lady should have such a husband!

"I don't know if Mr. Evans has aroused his natural ability?" Cecilia asked carefully, fearing to offend Natasha.

Natasha nodded seriously: "Yes, but not as good as me."

This is the truth, arcane and magic is another matter.

Poor sister Natasha! Cecilia and Cynthia sighed in their hearts at the same time, how could they not be pitiful to have a husband who was weaker than themselves and stunned

At this time, Natasha said slowly: "But I just like him like this."

Why! Sighs and voices of surprise suddenly followed one after another.

After a while, Lucien got the result, separated from the thinking world, and his eyes regained their brilliance.

"Mr. Evans, did you fall asleep just now, or was you thinking about something?" Cynthia said half-jokingly and half-sarcastically, which immediately drew a snicker.

Lucien nodded lightly: "I'm thinking about the problem."

"Oh, what are you thinking about? Let everyone see it?" Cynthia asked, intending to wake up Mr. Evans.

Cecilia opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't stop it.