Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 918: feel good


Lucien looked up at the sky, and smiled slightly like a poet: "I'm thinking about what the sun is and why it rises in the east and sets in the west. I'm thinking about where life originated and how it developed to the present. I'm thinking What the world was like in the beginning, and what it will be like in the end.”

"Hehe..." Cynthia, Guerrero and others used such laughter to express their disdain for Lucien's answer. These questions are either natural and there is no need to have any questions, or they have baffled His Majesty the Witch King for generations without any results How can an ordinary person like him dare to say that he is thinking about these problems? It's too exaggerated and arrogant! He is simply a dreamer! What a shame Natasha is such a nice lady!

At this moment, I don’t know how many men have heroic feelings in their hearts to save the beautiful woman from the abyss, and how many girls secretly feel sorry for the charming but not enviable hearty lady.

Only Cecilia raised her head in confusion when she heard the second question, and looked at the sun in mid-air, yes, why does it maintain such a regularity? Who stipulated that it must do so? Does greatness exist

How can Lucien be in the mood to pay attention to their attitudes at this time? After solving a problem just now, he has made a breakthrough in the analysis and research of the basic micro and macro laws of the world and "human body formation", which urgently needs to be tested. Let's prove it.

This impulsiveness in arcane research made him impatient, wishing to start the experiment immediately. As for what others would think and react, it was completely out of his consideration, and he did not need to consider it. The only problem was that there was no material. .

So Lucien smiled and said intentionally: "I was joking just now, but I was actually thinking about the issue of 'human body formation', exploring and summarizing the basic laws in it."

Are you kidding me now!

This is the common cry in the hearts of Cecilia, Cynthia, Guerrero and others. Thinking about those illusory questions that even His Majesty the Witch King is unwilling to seek answers to, you can also say that you are extremely arrogant and pompous, but "the human body The mystery of "refinement" was summed up and created by great alchemists successively in a thousand years. It was slowly perfected by great wizards who devoted their lives to it for more than 10,000 years. You just sit like this After thinking about it for a day, dare to say that you are thinking about the problem of "human body refining"? Do you dare to say that you can summarize the basic laws in it and master it

Moreover, he has never been in contact with "human body refining" before, has never read a book with detailed knowledge in this area, and has never been instructed by a wizard. He can complete such a thing just by sitting in a daze for a day. Great work? What's the point of living for other people

This can no longer be described as arrogant and pompous, this is standard, downright crazy!

"Mr. Evans." Guerrero decided that he couldn't bear it any longer. Before Hornasan could speak, he said seriously, "Can you share the results of your thinking? What is the difference in the rules that come out? They are all great figures who penetrate the mysteries of the world, can refine terrifying alchemy weapons, and defeat powerful monsters. It took them one thousand years to grow from nothing to something. , little by little established the basic system of 'human body refining'."

Didn't this man named Lucian Evans know that his bragging and his attitude would piss off everyone who was proud of this piece of history

So, feeling insulted, he stood up and questioned Lucien.

Similarly, whether it is Cynthia, Cecilia, Hornasan, Depay, Manga, etc., they all looked at Lucien with similar eyes, silently condemned, and waited for his answer. , Hornasan's expression changed the least, but his gaze was slightly gloomy.

All of a sudden, Lucien seemed to be the target of public criticism.

Lucien didn't seem to feel their gaze at all, and smiled nonchalantly: "Most of the time, actions are more powerful than words."

Just when Gulleiro and the others were stunned and didn't understand what he meant, he turned his head and looked at Hornathan: "Mr. Wizard, I wonder if this gem can be exchanged for a little 'Water of Flamere' and ' Rusted Silver'?"

Lucien "picked up" three gems along the way, one was given to the captain of the guard as a reward, and there were two left in his hand, and the "Water of Flamere" and "Silver of Rust" are both "human body stones" in this world. The basic material of "Smelting", the former is named after the great alchemist Framanel who discovered it - the same goes for the "Snake of Framanel".

These two kinds of materials are the most basic and not precious. The reason why many mercenaries completed the "human body refining" twice at a very old age is mainly because of the cost of hiring a wizard, not the cost of materials, so Lucien has the final say. One gem is more than enough.

Hornasan was silent for a while and said, "According to the results of your own thinking, you want to conduct the experiment of 'human body formation' and find out the problems?"

This is a natural conclusion to be drawn from the preceding discourse.

"Yes, that's the only way to verify your own thoughts." Lucien didn't hide anything.

The apprentices and guards around were all shocked by such a righteous "going crazy". No one spoke for a while, and the scene was very quiet. Only Natasha laughed and waited with anticipation and curiosity.

Horner took out a box that was obviously a product of alchemy, took out a bottle of silver-white liquid, and a piece of ashes filled with decayed metal, and said expressionlessly: "This gem is enough to exchange for these two materials. "

He didn't say much, and looked at Lucien with the eyes of a lunatic. Whether it was based on common sense or his own experience, he would never believe that someone could master the basic "human body training" in one day!

Hmph, he must be planning to experiment with small animals, and then he will understand how ignorant he is!

Seeing Lucien take over the "Water of Framener" and "Rusty Silver", Guerrero came back to his senses and said angrily and funnyly: "Back then, the great alchemists were knowledgeable and experienced, but It still took more than a thousand years and the lives of generations of people to build the basic system of "human body refining". Anyone who tries to prove that he is stronger and more talented than them will eventually surrender to this system. or die in your own hands."

Cynthia also said sharply: "Do you think you have mastered the mystery of 'human body training' after reading an introductory book and sitting in a daze? Why are you so superficial and ignorant? Even if you have a complete 'human body training' To become a book, with the teachings of the best wizards, without seven or eight years, don’t even think about getting started, even the strongest and greatest Wizard King Adelman, it took a full three years!"

Is this bragging after being exposed? Hmph, this exposes your ignorance and ignorance even more!

"Mr. Evans, 'human body training' is not a joke. It is very dangerous. You should study carefully before trying it." The honest Depay reminded that even if small animals are used for experiments, explosions must be prevented. matters.

Cecilia looked at Natasha with a slight request: "Sister Natasha..."

Stop him now, don't let him go crazy like this again! Otherwise, even you will be hated by everyone!

Amidst the noisy voices, Natasha deliberately ignored Cecilia's gaze, held her chin, looked at Lucien with interest and tenderness, and did not speak.

"In this world, success is not achieved by just thinking about it..." Cynthia continued, but before she finished speaking, her expression froze on her face, and her pair of big eyes stared like bull's eyes. "You, you, what are you doing..."

"Crazy, crazy..." Guerrero also had a frozen expression on his face.

I saw Lucien leisurely rolled up his sleeves, took a small piece of wood, dipped it in "Flameur's Water", and quickly sketched it on the back of his hand. The movement was so fast that people almost had double images, and, Each of his strokes is extremely precise, without any trembling, like a veteran wizard with ten years of experience in "human body training".

"He, he wants to give himself a 'body training' right now?"

"Does he really believe that he has cracked the mystery of 'human body refining' after a day of daydreaming?"

"Crazy, really crazy!"

Similar thoughts arose in the hearts of Hornasan, Cecilia, Cynthia, Gullero, and Manga. They were so surprised that they forgot to stop them, suspecting that they were having an extremely absurd dream.

So, they watched Lucien sketch and complete a pattern, then kneaded the "rusty silver" into powder and sprinkled it.

It wasn't until this time that they got rid of the dream-like feeling and confirmed that the most superficial, ignorant, and funniest thing really happened in front of them!

Will I be able to have one more thing to talk about in the future? A certain lunatic arrogantly claimed that he could solve the mystery of "human body refining" with only one book in a day, and then died by his own hands

"Mr. Evans, don't do this!" Cecilia stopped anxiously, but she had a strange idea in her heart. If he died like this, sister Natasha seemed to be relieved, "You know that generations of great alchemists have used It took more than a thousand years to complete the basic "human body refining" system? Do you know how many of them died of pain because they were not perfect when they "human body refining" for themselves? Eighty-nine! eighty… "

As soon as the word "eighty" came out, her half-open mouth froze there as if "time stopped", because she saw Lucien take out the only remaining gem and put it on the The back of the hand formed the core of the formation, and then stimulated the energy contained in it.

A burst of dazzling light burst out suddenly, and the faint blue rippled like flowing water.

The light subsided instantly, and on Lucien's left hand was a ring composed of wind patterns—a ring that seemed to grow naturally from the muscle skin!

Success, success

Cecilia's mouth was open enough to stuff an egg, and her face was extremely terrified, full of disbelief and disbelief.

Her funny performance did not attract ridicule, because whether it was the powerful wizard Honathan or the well-informed guard captain Manga, they were all the same.

Lucien frowned slightly, and while waving his left hand with a pensive expression, stirring up a light blue gust, he said to himself: "Well, there is no problem with this solution..."

Then, he shook his left hand at Natasha, showing two rows of neat white teeth:

"feel good."

It feels not bad, not bad, not bad... These words were like thunderbolts that slammed into the ears of Hornasan, Cynthia, Guerrero and the others, making their heads buzz.

Clap clack, the long swords, books, food, etc. they held in their hands fell to the ground like raindrops.

What do we see

What did we see!

Someone really mastered the mystery of "human body formation" with just a book of common sense and a day of daze, and completed the first "human body formation"!

Your Majesty the Witch King, a great existence, we must be dreaming, right

This, this is the real humanoid monster! Incomprehensible monster! Horror to the extreme monster!