Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 920: Lacena


The leaves are dark green and almost black, making the whole forest even more eerie and dark.

A girl in a red hat was carrying a basket, humming a little tune, and walked into the forest.

She is about ten years old, her face is slightly fat, she has long blond hair draped over her vest, her eyes are clear and clear, like the most beautiful and quiet lake, her nose is small, her mouth is slightly pouting, she is extremely cute.

But what is strange is that she, who is still a young child, travels through the forest alone, without the care of adults, and she does not appear to be afraid.

A boa constrictor silently climbed up the giant tree and made way for the little girl. A monster that seemed to be made up at random quietly hid in the bushes beside the road and watched the little girl go...

In this way, the little girl happily walked to the depths of the forest and stopped in front of a strange log cabin.

It is said to be a log cabin, but its main body seems to be composed of baked biscuits, dotted with candy, cream and other things, exuding a tempting sweet fragrance.

"Grandma, grandma, open the door." The little girl knocked on the door, squeezed a ball of cream, stuffed it into her mouth, and sucked her fingers.

"The door is not locked." A hoarse and old voice came from inside the cabin, which was slightly harsh.

The little girl pushed open the door, walked happily towards the bedroom, and asked with concern at the same time: "Grandma, why is your voice so hoarse?"

"Because I missed you so much, I got sick." Her grandmother wrapped herself tightly in a quilt, only showing two green and cold eyes.

"Well, I'm here to see you now, and I brought you delicious fruit!" The little girl was like a lively bird. Suddenly, she let out a snort, "Grandma, why are your eyes getting bigger?"

"This is to see you well." Her grandmother moved under the quilt.

The little girl blinked her eyes and was about to throw herself into her grandmother's arms when she suddenly saw a big gray tail hanging down at the end of the bed.

Not grandma!

Shocked and frightened in her heart, she remembered what her grandmother often told herself. She built her wizard house in the forest to capture a terrifying wolf that could speak human words, which had devoured several wizards. Scary monster.

Woohoo, that bad wolf must have eaten my grandma, and then lied to me by pretending to be my grandma, planning to eat me too! The innocent little girl didn't think much more about it, such as why the wolf didn't just come over to eat her, but also lied to her, was it because she was injured in the previous battle.

The little girl held back the tears that were about to fall, and said with an idea: "Grandma, I know that you miss me, and I also know that you miss my mother and my sister. I will go home now and bring them to see you."

The big bad wolf dressed up as the little girl's grandmother suddenly became excited and asked her to leave. Can there be two more food? And after going back and forth, my injury is almost healed!

So, it hoarsely said again: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

The little girl walked out of the cabin unhurriedly, and then ran towards the forester's hut at the edge of the forest. She remembered that a hunter praised by her grandmother was living there. He was a wizard-level hunter who had completed three human body transformations. — Hunter is a part-time job.

"Uncle, uncle, go and save my grandma!" She slapped the wooden door of the forester's hut hard.

The hunter with a longbow on his back opened the door and looked at the little girl in front of him in amazement: "Gloria, what's wrong with your grandma?"

The little girl Gloria said with tears: "Grandma was eaten by the big bad wolf, and it is sleeping in the candy house."

The hunter was taken aback. Gloria's grandmother was a low-ranking wizard. She settled in the forest just to catch this wolf. She was much stronger than him. She was eaten, so what use could he do

However, he changed his mind and thought of the key point. After inquiring about Gloria's experience of escaping from the cabin, he probably guessed that the wolf was not intact and must have been seriously injured.

Immediately, his heart became hot. If he could take this opportunity to kill the wolf and sell it as a material, he would definitely be able to accumulate enough wealth to become the next wizard.

Even if, even if the wolf is not injured, I just go over there first to see if there is a problem, and I have time to escape!

Thinking of this, the hunter made up his mind and rushed to the Candy House with Gloria, who had been eccentric since she was a child and was feared by ordinary animals.

The door of the hut was open, and there was the sound of Zizizi coming from inside.

"You didn't close the door when you left?" the hunter asked Gloria cautiously.

Gloria sucked her thumb and said in confusion, "I don't remember."

Then she shouted loudly: "Grandma, I'm back! Mom is here too!"

There was no response in the candy hut, it was extremely quiet, the hunter swallowed with difficulty, all the horror legends of the wolf came to mind.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that Gloria had already run towards the hut, so he quickly chased after her, trying to stop her: "Gloria, wait, let's go to the back door first..."

Before he finished speaking, he froze in place, because in the living room facing the open door, a strange girl was squatting on the ground, holding a branch in her hand with something like a wolf's leg strung on it. , in front of him was a long sword wrapped in black flames.

This girl has long blond hair that is tied obliquely and hangs down to her shoulders. She has an exquisite face, and she is roasting that "wolf leg" with the help of black flames.

Both the hunter and Gloria were stunned by this scene. They watched the girl lift up the branch, took a bite, then turned her head, looked at them with scarlet eyes, frowned slightly, and said seriously:



On the top of the snow-capped mountain surrounded by thorns and monsters, there is a crystal clear palace filled with various flowers and surrounded by a transparent coffin.

Inside the coffin, a beautiful girl was sleeping peacefully, holding a strange gem that looked like human blood coagulated in her chest.

"Don't think that sleeping alone can protect the secret of the 'Holy Stone'." Beside the coffin, a wizard with a cloak on his back said hoarsely.

Holding a cane, he said with a cold smile: "I have already discovered the secret of your self-sleeping, as long as a real descendant of the Witch King kisses you, under the influence of the hidden inheritance of the 'Ladder of the Sage', The spell will wear off immediately."

"I have already spread the news. I believe that soon many descendants of the Witch King will come to kiss and save you, the sleeping princess, the youngest high-ranking wizard, Jie Jie Jie Jie." He laughed loudly like a cat. Noisy crow.

Suddenly, his expression brightened, and he looked outside the palace.

Outside the palace, a handsome man surrounded by countless elemental light spots is holding an alchemy weapon, defeating monsters one by one, and rushing here.

The wizard's body gradually faded and disappeared into the palace, waiting for the arrival of the descendants of the witch king.

This descendant of the Witch King fought bloody battles, combined his seven "human body refining" abilities with powerful alchemy weapons, destroyed most of the monsters, and walked to the gate of the palace.

"The beautiful princess is waiting for me inside!" He was extremely excited, and the secret of the holy stone was also waiting for me!

Although they are descendants of the Witch King, they are already the Witch King a few generations ago, and their family has lost the secret of the "Holy Stone".

Pushing away from the palace, the expression of the descendant of the Witch King froze on his face, because there was already a silver-haired man beside the coffin. He was wearing a black shirt and a red coat. He had a handsome and bewitching appearance, almost comparable to a woman.

The man chuckled, squatted down on one knee beside the coffin, and stroked the face of the beautiful princess inside: "Wait for the kiss to wake up? I can feel that your soul and body are pure?"

He leaned down and kissed the princess's lips lightly, and a bit of unimaginably thick blood dripped into the princess's mouth.

The princess blinked her eyes and slowly opened them.

The man turned his head and looked at the descendant of the Witch King with a smile: "Sorry, you are late."

Late, late... This descendant of the Witch King felt like he was going crazy, how could this happen to him.

"Hey, the ancestor is still not very good at arcane things, and he got lost after time travel." The man sighed and looked back at the princess.

The princess sat up in confusion, looked at the handsome man in front of her and the handsome man with a distorted expression, and subconsciously said, "You saved me?"

"It's me! Princess, I broke through the restrictions of thorns and the siege of monsters, and opened the gate of the palace!" The descendant of the Witch King came back to his senses and said loudly, trying to win over the princess.

Just because you wake up with a kiss doesn't mean it's yours!

The princess looked blankly at the descendants of the Witch King, then at the strange man beside her, hesitated and said, "I still prefer Mr. Rhine."

Being connected by blood, she already knew Rhine's name without saying a word.

The descendant of the Witch King froze on the spot, feeling the cold wind blowing against his face, icy cold to the bone.

At this time, a piercing voice suddenly sounded from the side: "Who are you?"

The old wizard who was hiding didn't understand how such a thing happened, and blurted out accusations in surprise.

Without the influence of the hidden "ladder of sages", is it truly awakened


La Sena, a city built entirely of dark red boulders, has many strangely shaped buildings standing in it, magnificent and magnificent.

"Mr. Evans, Ms. Violet, this is Lacena." The old wizard Honathan said respectfully to Lucien and Natasha.

He had the same expression as Cecilia, Cynthia, Guerrero and others next to him, and there was a deep numbness in awe.

No matter who it is, after witnessing that someone has completed six consecutive "human body refining" within a few days, and is only one step away from the high-ranking wizard, they will become extremely numb.

There will be no more exaggerated and unbelievable things in this world!

Along the way, Lucien, who had obtained Nemo's "Human Body Formation" book, integrated the results of his own research and verified it in practice again and again. He almost completed different formation formations according to the progress of three meals, so that Hornasan and others were so shocked that they learned to ignore it.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have the materials for the subsequent "human body refining" arrays, he needed to deduce it by himself, and there was a lack of materials, Lucien felt that he could definitely complete the nine "human body refining" formations, only the secret of the "ladder of sages" remained to be solved .

As he said that, Honasan reminded: "The current His Majesty the Witch King is old and is about to die, so the situation in Lacena is very complicated and chaotic. Don't be careless, both Your Excellencies."

He was afraid that these two daring and unimaginable "human beings" would cause big troubles. After all, His Majesty the Witch King was still the most powerful figure in his mind.

Natasha ignored his reminder, looked at the city of Lasena with great interest, and whispered: "I'm about to see another 'you'."

When Lucien performed "human body training" for himself, he also chose the appropriate six "human body training" arrays to assist Natasha to use her bloodline ability.

Another "you"? Cecilia and the others were completely clueless.

"Yeah, I can already sense him clearly."

The corners of Lucien's mouth curled up, revealing a gentle smile, his pace quickened, and he walked straight towards the city of La Seine.