Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 921: meeting for the first time


As the capital of the "Redstone Country", Lasena has always been known for its prosperity. On the streets, pedestrians are surging, and all kinds of weird appearances can be seen.

Of course, the most surprising thing is the strange alchemy items. For example, someone is riding an alchemy mantis, bouncing and walking on the road, and someone has a human head and a steel golem underneath.

Cecilia, Cynthia and others who came from a remote place looked at these things dazedly, and thought that they were country bumpkins.

Lucien and Natasha didn't pay attention to appreciating the local customs, but Lucien closed his eyes slightly and led the way entirely by induction. Open the block to walk.

"The other 'I' is right there." During the telepathic communication, Lucien said to Natasha.

Natasha didn't hide her excitement and excitement, touched the long sword, and imagined the waiting scene.

Hornasan, who was thrown away by them, was taken aback, and shouted loudly: "Over there is the 'golden zone' where the senior wizards are! Don't get closer!"

His shout woke up Cecilia and the others, but Lucien and Natasha turned a deaf ear to them and walked towards that block on their own.

Hornasan became anxious and quickened his pace, trying to catch up with Lucien and Natasha's backs and stop them from messing around, but he just ran a few meters before slowing down unknowingly, because he saw The soldiers guarding the entrance to the "Golden Quarter" did nothing to stop Mr. Evans and Ms. Violet.

They are like just a breeze blowing in front of them!

Moreover, none of the wizards on the streets of the "Golden District" stood up to stop them, as if everything Honassan saw was just an illusion.

"This, what's going on..." Hornasan's first thought was that Lucien used the unique abilities produced by the human body, such as invisibility, such as dominating the opponent, but he soon came to his senses. If it is invisible, why can I see it? If it is dominated, it is impossible for so many wizards on the street to be dominated, right

His pace became slower and slower, and his eyes were completely focused on Lucien. Suddenly, he had a feeling that the other party did not belong to this world, was high above, could not be touched, could not be approached, and could only be in awe and worship.

"this… "

He froze completely on the street. Cecilia, Cynthia and other apprentices looked at each other for no reason, wondering whether they should chase after Mr. Evans and Sister Natasha, or follow Mrs. Hornathan.

After a brief hesitation, they lost track of Lucien and Natasha.


In the "Golden Zone", a villa occupies a very large area, and the attached gardens are endless, almost forming a manor in the city.

Behind the villa, there is a forest shrouded in mist all the time. This is the place where the high-ranking wizard Konard, who has completed eight "human body refining", conducted refining experiments.

Deep in the forest, in a hidden underground palace.

A man wearing a cloak and covering his whole body in black, surrounded by a group of people dressed as wizards, walked into the palace, walked through the corridor, and headed towards the hall.

Kornard, whose wrinkles can pinch mosquitoes to death, stood at the entrance of the hall and saluted solemnly: "Your Highness, you are finally back."

The man covered in a black cloak lifted the cloak all at once, revealing a handsome face that was as bright as the sun, coupled with a tall figure and a calm imposing manner, he was full of masculinity.

He opened his arms, looked around in a gesture of embracing the sky, and said with a slight smile and emotion: "Yes, I, Ochrid, have finally returned!"

"May Your Highness regain the 'Witch King's Crown'!" All the wizards present knelt on one knee and said in unison.

Osirid smiled and gave Cornard a hug: "You have worked hard for more than sixty years, Uncle Cornard."

"There is nothing hard or hard work, I will always be loyal to the Caesar family. That old guy betrayed His Majesty and stole the throne, and the few of us can't wait to kill him with our own hands." Connard didn't mean to take credit for it, "But after all, he has Constructed the 'Ladder of Sages', became the Witch King, and stepped into the 'Great Domain', even if you are dying of old age, don't be careless, Your Highness."

Osirid nodded: "That old guy is my father's most proud student. I will never underestimate him. If he hadn't been too old when he became the Witch King, I might never be able to return to La Seine."

Speaking of this, he smiled proudly: "But since I'm back, I will definitely let everyone know that the country of red stone will always belong to our Nishizawa family, and the blood of the great Witch King will never end!"

"Your Highness, you have completed nine 'human body training'?" Cornard felt strong confidence from Ohiride's words, and noticed the "human body training array" on his face and hands It has been so light that it can hardly be found, and it seems to be completely integrated into itself.

Ochrid seemed to be talking about a matter of course, and said plainly: "Five years ago, I completed nine 'human body training', if not for the influence of another factor, I have already constructed the 'virtuous body'." The Ladder of the Entrepreneur, stepping into the 'Great Realm'."

"Great! Your Majesty, you are indeed His Majesty's most valued and favorite child!" Connard said excitedly, "Before he was sixty years old, he had completed nine 'body training', which is the same as the great King Adelman !"

Adelman, the ancestor of Caesar family, the greatest witch king.

There was no joy on Osirid's face, only the calm that should have been.

After Connard calmed down, he asked suspiciously: "I don't know what factors have influenced your Highness to build the 'Ladder of Sages'?"

Otherwise, His Highness would be able to become the Witch King before the age of eighty, comparable to King Adelman.

Ohiride said with a bright smile: "A little personal reason, don't worry, when facing the old guy, I must have stepped into the 'great field'."

Then he looked around and said loudly: "If I can regain the 'Witch King's Crown' this time, I will definitely share the mysteries of 'Ultimate Human Formation Formation' and 'Sage's Ladder' with everyone, our enemies Not each other, but other Witch Kings, and a wider world!"

"Your Highness, you have the heart of a great king." All the wizards, including Connard, saluted again and thanked you.

Although they are all loyal to the Caesar family, if there is no great benefit, how many of them are willing to raise their heads and risk being discovered by the Witch King to conspire with Ohiride

Osirid smiled regally: "My greatness requires you to build it together."

After a brief meeting, Cornard led Osirid to a secret room in the underground palace.

"Your Highness, you can rest here with peace of mind these few days, waiting for the old guy to die." Connard said and exited the room respectfully, "This place is very hidden and safe, don't worry, even the old guy Can't find it."

Watching Connard leave and the door close, Osirid's always smiling and confident face suddenly turned gloomy, a little excited and a little sad.

More than sixty years ago, when his father was old and dying, his most proud student, the high-ranking wizard who would assist him in the future, suddenly rebelled. Throne, if it wasn't for his father's dying outbreak, he might have died in La Seine. Still, the scene of the tragic death of his brother, sister, younger brother, and younger sister still tortured him day and night.

"Now, I, Ochrid, have returned! I want to take back everything that belongs to me, and pay homage to all those who have passed away!"

Osirid touched the mark left by the ninth "human body training" on his forehead, and clenched his fist proudly and confidently.

Boom, boom, boom, knock on the door suddenly.

"Who?" A dim light emerged from Osirid's shoulder, flowing towards the door to determine who was knocking!

He suspected that Cornard had gone and returned, so he didn't pay much attention to it except for basic vigilance.

Before the light touched, the door opened with a creak, and a handsome young man wearing a strange tall hat and a heroic woman in full-body armor appeared at the door.

"Who are you?" Osirid's muscles were tense, he was ready to go, his voice was low and steady, and he was full of kingly demeanor.

Natasha looked at him with a smile and didn't speak, but Lucien smiled, pressed his right hand to his chest, and bowed slightly:

"Sorry, I went to the wrong door."

As soon as the voice fell, the door closed automatically.

Go, wrong door? The smug Ohiride was stunned, and couldn't believe the answer he heard.

Wrong you X ah!

He cursed inwardly, this is Connard's secret underground palace, the most hidden room in the underground palace, how could he go wrong like a neighbor visiting!

Osirid's breath burst forth, and the temperature in the room suddenly rose. The scorching heat distorted the air, and the door directly vaporized.

But in the corridor outside and in the hall far away, there is no one figure anymore!

Was it just a hallucination? Ochrid felt that he had encountered something beyond his comprehension.


In the market area, Lucien and Natasha were walking towards the hotel booked by Honassan and the others.

"Why did you just leave? Didn't you want to do some research?" Natasha didn't quite understand Lucien's choice just now, she spent a lot of effort to use her god-like aura to enter the room without disturbing anyone, why did she see After another "Lucien", choose to leave directly? Shouldn't we go up and touch the bones, touch the skin, touch the soul and study it

Lucien smiled peacefully: "I feel that he is only half a step away from transformation, so I plan to wait a little longer and study it when he transforms. The effect will be the best at that time."

"That's it..." Natasha gave a long hey, feeling a little sympathetic to the other "Lucien", and then she asked curiously, "It's only half a step away from transformation, which means that he is about to become a 'sage' Ladder', into the 'Great Realm'?"

"It should be." Lucien didn't have a precedent to refer to, so he didn't dare to make a definite judgment.


Inside the underground palace.

"Your Highness, you said that two strangers knocked on your door just now?" Cornard was summoned by Osirid, with a surprised expression on his face, and he didn't believe that such a thing would happen. This is his last fortress, how could a stranger sneak in without him noticing? I don't know how many times I've died a long time ago!

Osirid described the appearance and aura of Lucien and Natasha, and guessed: "Maybe they have sneaked in a long time ago and mastered some secret passages."

Only in this way can everything be explained!

"No, there are absolutely no these two people, and there is only a secret passage in the room near this room!" Cornard denied Osirid's conjecture, and wondered if His Highness made a mistake during the "human body refining" As for the occasional hallucination

Osirid lowered his face, his terrifying and scorching breath became prominent: "I must have seen these two people just now, you send someone to investigate secretly."

"Yes, Your Highness." Connard felt Osirid's powerful aura, and replied very respectfully. At the same time, he suggested, "Your Highness, since this kind of problem has happened here, why don't you rest in another place?"

"Okay, a safe suggestion." Osirid nodded reservedly. What happened just now hit his complacency and self-confidence.