Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 922: The arrow is on the string


In front of the "Bright Stone Hotel", Lucien and Natasha only started to admire the strange alchemy items on the street at this time.

"This is much more interesting than the alchemy car." Natasha smiled and pointed to a metal spider with a cold light. It was crawling on the wall with all four legs, trying to cross the congested street in front. On its back, In the place covered by the transparent glass layer, there is a young man with a smile on his face, who seems to be cursing the crowd below, look, my alchemy spider will work, you are all blocked, I am fine!

Suddenly, his expression froze, because in front of him, a large kite bird flapped its metal wings and flew past, with a human sitting on its head.

"But things without uniform standards cannot be mass-produced." Lucien briefly commented with a smile on his face, "but it's really interesting and worth studying."

The two walked towards the hotel gate while watching. Before entering, they heard Cecilia and Cynthia cheering in surprise: "Sister Natasha, Mr. Evans! Are you back?"

They like Sister Natasha's character very much, and they are also full of interest in the seemingly simple "arcane knowledge" taught by Mr. Evans. Although they haven't gained much, they always feel that they have another perspective on alchemy. Recognition, vaguely touched a wonderful world, a wider and more vast world.

Therefore, for the "departure" of the two "monsters", they are the most melancholy, saddest and most reluctant to part with, while others feel more or less relieved, are they finally going back to "reality"

Surprised by their cheers, Hornasan looked down from the room on the second floor of the hotel, half relaxed and half lamenting. What was relaxing was that there had been no major movements in the "Golden Zone". It seemed that they hadn't caused any trouble. What he lamented was Why did these two "monsters" come back again, did they entangle themselves

However, he was also a little bit happy. As a wizard who hadn't completed the fifth "human body training", some of the "human body training" knowledge that Lucien casually mentioned was enough for him to enjoy endlessly.


It's not delicious... delicious... eat... The hunter has a feeling of being messed up in the wind. When did the judgment and evaluation criteria for that terrifying wolf become like this

Who the hell is this!

The little girl Gloria froze for a moment, then licked her lips curiously: "Is it really bad?"

"En." The blond girl with scarlet eyes nodded earnestly, but she still gnawed the wolf leg clean.

Poor wolf... This idea suddenly appeared in the hunter's mind, and then his eyes focused on the long sword wrapped in black flames. From the flames, he felt a sense of terror and oppression that could destroy everything, as well as the looming A sense of divine vastness, as if it does not belong in this world.

"This is definitely the scariest alchemy weapon I've ever seen..." He swallowed hard, even if the "Wind Spear" of the senior wizard Joyce he was loyal to was far inferior to this one in terms of feeling long sword!

Suddenly, he thought of another thing: "Your Excellency Joyce seems to have some secret plan recently, and is looking for a powerful helper, maybe he can lure this girl to help... She has such a terrifying alchemy weapon, and can easily kill that girl." A bad wolf, her strength must be extraordinary, besides, she looks dull, seems easy to deceive... "

Anyway, in Lasena, no matter how terrifying this girl is, can she still compare to Lord Joyce who has completed eight "human body training"

His brain was running fast, analyzing what he saw just now, and then he spoke with a deliberate tone: "Madam, are you interested in going to La Seine? There are a lot of delicious food there."

It seemed to him that he was abducting a little girl of Gloria's age.

The scarlet-eyed girl asked earnestly, "Is it the red stone city that hides the most delicious cakes?"

"The most delicious cake? The red stone city?" The hunter sadly felt that he was not in the same world as the other party, but he soon came to his senses, "Yes, it is La Senna."

The City of Red Stone is undoubtedly La Seine. As for the most delicious cake, let it die!

The blond girl stood up, lifted the long sword, and nodded reservedly:

"Set off."


The top of the snow mountain.

Rhine looked at the descendants of the Witch King with a smile, and said calmly: "A friend of mine once said that it's not good to fight and kill all the time. It's better to sit down and talk about it, which is in line with our gentleman's demeanor."

The descendant of the Witch King looked terrified, nodded dully and said, "Yes, yes."

Before, the strange man held the neck of the old wizard who was many times more terrifying than himself with one hand, and the two pointed white teeth penetrated deeply into the other's neck. After that, the old wizard quickly shriveled It was withered, like a plant that had lost its moisture, and when the strange man spoke, his teeth were pulled out, and there were still a few drops of blood on the two pointed teeth.

What is reflected in his pupils is such a picture,

Rhine took out a white handkerchief, wiped his mouth, then threw the handkerchief aside, and said with a smile: "I can't help it, he did it first, and defeating him made me activate the power of source blood, so I have to let him give it to me." I provided supplements."

The princess on the side and rear was also petrified, sitting in the coffin, motionless.

Looking at the descendant of the Witch King who was full of confusion and fear, Rhine walked towards him with a smile: "As for you, as long as you don't move around, I won't be like this, hehe, I smell your pure and clean scent."

The descendant of the Witch King looked at Rhine's silver pupils, and gradually felt that his whole body was sucked in, and he let him bite on his neck without any resistance.

"What's the name of that city?" Suddenly, he heard the other party's gentle words.

Although he didn't specify which city it was, a city made of huge red stones suddenly appeared in his mind through the induction of blood.

"Rasena." He replied dreamily.

"Very well, by the way, what's your name?" The voice became more and more gentle, and similar words rang in the princess' ears.


Ten days later, inside a room disguised as an alchemy machine.

"Your Highness, the old guy is really close to death, and his body has shown signs of being assimilated by the 'Great Domain'." Connard reported calmly, without letting the hidden excitement surface.

Before every Witch King dies, his body will slowly disintegrate and dissipate into the void. This is considered to be the inability to resist the assimilation of the "Great Domain".

Osirid nodded reservedly and said, "Very well, let's act tonight."

He also got the news from other sources, and he didn't suspect that Cornard lied to him.

"Your Highness, you haven't built the 'Ladder of the Sage' yet. It would be very dangerous for the old guy to fight back if he is dying. Why don't we wait a little longer? He won't live long, and no matter who gets the 'Crown of the Witch King', it will be very dangerous." It is impossible to step into the 'Great Field' in one day." Facing such a big event, the old Cornard tried to be cautious.

Osirid smiled slightly: "Uncle Cornard, don't worry, I'm sure, I want him to watch me return."

Although he knew that it was a bit risky, but seeing that Osirid had made up his mind, Cornard did not persist anymore. Anyway, when His Majesty was dying, he couldn't kill the old guy, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

So, he nodded and said: "Since you are sure, Your Highness, I will take you into the palace tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Osirid frowned suddenly, "Have those two been found?"

"No." During this period of time, Connard has been sending people to secretly investigate this matter, but unfortunately, even if his wizards saw Lucien and Natasha, they couldn't recognize them, because Osirid met them At that time, there was a god-like aura covering it, so Connard completely believed that His Highness had a small basket during the "human body refining", so he occasionally had hallucinations.

It is evidence that he did not immediately build the "Ladder of the Sages"!

Osirid also wondered if he was too sad to control the half-finished "Ladder of the Sage", and was affected by the breath leaked from the "Great Domain", which led to hallucinations, but he tried his best to be cautious and carefully After thinking for a while, he said, "No matter what, our plan must consider the possibility of outsiders intervening."

"Yes, Your Highness." Cornard also felt that this was the best.

Osirid exhaled lightly, tightened his collar, and his gaze became deep and gloomy.

Although there was a bit of an unexpected situation, but the arrow was on the string, it had to be launched.


In the middle of the night, dark clouds cover the moon, and you can't see your fingers. It's a good weather for murder and arson.

In the majestic palace that occupies a third of the city's area to the north of La Seine, the patrolling wizards and alchemy warriors are all nervous and busy.

Yes, a Witch King is about to die, what a big deal it is? Not to mention that there are several children and students with sufficient strength and qualifications under this Witch King!

Who will win the "Witch King's Crown"

A man with a cloak covering his face was walking towards the Witch King's bedroom at a moderate pace under the guidance of Connard. On this road, most of the patrolling wizards saluted silently but respectfully, even if there were occasional The surprised wizard or alchemy warrior didn't say much. Tonight, His Majesty the Witch King summoned several high-ranking wizards, and this might be one of them.

Tonight, the new king of the Red Stone Kingdom will be born, right

Tonight, there may be major disturbances.

They all clenched their alchemy weapons, fearing that their innocent self would be affected.

At the door of the bedroom, the two wizards guarding the door froze for a moment, and were about to scold Connard. At this moment, Connard suddenly opened his hands, and the surrounding black mist suddenly filled, expanding and shrinking, as if there was a terrible ghost hidden inside. .

The black mist dissipated, and the two gatekeeper wizards were already lying on the ground without a sound, their faces pale and unconscious.

Osirid, who was wearing a cloak, nodded approvingly to Connard, and then walked to the door.

"Father, is it true that we are connected by blood? I am also a high-ranking wizard who has completed eight times of 'human body training'. What are you dissatisfied with?" Someone shouted angrily.

Someone smiled viciously: "But you forgot, His Majesty judged that you have exhausted your potential."

There was an earth-shattering noise in the bedroom, but there was no voice that Auschrid was most familiar with and hated most—the voice that would always reverberate in his heart when he dreamed at midnight.

After listening quietly for a while, the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a hint of a smile, and with his right hand, he slammed the door open.

The old man, the nemesis of the Nishizawa family is back!