Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 923: The Secret of Stonewall


In La Seine's palace, there was another group of people marching towards the Witch King's bedroom.

There are people dressed as wizards in the team, there are alchemy warriors who have transformed their bodies, and there are also strange people who look like monsters. However, the strangest ones inside are two girls, one big and one small. The big one has a pair of scarlet eyes and blond hair. Staggered sideways, dragging a long sword about the height of her body, looking intently at the direction of the bedroom, the little girl is cute and pink, about ten years old, I really don't know what she is here for.

The route they traveled seemed to have been carefully selected. There were few patrols along the road, and occasionally encountered a few small groups, and they were skillfully and brutally strangled before they sounded the warning.

On the way close to the Witch King's bedroom, many wizards and alchemy warriors secretly looked at the two girls, wondering why Joyce must bring them with them.

Although they all admitted that the alchemy weapon next to the big girl contained extremely terrifying power, but it is absolutely possible to only bring the weapon without people! Seeing her in a daze, with a charming appearance that is easy to deceive, what use can it be used for

The most important thing is that she will take that little girl with her to death, a little girl with absolutely no special abilities!

This is an important occasion for rebellion! Not a playground!

Joyce, who was walking ahead, deliberately ignored the eyes of his subordinates, and he didn't want to do this either!

At first, he also planned to bring only weapons and no people, but after trying, he found that the scarlet-eyed girl was probably more terrifying than her weapons. Just looking at him coldly made all his "formation formations" difficult to operate. , almost hurt herself, if she didn't only care about food and didn't care about other things, Joyce would definitely have surrendered to her instead of venturing to the Witch King's bedroom as agreed with her allies.

After deciding to proceed with the plan, Joyce also tried to get rid of the blond girl, so as not to let such a hidden danger stay around. Who knows, no matter how he casts the "witchcraft" brought by the formation, no matter how he hides, as long as He stopped, and the blond girl was beside him.

Therefore, he had no choice but to compromise in frustration, thinking to take her with him. Even if she was in a daze and did not make a move, the enemy would definitely not let anyone on his side be spared. Once someone attacked her, he would You can reap the benefits!

As for the little girl named Gloria, it was the blond girl who insisted on bringing her, her parents, and younger sister to La Seine from the country manor. The subordinate who recommended the blonde girl was confused by all of this, and agreed without knowing why.

After previous failures, Joyce gave up his efforts to persuade the blond girl to keep the little girl at home before he could act.

"Is this a helper, or a wayward queen?" Joyce felt an inexplicable sadness in himself.

In such sorrow, the blond girl stopped suddenly, causing everyone to pause, and their eyes were focused on her face.

She frowned and said very seriously: "The cake is not ready yet."

So, she stopped there, and the long sword wrapped in black flames hit the ground.

The cake is not ready yet, the cake…

All the conspirators, including Joyce, burst into foul language in their hearts. If you don't want to go to the Witch King's bedroom, you have to find some good reasons! Use inexplicable childish excuses, when we are all stupid pigs

"Sister Etna, when will we have the cake?" Only Gloria believed the blonde girl's words and licked her lips cooperatively.

"Wait a little longer." Aitna focused on the direction of the bedroom.

There was a whisper of cursing, and many wizards, alchemists, and monsters wanted to go up and teach her a lesson, but after looking at the long sword burning with black flames, they retreated silently.

"Leave her alone, let's move on..." After a moment of silence, Joyce, who felt weird and thought that things couldn't be delayed, made a decision.

"Okay." But before he finished speaking, Etna nodded seriously and said, then took Gloria by the hand, and walked forward gracefully.

I X! Crazy!

He cursed harshly.


After the door of the bedroom was pushed open, the noisy noise subsided, and all the wizards present turned their heads to look at the door.

Osirid looked at the strange stone wall standing in the center of the bedroom, feeling pain, sadness and anticipation in his heart.

That stone wall stands in the middle of the bedroom, separating the front hall from the back hall. Only by going around it can you see the Witch King. The body of the stone wall is black with bright stars painted on it. Looking at it at night, it looks like It was the starry sky that fell into the bedroom.

It is said that this is the last alchemy item left by the greatest Witch King Adelman when he was dying, implying the vastness of the starry sky and endless secrets.

"I'm back!" Facing the stone wall, Osirid said silently, and then pulled off his cloak, revealing his true colors to everyone's surprised eyes.

"Uncle Chester, Uncle Cleveland, DeWitt, Maggie, how are you all?" He greeted one by one proudly and coldly, without directly making a move.

These few are the core of the wizards present, and the rest are their assistants, and they are also powerful high-ranking wizards. Just now, they almost fought with each other because of who can go in to see His Majesty the Wizard King.

At this moment, upon hearing Ochrid's greeting, seeing the face with the obvious characteristics of the Caesar family, and the looming "refined array" pattern, Chester, Cleveland, DeWitt, Maggie and other high-ranking officials The wizard suddenly felt a world away, and then they shouted in surprise and anger:

"Ochrid, you're not dead yet!"

Osirid chuckled without a smile: "I've let you down, I'm not dead yet, I'm back!"

Although Cornard, who was following him, didn't understand why His Royal Highness Auschrid didn't do it directly and took advantage of the other party's panic to control the situation, he still showed obedience and didn't question it. Anyway, His Highness has completed nine "body exercises" "Success", enough to sweep away all the high-ranking wizards present.

"Osirid..." Behind the stone wall, an old and weak voice sounded.

Ochrid seemed to have returned to his own home, and walked forward slowly with the attitude of the master: "Yes, Uncle Gabriel, I am back, and I am here to take back everything that belongs to me."



Chester, Cleveland and other high-ranking wizards took action automatically without the order of the Witch King Gabriel.

No matter how many rifts and hatreds they have between each other, they still have a common goal when facing Osirid: never let the Caesar family make a comeback!

The strong wind blew across the front hall, the stone bricks were cut and scarred, and illusory shouts sounded, making people dizzy and hard to use...

In the face of these terrible attacks, Osirid maintained the most indifferent attitude and still moved forward step by step.

And after all the attacks reached his side, they disappeared suddenly, as if they had never appeared before.

"How could this be?" The senior wizards were all taken aback for a moment. Even if the opponent had completed nine "human body refining", they shouldn't have reached this level. This is almost the prestige of a witch king!

"Uncle Gabriel, I'm back!" Osirid yelled again, his hair flying behind his head as if blown by the turbulent wind.

Following his words, the stone wall suddenly lit up, shining with stars, and the space of the front hall distorted accordingly, with Osirid as the center faintly showing a state of collapse.

DeWitt, Maggie and other high-ranking wizards couldn't control themselves at all, and were slowly but firmly attracted to Osirid.

They shouted and cursed in astonishment, trying to perform the witchcraft brought about by "human body refining", but they were restrained by the terrifying pressure, unable to reveal their bodies at all.

Osirid's body was glowing, like a human-shaped sun, and then, the nine parts of his head, torso, and limbs formed a formation that absorbed the light crazily and stood out.

After the nine formations were lit up to the extreme, each extended a few pure rays, which hit Maggie and other high-ranking wizards respectively, linking them together.

"what are you up to?"


Even if they don't understand Ochrid's purpose, Cleveland and other senior wizards still perceive the huge danger based on years of experience, but under the piercing and binding of the light, they can only let the power flow away, and they can't break free. Shocked and frightened.

Osirid said proudly: "I refrained myself from stepping into the 'Great Realm' just to wait for this moment. You will become the sacrifices of my 'Ladder of Sages' and build the most perfect 'Sages' for me." Ladder to give everything."

"This is the biggest secret of the Nishizawa family. Only the Witch King promoted in this way can reach the level of the great Adelman King!"


"Devil, you are bound to fail!"

"Father, save me!"

"Your Majesty the Witch King, hurry up, or else..."

Connard was surprised and delighted, and couldn't control his slight trembling. It turned out that His Highness still has such a hole card!

At this time, Joyce led his subordinates into the bedroom, and after witnessing this horrific scene, he thought in astonishment that if the strange blonde girl hadn't delayed, he and the others might have been included in the sacrifice.

Thinking of this, they all looked at Aitna, who saw Aitna focused her eyes and looked at the glowing stone wall seriously, as if she was waiting for the cake to come out of the oven.

Waiting for the cake to come out... wait, why are we thinking about cake

At this moment, Joyce and the others felt that they were completely spoiled by the blond girl.

"So this is the secret of the stone wall." An old voice sounded leisurely, and then an old man with wrinkled skin appeared in the front hall.

His figure was looming, exuding light and heat, like a sunset that dyed the sky red.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." The moment he saw the old man, Connard was shocked and frightened. Why did he show no signs of disintegration? Why can he still exude the extremely terrifying aura of the Witch King

Joyce was even more unbearable, and took a few steps back again and again. Where is the imaginary dying Witch King

Why is he still so powerful

Gabriel chuckled, "I'm really getting old and dying, but I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled to not understanding the secret of this stone wall, and I'm not reconciled to just assimilating into the 'Great Domain'."

"So, I created several new formations, blinded you, and waited for Osirid's return."

"But the facts did not disappoint me. The vigorous vitality produced by this stone wall sacrifice is enough to allow me to continue my life for another three hundred years."

Listening to Gabriel's nagging, Cornard, Joyce and others fell into unimaginable fear and despair. The fear of the Witch King has always been engraved in their blood!


Outside the bedroom, Rhine sighed, covered his face with his hands, changed direction, and walked towards the corner.

"Mr. Rhine, why didn't you go in?" the princess asked puzzled.

I and others worked so hard to reach La Seine and sneak into the Witch King's Palace, but why did Mr. Rhine suddenly change his mind before entering the bedroom

The descendants of the Witch King were also full of doubts.

Rhine sighed for a long time: "The ancestor brought me here through the blood connection, hey, why did you let me see this 'me'? I can't accept the 'me' who is so ugly, with wrinkled skin and hair falling out." '…”

He looked very sad, which is the worst blow a perfectionist can suffer.

"What me, me..." The princess and the descendant of the Witch King were even more at a loss.


In the dormitory, amidst the trembling despair of everyone and the earnest waiting of Etna and Gloria, only Osirid showed a sincere smile:

"Uncle Gabriel, there's more to Stonewall than that!"

As soon as the words fell, the stars on the stone wall all revolved and converged to one point, and the boundless light burst out, merged with Osirid, and then flooded Gabriel who was caught off guard.

"The secret is that if you want to achieve the most perfect success, you need a witch king..."

"And you do grow old...

Among the rays of light, nine "refinement formations" vaguely penetrated, forming a strange and mysterious staircase!

And in another direction, there is also a similar ladder, but it is full of decay!