Ti Shen

Chapter 15


After getting into Gu Yan's car, Meng Ying took out a sign from her bag and handed it to Gu Yan. Gu Yan leaned against the window and took it, but didn't take it apart immediately, his eyes turned on her face.

"Just now, is that Mr. Xu from Huaying?" His tone was a little tentative.

Meng Ying smiled and leaned back in the chair, "I don't know you."

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

He didn't ask any more questions, and took a yellow stick to open it up.

The side of the marriage.

Only four words.

Gu Yan glanced at it, but he didn't believe it, so he put away the sign. Meng Ying glanced at him, "How is it?"

Gu Yan smiled, "It's okay."

Meng Ying laughed too, and didn't ask any more. This time, Gu Yan went to Tianjin City on the way, but he didn't go up the mountain. He just asked Meng Ying to help him get a marriage lottery. That's why the incense on Fotuo Mountain came from, and the signs were very special. Yes, but the signature is also a very private thing. Gu Yan put his fingers on the back of the chair, tapped a few times, and brushed her hair with his fingertips. The fans were right.

She is much prettier than she was a year ago.

As beautiful as a reborn.

"What's next?"

Meng Ying pinched her mobile phone to reply to the message, and said, "Go back to the company."

"Okay, I'll see you off."

Gu Yan ordered the driver, and the driver turned the car around and drove to Xingyao Brokerage Company. In the past year, the company has promoted two or three artists, but they are neither hot nor popular. Without Meng Ying, it seems that they have lost their backbone. This small company learned that When Meng Ying came back, all the staff waited at the door. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the blackness coming down.


Liu Qin quickly ran down from the door and hugged Meng Ying, "My God, what have you been doing this year? What have you eaten? How did you raise it and why are you so beautiful?"

Meng Ying looked at her with a smile, her eyes were as moist as water, living in a pool of water. Liu Qin was about to faint, and couldn't stand it just by looking at it.

The rest of the people dare not approach.

Mr. Yu coughed twice and said, "Meng Ying, let's go, sign the contract, sign the contract..."

As soon as the man came back, he quickly grabbed him, and the people beside him laughed. Liu Qin clicked his tongue, pulled Meng Ying, and said, "Go, the boss asked to sign the contract..."

Meng Ying paused for a moment and turned around.

Gu Yan's bodyguard had already come down with her suitcase, and Chen Jie hurried forward to take it, Liu Qin exclaimed, "Do you want to ask the male god to come down and sit down?"

"No need, he has to rush to attend an event." Meng Ying waved from the man in the car, Gu Yan poked his head and nodded at her.

With just this probe, the rest of the people gasped. Liu Qin held Meng Ying's hand tightly and leaned against her ear, "When will you develop with him?"

Meng Ying had a relationship with the president of Huaying, and it didn't end well. Only Liu Qin knew about it. Liu Qin kept silent about it, and only cared about her current situation with Gu Yan.

Meng Ying smiled, and held Liu Qin's hand instead, "He and I... have nothing to develop for now."

"Why? What's wrong with him?" Liu Qin was puzzled. Meng Ying smiled but didn't answer. Liu Qin tapped Meng Ying's shoulder, "Open your eyes and look at people."


A year ago, Mr. Yu was still procrastinating and refusing to sign the contract. This year, after Meng Ying was resting, he realized that she was good. Seeing Meng Ying signing the name, Mr. Yu felt pain in his heart, and said to the contract, "Yingying, work hard."

You have been cold for a year, and I still give you such a good treatment, you should be content.

If it wasn't for the good grades in "Nine Heavens", if it wasn't for the fact that you and Gu Yan were fired for CP, if it wasn't for the fact that you are still so beautiful after a year of recuperation...

After signing the contract, Liu Qin sent Meng Ying home. On the way back, she looked at Meng Ying from time to time, trying to find some other emotions on her face.

But seeing her look calm.

I finally put down a stone in my heart. Only when people are sensible and see through, can they be calm and free from waves. Compared with her now, Meng Ying a year ago obviously had something hidden in her heart, and her emotions were prone to ups and downs.

"Yesterday, I had someone clean it up a bit. Go in and have a look." Liu Qin opened the door, and Meng Ying went in with her luggage. The furniture and furnishings in the room were still the same as before. Yes, she lit the sofa and said, "I ordered a new set."

Liu Qin walked over, watered the flowers, and nodded: "Okay, you can change whatever you want."

Meng Ying smiled, sat on the sofa and stretched.

"I'll cook later, can you stay and eat?"


For dinner, Meng Ying made it. Liu Qin ate Meng Ying's food for the first time. It was so delicious that his tongue swallowed it. Liu Qin praised Meng Ying again and again.

At this time, Meng Ying also happened to be on the trending list.

Liu Qin looked at it and clicked his tongue twice, "It's not a loss to Mr. Yu, as soon as you come back, you will be on the hot search."

Meng Ying cleaned up the dishes and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

After washing the dishes and then coming out, Liu Qin couldn't stay any longer, so she got up and left. Meng Ying sent her off, and after closing the door, she loosened her hair and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

In every corner of the house, there is the shadow of Xu Dian, but Meng Ying didn't feel any emotion at all, and came out after taking a shower.

Just brushed hair.

The cell phone received a call.

It was Li Yao, that gentle doctor.

It is also the Li family in Licheng.

With a smile in his gentle voice, "Are you back?"

"Well, it just arrived in the afternoon."

"Come over to the starry sky? Relax for a while? Just thank you for the meal at Buddha Mountain...?"

Meng Ying pushed open the window and looked out.

The entire Li city is brightly lit, stained with the mundane worldly, luxurious and dazzling. Unlike the mountains and forests seen at Buddha Mountain, it is a real fairyland over there.

Ever since Li Yao treated Meng Ying's wound, the two have been in contact intermittently since they added WeChat to each other. A month ago, Li Yao went to Tianjin City with some friends to look for a lottery at Fotuo Mountain, and met Meng Ying .

At noon that day, Li Yao stayed for dinner, and Meng Ying made it for him.

Meng Ying thought for a while and said, "Okay."

"I'll pick you up?" Li Yao smiled, and Meng Ying said, "No, I'll go by myself."


After hanging up the phone, Meng Ying went into the room and changed her clothes. She chose a white skirt, her hair was loose and she didn't put on makeup, so she went out without makeup.

Arriving at the Starry Sky Club, Li Yao came out to pick it up. With a cigarette in his mouth, he saw Meng Ying take it down, and said with a smile, "You've just come here, and you've been on the trending list. You're amazing."

Meng Ying smiled and carried the small bag up the steps.

There is an indescribable aura all over his body. As a doctor, Li Yao has seen many women, but he is still somewhat fascinated. He smiled, cut off his cigarette, and pushed open a box door.

In the box, there is the smell of sandalwood, nicotine, and a faint smell of alcohol, which blend together, but it doesn't look wasteful. The box is also different from last time, with a sofa, a card table, and a billiard table. Sitting on the sofa is a woman and two men, the woman looks like a rich lady, smoking a lady's cigarette lazily.

One of the men was sitting on the armrest, playing casually with a black pen. When he saw her coming, he raised his eyebrows, then leaned over with a smile, leaned on his knees, and said, "Li Yao, you can do it... "

The other one was cold and stiff, sitting on the single sofa, looking bored, his eyes swept over, fell on Meng Ying's body for a second, and then moved back.

Li Yao whispered to Meng Ying, "The one holding the pen is called Zhou Yang, the other is my cousin, Li Yi, and the young lady who is sitting is called Liu Yan."

The words are not finished yet.

A female voice came from behind, "Li Yao, you don't tell me when you open the box..."

That female voice.

Meng Ying rolled her eyes and turned her head slowly.

Yang Tong was wearing a black skirt, carrying a small silver bag, and walked in with high heels. After bumping into Meng Ying, she gave her a heel kick. Under the light, Meng Ying was as beautiful as jade, standing like this, at that moment, Yang Tong felt a strong sense of crisis.

Thinking of Meng Ying's embarrassment a year ago, she curled her lips into a smile, "Yo, who is this?"

She walked over slowly and looked around Meng Ying.

Meng Ying lowered her eyes and curled her lips, not bothering to pay attention to her appearance. Yang Tong was shocked, a little embarrassed, and the rest of the people looked at her as if they were watching a good show.

Yang Tong had no choice but to put away his complacent face and asked Li Yao, "Playing mahjong?"

Li Yao smiled at her, but bent down to bring a glass of red wine to Meng Ying, and lightly helped Meng Ying to sit on the sofa beside her. Yang Tong stared and said, "I want to drink too."

"Help it yourself." Li Yao said.

Yang Tong gritted his teeth.

Glancing at Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang pursed his lips, crossed his long legs, and smiled meaningfully. Yang Tong got angry for a moment, and sat down beside Liu Yan.

Meng Ying took a sip and didn't drink much. She got drunk easily. She glanced at Li Yao, who smiled and said, "Can I play mahjong?"

Meng Ying smiled and nodded: "Okay."

After Li Yao arranged, Meng Ying went to the table, and Liu Yan went to the next door. Yang Tong put down the small bag and occupied one of the positions, and Li Yao was opposite.

After more than a year of living such a life of indifference to world affairs, Meng Ying was still a little unfamiliar with the cards at the beginning. She propped her chin, put the cards, and took the cards.

On the sofa, the two men who hadn't stepped forward to hit him were smoking and talking, and when they glanced occasionally, they could see Meng Ying's pretty face.

Zhou Yang bumped into Li Yi, "Does it look like your ex-wife?"

Li Yi frowned, "Where does she look like? She is much prettier than Yang Rou..."

Zhou Yang laughed out loud.

After playing around for a while, Meng Ying realized that sitting on the sofa seemed to be Yang Rou's ex-husband. The real ex-husband, and Li Yao is his cousin, then it is the Li family, and the Li family knows Yang Tong again, and the man holding the pen looks familiar, he should have seen it before. And Miss Liu Yan, who looked unusual at first sight.

Li Yao obviously belonged to a wealthy family in Licheng.

Isn't he the doctor introduced by Liu Qin

Meng Ying put down a red button, looked at Li Yao, smiled and said, "Liu Qin recently said that she misses you a lot, can you ask her out when you have time?"

Li Yao put down a card, raised his head, and was stunned.

He is a doctor, not as good as Xu Dian who knows the twists and turns in the mall, at this moment he didn't understand, "Liu Qin is..."

He snapped his mouth shut.

Depend on.

Meng Ying smiled and looked straight at him, "Didn't Liu Qin ask you to come here that night?"

Her eyes were too clean and beautiful, Li Yao was speechless for a moment, Meng Ying's eyes were a little cold, she didn't speak again, she just concentrated on playing cards.

Yang Tong eavesdropped halfway, but stopped, a little unwilling, and asked with a smile: "How do you know each other?"

With Meng Ying's background, how could she know Li Yao!

The mahjong table was placed on the table, and no one answered. The half-closed door of the box, a man stretched out his hand and pushed it open. He looked at Zhou Yang, and was about to call him away, but his eyes swept away and fell on the woman who was facing the door. , Xu Dian paused, turned off the call, and walked in. The tall figure pushed away a lot of lights.

He took off his glasses, wiped them slowly, looked at Meng Ying and said, "Are you all there?"

This familiar voice.

Meng Ying squinted her eyes, then she raised her eyes and glanced over lightly, her gaze collided with Xu Dian's peach blossom eyes with a little smile.

She hooked her lips and smiled, but without any emotion, it was just polite. Then she continued to look at the cards, looking very cold. The other two people on the mahjong table couldn't calm down.

Especially Yang Tong, looking straight at the handsome man.

Li Yao's throat was dry, he swept towards the other side of the sofa, Zhou Yang leaned on the sofa with a smile, swayed his long legs, and flicked his phone.

It means, Xu Dian, he called here.

Li Yao groaned in his heart.

Zhou Yang doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

He was about to say something, Xu Dian patted him on the shoulder, "I'll do it."

Li Yao smiled and said, "I..."

"I'll come..." Xu Dian spoke again, with a slight smile in his low voice, but it was this thin smile that made people feel cold, Li Yao pushed the card away, had to stand up and get out of the way. Xu Dian sat down with his sleeves rolled up, and the peach blossom eyes in his glasses flashed across Meng Ying.

Woman under the lamp.

The skin is as white as jade, very transparent, as if it will disappear at any time.

She rested her chin, lazily fumbled and played cards.

It was as if nothing caught her eyes.

The corners of Xu Dian's lips twitched, his knuckle-boned hands began to draw cards, straightening out Li Yao's bad hand, Yang Tong's card skills were not very good, and offered to give Xu Dian cards several times.

Xu Dian played cards casually, it seemed that he came here specially to play cards.

Yang Tong held it wholeheartedly.

She desperately hoped that Xu Dian could be with her sister, and this Meng Ying must not interfere.

She pinched her ears with a smile, looked at Meng Ying, and asked, "Meng Ying, you didn't wear earrings today?"

As soon as this word came out.

The whole box is instantly turned as if the pause button is turned. Only the two parties were very calm. Xu Dian's slender fingers were still sorting out the cards. Meng Ying raised her eyelids to look at Yang Tong and said, "You like it? Then you wear it."

Yang Tong hit a snag, she looked at Meng Ying in disbelief, why didn't she look embarrassed or sad? A year ago, she will never forget the scene of Meng Ying walking away from the banquet, and the thrill of watching Meng Ying run away. Meng Ying smiled, tilted her head and said, "Nonsense, I'm sorry."

Yang Tong looked back.

I played a card to give her a kong, but she also konged a flower.

Yang Tong was so angry that he stopped talking and concentrated on looking at the cards.

She is very competitive, even if she is playing cards, she cannot lose to Meng Ying.

Meng Ying stretched out her hand to take the money, and the man on the opposite side handed it to her lazily, Meng Ying didn't even look at Xu Dian, she took the money and put it in the drawer.

At this time.

Liu Qin called, Meng Ying glanced at it, stood up and walked aside to answer. Liu Qin said excitedly at the other end: "Let me tell you, as soon as you were in the trending search, director Liu of "Interstellar" came to the door and said that he hoped you could shoot the role of Guerlain again. The filming of "Interstellar" was bumpy, and the role of Guerlain is very important, and three or four actors have been changed, haha, you can achieve this irreplaceable level... I am so happy."

Meng Ying listened and hummed.

It took a few seconds for Liu Qin to realize, "Ah... that's all in "Interstellar", you... If you don't want to take it, then don't take it. Although you just made a comeback, it's a bit difficult to take the show, but I believe..."

"No, I'll take it." Meng Ying interrupted Liu Qin.

Liu Qin froze for a moment, "It's okay..."

"Liu Qin, you have to get up wherever you fall. I'm not afraid of her." If she's not afraid of the so-called genuine product, her heart can be pure, so why should she be afraid of Yang Rou.

Liu Qin heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Great, I'm really afraid that you will be dead against yourself. I will discuss the remuneration here with Director Liu. You have to count the interest for this year's rest."

Meng Ying smiled, "Okay."

She leaned on the screen and said, wearing a white skirt, leaning against the retro carved screen, she had an outstanding figure, Li Yao couldn't move his eyes, he subconsciously went to see Xu Dian, Xu Dian was holding mahjong tiles, playing with them, but he didn't know Whether he saw the alluring figure or not, Li Yao clicked his tongue twice.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Ying took the mobile phone, turned around, bent down and sat down, looked up at Xu Dian, then at Yang Tong and Liu Yan, and said with a smile: "Sorry, we can start now."

Liu Yan smiled and bit the lady's cigarette: "Okay."

Yang Tong: "We have been on the phone for so long, our time is precious."

Meng Ying smiled and didn't answer her words.

Continue to press cards.

that end.

Li Yao sat down and exclaimed: "Her psychological quality... is amazing."

Sitting in front of her was a man who hurt her to death, and next to her was a genuine younger sister. Meng Ying could continue playing cards without changing her face.

Think of these two people as transparent.


Zhou Yang sneered: "Nirvana and rebirth."

Li Yao agreed.


As for Xu Dian, this man is used to being like this, careless and extremely fickle, and at this moment he can't see what he is thinking at all.

Meng Ying was unlucky, she had never been able to count cards, she was at a disadvantage, and luck also accounted for a large part of it, she didn't seem to have much luck. Yang Tong has more chances to play cards than her, and slowly loses the chips that he didn't win much, and Yang Tong next to him is very proud. Meng Ying continued to fight without changing her face.

When she lost to only two chips left, her luck returned, and she began to deal with the unpaired cards in her hand, and not once or twice, she quietly put down the cards, and touched a white board again, And this white board came down from Xu Dian's hand. Xu Dian took the cigarette handed by Li Yao, and the light above his head hit his face. He bit the cigarette obliquely, concentrating on the game. In the game played by the three women, he neither won a lot nor won a lot of money. Losing a lot is like controlling the whole situation.

After another three or four rounds, Meng Ying hit the bar again, and the seven-barrelled one, which was very difficult to call, won all the chips she had lost just now.

Yang Tong's face darkened suddenly, and he reluctantly took out the chips from the drawer and threw them out. Meng Ying took it with a smile, and the man on the other side also squeezed a few chips and threw them away. He raised his head and glanced at Meng Ying, with a faint emotion in his eyes. Meng Ying stared at the chips, and took them back after a few seconds. .

next round.

Meng Ying touched another beautiful card from Xu Dian's hand.

She pursed her lips.

After a round of rounds, Meng Ying pinched a pretty good tile, which could be called Hu, but she didn't continue, but pushed gently with her fingertips, pushing down the mahjong pile in front of her.

The people at the table were taken aback.

They looked up at her one after another, and Yang Tong said in a dissatisfied tone, "What are you doing?"

Meng Ying pushed her own cards again, and they all fell on the table, and the whole game was in chaos. The man on the opposite side just looked at her quietly, with his neckline slightly open, he leaned lazily on the back of the chair, his knuckle fingers pinched a card that was about to be played, this card, Meng Ying saw at a glance that it was her own name. Hu's.

This way of playing mahjong, you can eat cards. He has been delivering cards.

Meng Ying sneered. After pushing the cards, she took out a pile of chips from the table belly and pressed them on the table.

Then he got up, picked up the small bag, and said to Li Yao, "It's late, I have to go home."

Li Yao was a little taken aback.

Meng Ying walked around the table, stepped on her high heels and walked towards the door. Within two steps, her wrist was grabbed by the man's big hand.

she turned back.

Xu Dian lazily leaned on the back of the chair, raised his chin, nodded his face, and said, "You pushed my card, do you want to give me another slap by the way?"

His face was carved like a knife, his eyebrows were raised, and he was still indifferent.

Meng Ying looked at him for a few seconds, then slowly withdrew her wrist and left.

The disdain was hard to hide in the beautiful eyes.

There was a few seconds of silence in the box, then Li Yao came to his senses, quickly copied the car keys on the table, and chased him out.

"I'll send you off."

Xu Dian's hand dropped to the side, he squeezed the cigarette, took a few puffs, bowed his head and smiled. Zhou Yang stood up and kicked him, "Want to drink?"

Xu Dian smiled again.

After leaving the Star Club, Meng Ying began to delete Li Yao's WeChat. She didn't like being close to their so-called wealthy families. Li Yao chased after him, saw her mercilessly deleting the scene on the high steps, his heart twitched, he quickened a few steps, and stood in front of Meng Ying.

Meng Ying paused slightly, stood where she was, and looked at him who was one step shorter.

Li Yao sighed and tapped his phone: "Can you add it back?"

Meng Ying pinched the phone, looked at him calmly, and said, "I thought you were Liu Qin's friend, but you are not."

"But I can be your friend." Li Yao frowned, and said, "Tonight he..."

"No, it has nothing to do with him." Meng Ying said, she didn't finish the rest of the sentence. If the two of them didn't know each other in that way, no matter whether he was a rich young master or not, they wouldn't be deleted.

Li Yao paused for a moment, and suddenly felt that he was shooting himself in the foot.

I should have known that I would go somewhere else tonight.

Meng Ying smiled at him, bypassed him, pulled away the taxi beside him, and got in. Li Yao turned around and could only stand on the steps, watching the doors and windows roll up, gradually blocking that soft and beautiful face.

The red taxi drove away, and there was a click on the side. Li Yao turned his head and saw Xu Dian leaning against the door, holding up his mobile phone, and took a photo.

That photo was very similar to taking a taxi's license plate. Li Yao walked up the steps and frowned, "What did you take? You care about her so much? Why don't you send her off yourself?"

Xu Dian raised his eyes and smiled, glanced at him with a half-smile, stood up straight, and walked down the steps. Zhou Yang's car just happened to come by, and Xu Dian bent over and sat in.

Once the door is closed, nothing can be seen.

But a few seconds later, the car window rolled down, Xu Dian leaned his elbow on the car window, looked sideways, and asked with a smile, "Do you like her?"

Li Yao paused, and then laughed. He walked down the steps, provocatively: "Yes."

Xu Dian smiled and nodded slightly.

Then, the windows were rolled up, the black car started and sped out.

Zhou Yang squeezed the cigarette that was about to burn out, opened the car window, turned his head to look at Xu Dian, "What do you think?"

Xu Dian was also biting his cigarette, he raised his chin, his jaw line was rigid, his Adam's apple protruded, and he laughed softly, "You know how to tell stories, and you still ask me what I think?"

Zhou Yang was stunned for a few seconds.

Then laugh out loud.

This dog man doesn't want to admit it, right

There are times when you are miserable.

But, to what extent is this kind of acknowledgment? Perhaps, it was just superficial, otherwise, he would not be so calm. As the young master of the Xu family in Licheng, do you want any woman? That's right, there's no need to put too much effort into an unknown woman. Zhou Yang nodded and laughed again.

The black car drove to the winery, and there were still many men tasting wine in the winery late at night. Xu Dian and Zhou Yang entered, and the two walked to the booth where Jiang Yu was.

Jiang Yu answered a phone call and frowned. His stern face looked serious, but he picked up a bottle of wine and got up to leave.

Xu Dian stopped him with a smile: "Where are you going?"

"My wife is calling..." Jiang Yu coughed, "Go home."

Zhou Yang laughed, "Don't worry about this strict wife, let him go."

Xu Dian took two steps back, leaned against the sofa, and laughed. Jiang Yu swept the two of them, and then hurried away. Zhou Yang turned around, looked at Xu Dian, and said, "Will you be controlled like this in the future?"

Xu Dian raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "No, who can control me."

Zhou Yang laughed again.

The two got out of the booth to drink, and halfway through the drink, Xu Dian's cell phone rang, and he picked it up with his forehead resting on his forehead. On the other end, a gentle voice asked, "Why aren't you at home?"


"I can't get in if you're not at home."

Xu Dian smiled, holding the wine bottle, "What are you doing at my house so late? Huh?"

On the other end, the female voice was stuck.

A few seconds later, she said: "I'm leaving the film and television city tomorrow, the script has been revised, I want to show you..."

"No, just show it to Director Liu." After finishing speaking, Xu Dian hung up the phone. After a few seconds, he frowned and looked at Zhou Yang, "Just now... what did you get for this wine?"

Sitting opposite Zhou Yang, he laughed, "The wine from the cellar is more than a hundred years old..."

"Tsk, a little dizzy."

Say dizzy, really dizzy.

Zhou Yang only took a sip, and Xu Dian drank a big cup, his neck turned slightly red. Zhou Yang glanced at the time, it was time to go home, so he called a substitute driver.

Then the two of them got into the car, Xu Dian sat in the back seat, biting smoke and eyes with a hint of alcohol.

Zhou Yang asked Xu Dian: "Which residence will I send you back to?"

Xu Dian closed his eyes: "Xinyue Community."

"Where?" Zhou Yang was stunned for a few seconds.

The man's deep voice came again, and it was still in the same neighborhood. Zhou Yang tasted it, then smiled, "Okay, I'll take you there..."

Back home, Meng Ying had to take another shower. Although the smell in the private room was not bad, the smell of nicotine was too much, and some hair was stained.

When I took a shower, I touched an ear, and the hole in that ear was bigger than the other one. The torn wound healed, but a small hole was left.

Exactly, it is the left ear.

After she finished washing, she went to the kitchen to get some food to fill her stomach, and then went back to the room to rest.

one lie down.

Sleep on the bed.

Halfway through sleeping, Meng Ying faintly heard the doorbell ringing. Meng Ying frowned, and was about to turn over and go back to sleep, but the doorbell continued to ring. After a while, she sat up sleepily, grabbed a coat, draped it over her shoulders, stepped on her slippers, and walked to open the door in a daze.

She was still not very conscious, and saw a familiar face through the cat's eyes, and subconsciously opened the door.

Outside the door, Xu Dian was biting a cigarette, leaning against the opposite wall, looking at her with heavy eyes. After seeing his whole face, Meng Ying came to her senses and woke up immediately. She yawned and took two steps back.


Closed the door.

Outside the corridor, Xu Dian seemed to be awake. He took down the cigarette, walked to the trash can beside him, pressed the cigarette on it, put his hands in his pockets, and asked, "Why did you send me here?"

The tone was low, without any ups and downs.

Zhou Yang was beside the elevator, smiled, and asked, "Are you sad?"

The three words are light and fluttering, as if the wind blows them away.

"It's okay, I got drunk and went to the wrong place."

It is also like the wind, which cannot be heard clearly.

After returning to the room, Meng Ying fell asleep without any fluctuations in her mood.

As if it was just a cat or a dog who came to ring the doorbell...