Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 10: Vientiane update


Li Jinglong didn't answer, the figure under the lamp paused, and Hong Jun pushed the door in.

"Get out." Li Jinglong said, "Who taught you to break into your boss's door?"

Hong Jun scratched his head, so he had to push it outside the room to look in. The carp demon stood at Hong Jun's feet, resting his head on the threshold and peering in.

Li Jinglong made the bed, straightened up, and turned to glance at Hongjun.

"Did I cause you trouble?" Hong Jun said, "Is it important?"

Li Jinglong took a deep breath, Hong Jun thought he was going to get angry again, so he took a step back.

"How old are you?" Li Jinglong looked at Hongjun and asked instead.

Hong Jun reported his age, and Li Jinglong said in a deep voice: "Take care of your demons, if you sneak out and scare people, you can go home, it's not an example."

The carp demon was bored and ran away, Hong Jun said: "Don't drive me away, I will be careful, I already have a home and can't go back."

Li Jinglong was startled, Hong Jun was so bored, he turned around and walked through the corridor to the West Wing.

The room was full of dust, and Hong Jun had no bedding, so he had to spend the night looking for a wooden board to make do with it. Seeing a sheepskin hunting jacket on the board, he guessed it was Mo Zhigen who covered him first, so he put the dirty clothes on his pillow, Lie down and sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Jinglong stood in the courtyard, followed by a dozen or so porters, carrying large and small bags, large and small loads, and said, "Put it in the courtyard." So he counted the money again, Hong Jun was very surprised, and stepped forward Look, there are bedding, cotton wool and other things inside, as well as daily necessities, pots and pans, four treasures of the study... obviously bought by Li Jinglong.

"Wow!" Hong Jun said, "Is it for us?"

"Common stall." Li Jinglong said expressionlessly, "The salary will be deducted." Then he strode to the west wing, raised his foot and kicked the door open, kicking open the door of Artest and Qiu Yongsi, and shouted angrily: "Get out! If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why go to a brothel?!"

The two of them sneaked out for a stroll last night. They had just fallen asleep for less than two hours, and hurriedly crawled out, in a panic. Li Jinglong asked everyone to take their things back to the room, ordered them to gather as soon as possible, and started cleaning and repairing the Exorcism Department.

Li Jinglong worked non-stop all day long, and the four guys and a fish would be lazy from time to time, loafing about in the courtyard, singing and playing the piano, having nothing to do. Finally, three days later, Li Jinglong's work was finished, and the entire Exorcism Department took on a new look.

In the front hall is a gilded statue of Fudo Myo, surrounded by snow walls and pillars, repainted doors and windows, patches of moss in the courtyard, a low couch built in the main hall, and the tea set turned upside down on the low table. There are phoenix bamboos everywhere in the courtyard, rustling in the autumn sun, a cobblestone path paved in the front hall of the backyard, and a few red fish swimming in the pond. A wooden sign was erected beside it, with the words "Zhao Zilong" written on it, which was the residence of the carp demon.

The wind chimes under the corridor swayed gently, making a crisp sound. In the courtyard, a tall sycamore tree more than 70 years old is bathed in the sun, and the glazed tiles are radiant. In the east chamber is Li Jinglong's bedroom, plus a study room, weapon room, pharmacy and other places. There are more than ten shelves of books stacked in the study, as well as records of the case when Di Renjie was still alive.

Hong Jun ran around barefoot under the courtyard corridor, and the floor was wiped spotless. In each room, floor-to-ceiling horizontal wooden doors have been replaced to facilitate lighting. Each room was also decorated by itself—a tiger skin was spread in front of the short table in Mo Zhigen's room, and a big bow bought in the West Market was hung. Artai's room is covered with exotic blankets, and everything is covered with white jade and colored glaze, which is extremely luxurious. In Qiu Yongsi's room, there is a "Picture of Outing in Spring". The tea dishes, vases and other objects are all emerald green, and the famous porcelain of Yue Kiln.

There was only a couch against the wall in Hongjun's room, and the walls were empty, so Li Jinglong picked up three calligraphy and paintings and threw them to Hongjun, asking him to hang them himself.

A piece of Zhang Xu's cursive script, a piece of "Hundred Birds" by Zhang Sengyou, and a piece of "Golden and Green Landscape" by Li Sixun. Hong Jun didn't know the goods, and he didn't even know whose seal it was, so he hung it up casually. Looking at the "Picture of Birds", he remembered the days of Yaojin Palace, and couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy.

The Department of Exorcism has been completely refurbished, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the most elegant place for the government in Chang'an City. The site of the mansion in this alley was originally the other courtyard of Yu Wenkai purchased by Luo Jintong, a disciple of Di Renjie, after the Tang Dynasty moved from Luoyang, the capital of gods, to Chang'an. Everyone's new home.

"Okay." Li Jinglong wiped off his sweat and had a tea party in the main hall.

Everyone looked at him differently. At first, Mo Zhigen, Artest and Qiu Yongsi refused to accept him. I didn't expect Li Jinglong to be unshakable, no matter what you do, just be yourself. In the end, I cleaned up the rooms myself.

"Let me do it." Qiu Yongsi took it, and Li Jinglong let him do it. The copper pot boiled water, and the sky was bright in autumn. Several people sat in the main hall and began to drink tea.

"I was thinking about it before." Li Jinglong still had that indifferent face, and said in a deep voice, "The Exorcist Department has just returned, and everyone can take this opportunity to repair the houses in the Department to work together to get to know each other and get close to each other …”

Hong Jun turned his head to look left and right, and saw that the expressions of Mo Rigen, Qiu Yongsi and Artest were a little unnatural.

Hong Jun: "?"

"...But it seems that you are all dragons and phoenixes among people, and you have become irreversible friends." Li Jinglong continued lightly, "Jinglong is just a mere mortal, it seems that I have to hold you back in the future, I am really sorry."

When Li Jinglong said this, everyone was very embarrassed.

Except for Hong Jun, the other three looked down on him as an ordinary person. Li Jinglong also knew that his subordinates looked down on him as a boss, but he was looked down on everywhere, and he was used to it.

"Now, hand over the letter in your hand." Li Jinglong said, "I have registered today, so I can give Xiang Yang an explanation tomorrow."

"Chang Shi, you sent us the letter?" Mo Zhigen said.

Li Jinglong shook his head and said, "No, I was just about to ask, who sent you this letter?"

That's strange, Li Jinglong didn't need to lie to them. After everyone discussed it, someone must have chosen to call the selected four people to Chang'an at this moment in order to restore the Exorcism Department of the Tang Dynasty.

But if you say that, Li Jinglong came here by chance, how can you explain it? Could it just be a fateful coincidence

Hong Jun took the lead in handing the letter to Li Jinglong.

"Kong Hongjun." Li Jinglong said, "Where does he live and who are his parents?"

The carp demon came in from outside the hall, and Hong Jun explained what he had taught him before, and told Li Jinglong that his adoptive father was a Taoist on Taihang Mountain, and he came to Chang'an to experience it. As for Zhao Zilong, he met by accident many years ago, and the carp he adopted never existed as a traitor sent by the monster clan.

Li Jinglong didn't ask much, just listening, Hong Jun always felt that his lies had many loopholes that were hard to justify, but Li Jinglong believed him without reservation.

Then came Mo Rigen, who was born in Shiwei, and also told Li Jinglong that he also came here for experience. Hong Jun heard that Mo Rigen seemed to be hiding a lot of things, but Li Jinglong didn't ask, and only registered Mo Rigen's name with a pen.

Artest is an aristocrat from Tocharian who came to learn the culture of Tang Dynasty. Qiu Yongsi lives in Hangzhou, and he simply explained that his family background is a scholar, and he was ordered by his grandfather to come to the Exorcism Department to exercise his courage.

What was explained later, one was simpler than the other, and it was easily carried over in a few words. After Li Jinglong registered, Qiu Yongsi finished making tea and distributed it to everyone, including the carp demon, holding a bowl in each hand.

"Wipe your feet dry before coming in again, don't step on the water all over the floor." Li Jinglong instructed the carp demon.

"It seems that there are no newcomers to report." Li Jinglong said.

Everyone looked at Li Jinglong quietly, guessing what he was going to say. Li Jinglong took a sip of tea, ignored the four people in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know who called you here, but I believe that although Di Gong died, he still took care of my Tang Dynasty. I can gather with you today This place is a fate in the dark."

Speaking of which, Li Jinglong raised his head and looked behind the four of them. The mural of Di Renjie on the east wall of the main hall had complicated expressions in his eyes, and the four turned their heads one after another, looking at the portrait of Di Renjie.

"You mean, Mr. Di hid four letters and mailed them out after so many years of his death?" Mo Rigen said, "And summoned us to recover the Tang Exorcism Department?"

"How is this possible!" Everyone looked at Li Jinglong in front of them with expressions of "you think I'm stupid".

"This is... too unreasonable." Hong Jun said with a blank expression.

"The most unreasonable thing should be a fish with long hands and long legs and leg hair on its feet." Li Jinglong turned his head and glanced at the carp demon without changing his expression.

Carp demon: "..."

"That's right." Hong Jun accepted the fact quickly, nodded and said, "In comparison, the matter of sending a letter after death is barely understandable."

Everyone raised their foreheads one after another and looked at each other. Since Li Jinglong said so, everyone didn't bother to get to the bottom of it. You are the boss, as long as you are happy.

"Tomorrow, the Japanese officials will go to order waist badges and official uniforms for you." Li Jinglong said lightly, "I will ask you for your salary, and I will keep it with you. There is still one day to consider. But once the name is reported, it will be the imperial order. , no matter Hu or Han, they are treated equally."

Hong Jun was originally on a mission, thinking about when to go to the Chen family and his flying knife, and nodded when he heard the words, and suddenly saw Li Jinglong staring at him, as if waiting for him to make a statement, and raised his eyebrows.

"I'll stay." Hong Jun was quite preoccupied and nodded.

Mo Zhigen replied: "Stay."

Artest: "Stay."

Qiu Yongsi said: "Stay, but what are you going to do in the Exorcism Division? Chang Shi, you have to give us some work."

"There will be work." Li Jinglong said, "Yang Xiang said that any case that the Sixth Army and Dali Temple cannot handle, and that 'maybe' involves demons and ghosts in the process of handling the case, will be transferred to the Exorcist Department. Before there is a case, you can go shopping around Chang'an City first, but since you have said so, you will not be disappointed, and you will start working in the afternoon." After finishing his speech, he finished his tea and got up.

Hong Jun immediately said: "Chang Shi, everyone...can you do me a favor?"

"No." Li Jinglong replied.

Everyone: "..."

"I know you want to find the monster that night." Li Jinglong said, "But now I don't know what you are capable of, and I have never worked with you before. If you rush out now without cooperation, you will only cause more and more troubles. I will wait for a while. solve."

Hong Jun was upset, but he knew what Li Jinglong said was reasonable, so he nodded.

Li Jinglong got up and left the banquet, everyone dispersed, and today's business was over. When he walked out of the hall and entered the east chamber, he suddenly felt relieved and leaned against the pillar to breathe, apparently with lingering fear. Thinking of the group of exorcists with supernatural powers, he was still taken care of by him, he couldn't help but clenched his fist again, and a rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he raised his head, he suddenly saw Hong Jun standing in front of him, looking at him suspiciously.

"Chang Shi, what were you doing just now?" Hong Jun asked tentatively.

Li Jinglong coughed immediately, and said seriously: "So what?"

"Can you do me a favor?" Hong Jun looked at Li Jinglong and said, "I want to find..."

"I said, no!" Li Jinglong said displeased.

"Don't look for monsters." Hong Jun immediately said, "You are familiar with Chang'an, just tell me where Chen Ziang's family lives, and I will go by myself."

The exorcists and fellow exorcists were not familiar with Chang'an City. It was useless to ask where Chen Ziang lived. They went door-to-door to find them. There were 600,000 households in Chang'an.

"Let me ask you a question." Li Jinglong sized Hongjun up and said suddenly, "You are a cultivator, do you have any spells that can make people forget something?"

"Spells?" Hong Jun was suddenly asked. Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, thought about it, and replied, "There are no magic spells, but there is a kind of flower..."

In the past, Hong Jun liked to roam the Taihang Mountains. There were many exotic flowers and plants in the back hall of the Yaojin Palace. He vaguely remembered that a plant from the Western Regions had been transplanted.