Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 101: Ten Mile River Han


On the main street of Luoyang, at dusk, the pharmacy was about to close, leaving only one doctor sitting in the emergency room. Hong Jun examined the patient carefully and found that his body had begun to fester gradually, and the energy in his meridians was extremely weak.

"It can't be cured." The doctor said, "Young people like to hang out in the flower streets and willow alleys. Everyone lives, everyone bears the responsibility. Go home early."

"What disease?" Hong Jun had never seen such a disease.

"Don't touch him." The doctor saw that Hongjun's pulse diagnosis method also seemed to come from a family of doctors, and specifically instructed, "If the skin is broken and bleeding, and there are scars on the body, if you touch it too much, you will get sick. See if you are clean, don't be afraid of it." Sores all over."

Hong Jun glanced at the doctor, thought for a while, went into the medicine hall to grab the medicine, picked up the man when he came out, and said, "Let's go, I'll treat you. Doctor, I'll take him back and try."

"Don't try it!" The doctor still wanted to persuade him, but Hong Jun had already taken him away.

This behavior is tantamount to kicking the court in front of the doctor, but Hong Jun is good-looking on the one hand, and his words and deeds are not deliberate, so the doctor can forget it.

However, halfway through, Hong Jun thought of what to do if Li Jinglong disliked him? Although this person is a venereal disease that he found himself, he is not guilty of death. But Li Jinglong would definitely scold him, Hong Jun thought about it, and was very entangled, what if Li Jinglong told him not to bring people home? We can't let him lie outside, maybe we have to quarrel.

"Thank you... Thank you." The man walked forward with heavy steps. Hong Jun bit his bullet and took him to the Luoyang Exorcism Department. He had already thought about how to plead with Li Jinglong later.

Outside the Department of Exorcism, Li Jinglong was wandering around waiting for him to go back. When he glanced at him from a distance, he was startled when he saw Hong Jun carrying a person, and said, "What's wrong?"

Li Jinglong stepped forward quickly, helped the man in, and said to Hongjun: "I said, why have you been gone for so long and haven't come back!"

Hong Jun faltered and told the story, but Li Jinglong didn't complain, and said, "Let me see if you take off your clothes?"

"Dirty." Hong Jun said, "Don't touch it."

Li Jinglong said: "Don't touch it, come on, wipe him off..."

Hong Jun was very surprised. Li Jinglong didn't teach him a lesson. Instead, he scrubbed the man. The skin on the man's body was festered, and when he touched it with a towel, he screamed in pain.

"It's almost dead." Li Jinglong said, "What's the matter? The disease that came back from Huajie Liuxiang is definitely not so serious."

Hong Jun looked at Li Jinglong suspiciously, and said, "Have you seen it?"

"In the past, the brothers of the Shenwu Army occasionally had no money." Li Jinglong said, "I hang out with the dancers in the Hu people's caravan, and I also got sick. I have seen it... What's your name?"

"Wen... Wen Xuan." The man moaned, "I'm so itchy..."

"Stop scratching." Hong Jun stopped him from scratching himself, and went to adjust the ointment for itching and festering. Li Jinglong unbuttoned the man's pants and said, "It's good here, it doesn't look like it."

"Like what?" Hong Jun asked.

"It seems to be poisoned by something." Li Jinglong pondered.

"I think so too." Hong Jun said, "When you touch his pulse, he is very weak, and his body is rotten, and there is no stench, but a strange smell."

When Li Jinglong was in the army, he was involved in bruises, internal injuries and other diseases. Although he was not as proficient as Hong Jun, he could probably tell them apart. He thought for a moment, and then asked Wen Yu: "What is your date?" what name?"

"No... don't remember, too many girls..."

Wen Yu and Li Jinglong are about the same height, and at the moment they are lying naked on the couch in the room, regardless of their mottled and torn skin, but their figure is excellent, with broad shoulders and a strong waist. In terms of handsomeness, they seem to be half a point better than Li Jinglong, except that they have no eyebrows The heroic spirit in the room shows that there is no shortage of beauties on weekdays, and she is even the one that girls are willing to pay for.

"Be clear." Li Jinglong said, "This is to save your life."

Wen Yu groaned in pain all over his body, the pain was like ants crawling in his bone marrow, and said: "In Shili Hehan... seven days ago, I saw Xiangyu..."

"Taro?" Hong Jun asked curiously.

Seeing that Hong Jun had mixed the medicine, Wen Yu kept begging, saying: "Quick...give me, give me the medicine..." Intermittently, the corners of Li Jinglong's mouth twitched when he heard it, and Hong Jun looked helpless, just because of the begging and moaning, like Very much Hong Jun called "Give it to me" on the bed.

"I'll go to Shili Hehan to have a look." Li Jinglong said.

How could Hong Jun let Li Jinglong go by himself? Immediately took the medicine, followed quickly, Li Jinglong smiled and said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it? I don't..."

"I'm so curious." Hong Jun raised his hand, hooked Li Jinglong over, put his shoulders, and went out with him in a serious manner.

Li Jinglong first inquired about Shili Hehan's whereabouts, and told him to go behind the Tianjin Bridge, and went in when he saw a lot of people gathered in front of the cave, which made Hongjun confused. But the two of them crossed the Tianjin Bridge, and when they arrived at the De Bridge, they saw many people waiting outside the entrance of a cave.

Li Jinglong: "..."

Hongjun: "..."

Why is it like a tomb here? Hong Jun was looking in, and there were many rascals around him who said, "Hey, come on, I won't go shopping today, what's your name? Little man? Let's go drink!"

Li Jinglong's face darkened instantly, and Hong Jun was afraid that he would beat someone up, so he said in a low voice: "Investigate the case, it's important to investigate the case." He dragged Li Jinglong in without looking at it seriously. "

The cave was pitch black, and music and wanton laughter could be heard from a distance. Li Jinglong was also very surprised that all the brothels in Luoyang were underground! I heard that when Wu Zhao was in power, he hated this business very much, so he investigated Luoyang. So many people turned from the ground to the ground. At that time, the original site of Shili Hehan was a section of the Grand Canal excavated by Emperor Yangdi of the previous dynasty. This is waste.

After walking for a short distance, the front door became brighter, and Hongjun let out a "wow", just like every young man who entered this place for the first time, almost blinded by the shock.

Shilihe Hanzhong is actually a long underground street, with wooden buildings embedded in the street on both sides, red lights and golden lights, like a dream. There is no sunlight here, and the ever-burning lights are always on day and night, and there are many people gathered in the two roads, drinking, flirting, and spreading the stalls to watch the dance, it is almost like a market.

It's just a huge whoring market.

There are many shops lined up from the entrance to the end of the ten-mile river. Judging by the prosperity, tens of thousands of customers may come in tonight. The floor was covered with thick and wide carpets from the Western Regions, piled full of pillows, and the Han people pressed orchids and acted directly on the carpets.

Hong Jun had never seen such an impactful scene, and he was almost dizzy, thinking that it was lucky that Li Jinglong didn't come by himself. Even if Li Jinglong goes to Liuying Chunxiao on weekdays, it is also a place of elegance. When did he so directly crash into the golden cave of returning to animal nature

"Ah! Mr. Xiao Lang!"

When many orchids saw Hongjun, they immediately rushed over, and Hongjun immediately hid behind Li Jinglong, quite trembling. Li Jinglong's complexion changed, and he tried to put on a coquettish look, and asked a Hu Ji, "Is Miss Xiangyu here?"

Unexpectedly, all the girls just gave him a blank stare, and they all dispersed.

Li Jinglong said: "What? Is there something wrong with this person?"

"You are sick." Hu Ji said with a smile, "There are so many girls, who knows which Xiangyu is?"

Hong Jun laughed and had to give up. Li Jinglong was robbed, so he had to take Hong Jun along the street.

"Look, they all pick and choose." Li Jinglong said to Hongjun, "Pay attention to your eyes, don't be too curious, just treat it as shopping."

Hong Jun reluctantly said: "Okay."

The two tried their best not to let people see that they looked like outsiders. When they passed by a fat Hu merchant's booth, the Hu merchant suddenly "drank", which shocked Hong Jun, and Hu Shang laughed loudly, covering his whole body with laughter. The fat was trembling, and several orchids with heavy makeup around him, with bells tied to their feet, came over quickly and stretched out their hands to pull Li Jinglong and Hong Jun. Li Jinglong waved his hands hurriedly, and hurriedly pressed the girl's wrist, and then broke free.

Passing along the way, Hong Jun kept looking at the Han area on the left side of the street. Suddenly someone whistled at him from one side. When he turned his head to look, he saw a tall, thin, shirtless Hu man with a blush on his face. It reminded him of Mo Zhigen.

The barbarian beckoned to him, beckoning him to come over, while Li Jinglong was inquiring, Hong Jun followed, and said to the barbarian, "I'm asking about someone..."

The Hu man brought Hong Jun into the tent and asked, "Are you Han?"

Hong Jun nodded, and the man said, "I'm from Shiwei."

No wonder Hong Jun thought, when he was about to ask, the man said: "I noticed you just now, who is following you?"

Hong Jun said: "It's my husband."

"Yo, ask him to come over?" The barbarian man pulled his trouser belt, and the loose white pants fell to the ground, and said, "I can give you whatever money you want, and my brother will play with you as long as you want..." He stretched out his arms to hug him, and bowed his head to kiss .

Li Jinglong was asking in front of the barbarian's tent, Hong Jun yelled, and ran out in a hurry. Li Jinglong thought what happened, but saw a man from Shiwei walking out of the tent behind him, and his words were raised.

"It won't hurt you." The Shiwei man said with a smile, and flicked his fingers down, meaning look.

"Did he touch you?" Li Jinglong asked.

Hong Jun hurriedly said: "That's not true, I misunderstood."

The man from Shiwei said, "Are you two coming together?"

"Come out to pick up work at such a small age." Li Jinglong said to the man in the room, "Forget it, I'm afraid I will hurt you."

Man: "..."

Hong Jun laughed so hard that he hurriedly dragged Li Jinglong away.

"Go to the innermost part." Li Jinglong said, "There is a restaurant in the middle, and the information is well-informed. Go there and ask someone."

Hong Jun was crossing the long street, when he whistled again, he found another perverted young man, oiled all over, standing naked, with a gold ring on the thing, and said, "Come or not?"

Hong Jun had no choice but to pretend he couldn't hear it, thinking what to do with me, go to Li Jinglong.

"No." Li Jinglong squeezed his throat and said, "We are eunuchs, so we can't come."

Boy: "..."

Hong Jun only felt that Li Jinglong's nonsense was too amusing. Just after passing the intersection, someone whistled at them again, one after another, all teasing him, which made him embarrassed to look at them.

"Two gentlemen!" Another young man said to him, "Come and have a seat?"

Li Jinglong turned Hong Jun to his other side, smiled at him politely, and did not answer. Just as Hong Jun turned around, someone whistled at him again at the other end. It was a Tocharian man who spoke elegant Persian to him. That poem Hongjun heard Artai sing, it was written by a woman in a boudoir, it means: beautiful young man, can you come to my window

Li Jinglong hurriedly called Hong Jun over again, passed the barbarian male prostitute area, finally there were not so frequent whistles, only Yu Hu Ji leaned in front of the tent, and lightly shook her wrist when she saw people passing by, the bell sounded crisp. In the Han district, girls in Chinese clothes held a round fan and lazily looked down the street.

"Why are you so interested in you?" Li Jinglong said.

Hong Jun laughed, with a little red on his face, and said, "Yes, they don't seem to care much about you."

Li Jinglong didn't answer, just glanced at Hongjun, and said after a while: "Do you feel..."

At this time, Li Jinglong frowned, as if thinking, Hong Jun raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "What did you find?"

"Scent." Li Jinglong said.

Hong Jun also smelled it, and there was indeed a faint fragrance from Wen Xuan's body. It was just covered up by the strong smell of spices from the Hu people before, but it gradually became clear when it reached the middle of Shili Hehan.

"Let me take a look." Li Jinglong said, "You wait here."

In the middle of the long street, there are already restaurants and wine shops, simple shops and aphrodisiac shops, and no one is here to attract customers. Li Jinglong first went to the restaurant to ask, and Hong Jun sniffed to identify the source of the faint fragrance.

There was another whistle, and when he turned his head to look, there was a man in a bathrobe standing upstairs with his chest open and a sword at his waist.

Hong Jun was a little nervous, seeing the man stepping on the fence and looking at him drunkenly.

"Are you alone?" the man said to Hongjun.

Hong Jun didn't speak, stepped back a little, and looked up at him.

"You're so pretty." The man murmured, his eyes seemed to show pity, and he said, "Do you want to drink? Little brother, come up and drink."

That man is obviously also a trainer, with a figure similar to Lu Xu's, with very thin chest and abdominal muscles, but his overall figure is one size larger than Lu Xu's. He held the wine in his right hand, shook it at Hongjun, and handed it to Hongjun. Him, beckoning him to drink.

The man called him "little brother", and Hong Jun felt that he was not inviting guests, and he was wearing a sword, like a man in the rivers and lakes, so he went upstairs happily.

"Do you have money?" The man said to Hongjun again, "Give me the money for the drink."

Hong Jun knew that he was out of money, so he took out the money and asked Xiao Er to serve the wine first. The man had not shaved his beard, and he looked a bit down and out. After serving the wine, he said "thank you", but he didn't know why Chao Hongjun said or Chao Xiaoer said. He took two sips and asked again, "Why don't you go play?"

"I found someone." Hong Jun said, "What's your name?"

"My name." The drunk man smiled, "Say it out, it will scare you to death."

Hong Jun laughed, and replied, "Let's hear it?"

The man couldn't sit still when he said that, leaning over the desk, he asked: "Who are you looking for? Ten miles of galaxies, thousands of stars, can you tell which star is which?"

"A girl named Xiangyu." Hong Jun asked, "Have you seen it?"

"Xiangyu..." the man said, "I've seen it before, but I haven't slept. Buy me another drink, thank you."

Seeing him drinking so fast, Hong Jun said, "You drink so fast, you're going to burst your urine."

"That's right, pass me the tiger cub." The man replied.

Hongjun: "..."

The man was actually only wearing a blue and black bathrobe, sitting cross-legged, lifting the skirt of the robe, and could urinate while holding a tiger. Hong Jun had seen many people in Chang'an who were drunk and unconscious, and ran around in the street screaming and being beaten. It's not surprising that the one who was taken away asked, "Where is Xiangyu?"

"Over there..." The man pointed to the east, and said, "My memory is wrong, it seems to be over there..."

Hong Jun said: "I'll buy you two more jugs of wine, and you take me there."

The man said: "Deal!"

So Hong Jun and the man went downstairs and waited for Li Jinglong to come over outside the restaurant. The man was drunk, with one hand on Hong Jun's shoulder, and the whole body leaned on his body. Although the way of doing it was very intimate, it was not flirtatious. Hong Jun is not afraid of Li Jinglong's taste, and the brothers in the Exorcism Department often hook their shoulders together like this, as long as there is no other meaning.

Li Jinglong asked around and came over. When he saw the man, he immediately said, "Hey! Let him go! Who are you?"

The man with disheveled hair, raised his head, his eyes were full of confusion, trying to identify Li Jinglong. Li Jinglong was stunned first, and said, "Brother Taibai?!"

The man said "um", pressed Hong Jun's shoulder, pushed him to Li Jinglong, and said, "You are... Xiaolong? Um... you two know each other? It's really... strange."

Hongjun: "..."

Hong Jun looked at the man, Li Jinglong's voice continued to fade away, and said vaguely: "Let me introduce, this is Li Bai..."

The sky collapsed in Hong Jun's heart instantly.