Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 123: Doom is approaching


Looking back at Changan, there are piles of embroidery, thousands of gates on the top of the mountain are opened for the first time, a concubine riding on the red dust smiles, no one knows it is...

"Huh? What is this?" Hong Jun's attention has been attracted by the white fruit in the crystal bowl on the table. The fruit is crystal clear, packed together with ice cubes, exuding bursts of coolness in the scorching heat.

There is also a small dish of salt water for dipping.

Li Jinglong said in a very low voice: "Lychee." He signaled him to be quiet and eat it,

As the golden flowers fell, Yuan Kun took away the divination armor on the table, and the hall was filled with a solemn and silent atmosphere. Li Longji said: "This master was invited by Gao Lishi himself to predict the fortune of the Tang Dynasty for me."

Li Jinglong glanced at Yuan Kun and wondered why he got mixed up with Gao Lishi again, but suddenly thought that too many things had happened in the past year, Li Longji was old but not demented, and he must have felt this too. Under the prosperity, the foundation of Datang has already produced some kind of imperceptible crisis.

In a short moment, after Xie Prison escaped from Chang'an, Yuan Kun entered the city with a banner in his hand, was found by Gao Lishi, and brought to the emperor. The scene flashed in Li Jinglong's mind. , this conversation is not only a conversation between the demon king and the human king, but also a hint to himself that the matter may not be over yet.

"What kind of catastrophe will the Tang Dynasty face in the future?" Li Longji said.

"Stormy wind and rain, lightning and thunder."

When the words fell, God Kun just flicked his sleeves, and the whole golden flower fell instantly darkened. Everyone immediately looked around, thunder bursts, came from nowhere, and the wind gusts suddenly came from Yuan Kun's ears. Confidential words through sound transmission.

"Come to Xingjiao Temple to find me at dawn tomorrow, don't look back, and eat your lychees."

The light was dim, and the golden flowers were falling into darkness. There seemed to be countless ghostly shadows jumping on the huge screen, and there was the sound of soldiers and horses neighing. Black clouds rolled in, like a grand war suddenly unfolding on the screen. . The bright red blood filled the air, and the sea of blood instantly submerged the entire Jinhualuo, and everyone in the Exorcism Department just stared at the screen intently. Li Heng was the first to be unable to maintain his composure, and almost cried out, but Li Longji stared at the screen, with one hand on his son's knee beside him.

Not long after, everything disappeared suddenly, and the golden flower fell back to its original state again.

There was silence, and after waiting for a long time, a voice sounded.

"Is there any lychee left?"

Hong Jun has already finished a whole bowl of lychees.

Everyone: "..."

The corner of Li Longji's mouth twitched, and Li Heng said: "I will send someone to send it later...but..."

Li Longji asked in a deep voice, "When will the disaster happen?"

He looked at the place where Yuan Kun was standing before, but Yuan Kun suddenly disappeared. Li Longji was silent for a while, and then sighed.

"He's gone." Li Jinglong said.

Li Longji was in a trance for a while, but Hong Jun thought that the lychee was so delicious, he had a bit of an attitude of knocking on the bowl and waiting for the lychee. He looked at Li Heng helplessly, but the Tang Dynasty was about to collapse, how could he be in the mood Care about your lychees

"I asked you to come here today... to identify the truth of what this alchemist said." Li Longji managed to gather his composure, and wanted to ask about the fate of the Tang Dynasty, but unexpectedly got such a result.

Li Jinglong said: "I know him, and the prophecy he made has not yet been fulfilled... No, perhaps, only one thing has been fulfilled."

"What's the matter?" Li Heng asked.

"It's about me." Li Jinglong replied, "This matter is quite complicated, and it's too late to list it in detail."

Hong Jun froze, raised his eyes to look at Li Jinglong, and had many thoughts in his mind. It seems that Kun God's prophecy has not been fulfilled since he first appeared in front of everyone.

"But I believe that it is a good thing to plan ahead." Li Jinglong said casually, "What Master Yuan said is actually closely related to all the strange things this time..."

Li Jinglong was still having a headache at first, how to persuade Li Longji to accept all this unimaginable - Yang Guozhong is also a monster, An Lushan is a demon, and he wants to overthrow Datang, no one will believe this anyway. But God Kun didn't know whether it was unintentional or intentional, so he prepared the groundwork for him in advance, so it was much simpler now.

So Li Jinglong sorted out his thoughts, starting from the demon dragon Xie prison and Phoenix two hundred years ago, and then talking about Xie prison occupying Chang'an, and the nine-tailed sky fox was what he did. Li Heng was in extreme shock, but Li Longji had heard Li Jinglong mention it earlier. Then there was the case of subduing demons in the Northwest, and when it came to the haunting case of the Four Emperors Tombs, Li Longji finally couldn't sit still when he mentioned Anlu Mountain.

"An Lushan?!" Li Longji was shocked.

Li Jinglong nodded slowly, and said, "Now he has fled back to Fan Yang."

"Who is Xi Prison?" Li Longji said.

"The prison has been beaten away by us." Li Jinglong said.

When it comes to the Prime Minister of a country, Li Jinglong dare not reveal the truth rashly, otherwise it will inevitably cause strong turmoil, but he only used a hint, and Li Longji understood it instantly.

In the end, Li Jinglong gave a detailed account of the birthday party, and Quan should close the case, saying: "That's how it happened."

Jin Hua Luozhong once again fell into a deadly silence.

"I still remember." Li Longji murmured, "Twenty years ago, the moment when I saw Xie Prison for the first time."

Now it was everyone's turn to be shocked, Li Longji actually saw the real body of Xie Prison? !

"What did it say?" Li Jinglong felt inappropriate when he asked. After all, Li Longji was the emperor, and no matter what, a courtier should not be so presumptuous. On the contrary, Li Longji didn't mean to blame, and only replied: "It was when the sky was worshiped by the Weishui River, and there was a thick fog on the river that could not be seen. I looked around and saw it."

"It told me... your country, and send it first, waiting for you... waiting for you..."

Li Longji hesitated for a long time, and everyone present filled in the second half of the sentence for him - after you die, I will come to fetch it.

Li Heng's face instantly became extremely ugly.

"All civil and military officials saw the back of the black dragon submerged in the water, and within half an hour, the mist dissipated." Li Longji said in an old voice, "They refer to Xie prison as 'auspicious', only I know , This is really an ominous sign. The prison has only appeared once in my life, but it has always made me feel uneasy. The establishment of the Exorcism Department is also due to this."

After finishing speaking, Li Longji looked towards Li Jinglong.

Only then did Li Jinglong understand why Li Longji treated them with a particularly tolerant attitude when he recovered from the Exorcism Division.

"I'm tired." Li Longji said to Li Heng, "You should discuss with Jing Long how to bring Guozhong and Lushan back to Chang'an. I have something to ask them."

The implication is that Li Longji's mind is already clear as a mirror-Yang Guozhong did not escape from the prison. Li Jinglong thought to himself that you said this yourself. When Concubine Yang asked, I am not responsible.

In fact, Li Longji is not a fool. How could a country's prime minister disappear as soon as he said he was missing after such a big incident? How could he not have guessed at all? Just when he got up, everyone felt that Li Longji was older than what he saw in Huaqing Pool a year ago, and the steps of the emperor were a little staggering.

After Li Longji left, Li Heng personally sent everyone out of the Meridian Gate. It was night and the cicadas stopped singing, and Chang'an was much cooler. Li Heng has passed the initial shock period, and now he finally realizes that the situation is rapidly tilting towards him. The day when he can feel proud is finally coming!

The two biggest opponents in Li Heng's life, An Lushan and Yang Guozhong are both monsters, which means that Li Jinglong will be ordered to eradicate them, and he doesn't have to worry about it anymore, just wait to inherit the throne of the Tang Dynasty.

"You don't do anything first, just listen to my orders." Li Heng said, "An Lushan fled back to Fanyang, and he would never be killed immediately. There are still many inside stories, and I will solve them one by one. Otherwise, I am afraid that the army will mutiny .”

Li Jinglong knew that An Lushan, as the envoy of Pinglu and Fan Yang, had hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command. If he didn't deal with it properly and only killed the leader of the bandits, he might cause a mutiny. Maybe what Yuan Kun predicted was precisely An Lu After Shan's death, Datang fell into a scene of civil strife.

Li Jinglong stopped and said seriously to Li Heng: "Your Highness, don't take it lightly, you must get rid of the demon as soon as possible."

Li Heng's thoughts were seen through by Li Jinglong, and he felt a little uncomfortable, and said, "Of course I know that."

Li Jinglong told Li Heng that his group was going to Hangzhou, and Li Heng agreed without thinking about it. He suddenly noticed Qiu Yongsi standing behind everyone in the Exorcist Division, looked at him for a while, and then sent Li Jinglong back without asking any more questions. .

Li Jinglong came out of the palace, stretched his waist facing the sky full of stars, the arrest warrant was finally resolved, and he was free again. This time the troubles finally came to an end, but when he turned around, he saw that everyone had different expressions, as if they were still thinking about Kun God's prophecy.

"Why do you all look downcast?" Li Jinglong smiled, "Come on, the salary will be paid tomorrow, right?"

Everyone nodded and forced a smile.

Li Jinglong said sternly again: "To be honest, God Kun's prophecy may not be accurate."

"Yes." Qiu Yongsi said, "The future is in our hands."

"Even if there is a war, I think it will be localized." Ashinaqiong said, "It won't spread to the entire Central Plains."

Artest shook his head and said, "Impossible."

At the moment, everyone is thinking about the same thing. They would rather believe something than nothing. A war is very likely to happen. War is inevitable, it just depends on the scale.

Li Jinglong said again: "Ordinary people also have battlefields for ordinary people. Our enemy is only Anlu Mountain; the rest should be resolved by the prince. We will set off tomorrow morning."

Everyone responded one after another, Hong Jun didn't expect it to be so fast. That night, the members of the Exorcist Department went back to the station to pack their luggage, only to find that the reward had been waiting in the alley overnight—this time, instead of promoting Li Jinglong, they sent a large amount of reward money and ready-made summer clothes.

Li Jinglong hurriedly knelt down to accept the decree, and standing beside the eunuch who came to announce the decree was Concubine Yang Gui.

"I heard that Hongjun likes lychees." Concubine Yang said with a smile, "So someone sent them over."

Li Jinglong knew that Concubine Yang Guifei would definitely have such a visit, and she originally thought about leaving early tomorrow morning, but she didn't know how to deal with it and planned to hide, but she didn't expect that she couldn't wait for a moment.

"Please, imperial concubine." Li Jinglong had no choice but to make a "please" gesture, and the eunuch left the exorcism department and waited outside. Everyone became curious and gathered around to eavesdrop. This was the first time Lu Xushang saw Concubine Yang. Chao Hongjun asked, "Is this the concubine? It's so beautiful."

The exorcist's black lamp is blind, only the moonlight, which makes Concubine Yang even more cold and moving, Hong Jun said: "She is really very good, but... oh."

If it is said that she is unlucky, Li Longji has never been a successor, and Yang Yuhuan is the mother of a country, so it can't be said that. However, her elder sister and elder brother are all demons, and she doesn't know what kind of bad luck she has caused.

"Go and pack your things." Mo Zhigen said, "I have to leave early tomorrow morning, go ahead, don't listen."

Lu Xu glared at Mo Zhigen. After Hong Jun recovered, he hadn't spoken much to Mo Zhigen. He immediately turned around, rode on Mo Zhigen's back, and said, "Drive!" Drive Mo Zhigen, Mo Zhigen With strides, he left with Hong Jun on his back.

It was night, and Hong Jun had nothing to clean up. Thinking that the carp demon would clean up for him every time he went out, he felt sad again, while Mo Zhigen sat outside the door. Hong Jun said a few words to Mo Zhigen, Mo Zhigen looked back at him, and answered without saying a word.

In the Exorcism Department, for some reason, Mo Rigen and Hong Jun have always been closer. Maybe Mo Rigen is a wolf and a half-demon. Before he met Lu Xu, he often had "families" with Hong Jun. intimacy. But when Hong Jun asked about Lu Xu, Mo Rigen was a little reluctant and refused to answer him.

"Do you like him or not?" Hong Jun sat down and asked with a bundle in his hand.

"I like it." Mo Zhigen replied, "I know what it feels like now."

"Then you don't want to talk about it?" Hong Jun pushed him and said, "Go now, go, you have kissed before, and then you have passed everything..." Mo Zhigen laughed, a little distracted.

"I just can't swallow this breath." Mo Zhigen said.

Hongjun: "..."

"Don't worry about it." Mo Zhigen said, patted Hong Jun's head again, told him to go back and rest, got up and left, and said, "I don't believe I can't deal with him."

The corner of Hong Jun's mouth twitched, thinking what's the matter, he was waiting for Li Jinglong alone in the room, but he couldn't wait, Concubine Yang seemed to be still a guest. Seeing that it was almost two o'clock, Hong Jun suddenly remembered the agreement with God Kun, so he went out to meet God Kun.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, the main hall is still closed, but everyone in the courtyard has not yet fallen asleep. Mo Zhigen is talking to Lu Xu in the courtyard. Mo Zhigen is pressing the trunk of the sycamore tree in the atrium with one hand. Lu Xu looks cold, as if laughing at him.

Seeing Hong Jun coming out, the two turned their heads to look at him.

Hong Jun immediately waved his hand to signal you to continue, but Lu Xu asked, "Where are you going?"

Hong Jun said: "Xingjiao Temple."

Mo Zhigen said, "I'll take you there."

Lu Xu: "..."

Lu Xu looked at Mo Zhigen, Hong Jun still didn't know what the two of them were doing in the yard to talk without cuddling and kissing in the room in the middle of the night.

Lu Xu said, "I'll accompany you."

Mo Zhigen said: "Then let's go together."

Hongjun: "..."

Hong Jun wanted to ask God Kun a lot, so he nodded and let the two of them follow. The wolf and the white deer transformed into forms at the same time, waiting for him to ride up. Hong Jun looked at it for a while, finally chose the white deer, and turned over. Canglang shook his hair a few times, raised his leg and scratched his ears, then ran out of the Exorcism Division.

Not long after going out, I suddenly saw Qiu Yongsi, Artai, and Ashinaqiong coming back with large and small bags.

"Where are you going?" Qiu Yongsi asked curiously.

Hongjun: "..."

So there were three more people in the team. Qiu Yongsi had to go home and wanted to go to Hangzhou to bring some special products. It was obviously too late when the West Market opened during the day, so he followed Artai and Ashinaqiong to the chamber of commerce. Just happened to meet three people.

"Do you know why the big wolf said to send you there?" The white deer flew Hong Jun over Chang'an City, while the Canglang carried the rest of the people running on the streets of Chang'an.

Hong Jun asked curiously, "Why?"

Lu Xu replied: "Because he knows that I want to take the opportunity to get away and go out with you."

Hong Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "You both like each other, why do you always get angry?"

Lu Xu said, "I'm just so angry."

Hong Jun also asked Li Jinglong, and Li Jinglong's answer was, let them solve it by themselves, don't say too much. Hong Jun wisely kept silent, not expressing his opinion on the awkward love between Lu Xu and Mo Zhigen.