Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 125: Relics of the predecessors


Lu Xu, Ashinaqiong, and Qiu Yongsi were studying some little magic weapon. Hong Jun motioned Mo Rigen to accompany Lu Xu. Mo Rigen glanced up, with a charcoal stick between his slender fingers, and shook his hand gently. Say it again.

"What's the use of finding the meaning of the symbol?" Hong Jun said.

"You will be able to find the remaining five artifacts of King Fudo Ming." Mo Zhigen said.

Hearing this, Hong Jun turned his head and glanced at Li Jinglong, but Li Jinglong was drinking tea in front of the desk. Hong Jun said, "Jinglong, why don't you come and think about it?"

"I've checked it." Li Jinglong said, "I found nothing, I don't think you two need to think about it all day long, if there is nothing, there is nothing, if you can't find it, forget it, let nature take its course."

Mo Zhigen said: "I have no idea."

Not far away, Qiu Yongsi turned his head and said with a smile: "I don't worry about Fudo Ming, you are the emperor, don't worry about eunuchs."

Artest smiled and replied: "Otherwise, how can I leave at ease?"

Hong Jun found out that the partners of the Exorcist Division had been looking at a few patterns these days since they had been to Xingjiao Temple, and said, "Either, after returning to Chang'an, bring the president of the chamber of commerce, and let's ask again?"

After the Xi prison case was over, Han Guolan went back to the chamber of commerce. Unknowingly, the chairman changed twice, but he was still not found. Li Jinglong said, "Forget it, I don't want to do business with him."

Li Jinglong can settle everything in his life, but every time he does business, he is ripped off to death, because he used to spend money as copper money in the past, and he is not used to bargaining with others. A sword has already been ruined by Han Guolan, and now the five magic weapons will not be blackmailed to death

"He can't say more." Ashina Qiong replied, "Based on what I know about him, it's good to remember these things."

After explaining by Li Jinglong, Hongjun gradually realized that the primary purpose of the Kun God that day might be to set Xuanzang's words - to use his relationship with the carp demon, and by the way, to send some news from Xuanzang to find a solution to the war in the future.

And Xuanzang's answer was "Evil cannot prevail against righteousness, and the Tathagata's teachings can subdue all demons." "The Great Sun Tathagata's teaching wheel body" is Fudo Myoko.

But to truly obtain the full power of Fudo Myoko, it is not enough to rely on a Wisdom Sword alone. The Kun God also guessed before that it is necessary to gather all six magic weapons. So Mo Zhigen and others began to think about the news that Han Guolan had received in order to collect all the magic weapons.

Han Guolan gave them five symbols, which are a bit like runes in oracle bone inscriptions. One is a door-like symbol with many vertical lines inside; one is an extremely simple painting like an eye; It is an upward curved bulge with an arc at the top and several meaningless short lines protruding from both sides; one is a closed semicircle with a broken line drawn.

The last one is a roundabout broken line, with a flowing curve on the left. Qiu Yongsi's handwriting marked the five characters "door, eye, slope, moon, river" on the top for easy identification.

After a long time, how easy is it to find the remaining five magical artifacts with these few symbols

"I think this looks like the door of Yaojin Palace." Hong Jun held the door-like one and said, "Could it be in Yaojin Palace?"

"It's far away." Li Jinglong said, "It's like this on the gate of your house."

Li Jinglong cheered up and came over to draw Chongming's totem rune, the tail looked different.

"It's related to fire." Mo Zhigen pondered, "but it's not a Zoroastrian totem."

After flipping through the book, Artest spread out the five pictures and said, "Each of these five pictures represents a place."

"How did you find out?" Li Jinglong asked.

"Intuition." Artest replied. He looked at Li Jinglong and said, "Either you come? I really can't figure it out."

"He doesn't even know." Hong Jun said with a smile.

Li Jinglong glanced at Hongjun with a smile in his eyes, sat up, and separated the five symbols. Qiu Yongsi and the three suddenly stopped, as if they knew that Li Jinglong was going to give a lecture, so they all gathered around. Even Trundeau couldn't help becoming curious, and looked sideways at Li Jinglong.

After Li Jinglong flattened the paper, he said, "I'm sorry, I can't think of it either, but according to the way I always speculate about the case, I think there are still traces of these five symbols."

Everyone listened carefully. This was the first time Li Jinglong taught them reasoning, and they dared not make mistakes.

"First of all, these five symbols must have a source." Li Jinglong said, "Whether it is a text or a pattern, someone has always recorded it."

Artest said: "This is also one of our entry points, who left them?"

Hong Jun could vaguely grasp Li Jinglong's train of thought.

Li Jinglong said sternly to everyone: "No matter who it is, we can be sure that he is illiterate, otherwise he will be able to write, it is impossible to have only one symbol, and an illiterate person wants to record something, what will he do? ?”

"Draw a picture." Qiu Yongsi said, "Draw a simple picture."

"Would it be as simple as that?"

Artest shook his head and said, "No."

"When an illiterate person wants to leave any records, he will not use very regular symbols, but is used to combining them with random lines. For example, "something is buried in the north of the mountain." Most people will draw a The burden represents things, draw a mountain, connect it with lines, and draw the sun behind the mountain."

Li Jinglong said: "It is all separate symbols, which means that the person who left the symbols is illiterate and does not use symbols to express meaning."

Everyone was silent, Qiu Yongsi said: "So these five symbols are all real."

Li Jinglong nodded and said, "Suppose a person saw these symbols in the place where the magical artifact was sealed, and he drew the symbols exactly as they looked."

"This is the only possibility." Lu Xu understood right away, so that he could explain why the clues left behind were neither a complicated combination of paintings nor a problem with words.

Li Jinglong said: "So these symbols must have been stretched somewhere, maybe on a stone, maybe in a temple, and finding the corresponding symbol means that you have found the place where the magic weapon is sealed."

Artest said: "Then there is no need to find the answer in words."

Li Jinglong: "Secondly, I can conclude that when Di Gong obtained this information, it must have been a symbol, it cannot be a dictation, and the person who left the symbol disappeared."

"En." Everyone nodded unanimously, because Di Renjie wouldn't play tricks if it was a dictation.

"Where did Mr. Di see it?" Li Jinglong said again, "This is the key."

"It's impossible to verify this." Mo Zhigen frowned deeply, and said, "It's been a long time."

Li Jinglong added: "Then how did Duke Di determine that these symbols are related to Fudo Mingwang's magic weapon?"

Only then did everyone realize that this might be the most critical clue in the overall situation.

"Because he found one of them!" Hong Jun didn't know why Tianxin had an epiphany.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they didn't expect that Hong Jun was the one who solved it the fastest!

"Yes." Li Jinglong was also a little surprised, and said, "This is the only possibility."

There is no record in the historical data, and the Wisdom Sword has never been revealed to the merchants and then bought by Di Renjie. If so, there must be a record in the Exorcist Department. The only possibility is that Di Renjie got the news first, and then found one of them.

Hong Jun was also a little surprised, why am I so smart all of a sudden

Usually when everyone pushes a case, Hong Jun is always confused, and the communication is always to the point. Often Li Jinglong said the first half of the sentence, and everyone guessed the second half of the sentence, and even made eye contact. Always out of touch. But as long as Li Jinglong analyzes clearly from beginning to end, Hong Jun can keep up with his thinking, which shows that he is not really stupid, but he is not used to the way they think about things.

"But there is no record." Mo Zhigen said, "The documents left by Mr. Di have been searched long ago."

Li Jinglong said: "There is no record, one is that it was destroyed; the other is that he didn't want to write it. Which one do you think may be bigger?"

"Yang Guozhong." Qiu Yongsi said.

For a moment, his thinking began to jump again, but Hong Jun understood it this time. Qiu Yongsi's three simple words mean: Di Renjie left a record, but it was erased by Yang Guozhong, because the prison is making new ones. Omen, so don't expect any clues.

"Yes." Li Jinglong nodded.

From this news, we can naturally infer more. For example, when Yang Guozhong learned that Di Renjie had the magic weapon in his hand, whether it was before Li Jinglong obtained the Wisdom Sword or after he obtained the Wisdom Sword. How long did he observe it? The reason for the hands-on snatching...

But this has little to do with the case, so everyone didn't pursue it any further. Mo Zhigen said: "Xie prison knows."

"But it is impossible to tell us." Li Jinglong said, "Unless the conditions are exchanged, with all due respect, I don't want to do business with it anymore."

Artest said, "There is another way."

"Well." Qiu Yongsi said, "Look for clues based on the places and times that Mr. Di has been to in his life."

Di Renjie lived to be 70 years old, and served as Facao of Bingzhou Dudufu, Dali Sicheng, Shiyushi, Duzhi Langzhong, Ningzhou Governor, Dongguan Shilang, Wenchang Youcheng, Yuzhou Governor, Fuzhou Governor, Luozhou Sima... all his life In many places, it is easier said than done to find clues.

Hong Jun said: "It's best to keep a diary."

"The diary has long been lost." Li Jinglong said, "But I think we can roughly determine this time period."

Qiu Yongsi slapped his fan and said with a smile: "I really admire you! Chang Shi!"

Li Jinglong laughed, Hong Jun was still puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, Li Jinglong explained to him: "I guess, it was just a few years before the establishment of the Exorcist Division."

Hong Jun: "Yes!"

The Department of Exorcism was established in the first year of Shengong, which was also the year when Di Renjie paid his second visit to the prime minister, which was clearly recorded in the file. Going back one year, Di Renjie suppressed the rebellion in Youzhou; and in the five years before that, he was demoted to be the county magistrate of Pengze.

"Youzhou..." Mo Zhigen said, "Do you want to go to the territory of Anlu Mountain?"

"It may also be Peng Ze." Li Jinglong said, "The two places are the focus of the next investigation."

Ashinaqiong said: "I don't understand, since Di Renjie has already gone there and raised his Wisdom Sword, what's the use of us going again?"

"Yes." Li Jinglong said, "Most of the places where these magical artifacts are sealed have similar characteristics, be it tombs, ancient ruins, or temples, they will more or less provide clues."

Everyone was suddenly enlightened, Hong Jun finally knew why Li Jinglong always looked confident, he could always plan every step in the future, many things were under control, and he was never afraid of changes. Now that Chang Shi had a plan, everyone stopped worrying too much, so they started to tidy up the pile of papers. Li Jinglong made a simple arrangement. After the vacation is over, everyone will temporarily divide into groups and go to Pengze and Youzhou to investigate separately.

"This time we will not return to Chang'an for a long time." Li Jinglong said with a smile, "If you want to play, you can take the opportunity to play."

"But I haven't been in Chang'an for so long, what should I do if something happens?" Hong Jun said.

"Since Chang Shi decided so." Qiu Yongsi put away the messy papers on the table, and said with a smile, "Of course he has his reasons, so don't worry about it."

Hong Jun began to understand Li Jinglong slowly, so he nodded.

In the afternoon of this day, it started to rain on the canal, and the sweltering heat was swept away, replaced by coolness. Hongjun woke up from his midday sleep, feeling indescribably comfortable.

He and Li Jinglong were watching the rain in the room, and while they were rubbing their ears together, they did it presumptuously once. Li Jinglong pressed him in front of the railing on the side of the room. The estrangement seems to blend into this fresh nature and world.

After finishing, Hong Jun sat in front of the railing and looked at the green hills on both sides of the canal, while Li Jinglong loosened his hair and gently kissed his neck and shoulders from behind. Hong Jun suddenly said: "Are you trying to lure the prison back?"

"Yeah." Li Jinglong answered him casually, then kissed his ear, and then kissed his lips, Hong Jun said, "Why?"

"Guess?" Li Jinglong put his arms around Hong Jun from behind, and asked him to sit on his body, and the thing tilted up again. Although Hong Jun had done it with Li Jinglong several times, if it was too brutal, it would still make him feel painful. When he was about to refuse, Li Jinglong put his arms around his waist and pulled him back. Hong Jun had been tossed by Li Jinglong on the boat for the past few days and said, "Let me rest for a while..."

"I'm not moving." Li Jinglong said seriously, "I'm really not moving." Then he asked Hong Jun to sit back.

Hong Jun sat up with difficulty, straightened his waist slightly, and Li Jinglong maintained this posture, hugging him from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder, and the two of them looked at the green hills outside the boat and passed slowly.

Hong Junna felt extremely comfortable, as if in the open air, there was only him and him, and they were completely blended together.

"What else do you want to say?" Li Jinglong said.

Hong Jun couldn't be distracted at all, but Li Jinglong had the ability to use two things at once, and deliberately told him serious things to tease him at this time.

"I guess the prison is afraid to go back." Li Jinglong bent his legs slightly, and said again, "But it has to go back, and it also needs to clean up the mess..."

Hong Jun groaned: "You said it's best not to move."

Li Jinglong said: "I'll change my sitting position to make it more comfortable..."

Hong Jun found out that he and the boat really had a fate.

"So?" Hong Jun asked.

Li Jinglong said: "God Kun, your father, and Qingxiong are all waiting for it to return to Chang'an. We are not the only enemies in the prison."

Hong Jun leaned back, leaning sideways on Li Jinglong's neck, with his bare back against his warm chest, feeling his strong and steady heartbeat, as if following the beating of the heart in his strong body, the warm light was like It was transmitted to his body like a wave.

Li Jinglong kissed him and said in a low voice, "But I found something interesting."

"What's the matter?" Hong Jun exhaled.

"Guess what I'm thinking now?" Li Jinglong said with a smile.

Hong Jun said: "You... want to move."

"That's right." Li Jinglong moved a few times, Hong Jun hurriedly begged for mercy, he was a little tired.

Li Jinglong stopped, and said again: "You want to think about one thing, and let my brother guess it?"

Hong Jun: "?"

"You're thinking, go to the couch and close the floor-to-ceiling windows, are you afraid that people will see it?" Li Jinglong said.

"How do you know?" Hong Jun was really thinking about this.

Li Jinglong pulled his legs away from behind, and pressed his thumb against Hong Jun's thing, and Hong Jun began to moan again.

Gradually, Hong Jun found that he and Li Jinglong had more and more in common. It seems that because of the light in his heart, he can sometimes perceive what Li Jinglong is thinking, just like when Li Jinglong's expression moved when inferring the case, Hong Jun vaguely felt something.

And Li Jinglong can always guess what Hong Jun is thinking most of the time. Although Li Jinglong can always guess about Yu Hongjun's expression in the past, but now it is more intuition.

This kind of intuition is even more miraculous because it happened when the two were talking about love, even tenderly on the couch, and Li Jinglong could feel it when Hong Jun felt uncomfortable for a moment. And Li Jinglong's comfort directly affected Hong Jun through the light of his heart. Hong Jun knew what Li Jinglong liked about his performance, and sometimes he would take the initiative to cooperate with him, but more often it was really embarrassing. if.