Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 126: Xizi Fuyun


"It's strange to say." Hong Jun carefully took the Wang Shui handed by Lu Xu, and gently tapped it on a gold ring. The gold surface of the ring was slightly recessed to form a pattern, "How can I occasionally know what he is thinking?"

"So it's not that you're smart." Lu Xu peeled the walnut expressionlessly,

The corner of Hong Jun's mouth twitched, and he said, "Of course I'm smart."

"Besides being smart, there is another reason." Lu Xu said, "Heart lamp."

Hong Jun suddenly woke up, and Lu Xu said: "The power of the heart lamp is in his body, and he sealed a part of it into your heart. Through this magic weapon, you two have made some kind of connection."

Hong Jun thought this is the problem? Then their emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy seem to be hidden from each other.

"It's really amazing." Hong Jun said, "This is how much virtue I have accumulated in my previous life before I can meet this once."

Lu Xu said, "do you think this is a good thing?"

"Of course." Hong Jun said.

"But some people don't think so." Lu Xu said again, "If all the thoughts are guessed, how boring would it be?"

Hong Jun: "Not really, isn't it a good thing to like someone and be able to connect with each other?"

Lu Xu laughed and said, "So you are likable."

Hong Jun: "???"

At this time Li Jinglong came over, Hong Jun hurriedly hid the ring on the desk a few times, although he felt that hiding it was useless, but Li Jinglong just smiled and said: "It's almost here, go out and have a look?"

The big boat went down the canal and was almost reaching the shore. Hong Jun came to Jiangnan for the first time in his life. In summer, the city is full of weeping willows, and the houses are full of white walls and black tiles. Like smoke.

It was the first time for everyone except Qiu Yongsi to go to Hangzhou, and they flocked to the fence to look out, applauding for a while.

Bells sounded from afar, especially at sunset. Hong Jun seemed to have a sense of familiarity in the twilight.

Li Jinglong hugged Hongjun from behind, and the two leaned in front of the fence, looking into the distance. Qiu Yongsi said with a smile: "I will take you to Gusu some other day. Hanshan Temple is the best place to listen to the bells. Zhang Ji once wrote when he went to Beijing, "The moon sets and the sky is full of frost. Midnight bell to passenger ship'. A jug of wine and a fishing lamp are both beautiful."

Hong Jun said: "I seem to have been here before."

Although the memory has long been blurred, Hong Jun felt that the air in Hangzhou gave him a lot of familiarity. Li Jinglong said: "It doesn't matter, we should live in Hangzhou for ten and a half months, and then I will take you around."

After a few rounds of rain in Guanzhong, the cicadas gradually began to sing again, one after another. The caravan swaggered into Chang'an City, the carp demon looked out from under the tarpaulin, and was startled for a moment—isn't this the West Market

"This..." the carp demon said, "It's Chang'an! It's my house!"

The two golden pheasants were exhausted by the heat. Compared with the cool Bashu Mountains, Chang'an was too hot. The carp demon also noticed that his traveling companion seemed a little listless, and he was afraid that he might have contracted the plague, so he said, "Are you two okay? Don't be a plague."

"You are the plague chicken."

Along the way, we got to know each other a little better, and each chatted about their lives. The one with the green tail was called Lu Fat, and the one with a few strands of red hair on its head was called Hongshou. The green manure said listlessly: "Aren't you going home yet?"

During the trip, the carp demon showed off that he was a city demon, and lived under the Emperor Chang'an for quite a while. Seeing how pitiful the two golden pheasants were, he felt like a bodhisattva. Although the sins I have created will not be finished in my next life, but I can pay off a little bit.

So it secretly unscrewed the wire while the merchants were selling the green, fat, red and thin cages in the market.

"Let's go." The carp demon said to the cage in the bustling West Market, "Come on, don't be a demon in your next life."

The two golden pheasants never expected that the carp monster would save them. They were taken aback for a while, then opened the cage door and ran out cautiously. However, they were spotted by the buyer not long after, and someone shouted, "Your chicken has escaped!"

The businessman became alert instantly, and the carp demon signaled the two chickens to run away, while he jumped onto the jar and threw it hard. A burst of confusion immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"A monster!"


Immediately someone shouted, and the guy was the first to come back to his senses, and shouted loudly: "This fish monster is alive!"

For a while, those who held sticks on the booth held sticks, and those who held nets took nets, all of them came to catch the demons. The two golden pheasants escaped from the cage, and immediately flew up to the eaves with a huff, running away desperately.

The carp demon ran towards the alley, and the guys chased after it, shouting and killing. The carp demon relied on its familiarity with Chang'an, and ran around the streets and alleys. Shouting to catch the demon, the carp demon became dizzy for a while, and ran northward subconsciously, before he knew it, he ran outside the Exorcist's Lane, and his wits disappeared when he saw it.

Isn't this the Exorcist

The guys behind came after him, but the carp demon couldn't care less, and hurriedly shouted: "Help! Second, third, and fourth! Help!"

The alley is very quiet, the carp demon is looking for a place to hide, but the alley is very clean, the door of the exorcist can only be opened with magic, but the carp demon can't use magic, usually he calls the door or follows the exorcists in and out When he came out, he thought that everyone was deliberately punishing him, so he turned his heart and continued to knock on the door.

"Open the door!" The carp demon shouted, "I'm not joking—I'm going to die—Hong Jun!"

"Hongjun, open the door quickly! I know you are at home!"

It was quiet inside, but there was a lot of noise behind it. The guys caught up, and the carp demon stopped talking, but just quietly looked at the exorcist, at the seal, and at the sight of opening up for it every time he came. door.

It just stood still, and finally the leader caught up and hit its fish head with a stick. The carp demon instantly collapsed and passed out.

An hour later, there was another patter of rain in the sky, and the carriage wobbled and bumped on the road.

In the cage where two golden pheasants were kept, the carp demon knelt alone, grasping the pillars on the small iron cage with both hands, the fish head protruding halfway through the gap, opening and closing its mouth, drinking the rainwater that fell from the sky.

"Boss, how do you sell this guy?" the man asked the businessman.

"It's not easy to sell monsters in Chang'an." The merchant said, "It's really a loss."

"Or let it go?" another guy asked.

"How can I do that?" said the businessman, "I picked it up with money. And what if this monster goes out to harm people?"

"Hey? Boss, I have an idea."

If the guys and the businessmen think together, why not take this long-legged and long-handed carp monster to an exhibition, play juggling, and charge some money for watching the fun, maybe it will even pay back.

"Hello." A clerk held a wooden stick, poked the carp demon in the cage, and said, "Can you talk?"

The carp demon was just dumbfounded and didn't make a sound. The guys took turns teasing it to talk, and someone said, "I heard it talking."

However, they couldn't get the carp demon to make a sound. After teasing for a long time, they finally had to give up.

The carriage gradually left Chang'an, and the sky and the earth were green, as if washed by water. Along the way to the north, Chang'an became farther and farther away in the eyes of the carp demon, and finally turned into a landscape that was gradually invisible on the horizon.

On the shore of the West Lake, everyone followed Qiu Yongsi, their backs were covered with sweat from the heat.

"You call it a summer escape!" Li Jinglong snatched Qiu Yongsi's fan and fanned Hongjun.

"It's cool when the sun goes down." Qiu Yongsi explained to everyone.

Lu Xu was so hot that his single clothes stuck to his back, and said, "It's even hotter than Chang'an."

Mo Zhigen said: "Young Master Qiu, you have a big family and a big business, can you ask for a sedan chair, and the buddies will sit there first?"

Qiu Yongsi said: "It's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, and there are no sedan chairs by the West Lake."

In the afternoon, it was the hottest time, and the bank of the West Lake was like a steamer. Qiu Yongsi hired a porter to pick things up. Artest was at the end, and kept blowing the wind forward with a hurricane fan, one after another, saying : "I'm the hottest one! Hurry up! Don't delay!"

Hong Jun looked at it from time to time as he walked. In his memory, he seemed to have been there before. The willows on the Su Causeway, a pool of green water, interlaced with light and shadow, vaguely, like a dream.

In front of a tile-roofed house, Qiu Yongsi said, "Here we are."

Everyone: "..."

"Just kidding." Qiu Yongsi said, "There is still half a mile ahead."

Everyone rushed up and beat Qiu Yongsi. Qiu Yongsi screamed: "Enliven the atmosphere, how do you beat someone?"

"Stop talking! Let's go!" The partners urged impatiently.

Arriving at Xizhao Mountain on the south bank of West Lake, the sun was shining brightly in the west. There was a plaque in front of Xizhao Mountain with the words "Fuyun Qianli" written on it. Qiu Yongsi said, "Here we are, this is Fuyun Villa." Then, seeing this was no small matter, he hurriedly yelled: "Young master is back!"

"Why don't you send someone to send a letter?"

Qiu Yongsi smiled and said: "Here are all colleagues from the Exorcist Department. It's okay, just walk on the road and enjoy the scenery."

Everyone wonders who wants to accompany you to enjoy the scenery.

The butler is a middle-aged man in his forties, he hurriedly went out to pick up people, and prepared two sedan chairs to carry them in. Normally, only two soft sedan chairs were prepared in the villa, and the sunset was getting cooler in the west, and everyone started again. It was recommended who should take the sedan chair, and finally Artest and Trundeau sat in the same sedan chair, Ashinaqiong sat in the same sedan chair, and the rest of them walked up slowly.

The place where Fuyun Villa is located is extremely secluded, most of it is hidden in the woods, and it is halfway up the mountainside where you can't even get a glimpse of the whole picture. Every ten steps between the two roads, there is a sculpture holding a gold plate in a pair. There is a large screen wall at the main entrance. On the screen wall is Everyone couldn't help being amazed by the engraved picture of a hundred dragons. Li Jinglong joked: "Yongsi, your family is really rich."

Qiu Yongsi smiled, and Hong Jun asked curiously, "Is it rich?"

Li Jinglong said: "Zhaobi was bestowed by the emperor in Han Dynasty."

Qiu Yongsi said: "Liu Che carved it out of a human being."

Standing in front of this screen wall, Hong Jun took a few more glances, only to see Bailong circling a luminous night pearl in the center, lifelike, as if spinning and flowing. These beads are not as big as the pile of night pearls in the fish pond at his house, and they are not as bright as hanging in the cabinet for lighting, but Hong Jun didn't say anything, and then nodded, agreeing: "It's really beautiful."

Li Jinglong winked, laughed, and walked in with Hong Jun's shoulders.

"Grandpa!" Qiu Yongsi shouted when he entered, "I'm back!"

The villa is quaint, and the architecture is quite relic of the Han Dynasty, with a total of seven entrances. When entering the hall, an old voice immediately shouted: "Yongsi!"


Qiu Yongsi rushed forward, only to see an old man in a white robe with a fairy style rushing towards him in a gust of wind. The grandparent and grandson were both tall and tall, holding hands and looking at each other, both exaggeratedly overjoyed.

Everyone: "..."

"Okay, okay!" said the old man, "I'm finally back! I have to go out now..."

"Wait!" Qiu Yongsi hurriedly grabbed the old man and said, "Chang Shi and his colleagues are here, don't make people laugh."

"Since you went to Beijing, I haven't been to Cuimingfang for more than half a year!" The old man said, "Why are you so cruel?! Leave grandpa alone at home?"

Everyone almost fell down when they heard it, Hong Jun said: "What is Cuimingfang?"

"Come on!" said the old man, "Grandpa will take you to have fun!"

Qiu Yongsi roared: "Stop making trouble!"

When Qiu Yongsi roared, the old man had no choice but to look at everyone seriously, with a suddenly realized expression, and said, "You are Li Jinglong!"

"I'm not Li Jinglong." Hong Jun's mouth twitched, "My name is Kong Hongjun."

Li Jinglong couldn't stop pointing at himself, meaning that I am, I am. The old man laughed at Chao Hongjun and said, "As soon as I saw you, I felt that we hit each other very well!"

"This, this, this..." Qiu Yongsi hurriedly made a confession gesture to everyone, and introduced them one by one, and everyone came to see them one after another.

"You have friends coming, and you are going to entertain them well, grandson, I don't think it's better..."

"Grandpa." Qiu Yongsi said seriously, "Ye Ming's bones have been found."

When the old man heard it, he seemed to be a different person in an instant. He looked at the crowd and understood something.

"Okay, okay." The old man stroked his beard and smiled, he no longer looked like an old urchin, and said, "This is thanks to everyone, come here, please, let's have a good chat, Kong Hongjun? My name is Qiuqiu."

"Qiu Qiu." Hong Jun thought the name was strange.

"'Please' the 'please'." The old man said solemnly again.

"Stop playing!" Qiu Yongsi was convinced, and said, "Grandpa, save me some face!"

The old man's name was "Qiu Qiu" and he was Qiu Yongsi's grandfather. He immediately put on his white military uniform and saluted Li Jinglong first.

Li Jinglong has an official position and is Yadan Hou. Although Qiu Qiu is old and an elder, he is a commoner. After seeing him with the courtesy of seeing an official, everyone bowed one by one in the same way as an elder. Qiu Qiu then ordered people to serve tea. . There are not many people in Fuyun Villa, but the housekeepers, servants, and maidservants are very polite, they don't make noise when they walk, they serve tea and water, they even hold their breath, and they move lightly, never obstructing people's sight.

Qiu Yongsi introduced his colleagues one by one, and Qiu Qiu nodded and greeted each other, and said when he saw Mo Rigen, "Oh, the little wolf cub is very good at archery, and he can run pretty fast."

Mo Zhigen: "..."

"It's a pity that he can't run as fast as you." Qiu Qiu winked at Lu Xu again and smiled.

Lu Xu laughed, and Qiu Qiu said, "When will the horns be fully grown?"

Lu Xu originally thought that Qiu Yongsi should tell his family, but Hong Jun noticed that there was a touch of dark gold in the left eye of the grandfather of the Qiu family. Maybe he could see the unusual shape, maybe he saw it himself.

"Come on." Lu Xu replied.

Qiu Qiu nodded, looked at Artest, Ashinaqiong, and Tranduo again, and said: "Zoroastrian disciples, the little prince of Persia, and our Yongsi companions are all very powerful."

Everyone was a little embarrassed, and Qiu Qiu looked at Hong Jun again. In fact, when everyone drank tea and greeted each other, Qiu Qiu always glanced at Hong Jun from time to time, as if thinking, Li Jinglong also saw this very subtle expression change, and frowned slightly with.

After drinking tea, Qiu Yongsi said: "Okay, Grandpa, you go and play, and I will accompany the guests."

Qiu Qiu said, "Then let's see you later?"

As he said that, he walked out quickly, and before leaving, he still looked back at Hongjun.

Even Hongjun felt this glance, Li Jinglong said to Hongjun, "You two know each other?"

Hong Jun said with a confused face: "I don't know."

Hong Jun really didn't remember that he had been to Fuyun Villa. That night Qiu Yongsi first arranged for everyone to have a rest, and then ordered them to go down to prepare meals. Sure enough, as soon as night fell, it was cool on Xizhao Mountain, and the mountain wind blew through the forest, even a little cold. All the members of the Exorcist Division were playing in the villa. After Hong Jun had dinner, he and Li Jinglong wandered around. When the night was getting dark, the butler found the two of them and said, "Yadan Hou, the immortal is here to invite you."

"You're coming back now?" Li Jinglong's heart moved, as if he knew that there was an invitation, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, so he asked Hong Jun to go back to the room first, and he followed the butler straight to the tea room.

Qiu Qiu was sitting in the tea room drinking tea, her silver hair was loose, and two maidservants beside her were beating the old man's legs. When Li Jinglong arrived, Qiu Qiu was going to stand up to greet him, Li Jinglong hurriedly saluted first, and said: "The Immortal Venerable must be a person in the world of mortals, so don't discourage the younger generation."

Qiu Qiu chuckled, and said: "Just now I went down the mountain and found an old friend on the boat. I remembered something before I took off my clothes, and came back in a hurry."

Li Jinglong sat down in front of Qiuqiu. The old man pointed to the cup full of tea on the table and motioned him to drink. Li Jinglong took the cup, only to hear Qiuqiu say again: "This colleague of Yongsi's name is Kong Hongjun. , is it called Kongsixing?"

Li Jinglong: "..."