Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 132: Life in prison


"Subduing Dragon Immortal..."

The dragon king seemed to shake himself up, turned sideways, blood was still bubbling from his heart.

"Which one are you?" Qiu Yongsi said.

"Young Dragon Immortal Venerable..." said the Dragon King, "I have heard about you, you are... the child of Yao Ji."

Qiu Yongsi: "What? My mother's name is Li Shunying, not Yaoji."

"Ah Chen is dead, and Yao Ji gave birth to you." The Dragon King said, "On... the ninth floor, Ye Ming gave you a dragon's breath."

"Don't you know each other?" Hong Jun said.

Qiu Yongsi shook his head blankly, and said, "I've never been below the seventh floor, Dragon King, what's your name?"

"It's been too long." The Dragon King said in a deep voice, "I can't remember clearly..."

Hong Jun hurriedly pointed to the distance, reminding Qiu Yongsi to go up quickly, Qiu Yongsi told the story to the Dragon King, halfway through, the Dragon King said: "Have Ye Ming's bones been found?"

Qiu Yongsi took out the bottle, and the Dragon King said again: "I'll send you up right now..."

"Can you fly?" Hong Jun observed the dragon's wound, and saw that its heart seemed to have been dug open by something, dripping with blood.

"When the prison escaped from the abyss, it infected me with demon energy." The Dragon King replied, "It's okay, I'm already very old... I feel much more comfortable now, let's all come up."

Hong Jun said: "I'll bandage you first."

Speaking of bandaging, Hong Jun didn't have much medicine at hand. Even if he had medicine, he didn't know how to treat a dragon, but he always felt that the old dragon was seriously injured.

"Use my cloak." Qiu Yongsi said.

Hong Jun took out the cloak, stretched out his fingers to open the wound of the Dragon King, and checked the situation inside. The dragon heart is completely different from the human heart and the heart of animals. There are twelve petals in total, and many of the heart petals have rotted, emitting an unpleasant smell. taste. Hong Jun didn't dare to use force, for fear of causing its heart to burst, and the blood all over its body spurted out at once.

Dragon blood is highly poisonous, but Hong Jun is not afraid of the five-color divine light body protection. He first took out the needle and thread used for suturing in the pouch, and sewed up the broken heart.

"The time in the tower is different from that of the outside world." The Dragon King lay down straight, let Hong Jun stitch, and said, "Don't waste time on me."

"It's okay." Hong Jun said, "You must be cured."

Qiu Yongsi watched quietly from the side. What Hong Jun was afraid of was that he would stay in the tower for a long time and be separated from Li Jinglong forever, but as long as Li Jinglong came in and the time was right, they would naturally meet. Now he is not too worried.

The Dragon King quietly allowed Hongjun to do what he did, turning his huge, wheel-like eyes from time to time. Qiu Yongsi said: "How did you escape from the prison?"

The Dragon King replied: "It wasn't at the bottom of the tower originally, but it was the first time it tried to leave the tower and was driven into the last floor. Immortal Jianglong, you should know that the dragon imprisoned in the abyss is Because of what happened."

"Resist the Dragon King and try to escape from prison." Qiu Yongsi said.

"Exactly." The Dragon King replied, "All the dragons in the tower will probably leave the tower one day after their sentence is over. Only criminals who attack the barrier and fail to escape will fall into the abyss."

Hong Jun's hands were full of dragon blood, and he asked, "How many years were you going to be imprisoned in Xi Prison?"

"Then I have to ask Ye Ming." The Dragon King said slowly, "Xiu Prison, it is the only Jiao that was born in the tower."

After Hong Jun sewed up the Dragon King's heart, listening to Qiu Yongsi's conversation with the Dragon King, he realized that there are two worlds between Zhenlong Pagoda and the mortal world, and there are two worlds inside the tower. The second floor to the ninth floor is one, which is the prison where Jiaos are held. And the bottom of the tower is the first floor, which is another world. In that world, time is almost static, and Jiao who is thrown into the abyss, like a prisoner on death row, will face eternal darkness and loneliness.

"It stands to reason that there are so many dragons imprisoned in the tower, why only Xiong prison was born?" Hong Jun found out the medicinal powder for promoting blood circulation and strengthening muscles, and carefully sprinkled it on the sutured heart. He hesitated for a moment, and then took out Chongming's hand The elixir for himself, crushed, mixed and spread evenly.

"Jiao is infertile." Qiu Yongsi said, "Because it has not survived the thunder disaster, and no one has sealed it for it."

"Fengzheng?" Hong Jun vaguely remembered that Chong Ming also mentioned this word, but forgot when.

"To answer Xie Prison's life, you must first know what Jiao is." Qiu Yongsi explained, and worked with Hong Jun to wrap the Dragon King's neck with a cloak. Hong Jun jumped onto its back, tied the cloak, and barely finished .

Blood was still oozing from the Dragon King's neck, but he said, "I feel much better. I'll take you there."

Qiu Yongsi and Hong Jun got on the dragon's head, and the Dragon King slowly rose into the air.

"What is Jiao?" Hong Jun asked again.

"Jiao is transformed from the spirit of the dragon's power." The Dragon King replied, "It's a gnat, a reptile, a snake, a fish, and all the aquatic people who have inherited the dragon's power and only hope to become a dragon in their lives."

"Dragon force produces jiao." Qiu Yongsi explained to Hongjun, "but jiao can't regenerate jiao, they can only cultivate into dragons, and then they can have offspring."

After Qiu Yongsi explained, Hong Junfang understood that Jiao and Jiao cannot mate and reproduce. It is rumored that dragons have nine sons, and the sons are different, but that is because dragons are inherently obscene. When fish mate, they will be kissed by owls... The dragon son is different from the jiao, and still belongs to the "dragon family".

In the world, dragons and phoenixes are respected, and the dragon clan is the supreme existence, and their number is extremely rare. The birth of jiao has nothing to do with the mating of dragons, but after the death of dragons, they either sink in rivers and lakes, or die in mountains and seas. With the death of the dragon, the powerful spirit possessed by him during his lifetime was still alive, and slowly dispersed into the mountains and lakes.

The aquarium in the world may be able to absorb this part of the soul, and they will be reborn, shedding their shell like a dragon, and turning into a young dragon like a long snake. Dragon and work hard.

But this power comes at a price. After transforming into a dragon, it is no longer possible to mate with the same race or another race to give birth to offspring, because the dragon race itself is inferior.

In ancient times, the dragon clan used to be the overlord of the world, but after a series of battles between dragons and monsters, dragons and ancient immortals, a large number of dragons died, and Jiao also appeared, making waves in China. In the end, an ancient immortal reached an agreement with the Dragon Clan to build the Town Dragon Pagoda and lock all the dragons in. The seven dragon kings also agreed to this agreement and voluntarily entered the tower to assume the responsibility of guarding it.

"When?" Hong Jun asked.

"It's been a long time..." The Dragon King flew towards the beam of light in the distance, and muttered, "In your world, it should be the time when Dayu controlled the water."

Hong Jun didn't expect it to be so long, it was already the Middle Ages.

"I heard that their sentences are as long as a thousand years." Qiu Yongsi said.

"One day in the tower, one year outside." The Dragon King replied again, "The ancient immortals did this in the hope that the mortals would grow stronger and stronger as time went on, and then they would no longer be afraid of the flood dragons in the tower. "

Hong Jun is already in a daze. If there is a thousand years in the tower, then it should be hundreds of thousands of years in the human world. Thinking about it this way, it is indeed a very distant thing. Presumably by then, the human race will not know what has become .

"Then how was Xie Prison born?" Hong Jun asked.

"The birth of Xie Prison was an accident." The Dragon King said in a trance.

After Qunjiao was imprisoned in the tower, in fact, it would not be long for the time in the tower—after all, even if it lasted from the time of Dayu to the present, it was only a few thousand years, but for Zhenlong Pagoda, it was only a dozen years. Years only. After Zhenlong Pagoda was completed, Ye Ming became the highest commander of the entire pagoda, guarding the ninth floor. This ancient dragon god, born since the beginning of the world, has the power to manipulate time.

But the only thing that troubles it is time.

Under its manipulation, the feeling of time passing by all things has changed, but only in it, time is the only constant at this time, that is, the time inside the tower is equal to the time outside the tower. Since the tower was built, Ye Ming lived alone on the ninth floor, and the years have remained unchanged, which means thousands of years have passed.

"Then he's so lonely." Hong Jun said, for some reason, he thought of Chong Ming who lived alone in Yaojin Palace.

"Well." Dragon King said, "Most of the troubles in the world come from being too idle. It is easy to make trouble when you are idle."

Qiu Yongsi: "..."

So Ye Ming would sometimes leave the ninth floor, go all the way to the second floor, and then walk up slowly. He measured every inch of land and counted all the mountains, tombs, monuments, palaces with steps in the entire Town Dragon Pagoda... How many steps, trees, and stones are there? Just as it was about to start counting sand, it met a dragon in the fifth forest.

"Is that the mother of Xie Prison?" Qiu Yongsi asked.

"You don't know anything?" Hong Jun's mouth twitched.

Qiu Yongsi said: "Ye Ming never told me this."

"Jiao and dragon are all male." Dragon King said, "There is no female dragon and female Jiao."

Hong Jun said, "Why?"

"We are born of yang power." The Dragon King said, "unlike the human race, we are a blend of yin and yang, like mirages where yin qi gathers, only female mirages."

Ye Ming might have been lonely for too long and needed company, so that Jiao took advantage of the situation and entered. Maybe its purpose is to successfully escape from the tower through Ye Ming, maybe it really worships Ye Ming's appearance.

That Jiao stole a little of Ye Ming's dragon power and tried to escape from the prison, but this was soon discovered by the Dragon Kings—the seven Dragon Kings below the ninth floor teamed up to execute the nameless Jiaolong on the spot. And just as he was killing it, Wuming Jiao's body exploded, releasing a bloody offspring.

"That's the prison." Ye Ming said calmly.

Li Jinglong said in a deep voice, "It's your son."

"To the outside world, I never say it." Ye Ming said, "Even in front of Jianglong Immortal Venerable, he only calls Xie Prison my adopted son."

Li Jinglong said: "What happened later? Why does it have such a strong hatred?"

Li Jinglong originally thought that the matter of the prison had been settled, but now he vaguely felt that it was not that simple anymore.

"Its father is guilty." Ye Ming said, "It has both, but it doesn't. I tried my best to keep it on the ninth floor. I raised it, and the dragon kings never said anything about its past." But it has spirituality, it's not like them... unlike all the dragons in this tower, they are violent and cruel by nature."

"Xiu Prison is more like a human being, just like all the teenagers in the world, wanting to leave this tower to see the unknown world..." Ye Ming continued, "It tried to run away from home when it was young and ignorant, but its A home is no ordinary home, and its father is not just a father...”

Ashinaqiong frowned deeply, sat on the railing, and sighed.

Li Jinglong remained silent, looking into the distance outside the tower.

"This action angered the dragon kings." Yan Ming finally said, "For Xie Prison, this is just a stubborn run away from home, but for the dragons and dragons in the tower, it is an extremely shocking event. I have to It fell into the abyss on the first floor of the tower. There is no sun in the abyss, no time, no living beings, and there are only countless ruins, darkness, and silence."

"The time on the first floor is different from Zhenlong Pagoda. It passes extremely slowly." Ye Ming said in a deep voice, "Once thrown into the abyss, it can never be released, and must grow old in it and eventually die."

Hearing this, Li Jinglong said: "But you couldn't help but let it out in the end."

"This is too cruel for a child who has never traveled in the world, never seen mountains and rivers, never known flowers, plants, trees, birds, animals, insects and fish, was born in a prison, and is destined to die in a prison." Ye Ming replied, "I think, for it, I am a sinful father. The first crime I committed was that I failed to manage myself well and gave birth to it."

"Some children thank their parents for giving them life." Li Jinglong said slowly, "Some children are not."

"That's right." Ye Ming said, "The second and biggest mistake I made was letting it out."

Li Jinglong was silent, he suddenly thought of Hongjun, and also Yang Guozhong's eyes looking at Hongjun. Hong Jun's father gave birth to him in order to separate the demon seed in his body, and Xi prison's father wanted to relieve loneliness, so it was born.

From a certain point of view, the two exist in the world, as if there is a strange similarity.

"After I released it for the second time, I asked it." Ye Ming said, "I asked, 'Do you hate me for giving birth to you? It's good."

Ashinaqiong said: "You underestimate it too much."

"It is the most dragon-like." Ye Ming said, "It can see into the pain and restlessness of dragons, and also into our anxiety. It asked all the puzzling questions when I was young, and there are many reasons. Even when I will After it was locked in the abyss for nearly a thousand years, when it came out again, it was still the same as when it was a child, not much changed."

As soon as these words came out, Ashina Qiong and Li Jinglong couldn't help shivering.

"You were cheated." Li Jinglong said.

"That's right." Ye Ming replied, "After being imprisoned for a thousand years, what appeared in front of me was a prison full of resentment and pain, always thinking about revenge. But I didn't notice it at the time, I just thought it had repented. Later , it killed me, it absorbed too much hatred and pain in the abyss... that is the resentment of all the exiled dragons who were once imprisoned in the abyss, tormented and died for a long time, in human terms, that It's... the 'magic'."