Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 152: Close call


Hongjun, Xiangyu, and the carp demon looked at the snow outside together. His heart gradually calmed down, waiting for the final result that Li Jinglong brought them. The carp demon treasured that piece of dragon scale, touched it around, and rubbed it against his mouth endlessly, as if with this piece of scale, the dream of becoming a dragon is no longer so far away. , and turned into a dragon. If it wasn't for the fact that the carp's tongue was too short to stick out, the carp demon would have wanted to lick it once.

Xiangyu: "..."

Hong Jun: "?"

"What is this?" Xiangyu asked. At that time, the carp demon was trying to stuff the dragon scale into its mouth, but the size was really wrong, so it couldn't be stuffed no matter what.

After Hongjun explained the grievances and grievances, Xiangyu said: "I heard from the old man that it is not easy to transform a dragon, and someone has to seal it."

Hong Jun said: "Feng Zheng."

When monsters practice Taoism, they need someone to seal them. It is said that people are the spirits of all things. As for the method of Fengzheng, it is really very strange, just point to the thing and say "you have become an adult" or "you have turned into a dragon", and the demon can gain wonderful power.

"Your Highness is destined to be with it." Xiangyu said, "Perhaps it is its rightful person. It is said that this fate has long been doomed."

"Is it like Wen Bin?" Hong Jun thought carefully, Xiang Yu and Wen Bin seemed to have some kind of predestined relationship, since they met each other, Xiang Yu really possessed human's seven emotions, six desires, joys, anger, sorrows and joys.

But the carp demon couldn't listen, he only had the dragon scale in his eyes, and asked after a while: "When will the second child act?"

Hong Jun shook his head. The previously agreed time may be a day or a few days, but as long as Li Jinglong triggers the power of the earth veins, Qi Que will definitely feel it. During this time, they must temporarily stay in the building. Xiangyu sat with Hong Jun for a while, then got up to deliver food for them.

Hong Jun leaned against the window and took a nap for a while. The heavy snow rustled outside the window, and he fell into a long dream. In that dream, there were countless tearing screams, wailing and roaring. It seems that the nightmare I once had in Dunhuang has returned.

He dreamed that the man cut off the flesh with a dagger, and the old man lay down in the coffin and closed the coffin lid. The face of the hanged woman was sallow, with blood dripping from her body. Dead, tens of thousands of children huddled together on the streets of Luoyang, and when black clouds came, they all opened their mouths and screamed at him.

Li Jinglong's forehead slammed against the iron fence and woke up.

He was really sleepy, even before being executed, he had to sleep for a while, otherwise he might not be able to fight any more when he met An Lushan. The sky was still dark, and he couldn't tell how many hours he had slept. What he was most afraid of was that An Lushan didn't even intend to interrogate him, and directly sent him back to Chang'an.

But he guessed that An Lushan would not do this—after all, the subordinates of the Exorcist Division had escaped, and if he was escorted out of Luoyang, it would only increase the variables, and the night would be full of dreams. He bet that An Lushan would solve it as soon as possible.

Two monsters were pushing the cage containing him, dragging him out of the hall, and Li Jinglong immediately felt that the master was about to appear.

His eyes were opened a crack, and he was pushed through the magnificent hall in the Ming Hall, through the ash-filled corridor, the wind was wrapped in gray-black light snow, carrying a bloody smell. At this moment, he suddenly missed Hongjun terribly, and even regretted it a little bit.

Why did I come to this point

Sitting in that cage, Li Jinglong couldn't help but think of his entire life. During the years from childhood to adulthood, he almost never thought that this moment would come.

The long corridor soon came to an end, and at the end was an empty highland, which was the altar for offering sacrifices to heaven when Wu Zetian was in Luoyang. In front of the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven, there are layers of mummies stacked up.

That is the masterpiece of An Lushan. At this moment, he is sitting on the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven. His body is huge and majestic, and black air is emitting from his whole body. He is holding a corpse in his hand, and he puts it to his mouth to suck. Let it rot, and he sucked it in again.

Beside him, there are a large number of fresh dead bodies piled up, and every time he devours one, he casually throws it under the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven.

The monster pushed the cage containing Li Jinglong up the slope and pushed it in front of An Lushan. This guy's rot seems to have improved, the exposed belly was simply stitched with needles and threads, and his body is no longer festering like before, as if the blood essence sucked in by him is nourishing this rotten body.

"What on earth are you?" Li Jinglong looked at An Lushan and murmured without waiting for him to answer.

"Devil." An Lushan's voice had become low and hoarse, as if there was a huge bellows in his chest, "Since you are dying, it's okay to tell you."

"You... the heart demon can grow like this?" Li Jinglong could hardly believe his eyes. If An Lushan was still somewhat human last time, then what he saw at close range at this moment is a complete monster!

"The devil is the devil." An Lushan showed his fangs, and seemed to be smiling, looking at Li Jinglong trembling because of his own deterrence. Immediately after he waved his hand, Chao Yun came forward and opened the cage door. Li Jinglong came out short and looked up at the terrifying monster beyond his knowledge.

An Lushan waved his hand again, and Chaoyun pushed the cage down. At this moment, only An Lushan and Li Jinglong were facing each other quietly on the altar.

An Lushan's body seemed to be kneaded into countless dead people. Those grievances were mixed together, like pouring all the sorrows of the world into an asphalt pool, and pouring thousands of catties of asphalt into this monster. . His fat and black body exudes demonic energy all the time, every part of his body has unwilling resentful souls roaring, wanting to escape from the confinement of this body.

"Heart demons, blood demons, anger demons, resentment demons, obscene demons..." An Lushan roared on the stage, "When I have absorbed enough demon energy, I will become the most powerful god in the world!"

The dark world seemed to be induced, trembling with the roar of Anlu Mountain.

Li Jinglong's hands were tied behind his back by a magic weapon, and with a little struggle, the chain became tighter. But this is not important, once the power of the earth's veins surges, all magic tools will be wiped out.

"The soul of Xi Prison has been refined so powerfully." Li Jinglong said tremblingly, "I really can't imagine, who are you? You are no longer An Lushan."

An Lushan said in a deep voice: "I am everyone in this world, Li Jinglong, everyone in the world has resentment and pain, how bright and aboveboard do you think you are?"

Li Jinglong actually stepped back half a step, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone in the world has resentment and pain, yes, but the reason why people are human is precisely because..."

"Stupid!" An Lushan's voice was like thunder, overshadowing the second half of Li Jinglong's words in an instant, "Be enchanted—"

He twisted that huge head, almost roaring: "Be enchanted! Let me see how much darkness you dare not speak out, people's hearts—"

After finishing speaking, An Lushan suddenly stretched out his giant palm towards Li Jinglong, there was a loud bang, and darkness rushed in like a violent storm, instantly surrounding Li Jinglong.

"... precisely because, in this world of mortals, there is still something that I am nostalgic for!" Li Jinglong raised his palm in the darkness, and a blazing white light suddenly burst out from his palm!

The hurricane of demonic energy swept across Li Jinglong's body, and the hostility absorbed by An Lushan was released instantly, covering the entire high platform, and Li Jinglong was like a boundless, flat boat in the dark sea, amidst the mountain-like stormy waves , stand tall!

"I saw—" An Lushan roared with wild laughter, "Your demise—"

Li Jinglong held the talisman in his left hand, and in the palm of his right hand, the brightness of the heart lamp increased again, and he shouted: "That's it!"

The moment he used all his strength to burn the talisman, a white light flickered, as if something in his heart was shattered.

"The living are passers-by, and the dead are returnees."

"Heaven and earth travel against each other, and we mourn the eternal dust together."

Qingxiong's voice rang in his ears instantly, with bursts of shock, Li Jinglong found himself back in the Exorcism Department, countless scenes were constantly changing, and flashed back quickly.

"Dad—I'm in so much pain—"

"Hong Jun?" Li Jinglong looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, and shouted, "Hong Jun!"

"Silk Star! Silk Star..."

Jia Yuze hugged the young Hongjun, weeping sadly, Li Jinglong suddenly turned around, and found a golden armored god of war holding a sword of wisdom emerging from behind him!

In an instant, the golden fire burned all over Hongjun's body, his whole body was charred, cracked, and blood burst out, struggling and rolling in his mother's arms. Kong Xuan released the spell, and rushed towards the golden armored god of war, resisting the radiant arrow!

Turning back time again, Li Jinglong stood in the abandoned Exorcism Department, holding the "Fu Yaolu" tightly.

"Bring him here." On the mural, Di Renjie's portrait glowed, "I will remove the demon seeds in his body..."

"No, no." Li Jinglong stepped back.

In an instant, countless causes and effects were connected in a thread in his mind, the rainy day of the exorcist department, Hong Jun who was about to leave Chang'an, Kong Xuan's family was destroyed, and finally... the appearance of Qingxiong.


What Li Jinglong heard was Qingxiong's last whisper: "In this life, you are destined to atone for this."

Li Jinglong pressed his head and roared like a beast. When he raised his head again, he was already in the dark hurricane circle. The black energy in his body was drawn away, and the black energy rolled away, turning into another self, standing in front of him.

"So... that's it." Another dark Li Jinglong opened his mouth and let out An Lushan's dull voice, "What did I see... Guilt, resentment, and your selfish desires..."

Li Jinglong tried his best to control himself, but it was too late. The moment the spell burned, blue light gushed out from the ground, swallowing up the hurricane!

"What is this!" An Lushan never expected such a change!

Under the dark sky, at the bottom of the altar, the energy flow of the earth's veins smashed down the huge building that was nearly five feet high and a hundred feet in radius.

A blue light shot straight into the sky.

"He started!" Hong Jun immediately turned around and ran towards the center of the Tongtian Pagoda, took a sliding step, knelt in the drainage circle, and said in a low voice, "No matter what god, please let him return safely..."

Hong Jun took out the talisman, used energy, and the moment it was burned, the energy of the earth's veins burst out.

In front of Longmen Mountain, on the abandoned mine pit, the spell in Mo Zhigen's hand floated and was burned to ashes, and blue light spewed from his feet.

In front of the Tianjin Bridge, Trandor burned a spell.

One after another, the blue light of the leylines rises into the sky. In Luoyang City, where the Big Dipper is distributed, and in the seven buildings, the energy of the leylines is completely released and rushes to the sky!

In the vast land, seven beams of light burst out simultaneously in the air, and then turned into countless light spots, rushing towards the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven in the center of the Ming Hall.

"It's over, demonic barrier..." Li Jinglong's voice instantly became majestic and majestic, and hundreds of billions of light spots quickly gathered towards his body. As the energy became stronger and stronger, a hazy white light appeared behind him!

An Lushan roared: "I want to repeat the old trick! It's not that easy!"

Li Jinglong slowly opened his eyes, just like that night in the Daming Palace, the light and fire burned his whole body, turning him into a light body and a ghost.

Shining all over the world, lighting the lamps to descend upon the gods!

He stretched out his hand, and the Wisdom Sword flew from afar, landed in his hand, and clenched it tightly.

The light spots are like hundreds of billions of stars in the dark night, scrambling to shoot at Li Jinglong, turning into countless meteors, sinking into his body. An Lushan resisted with all his strength, but under the strong light of the burning lamp, the black air was burning and dissipating like a scorching sun melting snow!

"Let's disperse—" Li Jinglong's voice echoed in the world, all the meridians in his body were burned off, and the power of the earth's veins had filled his body. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his consciousness was connected with the origin of the world, and he glimpsed it in an instant. The illusory avenue!

An Lushan wailed in fear, there was nowhere to escape in this sea of light, he knelt on the ground, accepting the judgment from the gods! The devilish energy in his whole body began to be blown away, and the rotting flesh on his chest flew away, revealing a heart that had been corroded completely black by the devilish energy, and the heart was still beating, burning in the thick black fire like ink!

At the moment when Li Jinglong's consciousness was connected with the heaven and the earth, a voice broke through the state of selflessness during the trance.

"Li Jinglong..." Hong Jun begged for mercy in a childish voice, "Why... do you... like this..."

Li Jinglong suddenly opened his eyes wide, and in a short moment, the power of the heart lamp suddenly rolled back and began to burn his heart!

At the same time, Tongtian Buddha.

Quan Chang'an has become a sea of light, and Hong Jun feels the power of the earth's veins flowing through his body rapidly, rushing to the distant Mingtang, and in that powerful energy, he vaguely heard a voice.

"Demon Seed..." said the deep voice, "You will eventually perish..."

The carp demon's voice seemed to be heard behind him, but at this moment Hong Jun's consciousness was blurred, and the surrounding light was transformed into the blazing sunlight of the Exorcist in summer. God of War held the Wisdom Sword and pointed at him.

"No...no..." Hong Jun trembled, "Don't! Don't kill me!"

The earth vein circle shook instantly, and the carp demon shouted outside: "Hongjun! Hongjun!"

Hong Jun was almost submerged by the blue light of the earth's veins, his whole body turned into a light body, and his back was like a cocoon peeling off, layer by layer, and the Dharma image of King Fudo appeared!

"Is this also the spell you agreed on?" The carp demon thought it was wrong, ran close to the perimeter of the magic circle, and shouted, "Hong Jun! What's wrong with you!"

Hong Jun felt a throbbing pain in his heart, and the seal of the heart lamp placed by Li Jinglong shattered on his chest, and black magic fire ignited uncontrollably all over his body!

Hong Jun yelled in pain, and vaguely returned to the day when he was a child. The faces of his father, mother, and Li Jinglong flashed in front of him one by one, but then, the golden armored war god behind him shouted: "Magic barrier! Don't punish me!"

The rope that bound the demon erupted into golden light, and was instantly pulled out from Hong Jun's body. The carp demon was extremely anxious outside, but he couldn't help, so he only shouted: "Hong Jun!"

At that time, King Fudoming raised his hand and tied the demon rope in his hand. The rope was pulled together in an instant, tightly bound Hongjun's heart, and the demonic energy that exploded in the sky was absorbed, and it was absorbed into Hongjun's body again!

Hong Jun's eyes were lost, and he fell to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, the magic circle lost control, and the Tongtian Buddha collapsed.