Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 157: Set up camp


Hong Jun left the phoenix feathers to Li Jinglong, while he walked around the periphery. He saw a few cauldrons set up in Tongguan, and the aroma was tangy. He thought that Tang Jun was giving them food temporarily, so that the people would not starve to death, so he hurried over to give them to his companions. Let's ask for something to eat.

Squeezing closer, I saw many people drinking soup with broken bowls, but the person who cooked the meat was a strong and strong man.

"Give me a bite." Hong Jun said, "Can I buy it?"

"Money?" said the burly man, "Can money be worth a little food in the freezing weather? Can it pay off my sins?"

Hong Jun stared blankly, not knowing how to answer for a while, the strong man said again: "The Tang Dynasty is dead! It's dead!"

The expressions of the people around were numb, and they stopped talking. The strong man said, "Do you want to eat? Bring a bowl! Come here! A bowl!"

Hong Jun looked around, not knowing what it meant, picked up a bowl, and the strong man scooped food from the pot for him, the inside was floating and sinking, containing a few pieces of flesh, Hong Jun saw the food in the bowl , immediately understood what was going on. Immediately threw the bowl together with the food, turned around and left.

The strong man behind him was still calling him to come back, come back, followed by another burst of mocking laughter.

However, Hong Jun could no longer hear it, and all he could think of was the baby he and Lu Xu rescued from the flames of Luoyang City, as well as the symbol that Lu Xu branded on the baby's chest.

There was a dizziness in his mind, and he just walked blindly in the crowd. The hostility in the world surged, roaring and rushing towards him. The nightmare of nearly a hundred thousand people escaping from death, the pain of losing their loved ones, and the official road of millions The mighty corpse lingered in this world, and all the long-lasting resentment poured into his chest.

Hong Jun's heart suddenly throbbed crazily, as if he couldn't breathe, and he staggered as he walked.


Lu Xu found him and rushed over like a gust of wind, only to see Hong Jun's black aura radiating away, and the people around him shouted in horror.

"What's up with him?!"

The horn of light on Lu Xu's forehead suddenly appeared, and he quickly pressed his hand on Hong Jun's forehead, and the black air continued to spread along his arm, Lu Xu roared: "Hong Jun!"

In an instant, Hong Jun's eyes recovered for a moment, and his heart throbbed again. He knelt on the ground and hugged Lu Xu's leg. Lu Xu quickly helped him up and took him aside, ignoring the fearful eyes of the people around him.

"Hongjun, can you hear me?" Lu Xu said, "Be sober! Hongjun!"

Hong Jun tried his best to calm down and looked up at Lu Xu.

"Hold on, hold on." Lu Xu's voice was sometimes far away, and sometimes approached. The whirling in Hong Jun's mind gradually stopped. He tried to breathe evenly, and finally suppressed the pain and sadness in his heart.

"I..." Hong Jun trembled.

"The living are passers-by, and the dead are returnees." Lu Xu whispered, "When the heavens and the earth travel against each other, they will be sad for all ages. Once death comes, the suffering will end."

When Hong Jun heard this, he felt a little better in his heart, and Lu Xu said again: "Obsession, in the final analysis, is just the persistence of desire when alive and the fear of death."

"Who told you this?" Hong Jun said drowsily.

"You said it." Lu Xu replied.

He heard from Hong Jun that Qingxiong used this spell to seal the memory of the demon seed in his body, and this moment seemed to have a miraculous effect.

Hong Jun took a rest for a while and said, "It's much better."

Lu Xu took him back to the snowmobile, everyone saw that Hongjun's expression was not very good, Li Jinglong asked: "What's wrong?"

Hong Jun shook his head and said, "I'm hungry."

"Someone came to grab food just now." Mo Zhigen said, "They were all driven away by Chaoyun."

Many old and young women and children died of freezing or starvation on the road. At this moment, those fleeing in front of Tongguan are all young and middle-aged. Just now he actually robbed them of their food, but fortunately Chao Yun fought and beat them all up.

Everyone waited for a while, only to see that the sky was getting dark, and it seemed that they would definitely not be able to enter the gate today.

"How long are we going to wait?" Mo Rigen frowned.

The people checked one by one, which took a lot of time. The gates were closed, but only the small doors on both sides were opened. Everyone said a few words, and only 700 people could be allowed in at an hour. In shifts, less than 10,000 people were put in.

Outside the pass, more than a hundred thousand people gathered in a dark manner, and the speed of release was as fast as a turtle.

"Can't you open the door?" Hong Jun frowned.

"Impossible." Lu Xu said, "As soon as the gate is opened, people will rush in. What if spies get in?"

When Lu Xu was stationed in Liangzhou before, he encountered such a situation at Jiayuguan. The Hu tribe outside the Great Wall sent five hundred young and strong soldiers to mix with the people entering the pass in disguise. After entering the customs, Kui night cooperated with the outside world and cut the throats of all the guards in the city, so Jiayuguan was bloodbathed.

Right now there are more than 100,000 refugees, and they are all young and middle-aged people who are strong and strong. If 5,000 spies come in, they will not be found at all.

"Just wait slowly." Li Jinglong replied.

After being beaten up by Chaoyun, the people around consciously stepped aside and kept a proper distance from them. Although there are young people in this car, they are not easy to mess with.

Some people even speculated about their origins in private. Hong Jun took a rest for a while, and after recovering, he asked Chao Yun: "How is the situation?"

Li Jinglong replied: "They went to complain to the patrol guards, just wait."

Lu Xu said, "You won't arrest us, will you?"

"I lost all the tokens." Mo Zhigen said, "Is there an edict?"

Everyone searched for a long time, but there is no document to prove their identity, so they can only adapt to the situation later.

The Tongguan guards were not completely inactive, and many people were stationed to patrol around to prevent chaos. A middle-aged man with a bruised nose and swollen face just after being beaten came over with two Tongguan guards.

"Hey!" The guard came over and said, "I just received... Lord Hou?"

The guard was actually the Luoyang guard who followed Li Jinglong in the battle! The two guards hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and asked in surprise, "How did Lord Hou become like this?"

"It's a long story." Li Jinglong smiled wryly.

"Hurry up! Welcome Master Hou in!" The guards hurriedly opened the way ahead, and everyone thanked God for saying goodbye to the days when life was worse than death. It turned out that when the city of Luoyang was broken, the remaining dozens of Luoyang cavalry led the people and fled out of the city overnight.

The pass has already been turned upside down, all the counties and towns along the way were conscripted, Gao Xianzhi took over Tongguan, and everyone gathered together, they stayed in Tongguan temporarily, ready to go to battle at any time, to avenge those who died in the battle. Originally they were deserters, according to military law, they should be beheaded, but Gao Xianzhi thought that in Luoyang city guards, those who died in battle, those who surrendered to the enemy, these soldiers fought to the end, and protected the people to evacuate, so he let them go Take the crime and make meritorious service.

"Master Feng Changqing organized us into the city defense team..."

The guard led them into Tongguan and explained.

"Great!" Li Jinglong finally let go of his heart and said, "Take me to see him immediately."

Feng Changqing was having a meeting with Gao Xianzhi and others, and when he learned that Li Jinglong was coming, he didn't summon them first, so he ordered them to rest in Tong County as soon as possible, changed a group of guards, and when they led them to the place where they were staying, they saw Ashina Joan was sitting outside the courtyard playing with throwing knives.

"Boss!" Ashina Qiong exclaimed in surprise when he saw everyone.

"Hey!" The carp demon was very excited.

"I didn't call you!" Ashina Qiong said to Li Jinglong, "You escaped!"

Artest also rushed out when he heard the noise. When they reunited after a long absence, tears filled their eyes. Hong Jun finally felt relieved when he saw them, and said, "Great... everyone is still alive."

There was a light snow in Tongxian County, and this small county town under the Guan was very lively for a while. Nearly 400,000 people, fleeing refugees, troops transporting supplies, blacksmiths, traffickers, and laborers conscripted to build fortifications, all gathered here. Makes the road muddy.

Earlier, Artest, Ashinaqiong, and Trundeau came to find Feng Changqing who was guarding the gate. Feng Changqing specially allocated a big room for the temporary use of the Exorcist, and asked them to wait for Li Jinglong. After all, this place heard that Anlu Shanxi came to the west, and the rich family had already fled without a trace.

Everyone was depressed and excited, and it took a while to calm down.

"Where is sister-in-law?" Hong Jun asked again.

"The tire is gassy." Artest said, "It's being raised, come and show her."

When the Luoyang magic circle collapsed that day, the energy of the earth's veins was raging. As soon as Trundeau felt something was wrong, he withdrew immediately, but he was still agitated by the energy. Fortunately, nothing happened all the way. After fleeing to Tongguan, Artest didn't dare to go anywhere, so he had to accompany him every day. Ashinaqiong went out to look for it several times, and asked the people along the way, but they didn't know where Li Jinglong had gone.

The rest of the people were rectifying outside the courtyard, and Hong Jun entered the room. Trundeau just woke up, and said with a smile: "You are all fine! I also told Tigra and Brother Qiong to look for you, and finally came, great!"

Hong Jun didn't know much about gynecology, so he had to take her pulse first. Fortunately, the pulse was stable and there was no serious problem. He replied: "Everyone can protect themselves... the most important thing is my fault, I'm sorry..."

Trundeau smiled and said, "How can you say that! You don't owe the world at all, but the world owes you. Why are you apologizing to us?"

Hong Jun thought about it, sighed, and Trendo was already a little pregnant. After reading the prescription prescribed by the doctor, Hong Jun felt that there was no big problem, so he said, "Don't worry, it's okay."

Trundeau patted his belly and said, "The little guy is restless."

It was Hong Jun's first close contact with a pregnant woman, and he asked curiously, "Can he hear us?"

Trundeau said, "I don't know, why don't you come here and try?"

Hong Jun said to Trundeau's belly, "Hello." He posted it again and listened, but nothing happened. The two looked at each other and laughed again.

"It's a pity that we won't have children." Hong Jun replied, he still likes children, and suddenly thought of the future he saw a long time ago-Li Jinglong talked in the child's ear, and hugged him again. They will eventually separate, as Li Jinglong once said, the days of losing each other may be very painful, but it will only last for a few years or ten years, and eventually they will enter a new life.

Thinking of this, Hong Jun couldn't help feeling a wave of despair, and he even felt that the devilish energy in his heart was about to overflow uncontrollably. But there is an even more strange power, which is fighting fiercely with it, it is not the heart lamp, nor is it the golden light of King Fudo Ming. These two forces were pulling each other, and the devilish energy made him resentful, as if a voice said in his ear, "Why should I accept this fate? What did I do wrong?"

Another force was telling him that it was worth it for Li Jinglong and everyone.

"Jun?" Trundeau looked at him worriedly.

Hong Jun woke up, and Trundeau asked suspiciously, "Are you okay?"

Hong Jun settled down, and hurriedly said, "Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?"

"I want a boy like Tigra." Trundeau laughed, "but he wants a little princess."

This is really not a prince or a princess after birth, after all, he is the child of the heir of the Sasanian dynasty. Hong Jun said: "I guess it's a boy, uh, I don't know why, I just think it."

Trundeau said: "That's great, but it's a pity that my sister-in-law won't be able to help you fight in the future."

Hong Jun hurriedly said that his body was important, and let Trundeau take a good rest. Many thoughts in his mind still lingered.

When they returned to the main hall, two servants set up a banquet, and everyone waited for Hong Jun to come before moving their chopsticks. For a while in the hall, everyone forgot the embarrassment of fleeing before, and also forgot how disastrous they were in Luoyang City, only the joy of reunion and chatting and laughing.

"They are the people we rescued in Luoyang." Artest said, "If you want to come here to repay your kindness to Chang Shi, I say no."

Seeing that the food had already turned green, Hong Jun resisted the urge to pounce on it, and hurriedly said, "Everyone, eat!"

Everyone cheered and started to move their chopsticks. Hong Jun took the bowl and sat next to Li Jinglong to feed him. Li Jinglong said, "You eat first, I can do it myself."

Li Jinglong was trembling even grabbing the chopsticks, Hong Jun said, "I'm not hungry yet."

Mo Zhigen was the hungrier one. He wished that the cook could serve a group of roasted whole sheep. After he confessed his crime, he started to gobble it up, eat and eat, and he didn’t forget to bring food for Hong Jun. These fugitives were like hungry ghosts . Hong Jun used a spoon and a bowl to feed Li Jinglong.

Halfway through eating, Li Jinglong sighed suddenly, and when he looked at Hong Jun, his eyes were full of guilt.

"You are so skilled." Lu Xu said.

When Lu Xu said this out of the blue, everyone almost burst out laughing, and the heavy atmosphere became much lighter again.

"When I was young, Chongming occasionally had to chase me to feed me." Hong Jun replied, "Zhao Zilong hadn't come yet."

Everyone couldn't help but think of the scene of Hongjun running all over the mountains when he was a child, and Chongming chased after him, holding a bowl for him to eat, and they finally laughed together.

"Isn't your adoptive father Phoenix?" Lu Xu asked.

"That's right." Hong Jun said, "Actually, the food at home is really unpalatable."

After feeding Li Jinglong, Hong Jun pulled the vegetables together and started to eat voraciously. Everyone was full of wine and food. Looking at Hong Jun, their eyes were red and their hearts ached.

Li Jinglong was silent for a moment, and then said temporarily: "Next, I have to discuss with General Feng before deciding whether to return to Chang'an. Do you all want to go home?"

"The war is like this now." Ashinaqiong said, "What can we do when we go back to Chang'an?"

Artest said: "I just want to find a safe place for Trando to live first."

As soon as he said that, Trundeau came over with a smile and said, "I'll accept it, you brothers can talk."

Just after Hong Jun finished eating, everyone hurriedly got up and started to let Trundeau rest first, but Trundeau couldn't rest. Mo Zhigen called the servants outside again, packed up the cases, and spread out the map of Tang Dynasty .

"Either way, I think it's better to camp in Tongguan for the time being." Mo Zhigen said, "I've been working hard all this way for more than a year, and I don't want to run anymore."

Lu Xu said: "This is the closest place to Anlu Mountain, so it's good to have someone to take care of you."

Li Jinglong nodded happily, and everyone didn't want to run around anymore. In fact, since the day they arrived in Hangzhou, everyone has never really had a moment of happiness.

"We sent a letter to Yong Si." Ashinaqiong said, "Tell him to come over quickly."

It was only now that everyone really had the hope of getting together again. For the first time, Hong Jun felt so strongly that only the exorcists could have the courage to fight against the enemy when they were together, even if there was no one else.