Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 165: The magic escapes


At dawn, the inside of the stone castle gradually lit up, and there was a lot of noise outside. The five-color divine light in Hong Jun's hands enveloped Mo Zhigen's whole body. After retracting it, Mo Zhigen gasped and opened his eyes.

"This is..." Mo Zhigen looked around.

"You need to rest." Hong Jun carried him to the bed and said, "How did you get arrested?"

Mo Zhigen grabbed Hongjun's wrist and said, "After I woke up, I was looking for you everywhere, and I met a group of guards..."

Wei Yu couldn't stop shouting outside the room, and his footsteps were getting closer and closer. Hong Jun turned his head to look at the door, and asked Mo Zhigen, "Can you act?"

Mo Zhigen tried his best to sit up, but said, "My heart... hurts a lot."

Mo Zhigen cast the spell, the bright light flickered, and he turned into a wolf, his legs trembling.

The sound of the search was getting closer, Hong Jun said: "You have been poisoned for too long, and the residual poison has not been cured, so take a break first."

Hong Jun dragged the sheet and put it on Canglang's back. Canglang wanted to say more, but Hong Jun waved his hand, turned around and opened the window, and rolled out.

At the end of the corridor, the guards were kicking open the doors of each room in the stone castle, looking for the hiding places of Mo Zhigen and Hong Jun. The female shaman followed closely behind, giving orders in Shiwei's language.

Hong Jun turned over a few rooms outside the stone castle, and when he heard the sound approaching, he entered one of them, pulled off the demon rope, faced the door, and waited for the Shi Wei guards to come in.

Sure enough, as soon as Hong Jun appeared in front of the corridor, someone spotted him and shouted loudly, meaning not to let him run away. Hong Jun immediately turned around and fled. The guards swarmed across the corridor in an instant, ignoring Mo Zhigen's words Room. Immediately afterwards, the demon-binding rope shone brightly, bounced off the ground, wrapped around the ankles of the guards, and tripped a large group of pursuers.

This magic weapon is really easy to use! Hong Jun ran to the center to read the telegram, took back the rope that tied the demon, and let it out again, and brought down a large number of people. He just wanted to quickly lure the pursuers away. After rushing out of the corridor, he jumped onto the roof of the corridor connecting the two ends of the stone castle. The moon was dark and the wind was high. getting farther and farther away.

At the same time, the wolf was lying on its side on the ground and gasping for breath. A golden light appeared from its heart, as if piercing through its body. The devilish energy that An Lushan had planted in the deepest part of its heart was burning blazingly. , was burned by the golden light.

It let out a roar of "Woo" and "Woo", and the wolf fur that was once dyed gray-black by the magic energy of Anlu Mountain gradually faded again and turned into pale blue. In the middle of the night, the wolf's roar was low and low, like the sound of wind sweeping across the grassland, far away from the stone castle.

In the dark forest, countless green lights lit up in an instant, flickering in the bushes, like a galaxy of stars, surrounding the entire stone castle.

On the top of the stone fort, there were shouts everywhere, Shiwei guards holding torches surrounded the central tower, Hongjun stood tall on the tower, guards were all around. Hong Jun gathered the Mo Dao, held the Mo Dao in his right hand, and wrapped the demon-binding rope around his wrist with his left hand, looking for a suitable area to swing over. However, in the middle of the night, the surroundings were pitch black, and the guards of Shiwei had already bent their bows and pointed their arrows at the lonely Hongjun at the top of the tower.

As long as the five-color divine light is sacrificed, ordinary arrows can't help him at all, but Hong Jun's idea is to leave the stone castle, go out of the city as soon as possible, take this group of people around, disappear into the night, and then take the opportunity to come back and take Mo Ri away root.

At this moment, he saw a flash of the long corridor in the distance, there was a wooden stake, swinging out of the city with the wooden stake, and falling on the city wall, he could shake off the pursuers!

When it was too late, Hong Jun threw the demon-binding rope, and flew across the night sky with a "swish", using the wooden stake as a fulcrum, drew a perfect arc in the air, and when he reached the highest point, he retracted the demon-binding rope , volleyed towards the city wall. Immediately afterwards, a person flew in from the air and met Hong Jun face to face.

It was the female shaman shaking off a black crow's wings. In an instant, Hong Jun couldn't dodge and bumped into it!

"Good boy, come with me." The female shaman whispered in Chinese, then stretched out her two fingers, and tapped Hongjun's forehead.

Amidst the loud noise, the black flames all over Hong Jun's body exploded, and the devilish energy in his body overflowed crazily, exploding in all directions. Like a meteor burned by the magic fire, it crashed down. In the place of the fall, the houses collapsed in an instant, and before the people inside could escape, they were already ignited by the black fire, their skins were torn apart, and they turned into raging monsters!

The female shaman Mo Luo landed slowly, and the roaring monster rushed forward, and was smashed aside by her palm, turning into powder. The surrounding Shiwei guards greeted him, but Mo Luo just left a word coldly.

"Take him back."

Hong Jun was in great pain, and in the torment of the black fire, Lu Xu's seal was completely out of control, and his chest was almost burst from countless sad complaints, and the nightmares he inhaled in Dunhuang in the past also emerged one by one, raging crazily .

The guards did not dare to touch Hongjun. The place where he fell was completely polluted within a few feet, just like the place where Anlu Mountain passed by, it was corrupted by demonic energy. Shiwei guards had no choice but to lock Hongjun's wrist with iron chains and iron hooks, and dragged him to the stone fort.

Mo Luo came to a dark room, released spells with both hands, muttered the mantra, and a shadow appeared on the wall, hovering slowly.

"Got it," Moreau said.

"Man is not as good as God." The deep voice said slowly, "It fell into my hands at this moment... Let me see..."

Chang'an, Daming Palace.

The wind is raging, people are panicking, and the whole city is shrouded in an atmosphere of anxiety and fear. In the underground palace of Daming Palace, black mist filled the air. Yang Guozhong stood in front of a ball of flames, and behind him were four monsters made of demonic energy.

"Let me see..." Yang Guozhong murmured.

The flames parted, showing Hongjun lying on the ground, motionless. Mo Luo turned slightly to let Yang Guozhong see what happened.

"Is there another one?" Yang Guozhong asked.

Moreau replied: "Torture slowly, you can always find out."

Yang Guozhong walked into the fire, the flames disintegrated, and in the stone castle, the dragon-like shadow turned into a human figure, and walked out directly from the wall. The demonic energy gathered into Yang Guozhong's body, but he looked very weak, ready to be killed at any time. spread.

"Master Xie Prison?" Mo Luo couldn't help taking half a step back, shocked for a moment. This was the first time Xi Prison was summoned and came in person.

"You are our final ambush." Yang Guozhong said, "Remember what I said?"

"Unless it is necessary, you must not reveal your whereabouts." Moreau whispered.

Yang Guozhong approached Mo Luo, who was thousands of miles away, and his strength could no longer support the dialogue.

"Listen, Mo Luo." Yang Guozhong put his black hand on Mo Luo's face, and whispered in her ear, "Anlu Mountain is powerful, and I need the magic energy urgently. Now, the final moment is approaching. The nightmare of a thousand worlds, brought back for me together with the hostility of the entire Shiwei clan... I need to confirm that you are safe, and at the same time, hide it from everyone, don't let anyone know... "

While speaking, Yang Guozhong turned into black mist and dispersed again, returning to the wall of the dark room. Moreau looked up, staring at the wall. There is a mural on the wall, with a giant black snake wrapped around a strange beast with a white body and patterns all over its body.

Mo Luo turned and walked towards Hong Jun. Hong Jun's breathing became extremely heavy for a while, and he lay unconscious on the ground. Mo Luo murmured: "Then... come on."

Immediately, Mo Luo stretched out his hand, and Hong Jun floated up in the air, and a thick black air appeared in his chest, which was inhaled by Mo Luo. Hong Jun woke up instantly and yelled in pain!

The cry almost tore apart the night sky in Shiwei. In the darkness, the wolf heard the cry of pain, and tried its best to stand up, while the golden light on its chest quickly drove away its demonic energy.

Hong Jun opened his eyes wide, only feeling that the demon energy and nightmare attached to his body were quickly taken away by the female shaman in front of him. He didn't know what happened, so he raised his hand with difficulty, but all the magic weapons had been searched away. Mo Luo's face was ferocious, It seems to be under the attack of demonic energy.

"You are..." Hong Jun saw a strange light and shadow emerging from Mo Luo's back. The outline of that light and shadow was vaguely seen in "Fu Yao Lu".

"Why can you..." Hong Jun trembled.

"Don't move." Mo Luo said in a deep voice, "Don't move... Be good, it will be fine in a while..."

"You are... a tapir." Hong Jun suddenly opened his eyes wide, thinking of a legend in ancient times - the tapir that eats dreams!

The devilish energy was quickly drawn away from Hong Jun's body. After the initial pain passed, Hong Jun felt his whole body lighten. He raised his hands, and five colors of divine light radiated from them. Instead, the meridians in his body became clear and clear!

"Why?" Hong Jun felt that the nightmare was constantly being pulled away, and all the devilish energy in his body was sucked away by the tapir demon, and said, "Why did you sacrifice your life to save me?"

Moreau: "..."

Mo Luo was almost unable to control the devilish energy, and screamed in pain, Hong Jun shouted: "Stop it! You will die!"

Mo Luo gritted his teeth and stared at Hong Jun. The next moment, all the nightmares were taken away, and a giant black beast suddenly appeared in front of Hong Jun! That giant beast was like a pig and an elephant, after devouring all his nightmares, it let out a terrifying roar!

In a corner of the stone castle, the bricks and stones collapsed in an instant, revealing a blackened giant tapir entrenched on it. Hong Jun was almost thrown out. When he summoned the rope to bind the demon, the giant tapir had already rushed out of the dark room. To the main castle.

In the darkness, the giant tapir released a thick black gas, turning into thousands of squirming black snakes, roaring wildly, but under the stone castle was like a dead city, almost no one woke up. Hong Jun suddenly remembered that it was an act when he was completely controlled by the nightmare! He couldn't help recalling how he had absorbed the power of the nightmare from the heart demon when he was in Dunhuang, but when he chased it all the way, trying to capture the black energy, he couldn't do it.

After obtaining the nightmare of three thousand worlds in Dunhuang, Lu Xu first temporarily sealed the power of the nightmare with the dream seal, and then Li Jinglong forcibly strengthened the seal with the heart lamp, and now the dream-eating tapir has devoured all of him for no reason. Nightmare, even if the demon power is strong, it cannot bear the control of the nightmare for a while.

Hearing the screams of the nightmare, Hong Jun chased him to the main hall of the stone castle. Nearly half of the walls of the main hall had collapsed. The nightmare was sitting on the throne of King Wei, staring at Hong Jun with black eyes.

"You can't do this!" Hong Jun said anxiously, "You will be controlled by this devilish energy!"

Hong Jun has not yet understood why the nightmare did this until now, but the monster has lost control, and the black snake released has filled the city, and a massacre may start at any time!

Hong Jun transported the demon seed in his body, trying to compete with it for the demon energy, but the nightmare roared and released a shock wave, knocking Hong Jun backwards!

The city was dead silent, everyone in Shiwei had fallen asleep, and the black snake sneaked into thousands of households, entwining the people in their dreams. The wolf staggered, squeezed out of the room, and came to the collapsed corridor, whimpering and howling.


On the plain, the howling of wolves was almost one after another, and the sound became louder and louder. Then the color of the wolf's hair faded, turning into indigo blue that shone like silk and satin. It took a deep breath, and from its chest let out a roar that shook the night sky!

The wolf howled and shook, Hong Jun struggled to stand up, threw off the demon rope, and stared at the nightmare, only to see black air from all directions in the world continuously gathering towards the nightmare's body, Hong Jun controlled the demon seeds in his body, trying to suck it When he came over, the nightmare suddenly pounced on him, attacking wildly, making him unable to concentrate.

"Mo Zhigen!" Hong Jun shouted, "Come and help!"

The wolf turned around and rushed towards it in an instant. At the same time, the pack of wolves rushed into Shiwei Stone Fortress City, scattered like a tide from house to house, rushed across the street, pinned down the wandering black snake, and lowered its head to bite.

Hong Jun manipulated the demon-binding rope with both hands, but the speed of the nightmare was as fast as lightning, getting faster and faster. Immediately afterwards, Hong Jun raised his Mo knife to resist the nightmare, and when the nightmare rushed towards him, there was a loud bang from the door behind Hong Jun. The wooden door of nearly two hundred catties was kicked down by Mo Zhigen, and then Mo Zhigen shouted: "Lie down!"

Hong Jun immediately lay down on his back, Mo Zhigen shook his left hand, golden light bloomed, and an eclipse moon bow appeared, and then he pulled the bowstring empty, buckled the string, played the string with a "buzz", and shot a burst of energy, with seven arrows nailed on his back Swipe open the quiver and shoot at the black nightmare!

The nightmare was shot by a nail-headed arrow, and immediately roared and rolled aside. Hong Jun turned over and jumped up again, shaking the Mo Dao away. Mo Zhigen chased after him and shouted: "What is this?!"

"What is that?" Hong Jun noticed the golden bow used by Mo Rigen.

"Don't ask!" Mo Zhigen shouted, "What should I do?"

"Grab it!" Hong Jun said, "It sucked all the magic energy away!"

Hong Jun himself was in the fog for a while, and didn't understand the cause and effect, but this guy sucked away the magic energy, obviously didn't know how to use it, and didn't become a powerful monster.

"What?" Mo Zhigen saw the nightmare broke through the wall again and knocked out of the stone castle, so he chased after him and shouted at Hongjun, "Where did the devilish energy come from?!"

"On me!" Hong Jun said, "All my nightmares have been sucked away by it!"

Mo Zhigen: "..."

Hongjun: "..."

After a brief moment of astonishment, the two seemed to understand what had happened.

"There is such a good thing?" Mo Zhigen couldn't believe it, "Then your devilish energy is gone?"

"That's right..." Hong Jun was still thinking about how to use the magic seed to suck back the nightmare, and said, "I don't know what it wants to do..."

Mo Zhigen seemed to recall countless causes and consequences in an instant. After a brief silence, Hong Jun said: "You have to get back the devilish energy, otherwise it will be bad if you are brought to Anlu Mountain!"

"Kill it." Mo Zhigen said, "No matter what, don't suck the magic energy back into your body!"

Hong Jun: "But..."

Mo Zhigen: "No but! I have the final say here!"

Mo Zhigen shot immediately, touched Hong Jun's head, turned around and jumped, turned into a wolf, and carried Hong Jun to chase in the direction where the nightmare left.