Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 167: Lights on and off


Everyone agreed that the main purpose of this battle was to get rid of Liang Danhuo. As for Anlu Mountain, it was beyond everyone's ability. Never had a real chance to play.

In the past, there were monsters such as snakes, bear demons, wine and wealth, and Liang Danhuo, collecting food for him, that is, paying tribute from the living or the dead. An Lushan never appeared on the battlefield blatantly, grabbing people to eat with great fanfare. Li Jinglong also thought about this question-why didn't An Lushan play

There must be a reason for it, because they don't know the inside story. When Li Jinglong looked through ancient documents in the Luoyang Exorcist Department, he got a possible explanation from it: Heavenly Tribulation. The change of wronged souls between heaven and earth, one dead and one alive, the birth, death, transformation, transformation, and demonization of souls are all closely related to the pulse of heaven and earth.

Legend has it that the wanton killing of monsters will lead to punishment from the heavens, that is, the thunder disaster. If they cannot survive the thunder disaster, they will be wiped out in ashes. And if the dragon wants to become a dragon, if he breaks through a certain restriction, it will also lead to catastrophe. In the past, Xie Prison was carefully laid out in Chang'an, and it was done at every step, which is why.

But no one has seen Heavenly Tribulation, and they don't know what to do before they will cross the Thunder Pool, so Li Jinglong speculates based on this, whether it is Xiong Prison or Anlu Mountain, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, they are constantly trying, Try not to touch a wire.

The thread is: directly kill a large number of mortals.

As for the large number, neither the Exorcist nor the enemy, nor even Di Renjie could estimate the exact number. So An Shi joined the rebellion, using mortals to slaughter mortals, and then absorbing the hostility, it is always safe. In other words, what can be killed by mortals will never be killed by monsters. If monsters can be killed, An Lushan will never do it himself.

"Our purpose is to force An Lushan to make peace." Li Jinglong analyzed for a long time, and finally said, "Get rid of Liang Danhuo, the army will withdraw to Tongguan, and it would be better for the rebels to withdraw to Luoyang."

"What's Liang Danhuo's weakness?" Ashina Qiong looked at Artest. Among several people, only Artest had formally fought against her. Moreover, this guy is really the most difficult to deal with. Let's just paint skin. It can release blood mist to kill people, even if it kills people, it can fly, even if it was against Wu Qiyu back then, it was never so difficult.

"How did the blood pool break?" Artest suddenly remembered the past. Neither Qiong nor Lu Xu participated in the battle to subdue Wu Qiyu.

Li Jinglong suddenly found a strange connection between the two. Could the blood pool created by Wu Qiyu be related to Liang Danhuo? The current matter seems to have become an invisible giant net, intricate and interrelated.

"Five-color divine light." Li Jinglong replied, "The lamp was broken later by heart."

"When it blooms into a blood mist, she hides in the mist." Lu Xu said, "If you can see her body, with the magic weapon, maybe you can give her a fatal blow."

"I hope Zhao Zilong can bring back useful news." Li Jinglong said helplessly, "That's all."

Li Jinglong always wanted to wait for the night to come so that Lu Xu could take him to Saibei, but Gao Xianzhi ordered a quick march. If they didn't keep up, they would soon fall behind. In addition, Li Jinglong's body had not yet recovered, and his riding speed was lagging behind.

"The heart lamp can get rid of it." Lu Xu said.

In the dark night, after a short rest, the large troops set off again.

"Yes." Li Jinglong was very exhausted. He had been marching for days, which made his body ache unbearably, and the lack of sleep made him even more irritable. Lu Xu rode his horse and followed Artest, protecting him from left to right.

Lu Xu suddenly said: "The heart lamp is still in your body, Jinglong."

Li Jinglong smiled bitterly: "Lu Xu, don't comfort me anymore."

Lu Xu suddenly said again: "Why don't you believe it? Is it because of your inner wavering?"

Among the exorcists, only Lu Xu knew what Li Jinglong was hiding in his heart. Artest heard it but did not leave, but followed silently.

"It's not that I don't believe it." Li Jinglong said suddenly, "Even if I believe it now, what use is it to us in winning the battle? You tell me that the heart lamp is still on me, and I can't even draw the bow. Sword, rush to Anlu Mountain to die, at that time, will the heart lamp come out to protect me?"

Lu Xu fell silent.

"I also hope that a miracle will happen." Li Jinglong said, "But in fact, every time I put my hope on a miracle, it never favors me. Later I thought, I don't expect a miracle anymore, I rely on myself Forget it?" He said with a wry smile, "But even if you forget everything that should be done, you will receive the most fatal blow at the most critical moment."

In the dark night, there was only the sound of horseshoes, and Ashinaqiong suddenly said, "I'll go ahead and explore the road."

Ashina Qiong went away, and in the dark night, Artest said slowly: "Speaking of the blood demon and the blood pool, I suddenly remembered something."

Li Jinglong remained silent, and Artest said again: "The people who were there when the heart lamp was released for the first time are not here now, but I remember that you all mentioned later that you got out of trouble at that moment because of your burst of strength... "

Lu Xu once heard Hongjun briefly mention it, but he didn't go into details, so he held his breath and listened quietly.

"Yes." Li Jinglong said in a deep voice, "When I think about it now, it seems like a lifetime ago."

He rode forward at a steady pace, looking into the dark distance, it seemed to be a road with no future, leading to boundless despair and abyss.

He thought of that day, the reason why the heart lamp suddenly erupted, and he understood.

Hong Jun was strangled by the monster at the back of the neck, a dagger was placed on his ear, and he sank into the pool of blood, helpless, watching the monster cut Hong Jun's ear open. Hong Jun was in great pain, with tears in his eyes, as if he was begging for mercy, and he seemed to be calling for his patron saint. Recalling the emotions at that time, Li Jinglong only felt a power erupt deep in his heart.

"I only have one thought." Li Jinglong said, "To protect him, even if his body is broken, I will not hesitate."

Lu Xu hesitated: "Then... after he comes back, his ears will be cut off again?"

"Can this be the same?" Li Jinglong couldn't bear it.

Artest said: "One night, Trundeau told me that she guessed the reason why the heart lamp no longer appeared..."

Li Jinglong couldn't help recalling the moment in the pool of blood. When Hong Jun was suffering in front of him, he finally awakened the heart lamp, but just before gaining this power, in a short period of time, he seemed to acquiesce to a certain fact. That is to say, I have always been Hongjun's patron saint.

As if fate destined him to be a certain general, and the purpose of coming to the mortal world was to protect Hong Jun, but they had never seen each other, and all their memories were sealed. When a certain scene appeared in front of him, the seal was finally completely broken, and the heart lamp became a part of his soul.

"... I understand." Li Jinglong replied.

The moment the heart lamp appeared, it was born because of Hongjun; the moment the heart lamp disappeared, it also died because of Hongjun.

Li Jinglong finally figured it out at this moment, whether Xindeng admits himself or not is no longer important. In fact, Xindeng has never admitted him. This light that dispels darkness is only born because of Hongjun.

He needed him, and in a split second, a bright light surged out.

"The reason for losing my heart lamp is..." Li Jinglong said, "I think Hong Jun may not need me anymore."

This was the most painful thing for him from the beginning to the end, and it was also his inner demon.

"How could it be?" Artest said.

"How come?" Lu Xu replied.

Li Jinglong stood still and stared at the front in silence. Artest said: "Get back to your original feeling."

"It's hard." Li Jinglong said, "You don't know me..."

"Because the future we are working hard for is to make him become a demon and completely dissipate in this world?" Lu Xu said, "It is because of this that we need to avoid all this from happening, isn't it? Big Wolf also said so, he You can't suffer for the common people in this world, no one is born to have to do this."

Li Jinglong took a deep breath, and Artest said again: "You just have to think, if you can no longer summon the heart lamp, Hong Jun will have to give his life to die for us, that's enough."

Although Hong Jun was not by his side, Li Jinglong remembered countless past events in an instant, and familiar emotions surged in his chest.

"Maybe he will hate me." Li Jinglong said, "But I still hope that he will live well."

Lu Xu and Artest looked at each other, but did not answer. Li Jinglong still rode forward. After a long silence, the sound of horseshoes broke the long silent night.

Ashinaqiong hurried over with a torch in his hand, and said, "I saw camp ahead!"

In the dark night, there was an imperceptible commotion in the marching team. The two sides took the river as the boundary, and the Anlu Mountain camp was nearly ten miles closer than the scouts!

Misinformation led to the loss of the first move in the march. Fortunately, the rebels did not find their traces. Gao Xianzhi in front has sent a military order. The whole army is in an attack formation. .

In the pitch black night, the carp demon climbed onto the shore dripping wet, shivering uncontrollably. It wrapped a piece of square cloth over its head and looked around. After walking a few steps, it was startled and saw the monsters. camp.

The camp is actually so close this time? ! The carp demon seemed to understand something, and moved a little closer to peep between the tents. At that time, there was a huge tent in the middle of the camp, which was extremely tightly guarded, and there were patrolling guards everywhere. The tent was brightly lit for a moment.

"What is this? I haven't seen it last time." The carp demon said to himself.

The carp demon tried to approach the tent. It stretched its feet and hands, lay on the ground on its side, and moved slightly. It had just rained in spring, and the ground was very wet. The fish's body was covered with mud, and it looked no different from the ground. In the dark night, the guards patrolling back and forth did not notice their feet at all.

So slowly, the carp demon approached the tent step by step, got close to the edge of the tent, and squeezed in along the gap between the big tent and the ground. The fish scale was accidentally hung by the edge of the tent, and two or three pieces were scraped off, and it was so painful that it almost cried out.

Holding an ancient wooden dagger in his hand, Liang Danhuo stood in front of a giant bird. The whole body of the giant bird was covered with human skin, and under the translucent skin was flesh and blood covered with veins.

The dagger in Liang Danhuo's hand was covered with runes, and green light appeared in the runes. She recited the mantra, and suddenly the whole body of the giant bird lit up and moved accordingly. The carp demon was so startled that he screamed in his heart. After Liang Danhuo cast the spell, he was exhausted, and his exposed red flesh and blood dried up, obviously consuming too much mana.

Immediately behind him, a monster came over and flatteringly supported Liang Danhuo. Liang Danhuo staggered and walked out of the tent. Before leaving, he said: "Keep this place and don't let anyone in."

People are not allowed to come in, but there is no saying that demons cannot come in, the carp demon thought to himself. After Liang Danhuo left, there was no demon in the tent. The carp demon walked towards the giant bird carefully, and circled around it, only to see that the monster bird was covered with human skin, its wings were half-open, and its head was extremely ferocious. The bird bones are covered with human skin, like a huge leather kite.

The skin is still full of tattoo runes, some of which the carp demon can recognize are the skins that Liang Danhuo replaced beforeā€”it looks like some powerful monster prepared by the rebels, if you can poke the skin on the wings If it breaks, maybe it won't be able to fly.

In the dark night, Tang Jun rustled and hid himself in front of the woods, facing the stream. On the opposite side of the stream was the endless plain of Shan County, and on the plain was the 50,000 garrison of Anlu Mountain.

Gao Xianzhi ordered an ambush to prepare for a sneak attack, this time there were tens of thousands of people coming, they poured out their troops, and they set fire to the camp, maybe they could catch the enemy by surprise. But on the other side of the stream, there was darkness between the camps, there was not even a bonfire, the camp was like a monster that chose to eat people, and there was a whistling wind in the darkness.

"It shouldn't fail." Lu Xu whispered, "If this fails, Tang Jun should stop fighting."

In the few months since Luoyang's westward retreat, the Tang army has been defeated repeatedly. They either surrendered or were defeated along the way. Lu Xu marched with Ge Shuhan before, and he had never seen such a useless army.

"No way." Li Jinglong frowned irritably, and replied, "They are all militiamen temporarily recruited from the market. They don't even have the armor. They are incomparable with your frontier army."

"Shhh." Ashinaqiong came out of the river and said, "There is no ambush on the east road."

"You go instead." Li Jinglong said to Lu Xu.

Lu Xu was as light as a swallow, spread his arms, and jumped towards the river. When it fell to the water, Ashinaqiong threw a branch, which happened to land on Lu Xu's feet, and Lu Xu stepped on the branch and flew across the river.

"Crossing the river with one reed." Li Jinglong could hardly believe what he saw with his eyes, and whispered, "It's just a magic skill."

Lu Xu walked around the plain on the other side of the river, not daring to get too close to the enemy camp, so he returned quickly and said to Ashina Qiong, "Are you blind or stupid? So the big eight monsters were stuck on the plain and didn't see them? "

"What monster?" Ashinaqiong looked bewildered.

In the darkness, the eight Earth Swallowing Beasts that devoured human corpses in Luoyang were standing outside the barracks, lined up.

"How to fight this?" Artest asked again.

"Are you all brainless?" Li Jinglong couldn't bear it.

"This is to respect you! Changshi!" Lu Xu said.

Li Jinglong forgot that there were monsters under Anlu Mountain for a while, but he didn't think of the technique of restraint at the beginning. After thinking and thinking, he said, "A-Tai bombarded their mouths with fireballs. Lu Xu, you can kill them one by one." Lead them one by one to solve them. Joan, you go and inform General Feng that you will not attack the camp for now, until the enemy is dealt with."

Ashina Qiong went to report the letter, and Li Jinglong observed the other side for a while, and suddenly said: "It's really impossible, if you can't beat it later, you can call the dragon out, where are the dragon scales for life?"

Artest: "Mine is in Trandor's hands."

Lu Xu: "I gave mine to Big Wolf, and they went to the north."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Several people didn't have dragon scales on their bodies, Artest suddenly remembered, and said, "Zhao Zilong has one."

"Who sent it to the enemy camp?" Li Jinglong said.

Lu Xu: "Isn't it you?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the only life-saving dragon scale was actually on the carp demon, and the carp demon was sent out by Li Jinglong.

Artest said: "Joan should have another piece, don't be nervous, I hope he didn't give it to Hongjun."

Li Jinglong: "..."