Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 168: People turned on their backs


Lu Xu took a crossbow and crossed the river to lure the monsters. Artest and Li Jinglong stood by the river. Not long after, there was a vibration in the distance, and an earth-swallowing beast chased Lu Xu and rushed towards the river.

When the Earth-Tuning Beast was about to open its mouth to roar, Li Jinglong immediately shouted: "It's now!"

In an instant, Artest burst out a fireball that illuminated the river, and the soldiers ambushing on both sides saw the fireball shoot out brazenly, and shot into the mouth of the Earth-Tuning Beast. , a red light shot out from the belly, and with a muffled bang, it fell into the river.

Immediately afterwards, the mud and rocks rolled out crazily, filling most of the river, and the flowing water diverted in an instant. Li Jinglong never expected that the earth-swallowing beast would spit out so many things, and the river soaked into the woods. When the vanguard soldiers saw the monster for the first time, they were rushed by the river again, and instantly became nervous.

"Hold on!" Li Jinglong shouted back, "Hold on! Lu Xu! Next one!"

However, at this moment, the sound of owl arrows suddenly came from the woods behind!

"Who issued the order!" Li Jinglong was furious.


"Don't charge!" Several people were in a hurry, and Ashinaqiong charged forward and shouted, "Bian Lingcheng urges to send troops!"

"Is he crazy?" Li Jinglong roared.

"He thought we were stalling for time!" Ashinaqiong shouted, "He wants to force us to fight!"

The first thing Li Jinglong wanted to kill was not the enemy, but to go back and kill Bian Lingcheng himself. However, the eight earth-swallowing beasts had just cleaned up one, and the forward Tang Jun also mistakenly thought that he had killed the monster, and the mud and rocks were blocked again Once they got out of the river, they rushed forward one after another.

"What should I do?" Lu Xu shouted, "Are you still quoted?"

"Stop quoting!" Li Jinglong yelled, "Play by ear! Split up!"

Artest is the most powerful in the Exorcist Department, but Artest often needs to cover when casting spells. As for Lu Xu, except for his fast speed, he has almost no magic weapon to absorb demons, and Hong Jun, who can fight the most, is not there. Zhanxian Modao, come and chop one by one, these little monsters are not opponents at all.

"Let's fight!" Ashinaqiong shouted.

It was the first time for the Exorcist Division to cooperate with the officers and soldiers, and it was simply chaotic. Li Jinglong finally broke his heart and shouted: "Come on!"

Everyone rode their horses, rushed out of the woods, and rushed towards the other side of the river. Lu Xu shouted at Li Jinglong: "You can't fight! Chang Shi!"

Li Jinglong didn't care about it, just like before, he took the lead, holding the wisdom sword, and led the exorcists towards the enemy camp.

The remaining three exorcists were dumbfounded, hurriedly urged their horses, and chased after Li Jinglong.

In the rebel camp.

An Lushan pressed Liang Danhuo's head with one hand, billowing black air permeated her whole body, the painted skin demon's bright red flesh gradually turned into pitch black, and the evil energy gradually radiated from her muscles and blood vessels. At this moment, An Lushan's whole body was like a swollen skin, his movements were slow and slow, as if his body could no longer hold the devilish energy, and it was on the verge of limit.

Suddenly there was a shout of killing outside the camp.

"The time is coming." An Lushan said in a terrifying voice, "I feel that there are too many lives, and this fear will help me complete the last step..."

Liang Danhuo's voice became hoarse and ferocious, and he said, "I'll kill them all for you."

An Lushan ordered: "Take me out, food, there is too much food..."

In that tent, the carp demon tried to tear off the tightly stretched human skin on the bird's bone with his bare hands, but the human skin was sewn too well, and it still didn't know what the bird was useful for, so it grabbed the bird's buttocks, climbed up. When he was looking left and right, Liang Danhuo suddenly came in with a large group of monsters, and said, "Don't be afraid, there are Earth Swallowing Beasts guarding them, and they won't be able to come in for a while."

What the carp demon was most afraid of was seeing Liang Danhuo, and instantly lost his mind, and slid in along the bird's buttocks.

Liang Danhuo climbed up to the giant bird's neck, and said to the monsters below: "Go and guard in front of the barracks, and kill if you can."

The monsters responded in unison and dispersed. The carp demon was terrified and crawled towards the belly of the bird. The body of the bird was not all human skin, and the inside was filled with strange black meat. A dagger suddenly thrust into the upper body, almost piercing it through.

Liang Danhuo was right above his head, chanting a spell, and saw the green light on the dagger instantly spread throughout the body of the big bird, quickly covering the black meat that constituted the internal organs of the big bird, and the whole big bird flapped its wings and flew away stand up!

The carp demon was caught between the pieces of meat, only half an inch away from the dagger, with its eyes open and its mouth wide open, it did not dare to move. The strange bird soared into the sky, and the carp monster turned its head to the beak and looked out. The tent was withdrawn, and the giant bird soared into the sky. It protruded half of its fish head. When it looked down, it saw the neck of the giant bird There is also a wooden sign hanging on it, with two shocking characters written in blood—Jingwei.

Carp demon: "..."

At the same time, on the plain battlefield, all the sleeping soldiers in the tents were awakened. The raid team composed of tens of thousands of people screamed and shook the sky, and the mountains shook and the ground shook and rushed towards the barracks in the dark night! But before the head-on confrontation, there was an "ang" sound in front of the barracks, and the earth-swallowing beasts all raised their heads and screamed!

In an instant, the ground centered on the rebel camp tilted rapidly, and the direction of the galloping horse's charge instantly turned into a slope, and the slope became larger and larger. The soldiers of the Tang army suddenly screamed in panic, and Li Jinglong shouted: "Hold it!"

Ashinaqiong cursed and shouted: "Not ready yet! Which bastard gave the order to charge!"

That was a real landslide. The exorcists were running on the slope, and the sky, earth, and space seemed to have undergone a strange reversal. Lu Xu shouted: "We must kill all the monsters!"

Artest shouted: "Get ready! It's going to fly!"

Immediately Artest was a little behind, turned on the hurricane fan, and the storm swept over the sky and covered the sky. With a "boom", the remaining three people and their horses were swept out along the slope. In front of the beast, they shouted at the same time.

The two drew their swords together, and thrust the sword into the throat of the swallowing beast. The second swallowing beast roared instantly, and the slope of the ground slowly recovered. Seeing this, Li Jinglong shouted: "Attention the exorcist! Take the monster first!"

The eight earth-swallowing beasts release their monster power at the same time, and the sky and the earth will tilt and turn. Every time one is killed, the slope will recover a little. A hurricane came out and rolled the two of them to the top of the slope.

At the same time, all the rebel soldiers had appeared on the top of the back formation, and they all raised their spears. Li Jinglong turned around and shouted: "Retreat! They are going to charge!"

At this moment Gao Xianzhi finally arrived at the battlefield, and when he was about to command, he saw a sudden change in the terrain, and was instantly shocked, the original plain had turned into a huge slope, how did this change

Lu Xu and Ashina Qiong split up and rushed to the ground swallowing beast on the slope. In order to protect the remaining six ground swallowing beasts, the monsters rushed out one after another. I saw Lu Xu flying around and holding the ground swallowing beast's head , with a flash of light holding a sharp dagger, the entire chin of the swallowing beast was removed, blood spurted wildly, turned around and rushed out, bumped into another swallowing beast, and the world was turned upside down. Ashinaqiong jumped up in the air, shook off his cloak, and blocked the arrows from behind. Two throwing knives shot like falcons, hitting the eyes of an earth-swallowing beast!

The Earth Swallowing Beast's defensive line was in disarray, and the enemy's defense line collapsed in a row, and the slope was raised again. Lu Xu was about to kill again, when he heard an earth-shattering bell ringing behind him.


The remaining four earth-swallowing beasts roared suddenly, and the slope rose rapidly. Li Jinglong realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Retreat! The whole army retreats!"

The slope that was originally slanted towards the Tang army rose rapidly, lifting Li Jinglong and others above the enemy's line, but no one in the chaos army heard his cry. When Tang Jun was trying his best to climb up the slope, he was caught by Natun. As soon as the beast changed, it turned downhill in an instant, and then all the troops and horses rolled downhill!

In an instant, people turned their backs on their backs and turned into a torrent rushing forward. Lu Xu and Ashina Qiong were not wary of the sudden change in slope, and rolled towards the darkness in an instant. When Lu Xu was about to turn over and climb up, he suddenly stepped on the ground and shouted: "Trench!"

Behind the Earth-Tuning Beast was a huge ditch nearly ten feet wide and mile long. All the enemy troops were waiting in front of the ditch, bowing their bows and shooting arrows one after another. Ashina Qiong felt chills down his spine in an instant, and at this moment he finally knew the rebels layout! However, it was too late to know all this, and above the two of them were the thousands of troops of the Tang army. The soldiers and horses lost their balance, rolled together, and rushed towards the trench!

Ashinaqiong shouted: "Jump over!"

The opposite side was full of rebels, just waiting for them to rush, Lu Xu gritted his teeth, grabbed Ashinaqiong's collar with one hand, and thrust his sword into the ground with the other. The two of them spun around, and Ashinaqiong was thrown into the air !

"Lu Xu!" Ashinajong shouted in the air.

Lu Xu shouted: "What!"

"You are more handsome than Hongjun!" Ashinaqiong shouted, "I have fallen in love with you since today!"

Lu Xu: "..."

Li Jinglong was about to gallop his horse back, but in just a few moments, the Ten Thousand Tang Army had rolled down the slope. Li Jinglong had no choice but to jump on the horseback, and suddenly a magnificent scene appeared——

——The rebels fired all their arrows, and the Tang army filled the trench with their backs on their backs, screaming! Li Jinglong was hit by a horse rushing downhill, and his blood was surging immediately. He was hit by two flying arrows from the opposite side, and the pain was excruciating. At the last moment when he was about to fall into the ditch, something suddenly hit him by his waist. In the darkness, the light shines brightly, and with a deer cry, the white deer emits light spots, raises its head to avoid the arrows, and carries Li Jinglong into the sky!

The white deer flew across the battlefield, leaving the range of the arrows, and the rebels kept shooting arrows into the ditch. Countless sharp knives had already been buried in the ditch, and the Tang army who fell into the ditch died instantly.

Li Jinglong: "Go over."

"I can't get past it." Lu Xu said in a low and indifferent voice, "I can't win! Accept your fate!"

Li Jinglong: "..."

Li Jinglong looked at the ground, only to see Tang Jun, who was full of mountains and valleys, kept filling the trench. Li Jinglong shouted: "Kill those earth-swallowing beasts!"

The white deer circled and flew down the battlefield, but the earth-swallowing beasts had all retreated. After swallowing tens of thousands of Tang soldiers, the trench finally returned to its original state, and the main force of the Tang army rushed into the battlefield. Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi commanded the army, shouting: "Steady! March!" Tang Jun was terrified and looked up at the sky.

With a hoarse cry, in the night sky, a giant bird with wings spread came flying.

At the same time, the rebels raised their halberds, screamed at the sea, crossed the trench filled with corpses, and launched the first round of charges towards the Tang army! The giant bird spread its wings and could almost cover the sky. Amidst its hoarse cry, bursts of blood mist emanated from its body. It charged towards the enemy's rear, and with a swift sweep, Gao Xianzhi's expression changed, "Shoot!"

During Tang Jun's charge, arrows shot towards the sky, but the blood mist filled the air, it was night again, and the human skin was extremely hard, so it couldn't be shot through at all. Li Jinglong turned around, only to hear a scream.

The blood mist dispersed, and the coach Gao Xianzhi was suddenly grabbed, lifted into the sky, and then thrown to the ground from a height of several feet!

"General Gao!" Li Jinglong shouted violently.

In an instant, there was chaos in the camp of the Tang army, and when they charged and collided, the two armies collided and gathered together! Without waiting for Li Jinglong's order, the white deer suddenly lifted into the air and rushed towards the strange bird.

At present, the only one who can fly is Lu Xu. Li Jinglong gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow on his body. Blood sprayed wildly, and sprinkled the white deer all over.

Bailu shouted: "What should I do?! You are injured!"

"I saw it!" Li Jinglong said, "Knock her down!"

"She can fly!" Bailu shouted.

"Where's Artest? Artest!" Li Jinglong passed over the heads of the army and flew towards the place where the flames were shining. Artest rolled up a hurricane and was about to take off to deal with the strange bird. Li Jinglong flew over and shouted: "I will assist you !"

"I'll cover you!" Artest shouted, and then fired several flame bombs, flying towards the human-skinned Jingwei. Guard back. As soon as Bailu stepped onto Jingwei's side, he transformed into Lu Xu's human form, and shot like lightning.

Liang Danhuo caught him with bloody hands, Lu Xu pointed at Liang Danhuo with his fist, and in just a short while, they had fought several moves. Li Jinglong stopped shouting and stabbed Liang Danhuo's vest with his sword. But Liang Danhuo turned around and kicked, almost knocking Jingwei off.

Hearing the voices of Lu Xu and Li Jinglong, the carp demon suddenly became nervous, and Liang Danhuo shouted on top of its head: "I don't know where to find you, so I'm here!"

Li Jinglong grabbed the side of Jingwei's wing, Lu Xu and Liang Danhuo were as fast as a whirlwind, Liang Danhuo was covered in blood, and shouted: "Die!"

"It's you who deserves to die, bitch!" Lu Xu said coldly, and then transformed his fists into palms in the shadow of fists all over the sky, passed through Liang Danhuo's blood claws, and slapped the painted skin monster firmly on the side of his face. He beat her so that her neck was crooked, and she was bleeding everywhere!

Liang Danhuo was so angry that he went mad for a moment, his whole body exploded into a blood mist, and attacked Lu Xu, but Lu Xu swept through the blood mist like lightning, and appeared behind the bird's tail. Wrapped up, Lu Xu was even faster, and with another sweep, he rushed to Jingwei's head!

At that time, fireballs shot one after another from afar and hit Jingwei, causing the giant bird to tremble violently.

Liang Danhuo met such a difficult opponent for the first time, but he didn't know that this speed had exhausted Lu Xu's peak strength, and immediately shouted: "See how long you can last—" As he spoke, he transformed into a human form, and stretched out his hand to grab and insert it in the spirit. The dagger on the head of the guard.

But when she was about to grab the dagger, her palm was empty, and the dagger retracted into the bird's head.

Liang Danhuo: "???"

Liang Danhuo grabbed the end of the dagger handle with his fingers, trying to pull it out, but there seemed to be a force inside that sucked the dagger in! The carp demon held the dagger in both hands, wrestling with each other, Jingwei immediately roared. The bird's body tilted accordingly, Li Jinglong saw the opportunity, and took advantage of the tilt to turn over on the bird's back, then flew up a sneak attack, and shouted: "Go down!"

Jingwei flipped over in an instant, Liang Danhuo screamed loudly, and was thrown off the bird's back, the carp demon flipped up from Jingwei's head, grabbed the dagger, hurriedly inserted it back on Jingwei's head, and shouted: "Li Jinglong!"

Li Jinglong and Lu Xu took a hasty glance and saw the carp demon. Before they could say anything, they fell off the bird's back together. Immediately afterwards, the white deer flew up with Li Jinglong again, and shouted: "Here is up to you!" Then he flew to the place where the Painted Skin Demon fell!

"What... what?" The carp demon straddled the bird's neck, holding the dagger in his hand, and hurriedly looked around, only to see that the ground was in chaos. Where did you go.

"Where is it from our own people!" The carp demon pressed the dagger, and Jingwei flapped his wings and rushed towards the ground. It tried to lift the dagger up, and Jingwei was lifted into the air. Press down, Jingwei descends. Pull left to fly to the left, pull right to fly to the right. push forward—

... Jingwei let out an extremely piercing and painful cry, opened his mouth, and the green light in his internal organs gathered and gushed out!

The green light slanted towards the earth, forming a beam of light. Where the beam of light illuminated, huge boulders, sand, and shrubs on the ground shot up into the sky, and a strong earthquake occurred. As the center continued to be buried, it immediately devoured all the fighting miscellaneous soldiers!

"Wow—" The carp demon was taken aback, and said to himself, "Then what about pulling back?"

Flip back and nothing happens...

Well, the carp demon manipulated the Jingwei and flew towards the rebel camp. In the enemy camp, thousands of monsters mixed with the rebels and came to kill the Tang army. The carp demon didn't care to distinguish the enemy from us , Immediately pushed the dagger, and green light erupted everywhere, causing a torrent of mud and rocks.

Once the battle line was pushed to the front of the stream, there was muddy water spreading, but when Jingwei's magic was sprayed, the muddy water, sand and stones shot up into the sky, turning the whole land into a swamp and muddy land, and sinking all the rebels!