Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 169: After the war


Li Jinglong reunited with Artest, Lu Xu, and Ashinaqiong again. Artest continued to attack the surrounding enemy troops with hurricanes, protecting several people, and shouted: "Monsters and humans are all mixed together! There is no way to avoid people!"

"Let's fight." Li Jinglong panted, "An Lushan has already fought."

So the four of them rushed across the battle formation, and under Artest's cover, they released flowing flames and swept around.

The carp demon in the sky is still manipulating the Jingwei, spraying around, looking back, Liang Danhuo screamed in the night sky: "Zhao Zilong! You traitor!"

The carp demon shouted in horror, and hurriedly dodged Liang Danhuo who was chasing him.

"Don't spray here! Your own people!" Ashinaqiong realized that something was wrong when he was killing, and hurriedly dodged the green light, and the ground around him instantly became a deep ditch, sinking even the rebels and monsters together! The force of Jingwei's reclamation moves mountains and rivers, and wherever it passes, it is almost unstoppable. Li Jinglong shouted again: "Fly to the opposite side!"

The carp demon swooped down and flew away, and the crowd slashed and killed in the chaotic army. The flames that Atai radiated were so dazzling that almost all the monsters came out, ignoring the Tang army and only mad at them Swarming, forming a dense encirclement.

Jingwei flew around the encirclement circle for a week, and more reinforcements from the rebel army joined the battlefield. The morale of the Tang army was finally broken and they fled in all directions.

"I can't hold it anymore." Ashinaqiong gasped.

"Cover them to retreat." Li Jinglong said, "Liang Danhuo is coming soon."

Liang Danhuo chased after Jingwei, and the carp monster was flying like lightning, reaching the extreme speed, but found that Jingwei couldn't stop, and shouted: "I'm going down! Stop!"

At the same time, black clouds spread across the back of the formation, and wherever they passed, no matter whether they were rebels, Tang soldiers, or monsters, they were all held together by this devilish energy. A hoarse and deep voice said: "Die!"

An Lushan emerged from the black mist and turned into a billowing cloud of magic, rolled into the battlefield, and his hands and fingers could not be seen all around. The Tang army outside the black mist was completely terrified, abandoned their weapons and shouted, and fled in panic. Li Jinglong saw the darkness and shouted: "Get out!"

The exorcists were prepared when they saw the demonic air mass attacking, they turned around instantly, and escaped from the place shrouded in black mist. , continuously spraying black fire meteors outward, even Liang Danhuo had to avoid its sharp edges.

In an instant, the demonic air mass attacked quickly, crossed the camp, crossed the ditch, and rolled into the woods. Thousands of trees were all withered, and the living people were turned into dead bodies wherever they passed. All the exorcists rushed, and the situation was completely reversed!

"Why have you become so strong!" Ashina Qiong shouted.

Artest fought against the strong wind again and again, but he couldn't blow away the devilish energy. Outside the forest, the 200,000 Tang troops were routed, and their defeat was evident.

After the defeat of the Tang army, the billowing demon cloud still did not give up, and roared in a low voice: "Li Jinglong—"

"His target is me." Li Jinglong gasped.

The battle of Daming Palace almost wiped out An Lushan; the power of Mingtang's ground veins almost burned this monster to ashes. Li Jinglong knew that An Lushan could not let him go. Apart from Yang Guozhong, maybe the only thorn in his side is himself.

On the plains outside Shan County, in the middle of the night, 200,000 Tang troops fled in a panic, and the black clouds came after them, and the exorcists couldn't escape on foot.

"I can lead people to run first." Lu Xu said, "Quick! Who will launch with me!"

Li Jinglong slowed down and said: "If you don't stop it, the whole Tongguan will be completely finished! You all go, go!"

As he spoke, he turned around, pulled out the Wisdom Sword behind his back, and faced the dark clouds that were close at hand.

"Long History!" Everyone shouted.

"What's the use?!" Artest roared angrily.

Ashinaqiong shouted: "You can't beat it!"

"It's just a gamble." Li Jinglong panted, "I hope your speculation is right, and a miracle will appear... In this life, my luck has never been better. Bet on the bad luck of the past twenty years, just let me win the bet …”

Lu Xu never expected that his few words of comfort that cheered Li Jinglong up turned out to be his last straw.

"Go!" Li Jinglong yelled angrily, "Get out of here! I will give you the queen!"


Lu Xu was about to rush towards Li Jinglong, but black clouds had covered them, everyone lost their way in an instant, and all the light disappeared, replaced by bone-chilling coldness and despair.

"Go!" Ashina Qiong shouted in the dark, Lu Xu was grabbed by the wrist and was forcibly dragged out.

Li Jinglong stood in the boundless darkness, holding the dim wisdom sword, facing the turbulent black clouds.

A purple-black light lit up at the end of the darkness. It was a black figure floating in the air, surrounded by black fire, making the sound of Anlu Mountain.

"Li Jinglong." An Lushan said in a compassionate voice, "I have always wanted to return this thing to you."

Speaking of which, the humanoid monster formed by gathering black fire threw an object, landed on the ground, rolled continuously, and rolled to Li Jinglong's feet.

Li Jinglong bowed and picked it up.

It was a finger wrench made of alloy, which was once made for him by Hong Jun in Luoyang. However, too many things happened in it, and Li Jinglong didn't even look at it carefully, but simply took it. Afterwards, everyone even made this ring finger into a fake magic weapon. Before the first battle in the Daming Palace, they exchanged the Shenhuo ring, and An Lushan took it back and put it on his hand.

Li Jinglong held the wrench in his left hand, crossed the Wisdom Sword with his right hand, stood in front of him, and raised his head to face the darkness.

"Are you still holding the fantasy of saving the common people in the world?!" An Lushan laughed wildly in his voice.

Li Jinglong stared at the figure and replied: "Not now, I just want to... save one person."

At dawn, when the sun was shining on the mountains, Hong Jun woke up and yawned.

The climate in early spring was still cold, and the period after leaving Shiwei was the most comfortable time Hong Jun had lived since the Battle of Dunhuang. Every night, he no longer has nightmares, nor does he feel like something is weighing heavily on his heart.

He seemed to be one with the mountain forest, wrapped in the thick fur brought by Mo Zhigen, curled up beside the fire at night, and lay on the wolf's back during the day, dozing off, half asleep and half awake.

"I had a dream last night." Hong Jun rolled up his fur coat and came to the bank of the stream.

The wolf lay down in front of the stream, licked the water with its tongue, and asked, "What dream?"

"I dreamed that I was flying in the air at night." Hong Jun said, "It's very dark around..."

He squatted down, washed his face with the cold stream water, looked at his unkempt reflection in the water, shook his hands, and said, "Jing Long is holding the Wisdom Sword in front of him, and he is holding something in his left hand." , just looking at me like this, he said 'Hong Jun... I can't do it, I failed'."

Canglang turned his head and glanced at Hong Jun.

Hong Jun pondered for a while, then thought for a while, and said, "Why did his heart lamp disappear like this?"

The wolf replied casually, "Because he can't see it."

Hong Jun stared at the wolf in a daze. The wolf walked towards him and lay down on the grass. Hong Jun turned over and rode on it. The wolf jumped over the stream and ran towards the south at high speed.

"I think he sees it quite openly." Hong Jun said, "You see, he doesn't even want to kill himself, and burns his soul to solve An Lushan."

"Sacrifice yourself." The wolf replied in a low voice while running, "It's not just looking away."

"But life is alive." Hong Jun replied, "How many people can really look away? When facing a nightmare, don't you also..."

"That's the key point." Canglang ran up the side road and replied, "Run along the official road, if you are seen, you will be seen, hurry up."

Hong Jun responded, and he will arrive at Tongguan in a few days. It took too long to leave everyone this time.

"Why do you say that?" Hong Jun asked again.

Early spring came, but the fields in the north were deserted and overgrown with weeds.

"He always gives me a feeling: he doesn't believe in anyone but himself." The wolf ran across the official road, sniffing the smell of blood in the air.

Hong Jun said: "How is it possible? When was it not everyone together..."

The wolf replied: "That's right. Every time, everyone worked together to defeat a strong enemy. But if you think about it carefully, in order to protect everyone and you, you even sacrificed your own life. No matter how difficult you face I am not willing to let my comrades take risks, which is certainly protection, but it is also a kind of instability."

Hong Jun: "It's just because of his character."

"The three words he said most often were 'trust me'." Cang Lang said ecstatically, "'trust me, we will win', all difficulties fell on his shoulders, and he didn't even want anyone to help him bear."

Hong Jun pondered for a moment, and Canglang said again: "Sometimes I always think, is the exorcist really sharing life and death together? Maybe this is what Fudo Mingwang wanted to tell him. I will give you the rope to bind the demon, and the bow of the eclipse will hand over to you." Tell me, tell me, what is implied here?"

Hongjun: "..."

"That is to say..." Hong Jun murmured, "Maybe, the next magic weapon will be in Artest or Yongsi, or..."

"The demon-binding rope is under the Dragon Town Pagoda, and the moon eclipse bow is in the lonely peak." Canglang murmured, "This should not be a coincidence."

A few days later, Canglang, carrying Hong Jun, was stationed on a hill in the northwest of Shan County, overlooking the plain. After they entered the Central Plains, Canglang proposed to detour Tongguan and pass through Shan County, and explore the situation in the Anlu Mountain camp by the way. However, what they saw was a desert.

All the troops withdrew.

Hong Jun was surprised and said: "Retreat?"

"Don't be too happy." Mo Zhigen and Hong Jun walked past the abandoned camp of the rebels and came to the trench. This was obviously a battlefield. There was blood in the trench, and tens of thousands of Tang army armors were discarded.

Hong Jun picked up a long halberd, danced a few times, and said, "What's going on?"

The plain is full of criss-cross ravines, as if someone used a huge plow to turn the whole land upside down.

All the trees in the forest were withered, and the surrounding area was scorched black.

"Get ready." Mo Zhigen swooped forward and turned into a wolf.

Hong Jun didn't understand yet, looking at the sword stuck in the ground, he rolled onto the wolf's back, and the wolf rushed to Tongguan at high speed. As the destination got closer, the ominous premonition deep in Hong Jun's heart became more and more serious. more intense. They didn't talk, and the wolf stopped briefly as they ran across a clearing.

Hong Jun always felt that this place seemed very familiar, but he couldn't tell where he had seen it. This is just an ordinary open space outside Tongguan. Immediately afterwards, the wolf set off again, rushing towards Tongguan almost at the fastest speed. The mountains on both sides outside Tongguan seemed to have been burned once, the closed gate was open, and the closed wall was covered with traces of being blackened.

"No... no." Hong Jun only felt a numbness from his back to his scalp, and his voice trembled with grief.

The guards were no longer there, and they rushed into Tongguan. The houses in Tongxian County were completely destroyed, and the school grounds in the pass were full of discarded armor.

"Why are there so many armors?!" Canglang asked in disbelief.

There is a saying "throw away the helmet and abandon the armor". When two armies are at war, if one side is defeated, they will throw down their armor and flee. Throw away the lining armor, that is, the leather lining.

The wolf lowered its head and sniffed at the armor everywhere, but Hong Jun got off the back of the wolf and walked towards the end of the school field in Tong County. The wolf turned his head and said: "Don't go far, you have to find their whereabouts immediately!"

Hong Jun walked to the center of the school field and saw two headless corpses lying across the field. These were the only two corpses they saw along the way. A crooked figure leaned crookedly under the school field, the blood on the broken neck had dried up and turned purple-black. There are crutches on the side of the school field.

The other one, wearing armor, was tall and kept a kneeling posture, but it survived for a long time after being beheaded.

Canglang followed and said in a deep voice, "Hong Jun."

Trembling, Hong Jun picked up the crutch. He had seen it more than once. It was in Feng Changqing's hands and was swung high when he scolded Li Jinglong.

Mo Zhigen and Hong Jun fell into a long silence. Hong Jun walked up to the corpse, looked down into the wooden trough, and saw two human heads inside—the heads of Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi, both staring angrily.

Hongjun: "..."

Mo Zhigen turned his head and looked into the distance.

"Someone beheaded them." Mo Zhigen said, "the bodies were not even collected."

Hong Jun said: "It was breached just like that? How is it possible?"

Mo Zhigen whispered: "It doesn't look like a rebel."

Hong Jun looked at Mo Rigen suddenly, and Mo Rigen said: "With the temperament of the rebels, if they cannot be persuaded to surrender, they will be left with their whole bodies, or hung on Tongguan. Or they will be demonized and then driven by An Lushan."

Obviously, as soon as the execution was over, the rebels broke through Tongguan, and everyone fled in a hurry, no longer caring about collecting the bodies of the two guards. Poor Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi, the first generation of wise men, fell down at Tongguan just like that.

Hong Jun said: "They have to be buried."

Mo Zhigen said: "It's too late, Hong Jun, the lives and deaths of the others are still unknown."

Hong Jun looked at Mo Zhigen, with grief and intolerance in his eyes, Mo Zhigen finally gave in and said: "Fine."

Hong Jun found the straw mat and came over, picked up the heads of the two, put them on his neck, hugged the heads of Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi, and smoothed their unrepentant eyes. The mat was put in, and the two worked together to fill it up.

It was dark, and after finishing, Hong Jun leaned in front of Tongguan and said, "Where did they go?"

Canglang said: "It will be fine, everyone is very capable, follow the rebels' direction, maybe you can find them."

"Who?" Someone spotted them, Hong Jun was startled for a moment, and the wolf shouted: "Come up!"

The rebels on patrol came and shouted one after another. The wolves jumped over the ruins, and the horses galloped to gather together. The wolves roared wildly, and the horses fled in a panic, throwing the rebel soldiers off.

"Go!" Hong Jun said.

The wolf resisted the urge to bite the enemy, turned around and rushed west, leaving Tongguan.