Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 183: reciprocal causation


Li Jinglong signaled Hong Jun to come with him. After Hong Jun cleaned up, he followed behind Li Jinglong and walked towards the canyon at the back of Lishan Mountain. There was a pine tree there, and there was a rock under the pine tree. I still remember that it was here that he met with Chong Ming said goodbye, while Li Jinglong stood behind him, waiting silently.

Li Jinglong sat down, patted his thigh, and said, "Sit on me."

"Is it better?" Hong Jun asked, "Can you take it?"

Li Jinglong said: "Then I sit on you?" He stood up, let Hongjun sit down, Hongjun sat on the stone, Li Jinglong sat on Hongjun's lap, took Hongjun's hands, hugged his waist, People quietly looked at Changtian. It was the first time for Hong Junshang to do this, and he found it quite novel. When he hugged Li Jinglong, the uneasy feeling in his heart gradually subsided, and was replaced by a sense of loneliness and emptiness.

And after so much, they still stayed by each other's side.

Hong Jun has too many things to say, but thousands of words rolled in his chest, and finally turned into four simple words:

"I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." Li Jinglong said ecstatically.

They just cuddled together like this, looking at the mountain at the end of the cliff, the fog gradually cleared up, revealing a round of green hills and a blazing sun. At this time, Hong Jun felt that there was no need to say anything, the past was over, at least their future was full of hope.

"I think we still have many years in our life." Li Jinglong glanced at Hong Jun sideways and said, "I can't help but laugh with joy when I think about it."

Hong Jun was full of melancholy, and there was nothing for a moment, his mood was refreshed like the sky washed by rain, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Did I promise you?"

"Yo." Li Jinglong patted Hongjun's head fiercely, and said, "Who did you learn from? Now you know how to talk back?"

"Get up!" Hong Jun pushed Li Jinglong to get him up, but Li Jinglong pulled Hong Jun and said, "Your husband, Chang Shi, I am alive and well, and am I being manipulated by you?"

Hong Jun and Li Jinglong are like two children, wrestling back and forth under the pine tree. Li Jinglong used his legs to catch Hong Jun's footsteps. Hong Jun lost his center of gravity and fell backwards. Li Jinglong grabbed his waist , kissed him lightly on the lips.

After a while, Li Jinglong was lying under the tree, and Hong Jun was lying in Li Jinglong's arms. From the day he woke up from the dream, he talked about Li Jinglong's dream. When Li Jinglong said it, Hong Jun was shocked.

"You...you changed the past?" Hong Jun asked in surprise.

Li Jinglong smiled and "hush", and replied: "But what you remember is still those days."

Hong Jun is vague, and still remembers the memory of his parents dying at the hands of Li Jinglong, but other than that, he vaguely felt what Li Jinglong did in his dream, the strange cause and effect overlapped, and finally led to the Anshi Rebellion produced a very different outcome.

"That is to say." Hong Jun was really puzzled, and asked, "Originally you were supposed to inherit Fudo Mingwang Six Arms and kill me in the Battle of Chang'an, but you went back in time and prayed to Fudo Mingwang , so he separated all the magic weapons..."

"Not bad." Li Jinglong said with a little sadness, "It's just that I didn't want to understand why your parents didn't come back to life."

Hong Jun replied with a little melancholy: "Chongming told me that the so-called 'death cannot be resurrected' is naturally so in the eyes of mortals, but even in monster races and even gods, this is the law of heaven that cannot be violated. The dead soul will enter the Tianmai, no matter how powerful the power of cause and effect is, they will not be able to recall them."

Li Jinglong said: "So, I changed the past, all the parts I can change, except your parents..."

"But our present is the present after our fate has been changed." Hong Jun said again, "That is to say, from the day I arrived in Chang'an, our fates are following the trajectory that you changed the past. And when you get to the end, you go back and change the past... Isn't that right?"

"What's wrong?" Li Jinglong said seriously, "I went from the past to the present, and then I went back and revised it, which led to the heart lamp being handed over to me. The road we walked together. This is a circle, and now I look back , and then decided the past me. If the present me did not ask Fudo Myoko, the past me would not get the heart lamp. Past and present, mutual causation, is the true meaning of changing fate."

Hong Jun seemed to understand a little bit, but he was even more confused. Li Jinglong saw his face full of confusion and said, "Let's take this as an example. Suppose I have collected all six weapons and inherited the power of King Fudo Ming, only to find out that something is wrong. The final ending I killed you with my own hands. But I regret it, I hope to go back to the past and change the cause and effect, right?"

"Yes." Hong Jun nodded.

Li Jinglong explained again: "Then if I go back to the past and King Fudong Ming agrees to my request, now I will suddenly lose the magic weapon..."

"That's right!" Hong Jun said, "This is the most reasonable."

Li Jinglong said with a smile: "Then, because it was eliminated, it means that I have never obtained a magic weapon along the way. But since I don't have a magic weapon, why would I want to go back to the past and change this 'cause'?" 'Woolen cloth?"

Hongjun: "..."

"So." Li Jinglong finally explained, "Only when the past and the future are causal to each other, can the fate be changed and the contradictions eliminated. God Kun saw two possible futures, and one of the futures is that you become a demon in the sky. , the dead future; the other future is the future you live in."

"To achieve a living future, I have to go back to the past at some point, give up the magic weapon, and choose the heart lamp. This is the key point to save everything, so God Kun opened the arrangement to disturb the cause and effect, and asked Qingxiong to seal you I remember, and I will hand over the heart lamp to you and take it to Chang'an. Then, I found that I couldn't get Fudo Mingwang's magic weapon, and replaced it with my heart lamp... "

"All the elements are converging towards this circle." Li Jinglong looked at Hong Jun's confused eyes, made a gesture, and said with a smile, "Until the last Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly made me fill in the last gap, so I used to work with The birth of the condition of mutual causality in the future... Well, well, I was wrong and shouldn't have explained this to you. Anyway, everything is in the past... Except for a little regret... "

Hong Jun said: "I decided to ask Brother Yongsi, he said it more simply than you."

Li Jinglong lost the battle, dumbfounding, and actually lost to Qiu Yongsi at this time.

"Get down, lie on me." Li Jinglong motioned to Hongjun and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Hong Jun then untied Li Jinglong's coat and inner garment, and Li Jinglong laughed and said, "I told you to lie on me, but didn't let you take off my clothes, what's the little pervert doing?"

Hong Jun leaned his head on his chest, feeling the powerful heartbeat coming from under his scorching skin. His heart was as usual, like a burning fire, and like a blazing sun shining on his soul.

"I like to be alive." Hong Jun said, "It's so good to be alive."

He and Li Jinglong breathed intertwined, and began to kiss under the tree, as if they never wanted to stop, the skin caress and the touch of lips and teeth made him feel so truly alive in this world.

Li Jinglong couldn't bear the kiss anymore, gasped for a moment, and said, "We'll talk about it at night, there's still a lot of time."

"What shall we do in the future?" Hong Jun asked, "Go back to Chang'an?"

"Don't go back." Li Jinglong lowered his head and looked into Hongjun's eyes emotionally, and said after a while, "What did Qingxiong ask you to do?"

Hong Jun remembered and said: "The Yaozu hopes to re-enter the world, let me discuss with the emperor and give us a place to live together."

Sure enough, Li Jinglong had vaguely guessed it earlier.

Hong Jun remembered that when he went down the mountain in the past, one of the three things Chongming proposed was "expel Xie prison and re-enter Shenzhou". But how easy is it for the monster race and the human race to live together? The most important thing is not how to live, but who to negotiate with. From now on, the monster race and the human race will share... no, share the fertile land of China.

"Do you know what this means?" Li Jinglong teased Hongjun interestingly, and shaved his handsome side face, Hongjun replied casually: "Yes, the demon king and the exorcist director Shi are also together. What does it mean that the two races will cultivate neighbors forever?"

Li Jinglong was shocked, and said, "It's also what Qingxiong said?"

Hong Jun had a half-smile, glanced at Li Jinglong, and said, "I guess."

Li Jinglong sometimes felt that Hongjun was in a daze, but sometimes he was unusually smart, and said, "Is this a marriage or something else?"

Hong Jun asked: "Is it possible?"

Li Jinglong said: "What if I say, no?"

Hong Jun said: "We are not guests of Shenzhou."

This sentence was even more surprising to Li Jinglong, but thinking of Chongming, when Hong Jun came down the mountain, he had taken the responsibility that Chongming had entrusted to him from the very beginning, it was only natural to think of it this way. He held back his untimely question, "If Yaozu and I asked you to choose one, how would you choose?" However, he asked himself, if you really love someone, you shouldn't let him choose, so Li Jinglong chose not to say.

"We have lived in the land of China for generations." Hong Jun sat up, cross-legged, turned to look at Li Jinglong, and said, "The monster race and the human race can live in peace, right? Our enemy is only one, magic."

"That's right." Li Jinglong said seriously, "I will do my best. I think the prince has the final say now. If the world is to be peaceful and peaceful, this negotiation is indispensable. Since it falls on you and me, it must be destiny."

"If I can't make up, I like you the same." Hong Jun leaned forward and kissed Li Jinglong's lips lightly. Li Jinglong's face turned red suddenly. Hong Jun pointed at him and laughed. Li Jinglong only felt that after this battle, Hong Jun seems to have grown up, and he has a lot of careful thoughts, and occasionally has a mischievous mentality. He immediately hugged him into his arms, pressed him under the tree and kissed. The two kissed for a moment, and Li Jinglong undressed again , Regardless of the scene, they became intimate.

Mo Zhigen and Lu Xu soaked in the hot spring, while Chen Feng sat on a rock and played with water.

"Why bring a child?" Mo Zhigen said.

"It's none of your business." Lu Xu said expressionlessly, "I like it."

Chen Feng took a look at Mo Zhigen, Mo Zhigen was really convinced, he couldn't bear it at all, he thought that the war would stop and he would be able to spend a few days with Lu Xu, but Lu Xu took Chen Feng to take care of him everywhere . Chen Feng is also very beautiful, Mo Zhigen can't be cruel to a child.

Chen Feng said, "Do you dislike me?"

"Don't dare!" Mo Zhigen said, Chen Feng made him think of the youngest at home, so he folded a boat out of leaves for him to play with, and Chen Feng pushed the boat back and forth on the hot spring water. Taking advantage of the distraction, Mo Zhigen moved forward a little and touched Lu Xu.

"Night." Lu Xu said coldly, "Otherwise I'll yell."

Mo Zhigen had no choice but to give up, put his hand on his forehead, and said, "Why are you like this?"

A sly smile flashed in Lu Xu's eyes, and he looked at Mo Zhigen. Within a moment, both of them blushed, and turned their heads away, pretending nothing had happened.

At night, everyone packed up the supplies in Huaqing Palace, and had another meal. Ashinaqiong also dug out Li Longji's cellar, took off the mud, and the exorcists had a drink to celebrate this true reunion and temporary victory.

"The wine is still there." Li Jinglong looked at the amber wine in the bowl, shook his head and said, "The Tian family has already fled like a bereaved dog."

Qiu Yongsi said: "The world will last forever, new dynasties and old dynasties, nothing is better than that, the sea is changing, the rivers are diverted, changing rapidly, only the sun and the moon rise in the east and set in the west, which is eternal."

"Yes." Li Jinglong said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard these days, so there is no need to say anything, I would like to offer you a toast."

Along the way, all the bitterness and sorrow are contained in this bowl of wine. From now on, it will be extremely peaceful. Li Jinglong led the crowd to pay respects to the Zhongshan River overnight, as well as the countless people and heroes who died in Chang'an City at the foot of Lishan Mountain. At night, Chang'an is still shrouded in demonic energy, ghostly fog, and Anlu Mountain is mighty along the way, absorbing the hostility of nearly a million people, and then erupting in Chang'an City in an instant, the effect is really shocking, crying ghosts and gods, the sun and the moon The stars, the two veins of heaven and earth, can't be eliminated. It seems that it is really like what Qingxiong said, it will take three years to return to their original state.

"Chang'an can't live anymore." Li Jinglong said, "The area along the way to Luoyang is full of demonic energy. After the war, it is not a place to stay."

"Go to Hangzhou?" Qiu Yongsi said, "Go to Hangzhou. It's a good place to go to Hangzhou Mansion under Zhenlong Pagoda."

"Hmm..." Li Jinglong thought for a moment.

Mo Zhigen said: "I will go wherever you go."

Lu Xu added: "It's fine if you don't go to Yadan, I don't want to go back."

Hong Jun said: "Originally, Taihang Mountain was pretty good, but the Ghost King and the others couldn't go up. Although the Yaojin Palace is beautiful, it's too troublesome to go up and down."

Li Jinglong's original idea was to move the Exorcist Department to a new location first, and then talk to Li Longji on another day, choose a place, and want to come here as a fief, and then let the monsters live in their fief. There is no need to explain too much about other things, so as not to cause side effects. If you want to explain, you must explain to Prince Li Heng, and control the inside information on the premise that only both parties know.

Artest said: "Either everyone go out of Yangguan? Accompany me to restore the country?"

Everyone is talking nonsense, it hasn't been three or five years since I left the customs with you, who will come back

Li Jinglong thought for a few words, and finally said: "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

The corners of the exorcists' mouths twitched suddenly, how could Li Jinglong say such a thing? In the past, he would not seek anyone's opinion at all, and made a decision directly.

"Then don't talk about it." The carp demon said, "Come again after thinking about it."

Li Jinglong: "..."

"You're looking for death!" Chen Feng said, "How did you talk to benefactor!"

The carp demon said: "He is your benefactor not my benefactor..."

Chen Feng: "He is the benefactor of the whole world. I saw him defeat the traitor with my own eyes!"

Everyone fell down immediately. Although Chen Feng was young, his temper was not ambiguous at all. The carp demon finally met his nemesis, and every time he tried to make trouble, Li Jinglong couldn't say it because of Hongjun's face. Now that there is Chen Feng, people are immediately happy.

"It's like this." Li Jinglong felt dark when he saw the carp demon slumped, and explained to the crowd, "Although you... are only for the world to kill the demons, and you are not my subjects of the Tang Dynasty, you still receive the imperial salary."

This is true, taking people's money to eliminate disasters, the exorcists nodded one after another, Li Jinglong said again: "After all, the great cause has not been accomplished, and His Majesty has not yet passed the throne to the crown prince. I think it is better to go to Chengdu to see the situation."

Everyone unanimously agreed, and Li Jinglong explained that the demon clan hopes to return to Shenzhou and no longer hide their heads and show their tails. It is not unacceptable for Hong Jun to become the nominal leader.

The land of Shu is far away from the Central Plains, and it is a land of fish and rice. Where you enter Shu, there are endless mountains and mountains, and there are often no people in the mountains. If you can ask Li Longji for a piece of land for the monsters to live in, you will probably not have any more disputes with the human race. The two races of monsters and humans live in peace, and the Tang Dynasty rests and recuperates. It is only waiting for the birth of a wise king. At that time, the Tang Dynasty will usher in a new prosperous age.

So everyone agreed to go to Chengdu first. Hong Jun hadn't been to Bayu yet. Hearing the description, it seemed to be an extremely beautiful place, like a paradise. They were even more attracted by Li Bai's "Shu road is difficult", and they were fascinated immediately. After this battle, everyone was also happy to take a round of sightseeing and relax.