Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 186: limited to one year


At night, there was a gust of gloomy wind in the city of Luoyang, the monsters who had been yelling at each other had long since dispersed, and the demon soldiers and generals were also completely destroyed. In the vast eastern capital, only ghosts crying at night can be heard.

In the deepest part of the ten-mile galaxy, the black flood dragon is covered with scars, and the demon seeds under the scales have become concrete, showing the rotten Anlu Mountain form. The scene was extremely strange, as if a black "person" full of carrion grew out of the throat of a giant dragon.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and the eyes of the black flood dragon suddenly opened, and the blood-red light shone through the eyes of the flood dragon, shining in front of it.

A man in black came slowly, the black dragon suddenly held his breath, the cave was silent, and a needle could be heard.

"It seems that the separation was very successful." The man in black said.

An Lushan in the black dragon's back scales opened his mouth, hissed, and sneered, as if he had glimpsed the intention of the man in black.

"I really didn't expect that." An Lushan's voice came from Yang Guozhong's tone.

"Didn't expect anything?" the man in black said lightly.

"I didn't expect you to come to make a deal with me at this moment." Xie prison said in a deep voice.

"And you know I'm here to make a deal?"

"If there is no deal, how can you come here alone? Tell me your conditions."

The man in black remained silent, raised his eyes, and looked at Xie Gui, who was startled suddenly, and two white lights shot out from the eyes of the man in black, pouring into the middle of Xie Gui's forehead. Numerous scenes changed in Xie Prison's eyes, and finally it was fixed in the burning city of Luoyang.

"Sure enough, even you can't let go of this power..."

"I'm not interested in demon seeds at all." The man in black said slowly, "After the matter is done, you will become your demon."

Xie Prison said in a deep voice: "King Peacock Daming has been reborn, once Li Jinglong finds all the six weapons, you don't have much chance of winning."

"Aren't you also gambling?" The white light in the black man's eyes faded, and he said slowly, "You fled to Luoyang, no longer going north, and lingering here, but you just want to take a final gamble to see if I will come."

The prison was silent.

"Li Jinglong, I will deal with it myself." The man in black said in a deep voice, "He will never get the Wisdom Sword. One year later, if he uses the five weapons and fights in a hurry, the end can be imagined."

Xie Prison let out a piercing laugh, and finally said: "It's ridiculous that I thought I had no plans, but in the end it was all under your control... Forget it, that's it!"

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the land in the middle of Sichuan is lush with green leaves, which is not at all bleak. After passing the Three Gorges, the surface of the river is covered with mist. The climate is extremely humid, and all you can smell is the smell of green grass all day long. The exorcists landed in Yuzhou City. At this time, Yuzhou was already full of officials, civilians, and family members who had withdrawn from the Central Plains.

Goodbye to Tang Jun, Hong Jun suddenly felt cordial, as if he had returned to the human world from an apocalyptic era. With the Anshi Rebellion, nearly a million people poured into Bashu immediately, and many people dragged their families all the way west. Yuzhou has bordered the Central Shu Plain since ancient times, and has become a natural barrier standing in the mountains to protect the land of Shu. The commercial roads are prosperous and prosperous, and rice is harvested twice a year. In the Central Plains, you can buy a bucket of rice with twelve Tongbao, and Bayu only needs eight. money. Even during the war, prices have not been driven up.

"Huh?" Ashina Qiong said, "Isn't that Han Guolan? Hey! Fatty! Fatty!"

Artai and Han Guolan have always been acquainted, Chang'an City was destroyed, and the Hu Chamber of Commerce moved to Yuzhou collectively, and its business was very impressive. When Han Guolan saw Li Jinglong and the others, she hurriedly shouted, "It's an exorcist!"

As soon as the merchants heard this, they rushed forward one after another, asking about the battle situation in the Central Plains, the way of merchants, when they could recover the lost land in Chang'an, Luoyang, etc., when they could go back to do business, etc. Li Jinglong managed to escape after a lot of tossing, and arrived at the chamber of commerce for a while. Rest your feet. When Han Guolan mentioned the situation in Chengdu, it was rumored that Li Longji could no longer manage state affairs, and that he was about to change the dynasty and be succeeded by Prince Li Heng.

"You must be very careful when you go here." Han Guolan reminded Li Jinglong, "After the city of Chang'an was broken, rumors spread all over the place, saying that the Exorcist was not effective in protecting the city."

"The way of heaven is eternal, neither exists for Yao nor perishes for Jie." Li Jinglong took a sip of tea and said helplessly, "The land of Shenzhou will be calamity for a thousand years, and it is the time for the catastrophe. What can I do?"

What Li Jinglong said was true. Days and nights after leaving Chang'an, he always thought, if we start from scratch, is there any way to make Shenzhou less painful in this catastrophe? The answer is impossible. The Heavenly Demon came to the world is the inevitable result of countless dynasties changing and frequent wars in the past thousand years. The ghost king also told him that from the end of the Han Dynasty to the present, there has been a war between dynasties and ethnic groups in hundreds of years. The number of abnormal deaths in Shenzhou is increasing from generation to generation, and the speed of change is getting faster and faster. When it came to the Anshi Rebellion, the world could no longer purify the hostility, and no one could peacefully eliminate it.

The exorcists finally had the feeling of returning to the world of mortals. Li Jinglong said to Han Guolan: "Is there any cloth? Get two clothes for the brothers so that we can go to see His Majesty."

Chang'an's peace in the war was all thanks to the exorcist. In the future, the Chamber of Commerce will do business, and Li Jinglong still needs to take care of it. Han Guolan is a smart person, and he dared not neglect everyone. He immediately ordered someone to find the best Shu brocade fabrics, according to the official uniforms. The style was redone in two sets for everyone. Hong Jun and the others took a bath, rested for a few days, put on new clothes, and refreshed themselves. All members of the Exorcist Department finally survived the disaster, borrowed horses, and went to Chengdu to meet Li Longji.

It is only a two-day journey from Yuzhou to Chengdu City. Along the way, it enters the Chengdu Plain. It is the autumn harvest season. Looking around, the fields are golden and the rice ears are pressed. Compared with the mountain city of Yuzhou, Chengdu is another scene. The ancient capital of 2,000 years stands in the plains, with a simple atmosphere, and the bricks and tiles of the city walls reveal a little bit of desolation.

Thousands of years of time have not changed since Du Yu built the ancient Shu Kingdom. The people in the city are leisurely and comfortable, doing nothing. The abundance of products makes the city feel tired from a nap all the time. The autumn sun shines and flowers bloom. The sound of silk and bamboo makes people feel tired.

"Everyone says you can't go to Sichuan." Qiu Yongsi said, "I really don't want to do anything when I come here."

Li Jinglong said: "Fortunately, the prince temporarily moved to Lingwu, the capital, to see His Majesty first, and then take you to play after meeting the Holy Spirit."

"Exorcist Li Jinglong and all the staff have an audience—"

When Li Jinglong returned, Li Heng had just arrived for less than three days, and was discussing the matter of succession with a group of courtiers. Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and Li Heng immediately ordered Li Jinglong to bring people into the palace, and even the tedious tasks of untying the sword were also avoided. .

Li Jinglong went up to the palace to take a glimpse, only to see Gao Lishi, Yu Chaoen, Guo Ziyi, Tongping Zhangshi Du Hongjian, and other officials from the Ministry of Rites of the Tang court. There is no main hall in the Chengdu palace, and everyone is sitting in front of a case to discuss their affairs , but only a few twenty cases.

"There are only so few people left?" Li Jinglong's first sentence was a big surprise.

Guo Ziyi said: "The family and the country are in trouble. Many adults lost their lives when they moved westward. The Exorcist is still there. I am really happy and congratulated."

Guo Ziyi was the elder of the three dynasties. Although Li Jinglong was granted the title of Marquis of Yadan, he did not dare to make trouble in front of him, so he hurriedly led the crowd to bow to Prince Li Heng. Li Heng said coldly: "Since you're back, let's take a seat."

All the officials looked at Li Jinglong and everyone. After Li Jinglong took his seat, the exorcists sat behind him. They were discussing the matter of moving the capital to the throne. However, when Li Jinglong came, Li Heng finally couldn't hold back and asked, "How is Chang'an ?”

How can it be? You ran away first and left us to clean up the mess, Li Jinglong thought so in his heart, but he didn't mention it on the surface, he warned the Kun God, and said that Chang'an and Luoyang would have to be uninhabitable for three years. Li Heng asked Mo Rigen, "Is An Lushan dead?"


"Not dead." Li Jinglong and Mo Rigen each said.

Everyone: "..."

Li Jinglong and Mo Zhigen looked at each other, and finally Li Jinglong said: "I'm not dead, I fled back to Luoyang." He took a glass of water and looked at Li Heng's face.

"Your exorcist department first said that An Lushan is a demon." Yu Chaoen couldn't help but said, "Let the people of the city withdraw from Chang'an and flee to fight with their backs. Do you have a face to see His Majesty?"

Li Heng stopped Li Jinglong and said, "How long will it take to get rid of Shi Siming?"

Li Jinglong replied: "Shi Siming has nothing to do with the demon, and he is not under the supervision of the exorcist. We don't kill mortals."

Li Heng was choked instantly, and said: "You are my courtier of the Tang Dynasty. Now that the country is in trouble, it is unreasonable to refuse to lead the people to fight! Li Jinglong! Are you bargaining with me?!"

"What is a demon?" Yu Chaoen almost gritted his teeth, "What is a mortal, is it up to you?"

"Everyone can see the devil." Li Jinglong retorted, "Why do I say that? It was my subordinate who suggested the withdrawal from Chang'an back then. Don't you need your Majesty to nod with His Highness? Now you still want to pin this matter on me? "

Li Heng feels that since Li Jinglong disappeared two years ago, he seems to be a different person now that he reappeared. Dare to contradict, now it seems that Li Heng would rather that he was unconscious all the time, not to choke others.

"As for Anlu Mountain." Li Jinglong said in a deep voice, "It should be settled on us, and this matter must have a beginning and an end. The rebels rebelled, and they didn't think about my bad government in the Tang Dynasty. What is the reason for capturing and killing the leader of the opponent among thousands of troops?"

When they heard this, everyone applauded in their hearts. They only felt that Li Jinglong was really slapping him repeatedly, and let out a bad breath. Hong Jun even faintly noticed that the current Li Jinglong, compared with him who got the heart lamp for the first time, and compared with him who lost the heart lamp... seems to be different.

If we say that Li Jinglong at the first meeting is like a hard sword, it is so rigid that it is extremely easy to break, and it is extremely difficult to make sense; later, it is so harmonious and open-minded that it is a bit unreasonable; and later, it is even more self-pity, and it is difficult to get rid of it. Now, the man in front of him actually has a faint aura of both hardness and softness, neither humble nor overbearing.

Guo Ziyi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I have long admired the name of Marquis Yadan." Guo Ziyi said, "Today I finally see the exorcist who even the Tian family can't control."

"The original intention of the establishment of the Exorcism Department was to protect the emperor and his family." Li Jinglong said, "to protect the people from evil spirits and evil spirits. But the way of protection is up to us to decide, which has always been the case."

Li Jinglong had expected that the Exorcist Division would stay in Chang'an, and in the end, there must be a lot of discussion. In addition, Li Heng wanted to kill Concubine Yang and others while sending Li Longji away, and even Gao Lishi didn't want to let it go. Hong Jun blocked them, so he naturally wouldn't give them any good looks.

But the Exorcist Division paid a huge price in this war, which can even be described as tragic. Yu Chaoen is just an eunuch who has no military achievements and only knows how to exercise power. Now he is blaming Li Jinglong, which is simply an insult to magician. The faces of the subordinates behind Li Jinglong were extremely ugly for a moment, but Hong Jun suddenly said: "Hey, aren't you that eunuch? I remember you ran away early, how did you survive?"

Hong Jun once met Yu Chaoen in the palace, and felt that his face was familiar for a moment, and everyone was immediately embarrassed. Yu Chaoen choked on these words, and his face turned blue.

"Hongjun." With a smile in his eyes, Li Jinglong motioned him not to speak.

Li Heng couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Kong Hongjun! Don't be too arrogant!"

Hong Jun frowned and was about to fight back, but finally held back in Li Jinglong's face. Li Jinglong pretended not to hear, and explained what he had learned so far, and said seriously: "That's it."

The information Chaoyun sent back was brought by the birds. The birds are everywhere, and the information obtained is even more detailed than the scouts of the Tang army. do not know. Guo Ziyi frowned and judged, knowing that it was reasonable.

"It will take some time." Li Jinglong said, "I will lead my subordinates to find the magic weapon to defeat the enemy, and I will have to leave Chengdu at that time."

Guo Ziyi said: "How long will it take to completely wipe out Anlu Mountain?"

Li Jinglong turned around and looked at everyone.

"Is it okay for one year?" Li Jinglong asked all his subordinates.

Li Heng: "Li Jinglong, you..."

Li Jinglong was still discussing on the spot in the hall, and he simply didn't take Li Heng seriously. After thinking about it, everyone said yes.

Li Jinglong said to Guo Ziyi, "One year is the limit."

It was only when Li Jinglong was questioned that he remembered that he hadn't consulted his subordinates, but he decided not to break up Fudo Mingwang's order, so as not to put too much pressure on everyone.

Guo Ziyi said: "Within one year, I will cut off Shi Siming's soldiers and horses in Hedong, Hanguguan, Hebei and other places, and recover Luoyang."

"It's a deal." Li Jinglong said.

It seems that among the ministers and princes, only Guo Ziyi is more reliable, and Li Jinglong obviously does not intend to stay any longer to make trouble, so he left after drinking tea.

"Where is Li Bai?" Before leaving, Hong Jun couldn't help asking Li Jinglong. He was very worried about Li Bai's situation. Although he knew that he was safe and sound, he still needed to visit to feel at ease.

Guo Ziyi heard it, and replied: "Hexi Wei Du Zimei is a poet. There is a thatched cottage in the east of Chengdu. Li Taibai often goes there, and he must be there these days."

Hong Jun thanked Guo Ziyi, and everyone in the Exorcism Department left immediately.

All the ministers in the hall were dumbfounded for a while, Li Heng was repeatedly beaten by Li Jinglong and taunted mercilessly, and immediately held his breath in his chest, and he couldn't get any more energy from the previous discussion, so he ordered all the ministers to disperse. Guo Ziyi got the latest military report and had to go back immediately to prepare for Shi Siming's army.