Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 188: Three discussions about future generations


As dusk fell, Li Jinglong came to the Yulan Bridge outside the Jin Palace, where Li Heng was feeding the koi in the river.

Among the many koi, a long fish with khaki scales appeared. Taking advantage of Li Heng's inattention, he raised his head and ate some fish food, then sank again. My own carp demon.

Li Jinglong: "..."

The carp demon swam away, and Li Jinglong wondered how it got here.

"What is his request?" Li Heng asked.

Li Jinglong also guessed the prince's intentions, and said: "I hope the Exorcist can become a bridge, so that people and monsters can live in peace, and there will be no more wars in the world."

Li Hengdao: "I can't accept it. In the final analysis, this matter was caused by a demon. If An Lushan was not a demon, if Xie Prison was not a demon, how could there be today's trouble?"

"Your Highness." Li Jinglong said, "It is said that the troubles of the demons are caused by the monster race, but in the final analysis, it is precisely because of the human race."

Li Jinglong started from the monster clan, talked about the hostility of heaven and earth, and then talked about the great wars of the past dynasties, Li Heng's eyes were full of disbelief, and finally Li Jinglong said indifferently: "It is said that the monster clan is cruel and ruthless, but the fight between the monster clan It is for their own survival, why have you ever bled in front of power and desire like a human being?"

Finally, Li Jinglong said again: "The demon tribe hopes to find a piece of land in the middle of Sichuan. It's not big. It can be in the mountains. They can gather the demons who were driven out during the Anshi Rebellion to one place, and they will live and work in peace and contentment from then on. The exorcist will supervise them. To avoid being caught by the demon again use."

"Let me think about it again." Li Heng still couldn't just agree to Li Jinglong in this way. Once the matter was kept quiet, this restricted him from soliciting opinions from the think tank, and it involved demons and ghosts. It was impossible for the think tank to give him many useful opinions. Li Jinglong is the only think tank he relies on.

Second, it is no small matter for the Yaozu to "establish a country" in the Tang Dynasty. If it gets out, the history books for thousands of years will have to accuse him of this.

"Don't think about it." Li Jinglong went further, "Your Highness!"

"How do you want me to explain to the people all over the world?!"

"If the monster race doesn't occupy the land." Li Jinglong lowered his voice, "Would they not exist? The prison is a lesson learned from the past. Today's troubles in the Tang Dynasty are all caused by the black dragon disaster in Chang'an back then! Is this not clear enough?"

Li Heng said: "What if I don't agree?"

Li Jinglong looked at Li Heng calmly, and replied: "Today the Human King and the Demon King met, I thought His Highness already knew it very well."

The meaning is obvious, these monsters, especially Hongjun, are not afraid of you at all, and they will find a way to build a gathering place if you don’t agree. Li Jinglong is the only one who has the strength to fight against the monsters, but with such a few people under the command of the Exorcist, they are really no match for these monsters in a fight.

"Your Highness." Li Jinglong said again, "Hong Jun is our man."

"It's yours." Li Heng murmured.

Li Jinglong had an expression of "you know it". Li Heng really loved and hated this subordinate. He didn't eat hard and soft, and he didn't eat oil and salt. He immediately took a deep breath and finally replied: "There are three conditions."

Li Jinglong nodded and said, "Even if His Highness doesn't mention it, his subordinates have thought about how the human race and the monster race will get along in the future."

Li Heng's heart moved, and he looked at Li Jinglong: "Let's talk and listen."

"The first rule," Li Jinglong said, "No matter how time changes, even if His Highness lives forever, the Exorcist Division will definitely stay and pass on from generation to generation without any changes, and is not under the jurisdiction of the three provinces and six ministries. The Son of Heaven and the Prince."

"Exactly." Li Heng replied, "But how to guarantee it?"

"Heart Lamp." Li Jinglong said, "The second rule is that every Exorcist must be in charge of the Heart Lamp."

In fact, after Li Jinglong and Hong Jun made an agreement, they had been thinking about it all the way on the boat entering Shu. This is also a problem that everyone has been forced to face since the establishment of the Exorcist Division—a sharp sword, how to ensure that it can Used by the state? without hurting yourself

In the past, Li Jinglong couldn't believe it. After many years, after he died, the Exorcist would still be loyal to protect the land of Shenzhou as he is now. He even suspected that if he didn't wait to die, one day he would lose his xinxing when he got old, and no one would be able to stop him if he went against the law.

Whether human nature is inherently good or inherently evil, this is a major issue that has been arguing and unresolved since the founding of the Chinese people. In other words, if there is no powerful means to restrain the exorcists, ten, hundred, or even thousands of years will pass, and one day this group of exorcists who are different from ordinary people will drag the whole world into the abyss. Both Li Longji and Li Heng mentioned this issue more than once. Before today, Li Jinglong couldn't even convince himself.

But during the Anshi Rebellion, during the whole process of losing and recovering the heart lamp, Li Jinglong got a glimpse of the third possibility, although this may still need to be verified. Namely: Can the successor of the heart lamp unswervingly guard the world

"Why?" Li Heng asked indifferently.

"Divinity." Li Jinglong replied, "Heaven and man are one, we forget things and we are the same."

This has already touched on the mysterious and mysterious propositions of Taoism, but Li Tang followed Lao Tzu's way to build a country, and Li Heng roughly understood the superficial meaning. Li Jinglong pondered for a moment, then turned his head to look at Li Heng: "The heart lamp is bestowed by the gods, and there is divinity in it. Those who inherit it will take it as their mission to save all living beings."

"Even a person with evil thoughts in his heart will be enlightened and become a Buddha immediately after receiving the heart lamp?" Li Heng said, "It's simply unimaginable."

"It's good that the heart lamp can suppress selfish desires." Li Jinglong said, "But when choosing a master, it doesn't necessarily mean that a certain heir cannot be changed. Otherwise, why did it disappear in the blood of the Chen family many years ago?"

Li Heng has read the report compiled by Li Jinglong in detail, and knows that the heart lamp was originally handed down in the Chen family, but it was cut off suddenly in a certain generation and disappeared without a trace.

"What about the third one?" Li Heng asked again.

"The third rule," Li Jinglong said, "in the Kyushu of the Central Plains, a branch of the Exorcism Division must be established to make the Exorcism Division a practical and established department. Exorcists must be hidden from the public and cannot be ostentatious."

"The head of the Exorcist Department, Shi Xu, has to select suitable people and train them. Maybe in the future, they will be gardeners and handymen, traffickers and pawns." Li Jinglong said, "Hidden folks use surveillance to infect evil spirits, so as to avoid the reappearance of the Anshi Rebellion. Apart from that, do not participate in any state affairs."

Li Hengdao: "I can't hide it. There are different opinions among the people. Once the exorcist takes action to subdue the demon, it will be known."

"There is a medicine called 'Leaving Soul Pollen'." Li Jinglong said, "After being cultivated, it can make people forget the past for a short time, and it can be used by the Exorcist."

"If the holder of the heart lamp is murdered, so what if he can't control the whole company?" Li Heng said in a deep voice.

"Fudo Mingwang is acting as the supervisor." Li Jinglong said again, "The holder of the Wisdom Sword will inherit Fudo Mingwang's true power, and supervise both the demon clan and the Exorcism Division to prevent any possible turmoil."

Although Li Jinglong led his subordinates away, he never missed the closing report of each case. The heart lamp and Fudo Mingwang's true power were presented to Li Heng and Li Longji as top secrets. Li Heng naturally knew the whole process.

After finishing what he had to say, Li Jinglong remained silent and left time for Li Heng. He knew that Li Heng would definitely accept it, and he had no other choice. The autumn sky is wide and wide, dotted with large floating clouds. Li Heng looked up at the sky and thought for a long time until the sun set. Finally, with a long sigh, he replied, "There is one more condition."

Li Jinglong nodded, and Li Heng said: "It's not impossible for the fief to belong to your name."

Li Jinglong said happily: "Three Gorges is fine."

"I will make you the Marquis of Shu." Li Heng said, "to honor your achievements in fighting Anlu Mountain."

Li Jinglong hurriedly bowed to thank him, and Li Heng said again: "But this was granted by my father, as the last edict of my father before I succeed to the throne."

Li Jinglong knew that Li Heng was unwilling to take on this relationship no matter what, so he said: "I obey the order."

At sunset, Li Jinglong stepped out of the Jin Palace quickly, heaved a long breath, his palms were full of sweat, and finally lived up to Hongjun's expectations. Going back to the place where he was staying, he saw Hong Jun polishing his lost and recovered finger in the hall, raised his head and said with a smile, "Are you back?"

"I'm back." Li Jinglong sat down with a smile and hugged Hongjun in his arms. This day seemed like their countless ordinary days. A seed planted by Li Jinglong was still sleeping in the soil of China. In a lifetime, it will not really take root and sprout, but as time goes by, the exorcist will spread its branches and leaves, and become a towering giant tree guarding this land.

Everyone turned around in the night, and Artest brought news about the Great Sun Golden Wheel, and Li Jinglong was shocked when he heard about it. Artest said: "I guess it was left in my father's hands back then."

Yisiai died at the hands of the Dashi black army, and Darijin fell to the people in turn, so how to find it? Trundeau spread out the map of Dashi in Asia Minor, and Artai explained to everyone: "After Guo Ziyi told us the whereabouts of the Dari Golden Wheel, the result of my discussion with Joan was that this treasure was either in Taixifeng or brought to Baghdad. When the father died, he followed the Zoroastrian teachings and was cremated, and the relics were taken away by Dashi."

"It's too dangerous." Li Jinglong frowned, "You three are going to return to the homeland occupied by the enemy alone?"

Ashinaqiong replied: "I came out from there. I followed Jian Cong lightly and got out as soon as possible after I found the Great Sun Golden Wheel."

Artai flashed out his sacred fire ring and said: "Our religion still has believers in Baghdad. Now that we have obtained the sacred fire ring, we can gather the congregation without risking our lives."

Mo Rigen looked at Li Jinglong solicitingly, and said, "We can't let them go alone."

Mo Zhigen meant that everyone should go together, but Li Jinglong frowned all the time, Lu Xu said: "A group of foreigners appeared in Baghdad. Those who are unfamiliar with the place will only drag them down."

This is exactly what Li Jinglong was worried about. If the exorcists acted together, the target would be more obvious. Artest and Ashinaqiong were distracted to take care of themselves. Artest said, "We're leaving today without Trando."

Li Jinglong finally adopted a compromise plan: "Wait for you one hundred and twenty days, if you can't meet here by then, it will be assumed that you two are in danger, and the exorcist must all go out to rescue."

Artest still insisted, and finally had no choice but to accept under the eyes of Trundeau. Everyone then toasted and bid farewell to Artest and Ashinaqiong. Trundeau finally decided to stay in Chengdu instead of giving away the head. During the meeting, Li Jinglong mentioned the matter of talking with Li Heng, and the matter of the founding of the Yaozu was finally settled. Hong Jun didn't expect to solve it so quickly, and was speechless for a while.

"I'm not ready yet!" Hong Jun said, "This...too fast."

Qiu Yongsi couldn't help applauding, but it was because of Li Jinglong's three opinions about the Exorcism Division, saying: "As long as it can continue like this, it will surely be a great achievement for generations to come."

Mo Zhigen, Artai and others were all moved by it. Li Jinglong's broad vision was really beyond everyone's expectations. This means that if the things agreed with Li Heng today can be carried out, Li Jinglong's name will truly go down in history. This is something that even Di Renjie never did.

"Think about later generations casting a statue for you." Lu Xu couldn't help laughing, and said, "It would be embarrassing to enshrine you as the founder of the mountain."

Li Jinglong said sternly: "I don't know how to cast statues, let alone keep records. The Exorcist Division can grow strong without the support of everyone. How can we be greedy for false fame when we are alive? I would rather that the division will not send anyone It is regarded as the founding ancestor, each expresses his skills, and displays what he has learned in his life, the branches and leaves are flourishing, and the coming is more enjoyable."

"But in Kyushu, it is a huge project to establish a branch." Qiu Yongsi said.

"After this time is over, we can split up." Li Jinglong said with a smile, "Traveling around the mountains and rivers, and establishing a branch."

Hong Jun's favorite thing is to go out to play, and immediately applauded loudly. Everyone drank again, but it was a pity that Li Guinian was not there. After sending Li Longji to Shu, he took a boat to Jiangnan. It was the night when the exorcist was drunk, the autumn in Sichuan was cool, flowers were flying all over the city, and a courtyard fell. After one night, the east was white, but Gao Lishi came in person, with Li Longji's last imperial edict. This time there was no Lingluo For silk and satin, there is no bounty or silver, let alone people's fat and people's anointing. He just ordered to be granted the title of Marquis of Shu, and granted Li Jinglong the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Fengdu and Fengjie together. The land with a radius of seventy miles is neither a fertile plain nor uninhabited, it is all mountainous. Any military general in the Tang Dynasty who was granted such a feudal title must have turned against Li Heng on the spot, and would bring soldiers and horses to seek justice at any time, but Li Jinglong was already very satisfied.

After bidding farewell to Artest, Li Jinglong and Hong Jun had a discussion, and during this period of time they had a holiday. After all, the Exorcist Division couldn't participate too much in the matter of the Yaozu's capital, so Li Jinglong assisted Hong Jun in handling it. Mo Zhigen was happy to go out to play with Lu Xu without having to act in groups, while Qiu Yongsi wandered around in Shu to visit literati and poets. Trando moved to Han Guolan's Hu Chamber of Commerce, and Han Guolan took care of him.