Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 195: The demon king ascends the throne


The belly of Tianluo Mountain is full of monsters, so many monsters are flying and running. After entering, it is like throwing a handful of sand into the sea, not to mention filling it up. In this huge mountainside, there are only four chess pieces on the chessboard.

In the most vast part of the mountainside, a large flat land was cleared out, and the Kun God was restored to its original form, suspended over the lake, and was located in the north; Yuzaoyun was located in the south, extremely small, and led all the beasts; the dead ghost king was located in the west, and led his soldiers and horses .

Qingxiong and Hongjun walked through the group of monsters, nearly 300,000 birds and beasts, and the ghouls of the aquatic tribe were located in this huge underground cave, and there was silence and silence.

The exorcists came behind a group of monsters, Li Jinglong raised his hand, and everyone stopped.

Hong Jun followed Qingxiong to the center of the empty land, and suddenly turned his head to look at Li Jinglong in the distance. They looked at each other from a distance across the group of monsters. At that moment, Li Jinglong suddenly felt that Hong Jun had become extremely strange.

"Go to the middle and face the Kun God in the north." After the words fell, Qingxiong transformed into a golden-winged roc, spread his wings and flew to the place where the birds were.

Hong Jun stopped and looked at Li Jinglong from a distance.

When he turned his head for the first time, Li Jinglong understood what he meant.

There are tens of thousands of monsters, but Hongjun's sense of loneliness arises spontaneously, but at this time, Li Jinglong can't go up, because Qingxiong has made it very clear that you are exorcists, you are invited, and you are just "watching the ceremony" . He couldn't go up, so he could only look at Hongjun quietly.

Hong Jun simply didn't leave, just looked at Li Jinglong like that, Li Jinglong was helpless, and was about to step forward, when a thought suddenly occurred to him, and then he laughed.

"Give it to me." Li Jinglong whispered next to Chen Feng's ear. Then, he took Little Phoenix and walked towards Hong Jun naturally. Hong Jun waited for him until he brought Phoenix to Hong Jun's side. There was a commotion among the monster clan, but because the phoenix was gently held by Li Jinglong, no monster expressed any objection.

"Let's start." Hong Jun said.

"Exorcists cannot come here." God Kun said in a deep voice.

"I said, let's start." Hong Jun replied, "He is responsible for guarding the return, and the return is also a member of us, isn't it?"

"Let's begin." The voice of the dead ghost king resounded through the empty cave.

Li Jinglong glanced at the ghost king who died in battle. The monster clan was extremely quiet, and finally Kun said: "Then it will begin, Li Jinglong, you are the only mortal who stood beside the monster king when my monster clan holy land was built, I hope you will remember it."

Li Jinglong was about to agree, but suddenly realized something was wrong, built? How to build it? Are they going to use magic to build a holy place? Before he could ask a question, Hong Jun was also full of doubts, and then, Kun God emitted a blue light.

The golden-winged roc suddenly flapped its wings and let out a long cry.

The dead ghost king roared, and the red flames shot out all over his body, and Yuzao Yun followed him with a roar!

Immediately afterwards, all the monsters in the entire cave gathered their mana at the same time. In the gully on the ground, the energy flowed rapidly, and the energy of the earth's veins flowed into the ground. The lake was filled with turbulent waves, and the ground was covered in an instant. The grand magic circle!

All the exorcists were shocked for a moment.

In the blue light, Yuan Kunyuan's spirit left his body, reciting strange mantras in a low voice, as if he could only vibrate and speak with his throat, the carp demon was instantly frightened awake, and ran out quickly.

The blue light covered the entire cave, and the power of the demon king reached its peak. The magic circle stood up and began to rotate. The respective mana of the four major demon kings poured into the magic circle, filling the magic circle, but a strange rune flashed in the center .

"Hongjun!" Qingxiong shouted, "Five-color divine light!"

Hong Jun came back to his senses, sacrificed the five-color divine light and pushed towards the magic circle with both hands. The divine light lingered and shot into the center of the magic circle. In an instant, his whole body's mana was emptied, and the five-color divine light filled the gap in the center of the magic circle. At that moment, with a "buzz", the entire magic circle burst into light, and the originally blurred flying phoenix rune at the core disappeared with a "buzz", replaced by a peacock symbol glowing green!

Li Jinglong frowned deeply, and the next moment, the magic circle shattered and turned into powder, and the monsters roared at the same time, and the dead ghouls shook the ground with their weapons.

The magic circle covered the sky above the entire cave, unfolded into lines, and outlined a huge palace. The white marble cornerstone appeared first, and then slowly descended, showing the whole palace——

Thousands of miles away on the top of Taihang Mountain, the setting sun casts towards the mountains, and the entire Yaojin Palace slowly disappears in the sunlight, leaving the rest of the mountain on the ground.

In the Tianluo Mountain of the Shu region, the Yaojin Palace is shining brightly, descending slowly from a high place. When the magnificent palace appeared, even the exorcists were stunned, and the demon kings actually moved the entire Yaojin Palace here!

Hundreds of thousands of monsters in the mountain lowered their heads at the same time, and there was a "woo-woo" sound. Hong Jun and Li Jinglong had forgotten everything else. They watched the cornerstone of the huge palace fall. Amidst the loud noise, the leaves of the sycamore trees in the palace flew away with a "wow". all over the sky. The young phoenix in Li Jinglong's hand suddenly opened its eyes wide, and spread its wings and flew into the Yaojin Palace in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, all the birds followed the young phoenix and flew in. The scene was incomparably spectacular. Hong Jun was so excited that his scalp tingled and he slowly approached Yaojin Palace. A brick, a tile, a piece of wood, and even the phoenix totem on the main entrance are all so familiar, but when it appeared here, it made Hong Jun feel very strange.

The sense of alienation that is close to the hometown makes him feel vaguely as if he is in a dream.

Immediately, Qingxiong uttered a cry, and the white marble bricks and stones in the Yaojin Palace rose one after another, forming a huge pontoon bridge in the air. Mountain belly space with entrance to the cave.

Qingxiong and Yuan Kun turned into human bodies, while Yuzaoyun jumped onto Hongjun's shoulder, came to Hongjun's body, and each stepped aside, Qingxiong said in a deep voice:


The gate of Yaojin Palace opened with a golden light, and Hong Jun and Li Jinglong walked in slowly, followed by the demon kings. The moment he entered the main hall of Yaojin Palace, Hong Jun faced the central throne, and saw the former Chongming in a daze.

Behind them, the demon clan shouted and embraced, and the demon kings knelt down first, and Li Jinglong was the only one beside him.

He turned to look at Li Jinglong, Li Jinglong let go of his hand, motioned him to go up, and then walked to the side of the throne. Hong Jun stood in front of the throne and turned around.

On the central throne, the resplendent phoenix rune flashed, and the symbols on the three thrones disappeared and rearranged. The central rune became a flying peacock, lifelike, surrounded by a circle of flames.

"Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

Qingxiong took the lead in kneeling on one knee, and in an instant, the monster clan shouted long live. From the inside of the hall to the outside of the hall, the monsters knelt in a dense mass, and the carp demon stood at the entrance of the hall, standing with a group of exorcists, feeling mixed feelings for a moment .

"What does it feel like?" Qiu Yongsi teased.

The carp demon shook his head blankly, and everyone's hearts were filled with complicated feelings.

Hong Jun was silent for a moment, and then said: "Pingshen."

Four demon kings stood in front of Hongjun. Qingxiong was originally one of the three saints of the Yaojin Palace. One of the king chairs belonged to him, but he did not go up and sit beside Hongjun, but led the Qin clan to serve Hongjun .

All the monsters seemed to be waiting for Hong Jun to speak. Hong Jun was silent for a long time, then glanced at Li Jinglong again, and said in a low voice:

"Everyone... You have worked hard on this journey, and I hope this place will become our forever home."

The monsters saluted again, Qingxiong frowned deeply, and inadvertently exchanged glances with Li Jinglong, the two sides seemed to have reached some kind of secret confrontation with the fleeting eyes. He was looking forward to Hongjun's opening, implying that the Yaozu would eventually regain China one day

But Li Jinglong standing here is a clear signal.

So Qingxiong didn't wait any longer, and didn't force Hongjun to express his opinion. He knew that if he didn't speak, the scene would definitely fall into an inexplicable silence. Then he turned around and said to the demons: "From now on, all ethnic groups will divide and rule in the holy land, and the area will be built by itself, with Yaojin Palace as the center."

The monsters of all races under the demon king bowed and retreated. Many monsters Hongjun even had the impression that they had seen them when they were fighting An Lushan, and they must have been recruited by the four demon kings. Then, the four demon kings stayed in the palace, as if they were also waiting for Hong Jun's orders.

Hong Jun glanced at them and said, "Let's do this first."

So the demon kings also retreated, leaving Hongjun and the exorcists behind, and replaced by others. This enthronement will be done with great vigor and vigor, but Qingxiong unexpectedly notified Hongjun in such a short-term, and the demon clan did not have too much trouble. There are many red tapes, and after accepting the allegiance of the four clans, they go their own way and go to build their homes.

There was also a cheering voice from outside, as if Yuzaoyun was announcing something, and got the unanimous support of the monsters under him. Yuzaoyun has always done his own way, and the animals under his command are also very casual. When hearing this voice, Hongjun's nervous mood was overwhelmed. Soothing.

"Father!" Chen Feng came up and shouted at Li Jinglong and Hong Jun. He didn't know who he was calling for a while, and said, "Can you take me to play with the tiger?"

"Not now." Li Jinglong replied, "Later, your mother's heart fluctuates too much, let him calm down."

Hong Jun burst out laughing with a "puchi", the tension finally disappeared, Qiu Yongsi winked at Li Jinglong, and Li Jinglong knew that he had something to discuss, so he set off and said to Hong Jun: "Come out and find us later. "

Hong Jun nodded, patted the armrest, and motioned for Chen Feng to come over, and Chen Feng went to the throne for Hong Jun to hold. Hong Jun grew up so big, it was the first time he sat seriously on the throne of Yaojin Palace, holding Chen Feng in his arms, and the two looked out, full of sycamore trees, empty, as if through the Chongming His eyes saw what he saw.

Chufeng jumped into the hall, and Chen Feng said "Yeah". At that moment, Hong Jun almost thought that it would come towards him, but Chufeng just looked around, and then flew out with fluttering wings.

Chen Feng struggled to get down, ran out of the hall, and chased after the little phoenix, just at this moment, Qingxiong passed him and entered the hall.

Hong Jun raised his eyes to look at Qingxiong, his eyes were still vague and a little uneasy.

"When you were young, you were just like him." Qingxiong said casually, "You couldn't sit still for a moment."

Hong Jun didn't speak, just looked at Qingxiong quietly, he suddenly felt that Qingxiong still loved him, just like Chongming. Otherwise, today he could speak for himself in front of the Yaozu, crowding out all the exorcists face to face. In any case, he recognized Hongjun's status, and didn't even take the act of directly sitting on the throne, and this kind of acknowledgment was equivalent to successfully establishing Hongjun's prestige.

At this time, Qingxiong walked up slowly, turned around and sat on the throne of the golden-winged roc beside Hongjun.

"A long time ago, your father and elder brother were both there." Qingxiong bowed slightly after sitting down, put his fingers together, looked out of the hall, and said, "The three of us would sit like this occasionally to accept their worship." .”

"Why didn't you come up just now?" Hong Jun said.

Qingxiong smiled and said: "This will be your demon clan, and it will also be your Shenzhou. Why do I, an old man, come up to join in the fun?"

Hong Jun whispered: "I don't live so long like you guys."

"Decades are enough to do many things." Qingxiong said in a daze, "The key is whether you want to do it or not."

Hong Jun was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Qingxiong, you come to be the demon king, I can't be. I don't even know who they are, and I don't know how to... lead them. I feel that the demon clan is under my rule. I won’t live a better life than before, and I don’t have this ambition.”

"Chongming chose you." Qingxiong said flatly, "Fox King and Ghost King also recognize you."

"What about you?" Hong Jun said.

Qingxiong didn't answer.

Hong Jun suddenly said again: "For you, is it important to realize the revival of the Yaozu, or am I more important?"

This time Qingxiong didn't hesitate, and said bluntly: "Of course it's you."

Hong Jun turned his head to look at Qingxiong, but Qingxiong didn't look at him, but just looked out of the hall in a daze.

"Hongjun." Qingxiong said, "I won't stay here for too long."

Hongjun: "..."

Qingxiong replied: "After three hundred and fifty years, I will be reincarnated as a human being."

Hong Jun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There are still more than three hundred years left."

Qingxiong said leisurely: "As a golden-winged roc, it is incredible to be reincarnated as a human being."

Hong Jun whispered: "Is it doom?"

There was a trace of confusion in Qingxiong's eyes, and he finally said: "For me, maybe, maybe it's the reward for my delusion to expel the human race and let the monster race return to the main Shenzhou."

Hong Jun: "You don't have to do this..."

"What do you know?" Qingxiong suddenly turned his head and looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun's voice stopped abruptly, and Qingxiong said again: "You haven't even seen the whole world, you only went to a few places. You don't know how the life of the monster race is, you just like to be with your human companions, every day In one place, get lost in the world of mortals!"

Hongjun: "..."

"This world of mortals is the world of mortals you like." Qingxiong said, "Just because you are the son of Yaojin Palace, the son of Kong Xuan, how many people have stepped forward to pave the way for you. Have you ever thought about the future of the Yaozu?" ?”

Hong Jun suddenly remembered that Qingxiong had never been in Yaojin Palace before, and would only come up to see him briefly a few times a year. Where was he at those times

"Where did you go when you were not in Yaojin Palace?" Hong Jun asked.

"I'm thinking of a way." Qingxiong said, "Let the monsters in the darkness return to the sun."

Hong Jun suddenly said: "Since Chongming chose me, there must be his reasons."

Qingxiong pondered for a moment, and finally said: "The King of Ghosts also said so."

Hong Jun looked at Qingxiong quietly, Qingxiong said: "Chongming really likes you, maybe it's just because he likes you. But your kindness has also become part of it."

Hong Jun knew that if he didn't speak up today, he might not be able to sit and talk with Qingxiong like this from now on.

"I was just thinking about it just now." Hong Jun was silent for a moment, and then said, "There are two ways. One, I give you the position of the demon king. You lead them. But from now on, maybe I'm just an exorcist Master, we will have to go to the point where swords and soldiers meet in the end."

There was no joy or anger on Qingxiong's face.

"Second, let me sit here and listen to me." Hong Jun said, "I will not go to war with the human race, at least during the years I am alive, the demon race will not kill each other with the human race."

"Li Jinglong taught you?" Qingxiong asked.

Hong Jun shook his head and said, "My opinion."

"It was my mistake to let you enter the world of mortals to practice. Now that I think about it, it was my mistake." Qingxiong sighed.

"Don't we have a chance to coexist with the human race?" Hong Jun whispered, "Everything is no longer the same as before, Qingxiong."

"No." Qingxiong said.

Sometimes Hong Jun doesn't understand why Qingxiong is so stubborn.