Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 201: To kill with a knife


The exorcists scattered, although they were not around them, they were still full of vigilance to prevent the drought demon from breaking out at any time. Lu Xu stood outside the abandoned houses by the river valley, Mo Zhigen took a bath beside him, and took a look from a distance.

"Nothing will happen." Lu Xu said, "I used dreams to calm him down a little."

Lu Xu's dream is the best way to deal with the ghouls. When Lu Xu was possessed by the heart demon, the ghosts have almost no power to resist since the war dead ghost king, immersed in his nightmare. Using the same method, Han Ba had a dream for a whole day, even for such a powerful monster, the hostility on his body was washed away a lot.

"Let's talk about it." Li Jinglong said seriously, "You and I are strangers. Before the trip, the ghost king who died in battle told me to wait for the labyrinth. After arriving in the Aral Sea, I have to ask you for help. Why did you attack us without saying a word?"

Hong Jun handed out a piece of Gouyu that the dead ghost king gave him. Han Ba just glanced at it, and his withered face twitched, with an inexplicable meaning.

"It's him?" Hanba is tall and is bound by the demon rope at the moment. His thin and haggard legs can only be slightly opened, and the dark and dry skin on his chest is attached to his ribs. Hong Jun suddenly discovered something—— He was naked, a naked male corpse.

Li Jinglong said: "How did Hong Jun offend you?"

"What are you doing here?" Han Yan regained his composure, maybe because he knew that he couldn't break free from the control of the exorcists, and he was no longer as arrogant as before.

Li Jinglong didn't hide it from him, and briefly explained the search for the magic weapon, and clarified the process of Artest and Ashinaqiong's return to Taluosi. Hanba didn't say a word, just listened in silence.

"You are the new demon king." Han Yan said in a deep voice.

Hong Jun nodded and said, "Senior, I..."

At that moment, the Hanba suddenly exploded, and Li Jinglong said instantly: "Be careful!" Bi stood in front of Hong Jun like lightning, and when he said it, Hanba showed his sharp teeth and was about to bite Hongjun's throat. Fortunately, Li Jinglong reacted Even faster, he suddenly pushed Hong Jun away. Even so, Han Yan's sharp teeth were still slashing on Li Jinglong's arm, and blood flowed out immediately.

Hanba has been cultivated for thousands of years, and the rope that binds the demon can't hold it, and the corpse poison is even worse. Li Jinglong's arm turned black instantly when he saw blood. He punched Han Yan in the face, knocked him backwards, and threw him to the ground.

"Where did I provoke you?!" Hong Jun roared.

Li Jinglong staggered for a moment, and all the exorcists gathered around when they heard Hong Jun's roar. Lu Xu wanted to use the power of dreams to make Han Yan sleep for a while, but Li Jinglong waved his hand to signal that he didn't need it. Hong Jun immediately detoxified and bandaged him, but Li Jinglong said: "Go back."

Han Yan tried his best to sit up, and fixedly looked at Li Jinglong: "How many Yaozu people do you want to kill?"

Li Jinglong was startled, Hong Jun said: "I am the demon king! How could I kill my own people?"

"Really?" Han Yan's eyes were full of hatred, and he said, "Then how can the Bashan snake be explained?"

Hong Jun was at a loss for words, but Li Jinglong explained: "Ba Snake and Hong Jun's father, King Peacock Daming, have always had a grudge.

"You are a traitor of your own clan." Han Yan stared at Hongjun, and said slowly, "You and Di Renjie's descendants are in collusion, betraying your clan for glory! Given time, the monster clan in the Central Plains will be doomed!"

When Hong Jun heard this, he became even more angry, and was about to refute, but Li Jinglong put one hand on his knee, motioning him to calm down.

"Someone is sowing discord." Li Jinglong said in a deep voice, "Who tipped you off?"

Hanba just sneered, and when Hong Jun heard this, he instantly remembered Qingxiong's attitude in the Holy Land, and a deep fear surged in his heart. Qingxiong wanted to kill himself with the help of Hanba when they left the Central Plains

"It's impossible..." Thinking of this, Hong Jun's back suddenly shivered, and he was at a loss for a while. He collected himself and said to Hanba, "It's not like this...you listen to my explanation, senior."

"I'm tied up by you now." Han Yan sneered, "If you really regard me as a senior, is this how you treat others?"

It is naturally impossible for Hong Jun to untie him, otherwise the fight will be endless later.

"Who told you I was a traitor?" Hong Jun said in a deep voice, "Say!"

Li Jinglong and others often regard Hongjun as a child, and they get along day and night on weekdays, and never treat him as a demon king. Until this moment, when Hongjun was angry, he had the power of a king faintly. , The demonic power of the peacock actually formed a sense of oppression toward the Hanba!

Although Hanba is a super giant monster that appeared in ancient times, he has never been canonized by heaven and earth. He is still inferior to dragons, phoenixes, and turtles, especially Phoenix. The power of real fire suppresses his arrogance from time to time. He leaned back in a controlled manner.

When facing a higher-level monster than himself, the fear is purely instinctive, determined by his lack of cultivation and temper.

"I don't know." Han Yan tried his best to control himself without showing any fear, but the tremor in his hoarse voice betrayed him, "Your Central Plains monster clan sent a messenger to tell me that Ba Snake is dead, and the new demon king and the The exorcists colluded and wanted to drive the clan to extinction..."

Hong Jun said in a deep voice, "Where's the messenger?"

"Let's go." Han Yan said, "Also remind me that if you want to reshape your body, you need to devour your flesh and blood, just because you have the power left by the phoenix..."

Li Jinglong said: "Which family is the messenger?"

Hanba replied: "I slept in the coffin at night, and I didn't see him."

Hong Jun took a deep breath, put away his deterrent monster power, a deep sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, he didn't want to explain any more, got up and left.

The exorcists stared at Han Yan, and then dispersed, leaving Li Jinglong and Han Yan silently facing each other.

The moon has risen, and on this endless river beach plain, it shines alone for thousands of miles, illuminating the land of Asia Minor. Hong Jun sat on the roof and looked into the distance.

The only monster that can travel thousands of miles to reach this place is Qinzu. Qinzu is under the jurisdiction of Qingxiong, and he is going to be intercepted and killed here...

"Actually, I thought about whether I should remind you first." Li Jinglong's voice sounded from under the house, and then he climbed onto the eaves of the bungalow and turned over.

Hong Jun didn't speak, but just looked into the distance in a daze.

"The white falcons who sent the message are Qingxiong's subordinates." Li Jinglong said, "I guess they all got orders. On that night, they planned to transfer everyone away, and then let Hanba take you away. This is a trap, Hong Jun, although I don't want to say that, but with the current situation, I have to say it."

Hong Jun and Li Jinglong looked at each other.

The matter was already very obvious, the white falcon sent by Qingxiong was extremely fast, and the situation was found out within a few days, and he planned to take this opportunity to let the exorcists explain everything here. Had it not been for Yuzhou's sudden appearance, Hanba might have succeeded.

"Did I do a bad job?" Hong Jun asked suddenly.

Li Jinglong pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "No, Hongjun, you are not wrong, I just didn't expect it. Qingxiong is so persistent to our human race. It's all my fault, Yongsi has reminded me more than once."

Hong Jun said: "Let me be quiet for a while." As he spoke, he jumped off the roof and left Li Jinglong's side.

"Hong Jun!" Li Jinglong was about to call him, but Hong Jun had already left.

"Pierced?" Qiu Yongsi asked beside the private house.

Li Jinglong sighed helplessly, Qiu Yongsi was very surprised and said, "I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Li Jinglong said: "What should come, will come anyway. Perhaps Chongming had already expected that it was precisely because of this that he prevented me from being with Hongjun..."

"The old is gone and the new is here." Qiu Yongsi said seriously, "It's the way of heaven. No one can stop this. You are just standing at a fork in the road. Compared with this, I doubt that Yuzhou..." He said He glanced in the direction of the bonfire. Chen Feng was already asleep, hugged by Yuzhou, and the two were leaning against the bonfire.

Li Jinglong frowned and said: "He knows a lot of things, but he came here to protect Hongjun. It's really strange, I've never seen such a person before."

Lying on the stone couch in the room, Hong Jun found that Li Jinglong had obviously made preparations in advance for the night of short rest for them, and even spread a blanket. The exorcist partners also tacitly gave up two vacant rooms for Li Jinglong and himself, Mo Zhigen and Lu Xu to spend the night.

Hongjun was lying on the couch, tossing and turning. The fact that Qingxiong wanted to kill him was simply devastating to him. In Yuzaoyun's case, even if it was the dead ghost king's attack, it would not make him feel as painful and confused as it is now. He has no relatives by his side since he was a child, only Chongming and Qingxiong. Chongming is like his adoptive father, while Qingxiong is like his master. The first time I learned to read characters, the first time I discussed monsters, meridians, and martial arts, most of them were taught by Qingxiong. The beauty of the world is also described by Qingxiong.

During this night, he recalled countless memories of being with Qingxiong, but now, he actually wants to kill himself...

The strong wind howled on the plain, and Hong Jun closed his eyes in pain. Fortunately, the demon has already left, otherwise, the moment he knew this moment, the demonic energy would definitely be overwhelming and could no longer be suppressed. The truth was so cruel, it even made him more shocked and helpless than the moment when his parents' death was revealed.

"You are the prince of the demon clan."

Qingxiong's voice seemed to still be echoing in his ears, Hongjun couldn't help curling up, trembling on the couch, breathing the cold air. He didn't even know how to face the Holy Land and the demon clan after he returned, and he couldn't even imagine Qingxiong's attitude now, which made him feel powerless to be abandoned by his fellow clan. The room was leaking from all sides, and it was even colder in late autumn, drowning him in an instant.

There was a soft sound of opening the door, and Li Jinglong pushed the door in and said in a low voice, "Are you asleep?"

Hong Jun didn't answer, so Li Jinglong lay down on the couch and hugged Hong Jun from behind. At that moment, Hong Jun was a little more stable. Maybe the power of the heart lamp and Li Jinglong's body temperature were there, so he no longer felt lonely. Closing my eyes, I just felt very tired and tired, and entered a dream.

Ever since the Three Thousand Nightmare left him, he had never had a nightmare again. Only this night, the powerlessness and sadness that even the heart lamp could not dispel filled his heart. It made him dream of the roc bird exuding black air all over its body. Its wings could cover the sky when it spread out, and the endless magic fire swept the whole world.

Its eyes stared at Hong Jun, and suddenly a powerful arm behind him grabbed him, Li Jinglong appeared beside him, and whispered: "Don't be afraid!"

Li Jinglong raised his hand, and the light of the heart lamp gushed out, resisting the stormy magic fire, and Hong Jun opened his eyes under the strong light.

"Woke up?"

The real sunlight shone into the room, and Hong Jun only felt sore all over his body. He looked back at Li Jinglong, and the sunlight at dawn shone into the room.

"I have to save Artest." Hong Jun said.

"Don't worry, we still have time." Li Jinglong said, "Hong Jun, I have something to tell you."

The two still maintained their sleeping positions last night. Hong Jun recalled what happened the night before, and replied, "I don't want to discuss it now."

Li Jinglong was startled, then nodded and said: "Okay, Hong Jun, no matter what, you remember that everyone is always behind you."

Hong Jun turned his head and glanced at Li Jinglong. His eyes were filled with inexplicable sadness, but he knew in his heart that even if there were thousands of troubles in his heart, Li Jinglong would solve them for him. Only this one cannot be changed by anyone. Qingxiong, Yaojin Palace, and various antecedents are all his origins. This origin is the most important part engraved in his life.

The exorcists had already packed their bags and were ready to go on the road. Hanba was put on the side of the road and sealed up again.

"Can you convince me?" Li Jinglong said.

Qiu Yongsi shook his head and said, "Do you know why he became like this?"

When all the exorcists gathered together, Hong Jun just fell silent.

"Because of Zoroaster." Qiu Yongsi said, "The Hanba back then was burnt by the fire."

Last night, Li Jinglong still had the idea of asking Qiu Yongsi to persuade Han Yan. At first, everyone thought that Han Yan was just being deceived. As long as he told the truth, he might help himself and assist in action. But now it seems obviously impossible, the big battle is imminent, so we can't spend too much time on him. Lu Xu sealed the Hanma again with his sleep, and Qiu Yongsi added a talisman.

"I have to spend part of my mana to maintain the dream enchantment." Lu Xu said, "It will be distracting."

"I'll leave it to you." Li Jinglong said to Mo Rigen, Mo Rigen acted together with Lu Xu and Ashina Qiong, and was responsible for intercepting Amman's soldiers and horses, which was not very dangerous.

"The three of us will go to the other side." Qiu Yongsi said, "Brother Yu... I don't think it's better..."

"Are you okay?" Yuzhou suddenly said to Hongjun.

Hong Jun shook his head and nodded again.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Fenggang woke up, rubbed his eyes and asked, stepped forward and hugged Hongjun's feet.

Hong Jun took his hand and motioned not to ask.

Li Jinglong originally wanted Yuzhou and Chen Feng to be responsible for escorting Hanba, but Chen Feng insisted on following, and Li Jinglong said, "You two should act together with us."

Everyone agreed, but they all looked at Hongjun with worry, fearing that his condition was unstable, so Hongjun forced himself to say: "Everyone rescue Artest first, and we will talk about it later."

So everyone separated at the river valley, each galloping to the mission location.