Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 206: Soldiers on New Year's Eve


At that time, the defense of Yangguan was empty, and Hong Jun asked the general in the city, and learned that Jia Zhou had left with his army, joined Guo Ziyi, and cooperated with the Huihe army to attack Chang'an in three routes, suppressing Shi Siming's team.

Hongjun changed horses and went south along Liangzhou with Yuzhou, preparing to cross the Qilian Mountains and enter Qinghai. There was a large area of no man's land along the way. When winter came, the cold current was raging and the mountains were blocked by snow. Hongjun relied on the Phoenix Guarded by true strength, and Yuzhou braved the wind and snow, and kept moving forward. This place used to be under the jurisdiction of Tubo. In the past, Tubo and the Tang Dynasty fought protractedly. In the end, the Tang army conceded defeat and had to marry Princess Wencheng.

After crossing the Qilian Mountains, the wind and snow were raging, and most of the once ruled cities of the Tang Dynasty were emptied, leaving behind deserted military fortresses. Hong Jun still remembers that in the thatched cottage in Chengdu, when Du Fu invited him and Li Bai to appreciate poems, there was a line "Don't you see, the head of Qinghai, In ancient times, no one collected the bones." On the night of staying at the foot of Qilian Mountain in Yuzhou, Hong Jun saw that behind the deserted fortress were all graves, inside which were buried the bones of soldiers who fought far away and could not return home.

On the last night of the fifteenth year of Tianbao, the wind was howling and the snow was flying. Hongjun and Yuzhou found an uninhabited place, guarding the bonfire. Yuzhou found the wine stored by Tang Jun who was guarding the place in the cellar. They drank and chatted Recalling the past in Yaojin Palace, Hong Jun always felt that a long, long time had passed, and after entering Qinghai, his mood gradually improved.

"If you had known this back then, would you have gone down the mountain?" Yuzhou asked.

Hong Jun laughed, his face flushed with alcohol, at this time, his mood was also very complicated.

"Yes." Hong Jun murmured.

Yuzhou said again: "I still remember Hong Jun, you promised me that after defeating the demon, you will find a place where there is no one, and practice with me, and watch me jump the dragon gate."

Hong Jun had already forgotten, glanced at Yuzhou, and said, "Do you remember?"

Yuzhou said, "I've almost finished my cultivation."

As he said that he changed back into a fish body and crawled around on the brick floor of the military fortress, Hong Jun couldn't help laughing when he saw that appearance, and the elongated carp demon also laughed haha.

"Hongjun." Yuzhou said, "When I become a dragon, I will take you to play, okay?"

Hong Jun leaned against the wall of the military fortress. When he heard this, he thought of Li Jinglong.

"Yes." Hong Jun said leisurely, "We have an appointment, we will be together for a long time..."

Drunkness is like the snowflakes of the night, rustling on the ground, Li Jinglong's words seem to be still in his ears, and after all this is over, he promises to take him all over the land of China and see the beautiful scenery under the sky, Go eat delicious food all over the world.

"Do you still remember?" Yuzhou's heart was bursting with joy, his fair and handsome face turned red from his neck to his bare chest.

Hong Jun didn't hear Yuzhou's words, but murmured: "So I won't lose."

Yuzhou said: "You won't, Hong Jun, I..."

When Yuzhou wanted to say something more, Hong Jun suddenly frowned and said, "What's the sound?"

When the horse neighed, Hong Jun turned his head and looked outside the Bing fortress, and saw an uncontrolled war horse arriving outside the Bing fortress, shivering from the cold, with a cotton jacket on the saddle, on the horse's head, and on the horse's belly. There was a water bag hardened by the cold, and a thin leather boot on the stirrups.

"Who is it?" Hong Jun hurriedly got up and went out.

In the wind and snow, the footprints of the horses led to the distance along the way they came. Hong Jun chased them out, and Yuzhou said, "Is it the guard here?"

Hong Jun said: "You lead the horse in, and I will save people!"

Hong Jun chased along the trail, there was obviously someone on the horse, and he must have been unable to withstand the wind and snow, so he fell to the ground under Qilian Mountain, was dragged by the horse for a long time, and finally his boots were dragged off, and he fell into the snow. If not as soon as possible, the weather will be freezing cold, and I'm afraid I will die of cold in the snow.

Sure enough, at the pass at the foot of the mountain, just out of the canyon, there was a man lying on his stomach. The man had not completely lost consciousness, and he was climbing slowly in the snow. He was wearing a black robe, and half of his body was buried by ice and snow. Seeing the man's bare feet, he was red from the cold.

"Hello!" Hong Jun shouted, "Can you hear me? Wake up!"

Hearing the sound, the man knew that rescuers were coming, and finally gave up struggling and stopped moving.

Hong Jun turned the man over, and suddenly the whole world was silent.

Thin snowflakes drifted down from the dark sky, and the wind stopped. Li Jinglong's eyes were closed tightly, and at some point, he took off his half-length martial robe, his chest and shoulders were red from the cold, his lips were bruised, and he just lay quietly in the snow.

The snow was flying all over the sky, and it fell on Hong Jun in a swish, as if an extremely long time had passed, and the years were frozen at this moment. His tears couldn't stop falling, dripping in the snow, and falling on Li Jinglong's face , on the neck.

He bent down and hugged Li Jinglong tightly, exhausting all his strength, as if he wanted to bury him in his body. Forever, the snowy night of that year and the snowy night of today, the vicissitudes of life, all these seem so far away, but also seem to be close at hand, never changed.

Li Jinglong's last thought before losing consciousness was - heat.

He kept taking off his clothes in the ice and snow, which was the inevitable reaction of the body when the cold was extremely cold. In the hallucination, he was embracing a familiar body. He couldn't stop stretching out his hand and pulling until his warm lips pressed against it.

The flames covered his body, causing his consciousness to return to the body bit by bit. He opened his eyes and looked blankly at the soft white skin of Hong Jun in his arms, and the naked young man who was slim and well-proportioned.

Li Jinglong: "..."

Hong Jun's eyes were close at hand, just looking at him quietly, tears rolling in his eyes.

"Why are you crying..." Li Jinglong only said this, and then hugged Hongjun's waist tightly, and the two were lingering together.

After the soldiers fortified, Yuzhou guarded the door, and in front of him was Li Jinglong's horse.

Yuzhou: "..."

Yuzhou took a sip of wine and fed the horse some hay.

"Happy Chinese New Year." Yuzhou said to the war horse, leaned back and swallowed a few mouthfuls of wine, said a long "ah!", and suddenly burst into tears.

"Why is my life so miserable?" Yuzhou raised his hand, wiped his tears, and choked up.

The light from the bonfire illuminated the entire fortress. Hong Jun opened his arms and hugged Li Jinglong with one foot in his arms, urging the phoenix real fire Yang Yuan to inject into his body. Li Jinglong finally recovered and looked at Hongjun quietly. Neither of them spoke.

In the end, Li Jinglong looked into Hongjun's eyes and said, "I'll take you home."

Hong Jun raised his arm, wiped his face, and said, "I can't..."

Li Jinglong interrupted Hong Jun's words and said: "I promise you, Hong Jun, I will not interfere with your monster clan's affairs, as long as you are willing to let me stay by your side."

Hong Jun looked at Li Jinglong and said, "I promise you, after defeating Qingxiong and Tianmo, I will follow you home."

"It's a deal." Li Jinglong stretched out his palm, Hong Jun didn't understand what he meant, and put his hand in his palm. Li Jinglong clenched his hand, pulled him towards him, and held him tightly in his arms.

"Don't go anymore..." Li Jinglong said with a trembling voice, "I was wrong, you can't always treat me like this... I will go crazy..."

Hong Jun opened his eyes wide in a daze, and felt Li Jinglong's heartbeat, which was as firm and fierce as before.

In the early morning of the next day, Hong Jun and Li Jinglong were snuggling together. Outside, Yu Zhou knocked on the door casually and said, "Hong Jun, get up."

Hong Jun lay his pillow on Li Jinglong's chest, and sat up sleepily. Li Jinglong had already recovered after a night. He had both the heart lamp and the power of the phoenix in his body. However, he chased so hard all the way, he didn't close his eyes for several days and nights, and when he reached the foot of the mountain, the oil was almost exhausted and the lamp was dry.

"Thank you, Zhao Zilong." Li Jinglong said to Yuzhou with a pun.

Yuzhou replied boredly: "You're welcome."

"Go to Ruoergai to have a look. If you can find the Vajra Arrow, the last magic weapon is all up to you." Li Jinglong simply packed up his luggage, and Hong Jun came out of the fortress yawning, seeing Li Jinglong pat Yuzhou on the shoulder , then laughed.

Yuzhou's expression was very complicated, as if he had suffered a major blow, so he had no choice but to give up and get on his horse. The three riders left the Qilian Mountains and rode into the hinterland of Qinghai.

Hong Jun wanted to ride a horse by himself, but Li Jinglong insisted on taking him and let him sit in front of him. In the past half month, after Hong Jun and Li Jinglong parted, there was always a feeling of emptiness in his heart. He knows that people have to grow up and have to shoulder their own responsibilities. Some things can only be faced alone in the end.

But when he reunited with Li Jinglong, his whole body seemed to be uncontrollably discouraged, and his emotions overtook his rationality in an instant. Facing the vast snowfield and leaning against Li Jinglong, he immediately had the urge to give up everything. I just want to leave all my worries and responsibilities behind. Li Bai's "willing to be with the dust and ashes" is roughly the same.

Hong Jun couldn't help sighing.

"It doesn't work, and I don't like that." Li Jinglong said behind him with a smile, "What do you want Mr. Lang to do? Give it a good time."

"Stop it!" Hong Jun said depressedly, and Li Jinglong laughed, and wrapped his hands around Hong Jun's waist to control the rein, tightening it tightly, and shouted: "Drive!"

Then the horse galloped into the snow.

"Zhao Zilong!" Hong Jun hurriedly turned his head to look, but Li Jinglong kissed his lips from behind his shoulder, and finally said: "Leave him alone."

Hongjun: "..."

When lips parted, Li Jinglong said: "Hongjun, this is almost over, we will be fine."

The melancholy and sadness that Qingxiong brought to Hong Jun finally disappeared when Li Jinglong reappeared in front of him. The moment Hong Jun picked him up from the snow, he was no longer afraid of anything.

"Whenever I'm by your side, I feel like I've been beaten back to my original shape." Hong Jun said in a daze.

Li Jinglong smiled and said: "So I became the head of the Exorcist Department, and I was destined to recruit you, the little demon king."

Hong Jun should have been angry, but he couldn't help bursting into laughter. Li Jinglong shook the rein again, and led him to the end of the world.

In Luoyang City, ten miles of rivers and lakes, dripping water turns into ice, and there is a dead silence.

"I almost forgot that your snakes are going to hibernate." Yuan Kun said in a cold voice.

Xie Prison closed his eyes tightly, his body was already very weak, and a faint voice came out.

"Today you became the defeater of your subordinates." Xie prison said slowly, "It's ridiculous that your demon clan has won a complete victory. If you work hard, you must be able to wipe out the last bit of demonic energy... But now you are like a human race, and you are caught in the same robe. , isn't it ridiculous?"

Yuan Kun took a step forward, but did not answer Xie Gui's words, but took off the blindfold, Xie Gui opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Kun.

Yuan Kun's eyes were two dark and deep holes, and there was nothing in the holes.

"Give me resentment and resentment..." Xie prison hoarsely said, "I'm dying... in this isolated underground..."

"Not yet." Yuan Kun murmured, "Let me see..."

When he came to the front of the prison, the prison seemed to be very frightened and could not stop trembling, but Yuan Kun raised one hand and pressed it on the head of the prison. In an instant, the prison screamed in pain, and the devil energy all over his body exploded. Yuan Kun suddenly withdrew his hand and turned to leave. Before leaving, he said coldly: "Just wait."

After Yuan Kun left, a pair of fox eyes were shining brightly in the darkness of Ten Miles of Milky Way.

The sky in Luoyang was dark. It has been a full year, and the whole city still exudes the rotten smell left by the massacre. Qingxiong sits on the throne of the collapsed main hall, with one foot on the armrest of the king's chair and the other arm jaw.

"What did you see?" Qingxiong asked Yuan Kun who walked into the hall.

"What did you see?" Yuan Kun said in a deep voice.

Qingxiong closed his eyes slightly, and said, "I saw the ants fighting back. Tang Jun and Shi Siming's troops in Hejian and Shanjun were fighting fiercely. They returned to Chang'an, and they were outflanking and preparing to go to Luoyang."

Yuan Kun said in a deep voice: "The Lord has not come yet."

Qingxiong raised his head slightly, looked at Yuan Kun condescendingly, and Yuan Kun said, "I saw the future through the little demon energy left in the prison."

"What kind of future?" Qingxiong said.

"The scene of the next reincarnation." Yuan Kun said, "The demon will be born in the holy land."

"When?" Qingxiong said in a deep voice.

"Two hundred and forty-seven years later." Yuan Kun said.

"This time is enough." Qingxiong said slowly.

Yuan Kun said again: "The devil seed will condense on the snake of Bashan, and give birth to the devil fetus through the goddess of Wushan."

"Ba Snake is dead." Qingxiong said slowly, but turned his gaze to Chaoyun who was thrown to the ground beside the throne.

"When will Hongjun come back?" Qingxiong said in a deep voice.

"Soon." Yuan Kun said in a deep voice, "It won't be more than a month at the latest."

"Catch him back." Qingxiong said, "We can't let him outside anymore."

Yuan Kun said: "There will always be a trap for yourself, why worry?"

"You told me that Hanba will bring him back." Qingxiong said in a deep voice, "Now!"

Yuan Kun didn't argue any more, turned around and left the hall.