Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 21: The name of the ancient sword


Li Jinglong lingered outside the trial hall for a quarter of an hour, seeing the officials coming out separately, and leaving by his side. Huang Yong, the Shaoqing of Yu Dali Temple, and Hu Sheng, the old boss.

Li Jinglong stood up straight, watching the two of them, waiting for the final result.

Hu Sheng looked at Li Jinglong, but he didn't speak, and he couldn't stop thinking about countermeasures. In these years, he didn't know much about this former subordinate. At the beginning, Li Jinglong had a bad reputation in the Longwu Army. Hu Sheng even asked about it in private. Generals, why don't you like Li Jinglong very much.

The subordinates are all secretive, and they don't say clearly, anyway, they don't like him, they think he is arrogant, and some people say that he has some eccentricities. Hu Sheng didn't ask any more questions, but after his exorcism department was banned, how to settle down would be troublesome, so he should still be transferred back to the Longwu Army

Li Jinglong just stood quietly, and when the two opened their mouths, Huang Yong and Hu Sheng had the same thoughts, and they both felt that the person in front of them was pitiful. The boss is not small, the ancestral house is also sold, and the family is gone. There is only one exorcism department, which has finally improved a bit, and now it will be banned again.

"Do you have a little brother subordinate?" Hu Sheng asked after taking a few steps.

Li Jinglong's complexion changed, for fear that Hong Jun might cause some trouble, when he glanced at Huang Yong again, he suddenly remembered that when Huang Yong came that day, he was with Hong Jun, presumably Huang Yong said.

"Yes." Li Jinglong said, "Why?"

"Bring him here, and you will still return to the Longwu Army in the future." Hu Sheng said, "The remaining people will be dismissed and will be settled by the officials. On the fifth day of the next month, the Exorcism Division will pick up the plaque and give you ten days to move out."

There was a "boom" in Li Jinglong's mind instantly, as if something had exploded, thinking he heard it wrong, he said blankly: "What?"

"Stop making trouble." Hu Sheng said, "In the past few years, you have been exhausted physically and mentally by your troubles. Do you think I want to? Calm down, let's talk again in a few days."

After finishing speaking, Hu Sheng bypassed Li Jinglong and left.

Huang Yong said: "Li Changshi, I believe that there are monsters in the world, and I also believe in your character, but there are some things that really don't go according to your wishes. This is the most difficult thing in life. Since you have inherited Di Gong's legacy With a sword, you must know the truth of keeping a low profile..."

Li Jinglong couldn't listen to what Huang Yong said, so he quickly turned around and chased after Hu Sheng. When he chased out of Dali Temple, he couldn't find Hu Sheng again. He stood on the main street, at a loss for a moment, dizzy.

Li Jinglong didn't even know how he got back to the door of the Exorcist Department, and entered the front hall on the fifth watch.

Fudo Mingo was shrouded in a layer of gentle light, holding the six magic tools, watching himself calmly.

A few cups and bowls were scattered in the courtyard, and the couches in the hall were moved out and placed under the plane tree, and some tea leaves were scattered on the ground. It seemed that they had spent a while under the plane tree before.

All the lights were turned off at the doors of each room, obviously they couldn't wait for him, so they went to bed first, so as not to have another guest come tomorrow and be laughed at by others.

Li Jinglong stood in the courtyard, watching the scene in front of him, silent for a long time.

Lying on the couch, Hong Jun fell into a strange dream. In the dream, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood in Chang'an, surrounded by black mist, and there were dead people everywhere, just like the squid scurrying around in the Daming Palace, the hands of the corpses stretched out towards him, trying to drag him in.

He panicked and wanted to use the five-color divine light, but found that the meridians were already empty. He looked around and wanted to go back to the Exorcism Department, but he didn't know why. At this time, it was not Chongming and Qingxiong, but Li Jinglong.

He shouted, "Chang Shi? Where are you, Chang Shi?"

He stumbled and fled in the city of Chang'an. There were corpses everywhere. The black mist rolled up from behind, making his back chilly. He fell heavily to the ground and shouted: "Li Jinglong?! Li Jinglong!"

When he got up again, he felt a powerful force in his chest, which was about to break through his chest cavity, causing him great pain.

"Li Jinglong!"


In the room, Hong Jun rolled off the bed, and Li Jinglong heard him in the room, calling out his name in his sleep, stepped forward, and caught him.

Hong Jun suddenly woke up, and when he was about to yell, Li Jinglong hurriedly made a "shh" movement, and looked at him in surprise. Hong Jun was sweating profusely, his eyes were wide open, his face was pale, and he couldn't help panting.

"Nightmare?" Li Jinglong asked in a low voice.

He knelt on the ground and hugged Hong Jun's shoulders. Hong Jun grabbed his lapel, buried his head in his arms, and let out a long breath.

It was night, and the lights in Li Jinglong's room were lit.

Hong Jun took the calming medicine in the East Chamber, and passed outside Li Jinglong's room door, but Li Jinglong said: "Come in, and give me some too."

Hong Jun replied: "I'm ready to send it to you."

He still remembered the scene of being rejected by Li Jinglong that day, and then asked the carp demon specifically, and the carp demon told him that some people don't like others entering their rooms, so Hong Jun remembered it.

"Stay with me for a while." Li Jinglong said.

Hong Jun went in barefoot, rubbed out a ball of flames, lit the small copper stove by the table, put a copper bowl on it, and began to prepare the medicinal materials.

"Did you often dream when you were young?" Li Jinglong asked.

"No." Hong Jun shook his head and said, "I only had nightmares after I went down the mountain."

"Homesick?" Li Jinglong sighed and asked again.

He took off his outer robe, and his single clothes were better than snow, and he knelt down on the other side of the desk, facing Hong Jun.

Hong Jun gently stir-fried the herbs in the bowl with a copper spoon, and the fire light reflected on his heroic youthful brows, and seemed a little sad.

When he heard "sick of home", he raised his eyes to look at Li Jinglong, and laughed. That smile immediately made Li Jinglong, whose life was almost hopeless, the string deep in his heart was gently plucked, and there was a sound, and then there were layers of waves like ripples. Swing away.

"Zhao Zilong said that people always have to lose a lot of things, and only when they look back will they find it good." Hong Jun said with a smile, "Now I miss home because I left home, but I also like the Exorcist, and I like everyone."

With a little confusion in Li Jinglong's eyes, he asked, "What do you like about Exorcist?"

"Sycamore tree." Hong Jun turned his head, leaned over to look out, and said, "You still paint for me, play with me, and keep me company..."

Li Jinglong replied in a low voice: "I don't know why, but I always feel that I hit it off with you."

It seemed that the aroma of the calming medicine had played a role. Li Jinglong's annoyance was greatly relieved by the mixed aroma of the medicinal materials. He couldn't help looking at the young man in front of him, thinking why he always took special care of him.

Because he is not like the other three, who each have their own plans? no.

Because he is beautiful and people like him? Nor is it.

"What happened today?" Hong Jun raised his head and asked again.

Seeing the dazed look in Hong Jun's eyes, Li Jinglong suddenly became enlightened, couldn't help laughing, and understood—

——He doesn't understand many things, his eyes are neither like other people's, when they see him, there is a sense of ridicule, nor like the colleagues of Long Wujun, who watch people order dishes, praise the high and trample the low. He has no idea of calculating people, let alone the desire to pry into people's hearts. He does not pretend to be smart or belittle himself. He has no idea about the world and human feelings, and is ignorant.

People always like to be friends with simple people, and they don't need to play tricks or get tricked.

"Did you get tricked by me again?" Hong Jun asked again at this time.

Li Jinglong was overjoyed, smiled helplessly and shook his head, Hong Jun was full of doubts and couldn't understand what Li Jinglong was thinking. In fact, he has gradually been able to understand most of the people playing the game. He knows that people in this world often have words in their words.

"Are you so carefree at home?" Li Jinglong asked again, "Tricking people into trouble everywhere?"

"It's terrible for Chongming to get angry." Hong Jun said, "How dare you? It's just bad luck."

"It's a bit." Li Jinglong couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, feeling that ever since he met Hongjun, the unlucky things happened one after another, which was much more exaggerated than the experience in the past twenty years.

"You don't understand mortals." Li Jinglong said, "It is very difficult for mortals to live."

Hong Jun nodded and said: "Yes, mortals are very bitter. Monsters and monsters, monsters are mountain spirits and wild monsters, and demons are the hostility and pain of all things."

Li Jinglong's heart moved, and he asked: "Everyone said 'exorcist', why didn't they say 'exorcist'? I saw the demon, where is the demon? Where is it? Is it also in Chang'an?"

Hong Jun thought for a while, and replied: "Because the exorcist, the ultimate responsibility is to dispel the pain in the land of Shenzhou, expel the inner demons of all things, dispel the evil obstacles that have been accumulated for many years, and purify the world."

Hongjun has never had any troubles since he could remember, he is free, and Chongming's warm power is like a barrier, protecting him anytime and anywhere. But only two months after leaving the Taihang Mountains, he discovered that there is so much pain and sorrow in the land of China, and the joy, anger, sorrow and joy in the world are so intense.

Along the way he saw poverty, death, disease and old age. The carp demon told him that this is the suffering in the world, birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment and hatred, separation of love, lack of desire, and prosperity of the five aggregates. All kinds of pain are scattered into the Qi veins of the heaven and earth, and they are repeated and purified by this powerful force.

However, once the purification threshold of heaven and earth is exceeded, hostility will gather into "demons".

Hong Jun always remembers the "Heavenly Demon" mentioned by Qingxiong, and the sentence interrupted by Chongming. He was very curious about the existence of demons, but the carp demon only explained the birth of demons, so he stopped talking.

After Hong Jun finished explaining, Li Jinglong frowned and said: "Maybe this is what Di Gong mentioned, the doom of Shenzhou."

Hong Jun looked at Li Jinglong's worried expression, and said with a smile, "You are always unhappy."

"I can't be happy." Li Jinglong said tiredly. When he looked at Hongjun, he felt more comfortable. He smiled relievedly and said, "But whenever I talk to you, my mood will become much better."

"I haven't taken the medicine yet." Hong Jun brought up the boiled water, poured it into the copper bowl, dissolved the decoction, and asked, "Did they make you lose money? I still have some..."

Hong Jun was about to get up to get his pearl, Li Jinglong replied: "It's not enough to pay, forget it, I will slowly find a way, the most troublesome thing is that the whole court doesn't want to see me, but this is also reasonable."

"Where are you looking for your emperor?" Hong Jun said, "The palace belongs to him, just apologize to him, and he agrees, okay? I just burned Yaojin Palace before I went down the mountain..."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Hong Jun woke up the dreamer with another word, no matter what happened, Li Longji still nodded in the end. In the whole world, as long as he said a word, it would be more effective than anything else.

Li Jinglong frowned deeply, as long as the emperor knew what he was doing and trusted him, what could the officials do? But how to convince the emperor, let him believe in this cause and effect? But at least this is a way, if it is before the fifth day of next month...

"Let me think about it again." Li Jinglong replied, "This case is not closed yet, there are monsters in the palace, um..."

He had a vague outline, Hong Jun handed him the medicine bowl, and Li Jinglong signaled him to drink it first, and he began to think of a solution. Hong Jun drank half of it, Li Jinglong took it and drank it down.

"The medicine seems to be...a bit too much..." Hong Jun said dizzily after drinking it.

Li Jinglong had just finished drinking the medicine, when he saw that Hongjun was about to collapse with his eyes lost, he hurried up to help him, but suddenly he felt dizzy and almost couldn't stand upright.

"You... Hongjun..."

Li Jinglong spun around for a while, and sat down hurriedly. Hong Jun lost his support, leaned on Li Jinglong, and fell asleep.

"What kind of medicine is this, wait..." Li Jinglong was weak all over, leaning on the couch, trying to get up with one hand, but the hand slipped down, and then he completely lost consciousness.

next morning.

The sun shone into the room, and Artest passed Li Jinglong's room, and suddenly saw Li Jinglong sleeping paralyzed on the edge of the couch, with his legs slightly apart, while Hong Jun was lying on Li Jinglong's body, both of them were wearing shirts and underwear, sleeping comfortably.

Artest: "..."

"Qiu Yongsi!" Artest hurriedly waved to the courtyard. Qiu Yongsi had an extremely keen sense of gossip and ran over quickly. When the two of them saw the scene in the room, they both opened their mouths like carp monsters.

"Call Mo Zhigen to see it?"

"What to look at, what's interesting, quickly close the door to Ren Changshi."

"Did you hear that last night? Hong Jun kept calling his name! 'Chang Shi! Chang Shi! Li Jinglong! Jing Long!' Did I get it wrong?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I heard it! So that's it! But aren't they in Hongjun's room? The sound came from the right!"

The voice faded away, but Li Jinglong woke up first. Just as he came to his senses, he lowered his head and saw Hong Jun lying on top of him. His heart beat suddenly, and he quickly reached out to pat him, and whispered: "Hong Jun? Wake up! "

Hong Jun slept like a terrified man. Last night he was so focused on talking that the bowl of calming and sleeping soup was overcooked, and the portion was much larger. After drinking it, he almost passed out.

Li Jinglong wanted to take him back to his room, but everyone must have already woken up, so forget about the others. If the carp demon sees him, he will make a fuss and yell, Li Jinglong can't afford to provoke him It was it, so he had to pick up Hongjun, put him on his couch, and cover him with a quilt.

In the main hall, Mo Zhigen was twisting a leather shield with a pair of pliers, Artest was playing with a crystal, and Qiu Yongsi was making tea. Li Jinglong came over after washing, and everyone hurriedly asked about the morning, asking about last night's affairs with concern.

Li Jinglong said "um", and said that there was nothing serious, he had breakfast thoughtfully, and took the tea that Qiu Yongsi handed over. Artest and Qiu Yongsi exchanged strange glances, while Mo Zhigen cast a doubtful glance at them.

"Then, is this the case closed?" Artest asked.

"Not yet." Li Jinglong said, "Continue to check today."

Everyone had doubts on their faces, Li Jinglong thought about it, and finally said suddenly: "Everyone, can you teach me spells?"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

"I don't want to hold you back." Li Jinglong said truthfully, "You are right, as a mortal, I always rely on force to catch monsters, which is always impossible."

When Hong Jun woke up, he felt that the exhaustion of the past few days had been swept away. After stretching, I suddenly noticed a pleasant smell on the quilt. When I looked up again, I found that this was not my room. Why did I sleep in Li Jinglong's room

"Changshi?! Li Changshi?!" Hong Jun shouted, "Where are you?"

Li Jinglong and the three of them were talking in the courtyard. Hearing Hongjun's call, Li Jinglong was embarrassed immediately. He was about to go back to explain, but Mo Rigen asked in surprise: "Hongjun? What's wrong with you?"

Hong Jun ran out, dressed in white, and said, "Li Changshi? What happened last night?"

The cup in the carp demon's hand fell with a "bang".

Li Jinglong hurriedly signaled him not to talk nonsense, but Hong Jun said blankly: "Why am I sleeping on your bed? You even covered me with a quilt!"

Mo Zhigen looked surprised, looked at Li Jinglong, then at Hongjun, Artest and Qiu Yongsi said in unison: "No way! What's going on?"

"Li Jinglong!" The carp demon shouted, "What did you do to our Hongjun?"

Li Jinglong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily: "Kong Hongjun! You drank the calming soup, didn't you smell the Lihun pollen, and you forgot all of it? Last night you first had a nightmare and yelled... yelled... shouted, and you have to drink the calming soup, borrow me The stove in the room…”

Hong Jun remembered, nodded and apologized, and said, "Strange, why did I call you..."

"How do I know!" Li Jinglong was baffled, and roared angrily, "Go back and get dressed!"

"Chang Shi, you don't need to explain it so clearly." Artest said hastily.

"That's right." Qiu Yongsi said, "We all understand."

"You know what a ghost!" Li Jinglong almost died of anger, and it took a long time to calm down.

Hong Jun changed his clothes and came out, sat in the corridor and ate noodles. Seeing Artai and Qiu Yongsi teaching Li Jinglong spells in the courtyard, he looked around curiously.

"There is no spiritual power in my meridians." Li Jinglong said.

"Actually, Chang Shi." Mo Zhigen said, "As a mortal, you are already amazing."

Li Jinglong sighed and said, "It's not enough."

In front of the fox demon and the squid, Li Jinglong was blocked by Hong Jun. If he went up rashly, he might be swallowed by the monster in a few strokes.

Qiu Yongsi said: "As a human being, the most important thing is your brain." He nodded his head and said, "The second is mana. My grandfather said that if you rely on yourself to have magic weapons and cultivation, you can rely on brute force to do everything." If you don’t have strength, you will die in the hands of monsters sooner or later.”

"And you have Hongjun." Artest said.

"Yes, you have Hongjun." Mo Rigen and Qiu Yongsi hurriedly echoed.

Hong Jun: "?"

Li Jinglong had no choice but to put down the sword in his hand, and Hong Jun came out of the courtyard and said, "I've been curious for a long time, what kind of magic weapon is this?"

This is the third time that Hong Jun looked at the sword seriously, and said: "Qingxiong said that if the magic weapon is used properly, even a mortal without strength can be an exorcist."

"That's true." Qiu Yongsi said, "Many exorcists don't have innate spiritual veins. They can defeat the enemy with just a few magic weapons... Let me see this sword?"

It was the first time for Qiu Yongsi, Artest and Mo Rigen to look at Li Jinglong's sword so seriously. Li Jinglong said: "This sword seems to have a connection with Hongjun's flying knife."

Hong Jun pulled out the flying knife between his fingers and tried to inject spiritual power. The flying knife lit up, and at the same time the simple black long sword also lit up.

"Yo!" Everyone was shocked.

Hong Jun said: "When the flying knife is stuck on the monster, it will be activated in response to the monster's power. Maybe this long sword and flying knife are made of a kind of iron?"

"Maybe." Qiu Yongsi murmured, "Let it look brighter?"

The flying knife resonated with the long sword, and a line of words appeared on the sword, getting brighter and brighter.

"This..." Qiu Yongsi looked up at Li Jinglong, and then looked down at the sword.

Li Jinglong frowned and asked, "What?"

"How much did you pay for this sword?" Qiu Yongsi asked.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand taels." Li Jinglong replied.

"One five and a half million, give me ten." Qiu Yongsi said with a smile, and handed the sword back to Li Jinglong. He is the one who knows the most about magic weapons here. When Qiu Yongsi said this, several people couldn't help but stand up straight body.

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Li Jinglong asked.

"Sword of Wisdom." Qiu Yongsi replied.

"What?!" The carp demon was shocked.

"You know?" Li Jinglong asked.

Carp demon: "I don't know."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Carp demon: "I just think we need to be surprised at this time to enhance the atmosphere."

Everyone fell.