Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 211: Uncle and nephew turned against each other


With that said, Qingxiong stepped down from the throne, walked towards Hongjun, and looked at him sympathetically.

"...do you still believe him now?" Qingxiong asked.

"You can read his heart." Hong Jun said seriously, "That's good, but I can't read your heart. How can I prove that he really thinks so?"

Qingxiong was stunned, but Hong Jun said again: "Besides, the act of 'thinking' can also be a lie. Qingxiong, you have the power to read people's hearts. Your life must be very boring."

Qingxiong was enraged instantly, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Stupid!"

Hong Jun was not afraid at all, and said seriously: "Turn around, Qingxiong, it's not too late."

At this moment, many thoughts surged in his heart. Qingxiong has a powerful power to spy on his heart. In these years, he has never mentioned it in front of him, which more or less makes him shudder. However, in front of Chongming, even his own father Kong Xuan, would he spy on their hearts

Reminiscent of Chongming's attitude, it seems that Qingxiong's words are not...

"Enough is enough." Qingxiong said coldly, "Hong Jun, what does it mean to you when you think about it?"

Hong Jun put away this thought, but at this moment he felt that Qingxiong was a bit pathetic—he always knew that others lied to him, but he never said it out. He is always clear about whether others treat him with fear or loathing.

"The one who should turn back is you." Qingxiong said in a deep voice, "Do you know what I think you look like when I look at you now?"

Hong Jun stood up straight, dragging a chain, wearing anklets, and a tattered military uniform.

Hong Jun: "Like what?"

"Like a scrapped sword." Qingxiong's tone was very calm, as if without any emotion, "Your father gave me a piece of ordinary iron, and I will forge a sword for him, and light a fire again, we all hope, Forged you into a blade to drive into the chest of our enemies."

"... But I fell into Li Jinglong's hands." Hong Jun said, "And turned around and used it against myself."

"Yes." Qingxiong said seriously, "It surprised me very much. You look so much like your father. Every time I look at you, it seems that my brother is still alive, and his voice and smile seem to be still in front of me. Your clothes , fills me with disgust.”

As he spoke, he stepped down from the throne, came to Hongjun, and inserted his fingers into his broken collar, bringing a chill between his fingers, followed by the sound of tearing silk, Qingxiong violently tore off Hongjun's coat, and again The slap in the face made Hongjun spin around for a while.

Hong Jun was originally weak in internal energy. After receiving such a slap, his eyes suddenly turned black, and he almost knelt down. He barely supported himself, his upper body was naked, and he couldn't help shaking.

"What you need has never been a sword." Hong Jun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked up at Qingxiong, and said slowly, "You need a lamp."

Qingxiong sneered and said, "Forget how your father died? He died in the light you wanted! Stop being obsessed with it! You bastard!"

Qingxiong was furious, and almost shouted at Hongjun: "You betrayed your father! You have completely forgotten your hatred—"

"That's different!" Hong Jun mercilessly interrupted Qingxiong's reprimand with a growl, and also yelled at him, "If my father is still alive, he will make the same choice as me!"

At that moment, Hong Jun suddenly felt that Qingxiong's eyes had changed. If he was still angry before, now he was calm and disgusted, which was unusually calm.

"When will it end?" Hong Jun raised his eyebrows at Qingxiong, "Stop, Qingxiong."

"It will never end." Qingxiong returned to the throne, and said coldly, "I still have to tell you what I should say, Hong Jun, my little nephew, and I will give you a third choice, accepting the offer from the Yaozu." Exile, give up the throne."

Hong Jun stood quietly in the hall, even though his hands and feet were in shackles, at this moment, there was a faint majesty in his brows, like an awe-inspiring king who cannot be offended.

"Don't even think about it." Hong Jun said, "This position was passed on to me by Chongming, and it's up to you? Do you think you can be the Demon King?"

Qingxiong suddenly laughed, and said: "Don't you think that a demon king with no title and no followers can command anyone?"

Hong Jun said seriously: "It has nothing to do with who believes in me, who betrays me, who follows me, and who leaves me. Even if you lock me up for thousands of years, you will never be king."

Qingxiong suddenly said: "Who taught you? Li Jinglong?"

Hong Junyuan himself was wearing the official uniform of the exorcist, but after Qingxiong blatantly tore it, he was now shirtless, with a white and thin body, standing in the ruins of the Mingtang full of snow, the costume was actually the same as that of the naked half body He is similar to the Qingxiong in the past, faintly like the royal clothes of the Yaojin Palace, and this young man in dilapidated clothes has the air of a real king. Instead, Qingxiong sat on the throne, more like a false king.

"Then I have no choice but to execute you in front of everyone." Qingxiong said lightly, "Besides you, there are also your brothers, a demon king who colluded with the exorcists, I think no matter what, No one will question my decision."

"Before the execution, you'd better ask your old friend." Hong Jun said coldly, "It's not good if you get caught up with yourself."

"I asked you a long time ago." Qingxiong said, "Your partners planned to come to rescue you on the day of the execution, and they just stepped into my trap... And then..." He said leisurely: "Of course they are all executed, so let's take a look at it." In this way, it just proves my words, the Exorcist, is the reason for the final demise of the Yaozu."

As he said that, he turned his attention to Hongjun again, and said calmly: "Kong Xuan's death at the hands of the human race is not the reason why I want to kill them in the end. It's because of Li Jinglong, who opened a car that no one wants to see." Head... Hong Jun, I don't think you will know what the Exorcist will do in the future after our death, and I don't think you will be interested, you are the kind, even if there is a flood after death Who cares!"

"What will the Exorcist do?" Hong Jun frowned slightly.

"You believe in what you believe." Qingxiong ended the conversation with his familiar tone, "I also believe in what I believe, each going his own way, that's all... someone, take him down."

Hong Jun was taken away, and on the broken beam of the Mingtang ruins, a little white fox was lying down, watching all this quietly.

At dawn, the war horses were ready and lined up. Trundeau brought Chen Feng to see him off. Li Jinglong just woke up and was in a trance on the horse. Artest said goodbye to Trundeau in a low voice. Artest touched Trundeau's head and kissed her forehead.

Chen Feng came to the side of the horse, followed Li Jinglong's boots on the stirrups, and looked up.

"Father." Chen Feng said.

"You are always disobedient, dad doesn't love you anymore." Li Jinglong said casually, and glanced down the horse.

Tears rolled in Chen Feng's eyes, and Li Jinglong said again: "If you leave without authorization again, your mother will not want you anymore."

"I'm not leaving!" Chen Feng said hastily.

"I promise you." Li Jinglong said, "I will bring your mother back."

Chen Feng hurriedly nodded, and asked again: "When?"

"Soon." Li Jinglong said, "As soon as the cicadas start singing, we will be back."

Chen Feng: "Okay."

Li Jinglong: "When did I lie to you?"

Chen Feng stepped back a little, and Mo Rigen, Qiu Yongsi, and Lu Xu got on their horses. Artest finally said goodbye to Tranduo and got on his horse. The horse galloped out of Yuzhou and headed for Guanzhong at dawn. The paleness of the sky was exposed, and since Li Jinglong joined the crowd, he seemed to be preoccupied and stopped talking. They bypassed the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River by land, went to Hanzhong first, then entered Chang'an for supplies, and entered Luoyang through the Eight Routes of Taihang.

In late spring, under the drizzle, everything came back to life. Li Jinglong unexpectedly did not rush along the way. He traveled during the day and stayed overnight at the inn. After the Anshi Rebellion in the Central Plains, there were burnt black village ruins along the way. Ten miles later, ten miles later, large tracts of wasteland were uncultivated after spring, and the corpses had long since decayed, and crows occasionally passed by.

At night, the exorcist arrived at the village and lit a bonfire in a ruin for the night. The clouds were dense, the rain was pattering, and he couldn't see his fingers.

"How far have you gone?" Lu Xu said.

There was a soft sound of flint, and Mo Rigen's voice said in the darkness, "Chen Cang."

"Now it has to be called Baoji." Qiu Yongsi's voice said.

They were talking in the dark, but they couldn't see each other, and Mo Zhigen only lit the fire once.

"Give it to me." Li Jinglong's voice sounded.

Mo Zhigen fumbled to put the flint between Li Jinglong's fingers, Li Jinglong took it, and Mo Zhigen patted the back of his hand lightly with his backhand, that tiny movement gave Li Jinglong a pause.

The sound of flint sounded again, and Li Jinglong said, "Why is it called this name?"

Yuzhou replied, "Because those two chickens saved your emperor."

Li Jinglong hit it twice, and the fire lit up, illuminating his handsome and persistent face. Lu Xu thought that Mo Zhigen was a waste snack, and he couldn't even start a fire. Mo Zhigen argued that the flint was wet, and he didn't rub it by himself After so long, how could Li Jinglong light it

The two argued for a while, and Li Jinglong finally said: "Before a light appears, you have to work hard for a long time, go to sleep, save your energy, and have to go on the road tomorrow."

Hurrying is nothing to the exorcists. Mo Zhigen even rarely had the opportunity to move his body. He knew what Li Jinglong said, but he didn't want to talk, so everyone quietly found a place to lie down.

The bonfire was small, and there seemed to be something wailing in the distance, and the sound came faintly. A full year has passed since the beginning of that earth-shaking event. The war has brought almost irreparable trauma to this land, and it is desolate along the way.

But they are like fields in spring, everything will grow again, the only difference is whether it grows wheat or weeds.

"Hey." Lu Xu turned sideways, but did not fall asleep.

"Huh?" Mo Zhigen asked Lu Xu while hugging him from behind.

"Yuan Kun can predict the future, right?" Lu Xu said ecstatically.

All the exorcists didn't speak, and naturally they didn't fall asleep, while Li Jinglong kept his eyes open.

Yuzhou interjected: "Kun God is very strong, he knows almost everything."

Qiu Yongsi said, "I understand what you mean, Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu still couldn't help asking: "So our life and death are already doomed? Even this time to save Hongjun, he already knew."

"Clues." Li Jinglong said in a deep voice.

The exorcists fell silent and listened to his opinion unanimously, but Li Jinglong only said these two words and did not continue.

After a long time, Yuzhou said, "What clue?"

Qiu Yongsi said: "Don't ask, there are some things that cannot be said now."

Yuzhou: "???"

Lu Xu immediately understood, and replied: "Once you say it, will he know it?"

"It's okay to say it." Li Jinglong said, "It's just my speculation."

In fact, since he returned to Yuzhou, he has never communicated with his subordinates about any details of this operation, but let them set off with him to Luoyang. Based on what everyone in the Exorcism Department knows about him, Li Jinglong usually has a complete set of detailed plans before taking action, and explains them to them. The reason for not explaining is naturally related to Kun God.

"If it's bad if you say it, then you don't need to say it." Qiu Yongsi said.

Li Jinglong frowned slightly, as if thinking about it. Yuan Kun's ability to predict the future is like a ghost. He is not here now, but his detection ability is almost everywhere, covering every corner.

"Do you think..." Artest was also very puzzled, frowning deeply, "Did Kun God foresee the conversation we have here today a few years ago?"

Li Jinglong murmured: "There must be a price to be paid for using this ability, otherwise he wouldn't wait until now to attack."

Qiu Yongsi said "um", and everyone fell silent again.

Yuzhou said again: "He can also make people go back to the past in dreams..."

"Yes." Li Jinglong said lightly, "It is better to use this ability to change the cause and effect. Do you think that our action this time has no chance of winning?"

Everyone didn't speak, but Li Jinglong smiled slightly and said, "I don't think so, the one that has the upper hand is actually us now."

The rest of the people couldn't help being moved, Lu Xu frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Jinglong said in a deep voice: "God Kun worked tirelessly to find the heart lamp that was wandering in the world. Afterwards, Qingxiong asked Hongjun to leave Taihang Mountain. After all kinds of things, he gave the heart lamp to me. Then on the day of the fall of Chang'an, with Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly The technique, let me go back to the past and change the cause and effect... "

"For now." Qiu Yongsi said, "and his future goals."

"Well." Li Jinglong pondered, "but just after the end of Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly Art, I knew a crucial clue - Hong Jun was destined to become a demon, but in this intricate, causal influence of Kun God's personal intervention Next, I changed the history of Tianbao's fifteenth year, July 13th."

"Yes." Mo Zhigen replied.

"So there will be a series of changes in the future history." Li Jinglong murmured.

Qiu Yongsi understood in an instant, and said: "The future that God Kun foresaw before the Anshi Rebellion is the future of Hongjun becoming a demon, but this future has been changed by him, and a different path has been derived. You'll know what we're doing now!"

Lu Xu said: "But after the Chang'an Rebellion, he can watch it again, because it has been confirmed."

"That's right." Li Jinglong sat up, leaned on a stone in front of the bonfire, stared at the bonfire, and said, "A small change, for example, that Hongjun has not become a demon or been purified, will inevitably trigger a series of changes. His first One thing to confirm is whether there is a point that he is very attached to and pays attention to. What do you think is that point?"

Everyone sat up one after another, around the bonfire, Qiu Yongsi frowned and thought, shaking his head.

"Actually, I have never been clear about what Kun God wants to do." Qiu Yongsi said seriously, "The monster race and the human race live in peace, and the millennium is peaceful, isn't it great?"

Artest said in a low voice: "The matter between the two clans cannot be entrusted with wishes."

Yuzhou said: "He doesn't seem to be very ambitious. Even now, he only wants Qingxiong to be the king, and he is not himself."

Li Jinglong murmured: "Then, I think, maybe the inducement lies with us. This time I also received some inspiration from the trip to Taluosi. Perhaps it was the one who created history and prompted God Kun to launch the second war. Ourselves."

"What?" Lu Xu was a little confused.

Mo Zhigen thought for a while, and suddenly said: "What did you say in front of Li Heng?"

With a smile in his eyes, Li Jinglong nodded and said, "There are still decisions about the future."