Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 212: Stealing days for days


Li Jinglong has been thinking about the motives of Yuan Kun's actions these days. The war between the Zoroastrianism and the Islamic world where Artest is located suddenly inspired him. That day he met Li Heng and talked with his subordinates about the establishment of a future. The exorcist department that was carried in the past has become the shadow of the human regime, hiding in the people of the Central Plains forever. Perhaps this is the beginning of history.

"Now, the Exorcist does not pose any threat to the demon clan." Li Jinglong said to everyone, "What about a hundred years, two hundred years, eight hundred years or even a thousand years?"

Qiu Yongsi's expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice, "You may have found the answer."

Li Jinglong said: "I think Kun God's intention to change the future was not to save Hongjun, let alone to fulfill us. His purpose, from beginning to end, was only one—"

"Destroy the Exorcist!" Mo Zhigen instantly understood.

"He wants to act, there are plenty of opportunities, why go through so much trouble?" Lu Xu frowned.

"It's too early to destroy us." Qiu Yongsi asked back, "Who will deal with the demons? They can't even defeat them in the prison, and we have to rely on us in the end."

Li Jinglong nodded, and everyone vaguely felt that this might be the only truth.

"So." Li Jinglong snapped his fingers and said, "The clue is here. God Kun's move to change the future is done knowing that it cannot be done. To reverse the future, a very complicated and careful design is required. From It is the fastest to do it with Hong Jun, because there are too many people who cooperate, he only needs to push, and all of this will naturally be done by someone, such as me."

"Then let us guess." Li Jinglong said, "After the Battle of Chang'an, has the fate of the Yaozu changed in the further future that he cares about?"

"I guess not." Qiu Yongsi smiled slyly.

"I don't think so either." Li Jinglong raised his eyebrows and said, "Because if he doesn't attack us, the result will be a matter of course. Let's find all the magic tools of Fudo Mingwang, and then completely purify the disabled demon..."

"That's right." Lu Xu murmured, "So he is the most anxious one now."

Li Jinglong nodded and said: "The longer the future, the more difficult it is to change. You can force me to eat for breakfast tomorrow morning, eat or not. But you can't decide where I will appear in three years, because it involves this The 'cause' of an outcome is more complex than deciding to eat a meal."

Qiu Yongsi said: "Assuming that the Exorcist has indeed passed on for thousands of years, and the monster race has been silent in the world since then, what God Kun has to do is to get rid of us, or in other words, the person he most wants to get rid of is Chang Shi. .To achieve this goal, he is bound to pay a greater price."

Li Jinglong nodded and said: "But the future that Yuan Kun is afraid of, we are destined to have a great chance of winning."

He stared at the bonfire, as if he could see the fate of the exorcist and the demon clan from the bonfire.

"As long as he doesn't come." Yuzaoyun whispered, "The human race will win."

Hong Jun whispered in the cell: "He will definitely come."

Yu Zaoyun looked up at Hong Jun: "This is the most troublesome place."

"Why did he win without coming?" Hong Jun asked with a frown.

"You're too stupid." Yuzaoyun said, "I can't explain it clearly to you. I'll inform the ghost king later, and then send someone to connect with the exorcists."

Hong Jun said: "Do you think Kun God even anticipated our plan?"

Yu Zaoyun shook his head and replied: "He came back with injuries all over his body, his mana must have been reduced, and he still has to deal with the next big battle. If he has to 'see' the future at this time, his attention must be all on your lover Over there, the exorcist is the most dangerous for him."

Hong Jun seemed to understand something, but he was even more confused. Yu Zaoyun said again: "Reducing the scope of the plan is to prevent him from getting suspicious too quickly."

"Okay." Hong Jun said, "My brain is simply dragging everyone down."

"It's pretty good." Yuzaoyun said lightly, "I don't want to serve a boss who is too scheming, it's too tiring."

After finishing speaking, Yuzaoyun quietly left, jumped out of the skylight in the prison, and returned to the ground. It was dawn, and there were a few birdsong outside, and the sun shone in from under the skylight. Hong Jun leaned on the skylight to look outside, and he could only see the gray sky the size of a palm.

"Sleep for a while." Du Hanqing whispered outside the cage.

Hong Jun was tired and thirsty, leaning against the wet cell wall to sleep, Du Hanqing got in through the crack of the cell door, curled up in Hong Jun's arms, and closed his eyes.

Not long after, the slight sound of iron chains sounded, accompanied by the sound of Yuzao Yun.

"I'm afraid I can't untie it. I can't even take the wall away. Unless Qingxiong, no one can untie the shackles..."

Hong Jun suddenly opened his eyes, and found that it was the ghost king who died in battle! The King of Ghosts changed from his usual full-body armor to wearing a night suit that is light and easy to move around. Under the mask, the upper half of his gray-blue face and eyes were exposed.

Yu Zaoyun came in dragging an iron chain, slapped Du Hanqing in Hongjun's arms awake with one paw, and said, "Work!"

Du Hanqing opened his eyes, looked at Yu Zaoyun, then at Hongjun. Hong Jun looked at the iron chain in Yuzao Yun's arms and said, "What do you want to do?"

The chain was exactly the same as the one tied to his hand, even the positions of the runes were exactly the same. The ghost king carefully grasped the iron grid that was as thick as an arm in the cell, and stretched out his hand to break it open a bend, revealing a gap for people to pass through. Drilled in again.

"Try." Yu Zaoyun stared at the chains attached to the wall in Hong Jun's hand, very nervous, "There are three ordinary chains, and the most troublesome one is the one on the left foot."

Hong Jun looked back at the place where the iron chain was tied, the ghost king stretched out his hand to pull it, Yu Zaoyun said: "Quick speed, ghost king!"

The last time Hanba took off the iron chain, it was pulled out from the wall. There was a solid lock on the wall, and it took a lot of strength to break it open. The chain was pulled out!

Hong Jun hurriedly caught the falling iron chain, and said, "But I'm leaving, Qingxiong will definitely find out!"

"It's okay." Du Hanqing whispered. Immediately afterwards, it turned around, bowed and stood up from the ground, transforming into another Hongjun.

"Hong Jun, take off your clothes for him." Yu Zaoyun said.

Hong Jun: "..."

Hong Jun's jacket was ruined, and his only pair of trousers was barefoot, so he had to take it off and put it on for Du Hanqing, who was naked himself.

After a while, the "Hong Jun" transformed by Du Hanqing fastened the chain, and the ghost king fastened the chain again. Hong Jun said: "I will come back to save you soon."

The other "Hongjun" smiled and said, "Go ahead, nothing will happen."

Hong Jun seldom looks in the mirror, at most he straightens his clothes. The self he sees when he looks in the mirror is different from when he sees another self in real life. When he saw the smile of the young man conjured by Du Hanqing, he suddenly felt Li Jinglong felt his heart pounding when he looked at him.

"Go!" Yu Zaoyun urged, "Han Qing, you must be careful of the golden-winged roc, don't show your flaws."

That "Hong Jun" nodded, Hong Jun dragged his shackles out, looked back at Du Hanqing, the two bid farewell to each other, the dead ghost king broke back the prison fence, shook out a cloak, wrapped Hong Jun, and Hong Jun was completely dressed. The chain couldn't be undone, so the ghost king hugged him horizontally.

Hong Jun hurriedly said: "I can walk by myself."

Yu Zaoyun went forward to explore the way, but the ghost king didn't answer, just walked forward with Hong Jun in his arms.

The ghost king just hugged Hongjun sideways like this, and left the cell quickly. Only then did Hongjun find out where he was. It was the place where the living people who rescued the people of Luoyang and served as food for Anlu Mountain stayed. The underground palace, and then go to the ground, the ghost king is like a phantom in the dark, and he reached the wall with a "shua".

It was only one step away from Luoyang Palace, when there was the sound of a bird flapping its wings, the ghost king immediately knelt down on one knee, not daring to move rashly. Hong Jun wanted to poke his head out to look, but the ghost king freed up his hand and held his head down to keep him from moving. Hong Jun was pressed sideways in front of his chest, and he had a very weird feeling. Li Jinglong had hugged him like this before, but his heartbeat was strong.

And the ghost king is like a statue, motionless, surrounded by a sense of death.

After an unknown amount of time, Yuzaoyun jumped down from a high place and said in a low voice, "The birds were lured away by our food. You have a stick of incense time, and you must eat them before they finish eating..."

The ghost king didn't wait for Yuzaoyun to finish speaking, he jumped up, led Hongjun over the palace wall, and quickly evacuated along the moat. Hongjun glanced at it from a distance, and saw under the dark sky, the entire ruins of Mingtang were full of people standing there Even if he manages to get out of trouble, as long as he returns to the ground, he will be spotted by the birds sent by Qingxiong to watch.

He was very tired and fell asleep leaning against the ghost king. He felt that he led him over many places and finally stopped after a long time. It was dark all around, and then the lights came on.

"Your Majesty?" a voice asked anxiously.

Hong Jun opened his eyes, and in front of him was a man with a layer of gauze wrapped around his head, which shocked him suddenly.

"Chaoyun?" Hong Jun said, "Are you okay? Let me see?"

Chaoyun wanted to avoid him, but Hong Jun held him back. Unexpectedly, he was staggered by Chaoyun. Only then did Chaoyun realize that Hongjun had lost all his mana and was very weak, so he supported him instead.

Hong Jun unwrapped the bandage on his head, and found that Chao Yun's head was rotten, but he had become very human. He was almost naked, his body was covered with gauze and white cloth, and he was bruised.

"This is..." Hong Jun said, "Where's the skin?"

Chao Yun said: "It doesn't matter, Your Majesty, as long as you are fine."

Hong Jun observed through the light, and saw that it was a dark and narrow house with snowflakes floating outside. The ghost king who died in battle was sitting by the side, silent, and Yuzaoyun had gone nowhere.

"When I was molting, I was almost eaten by a golden-winged roc." Zhao Yun said, "It was Zhao Zilong who saved me and took me out of the Yangtze River. The ghost king used magic to save my life."

Hong Jun closed his eyes, sighed, and looked at the ghost king, who just nodded lightly.

Chao Yun said again, "This is the Luoyang Exorcist Department."

The Luoyang Exorcism Department had burned most of the area when Anlu Mountain captured it, leaving a few rooms intact, and then miraculously escaped the flames of war, so Chaoyun found something to eat in the ruins.

Ghost Dynasty Hongjun stretched out his hand and said, "Look at your shackles."

Hong Jun sat on the table, and the ghost king bowed his head by the light, looking at his chains, and was very helpless in the end.

"The chain that binds the bird is called the Thousand Machine Chain." Ghost King said in a deep voice, "It cannot be untied."

Originally, Hongjun's limbs were tied with chains, but three of them were ordinary iron chains, which had been replaced by Du Hanqing. The only one that was the most troublesome was the thin, heavy Qianji chain.

The ghost king pondered for a long time, Yuzaoyun came back, brought a few fish, and said: "Luoyang has been war-torn for a long time, and there is nothing to eat. I found some fish for you in Luoshui. They eat dead people's long, let's make do."

Chaoyun hurriedly replied: "Enough." So he set up a brazier and grilled fish for Hongjun. I didn't care about the fish bones in the water, and after wolfing down a meal, I finally came back to life a little bit.

Chaoyun, Ghost King and Yuzaoyun sat around Hongjun, the brazier was burning hot, and the room was filled with warmth. Hongjun changed into the dead man's clothes that the monsters found somewhere, and watched the flames silently.

"What should we do next?" Yuzaoyun said.

"Wait for Li Jinglong." Ghost King said, "He doesn't understand."

As he said that, the Ghost King was about to get up and leave, but Hong Jun said, "Wait."

Everyone looked at Hong Jun, Hong Jun pondered for a moment, and then said: "We can't wait for him, we have to think of a way first."

Both Yu Zaoyun and Ghost King were very surprised, Hong Jun felt a little guilty, looked at the three of them, and said, "I'm sorry, I let you... down."

Chao Yun said: "You went to look for the magic weapon to exterminate the demons. It's not your fault."

Hong Jun said: "I thought about it seriously, indeed, I have not fulfilled the responsibility of the Demon King..."

"The demon clan has been falling apart over the years." The Ghost King said in a deep voice, "It is difficult to control, so there is no need to blame yourself. If it were really that easy, the Xiong Prison in the past has already been completed, and it will not stay today."

Hong Jun nodded and said: "But at least I have to... take everyone to heart, and I will remind myself in the future that I am the demon king, and I am not just an exorcist."

Yu Zaoyun narrowed his eyes, feeling a slight change in Hongjun.

Hong Jun said: "I have to think of a way to untie my chain... In the final analysis, it is still on Qingxiong. I think maybe I have to take the risk and ask Du Hanqing to ask him. Can you solve the snake venom of Ba Snake?" ?”

"I'll arrange it." Yuzaoyun said lightly, "What else?"

"Try to make a routine, first ask how to get rid of it." Hong Jun put his hands on the chain on his feet and said, "Then find my Immortal Slayer Flying Knife and Five Colors Divine Light."

"No problem." Yuzaoyun said, "You're going to fight Qingxiong next?"

Hong Jun turned to the dead ghost king, ghost king, and asked, "How many subordinates does the corpse clan have?"

"Fifty thousand dead ghost cavalry." Ghost King said in a deep voice, "I would like to fight for you."

Yu Zaoyun said: "Although the beast tribe has few cultivation bases, it is possible to restrain Qingxiong. The water tribe led by God Kun is not familiar with land battles. As long as they avoid being dragged into the water by them, the danger is not great."

Hong Jun nodded and said, "I need someone to hold God Kun in check for me."

"I'll take care of him." Yu Zaoyun said, "Can you fight Qingxiong?"

"Try." Hong Jun thought, Mo Dao is invincible, as long as there is a chance, it can severely injure Qingxiong, but you must watch the timing, otherwise every time you use it, it will consume his extremely strong magic power. He absolutely did not dare to fight Qingxiong rashly.

However, it is different now, Chongming has given him the power to fly, and he has the phoenix essence in his body, as long as he can break through the thousand machine chains, and after he has enough rest, he can start dealing with Qingxiong.