Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 213: Reborn


"How about the snake venom?" Zhao Yun said.

Hong Jun evened his breath, the toxin was still there, and said: "Bleeding to cure the poison, you stay with me."

There is Phoenix True Essence in his body, which can continuously regenerate his flesh and blood. In other words, as long as he doesn't let out too much blood at a time, he can replenish it as soon as possible.

"When will we act?" said the war dead ghost king.

Yu Zaoyun said worriedly: "Let's cooperate with the exorcist."

Hong Jun said: "This is a matter of the Yaozu, and we can no longer rely on them."

The Ghost King nodded and said: "Very good, Fox King, let's do this, I agree."

Yu Zaoyun said: "They decided to call all the members of the Yaozu to judge you publicly on the third day of March, that is, four days later."

Hong Jun said: "Then, it will be at that time."

Qingxiong wants to take advantage of Hongjun's collusion with the exorcist, announce it to the entire Yaozu, abolish his inheritance rights, and execute him in public. Hong Jun remembered very clearly that Qingxiong personally mentioned that Li Jinglong would step into his trap at that moment. But as long as he shows up early, Li Jinglong will be prepared.

"He said he set a trap." Hong Jun frowned and said, "What is the trap?"

Suddenly he remembered something he had forgotten for a long time - prison!

"Where is the prison?" Hong Jun seemed to have guessed what the trap was.

"Underground." Yuzao Yun said, "Do you want to take a look at it?"

Hong Jun was about to nod, but the ghost king said: "There are eyes and ears all over here, and the whole city is full of your birds. Once you leave, you will be noticed, and you have to wait for the time."

Hong Jun had to temporarily give up going to see Xie Prison, while the King of Ghosts and Yu Zaoyun went to prepare to gather his subordinates for a decisive battle against Qingxiong in four days. It was very difficult to escape the surveillance of the birds. Hong Jun remembered that in Yaojin Palace, both Chongming and Qingxiong had eyes and ears like a net, and they could monitor every plant and tree near Taihang Mountain through birds, and they could see the eyes of birds from the pool in the palace garden. All the sights.

He repeatedly reminded Yu Zaoyun and the ghost king to be careful, and the two ghost kings left separately.

Under the dark sky, the cold spring has not yet passed, and Luoyang, where no one lives and activities, is even more gloomy. Chaoyun lit a brazier in the house, and Hong Jun sat quietly with him. Hong Jun cut open the blood vessel in his arm with a sharp knife, and the purple-black The poisonous blood flowed out continuously, making him a little dizzy.

Everything outside was silent and silent, except for Xiaoxue flying around, and the clear sound of blood dripping into the copper plate, drop by drop, flowing down Hongjun's little finger.

"Drink." Hong Jun said to Zhao Yun.

There is Phoenix True Essence in his blood, which can promote the regeneration of skin and flesh. At the same time, the blood in his body is also filled with the venom of Ba snake. But Chaoyun is not afraid of this toxin. It just so happened that Hongjun's whole body was replaced with blood, and Chaoyun drank his blood to regenerate the broken skin and flesh tissue.

Before Chaoyun drank, he looked at Hongjun, and then looked down at the copper plate.

"Your Majesty." Chao Yun seemed to be trembling a little, and said, "I drank your blood..."

"It's my demon." Hong Jun joked.

Chaoyun never thought that one day he would be able to drink Hongjun's blood. Among the demon clan, this behavior is tantamount to announcing a wonderful symbiosis, like a blood curse oath. However, for Hong Jun, it was just by the way. He wondered if the King of Ghosts would be able to mend his body if he drank the blood full of phoenix's true essence...while signaling Chao Yun to drink it while it was hot.

After Chaoyun drank it, he began to close his eyes and exercise his skills. At the end, Hong Jun frowned slightly and asked, "Is it useful?"

Chao Yun hurriedly replied: "Of course it works! God Kun's promise to Han Yan is to drink your blood and eat your flesh."

Hong Jun nodded, he didn't expect that the real energy that Chongming left for him was so powerful. He felt that a lot of toxins had been expelled with the loss of blood, and the obstruction of breathing had eased, and a flame in his chest was mobilizing his limbs and bones to regenerate blood. Even so, releasing too much blood at one time made his whole body chill and shiver uncontrollably. Chaoyun hurriedly found a quilt and came over, wrapping Hongjun up, and the two of them leaned on the porch, looking at the pale sky.

"Sleep for a while." Zhao Yun said.

Hong Jun shook his head, pondered for a long time, Chao Yun said worriedly: "What's wrong?"

Hong Jun replied: "I was thinking, God Kun, Qingxiong, and the future. Chaoyun, am I wrong?"

Chaoyun frowned deeply, staring at Hongjun with a puzzled expression on his face. Hong Jun has some things that he cannot say to Li Jinglong, Qiu Yongsi, or to his partners in the Exorcism Department. When facing Zhao Yun, he seemed to have found someone to confide in. So he relayed the conversation with Qingxiong to him, and finally said with a smile: "I don't know why I told you this... I still remember that Zhao Zilong told me that when you left the Heavenly Demon, you came to Yaojin Palace .”

Chao Yun nodded, and then said: "I... I have a lot to say, I don't know how to say it, but I am just like Zhao Zilong. We felt that your majesty... is different from other demon kings from the very beginning."

"This difference is very important." Zhao Yun said earnestly, "Very, very important. I... my mouth is too stupid, I don't know how to say it."

"You are also a big monster." Hong Jun murmured, then laughed, and said: "Practice for a while, maybe you will also become a dragon."

When Chaoyun was about to say something, Hong Jun suddenly said, "Chaoyun, promise me."

What Hongjun said made Chaoyun very nervous. Just listen to Hong Jun said: "Promise me, no matter what happens next, you have to live and protect the Holy Land for me."

Chao Yun said: "Your Majesty! You will never..."

Hong Jun stopped him from speaking, stared at Zhao Yun's eyes in the bandage, and repeated: "Whether we are in danger or not, whether we can defeat Kun God or not, there are unpredictable things, you have to promise me."

Chaoyun was silent for a long time, and finally nodded, Hongjun laughed and said: "We will win, I don't know why, I always have strange confidence in this."

Chao Yun whispered: "I know you don't want to start a war with Master Qingxiong."

Hong Jun murmured: "There is no other way... By the way, do you think Yuan Kun can know the final result of this battle?"

In fact, since the end of the Battle of Chang'an, the most talked about in the entire Exorcist Department is the power of God Kun's "predicting the future". Qiu Yongsi, Li Jinglong, Mo Zhigen and others talked about Hong Jun over and over again, but he was always a little confused. But Qingxiong's words unintentionally inspired him to a certain extent.

What God Kun saw was the future of Hongjun being interrogated and executed in front of all the demon clan, and Li Jinglong was about to stage another act of Talus, and happened to step into Qingxiong's trap.

But now the "bait" has been replaced by Du Hanqing. God Kun has foreseen all this, or is it that what is happening now is beyond the God Kun's prediction

"I think God Kun didn't foresee you escaping." Chao Yun said cautiously, "Because I overheard a word from them when I was in the Holy Land. God Kun"

After Hong Jun left the holy land with the exorcists, Chao Yun and the carp demon each swallowed half of the Ba Snake inner alchemy, and strange changes occurred in their bodies, and their demon power became stronger. Driven by this demon power, Chaoyun began to shed his skin. They hid in the depths of the stalagmite forest, and that day Qingxiong and Yuan Kun happened to walk along the river to talk about the monster clan, many of which involved Hong Jun, Li Jinglong and the Exorcist.

Qingxiong hides from the ghost king and Yuzaoyun, and prepares to send a message to Hanba, so that Hanba can restrain Hongjun and take him back to the Central Plains. Kun God is even more ruthless, behind Qingxiong's back, and gives a second order, let Hanba directly suck Hongjun His flesh and blood ended him in the Western Regions.

For a moment, the two demon kings forgot that there was Chaoyun dormant in the Holy Land. After making a decision, God Kun used magic to find out the result of this operation...

"That is to say." Hong Jun murmured, "God Kun saw the result."

"A moment." Zhao Yun explained, "God Kun can only see a moment like fragments."

"I understand." Hong Jun immediately understood the principle of Kun God's spell, and he whispered, "He must first set a certain time, a certain place, I remembered... that day he let me see a certain day in the future, Chang'an, the scene at home..."

Chao Yun didn't know at what moment in the future God Kun had peeked into the future after casting the spell, but this scene must have told him the variables that occurred in it. After deduction, Qingxiong and Yuan Kun learned that Chaoyun had leaked the news, and immediately turned around to search for Chaoyun's whereabouts.

Chaoyun was in the critical moment of shedding his skin, and almost died in Qingxiong's hands. The carp demon who had cultivated and formed first took him along the waterway to escape, but God Kun was the king of the water clan, and his power was everywhere. The carp demon had no choice but to take it ashore, but Chaoyun told him to leave him alone and save Hongjun first.

So there was a scene by the Aral Sea.

"God Kun needs power to spy on the future." Chaoyun said, "I told Queen Fox, and Fox King's speculation is that he can't see every moment clearly, he can only judge according to a certain scene he saw. Infer the cause and effect of its occurrence."

Hong Jun murmured: "It's exactly the same as what he said when he cast a spell on me on the way back to Chang'an that day... I feel that my brain has cleared up a lot, and I can let bloodletting, come on."

"Wait a little longer." Zhao Yun said worriedly.

Hong Jun waved his hand to indicate that it’s okay, so several times, every time he recovered, he tried to let bloodletting, during which he was always thinking about Kun God’s spells, and discussed repeatedly with Chao Yun, and found that many of what he was thinking were opposite to Yu Zaoyun’s. Zhaoyun's questioning coincides with each other, and Yu Zaoyun has even made careful assumptions about many questions before devising this strategy of Li Daitao's rigidity and replaced the real Hongjun.

In the middle of the night, the fox outside tapped lightly on the window, and Chaoyun hurriedly let Yuzaoyun in.

"How is it?" Seeing Hong Jun's pale face, Yu Zaoyun was very worried.

Hong Jun signaled that it was okay, and Yu Zaoyun said again: "I have good news for you, your partners have arrived, just under Longmen Mountain."

Hong Jun immediately caught a glimpse of hope, but in an instant, another thought emerged, suppressing his impulse.

"Jing Long didn't know that it wasn't me who was imprisoned." Hong Jun said.

"Not bad." Yuzaoyun's fox eyes narrowed, as if smiling.

Hong Jun said: "Don't tell him I'm here yet."

Yu Zaoyun wagged his tail and said, "See how he acts?"

Hong Jun nodded.

"Very good." Yu Zaoyun praised sincerely, then took a step back, and replied: "I will ask Han Qing to talk to you tomorrow morning, and discuss it with you first. You are very smart. Who will say that our Majesty is stupid in the future?" I'm in a hurry with him."

"What do you mean?" The second monk Chaoyun Zhang couldn't figure it out, and asked Chao Hongjun, "Why don't you see Li Jinglong? Your Majesty?"

Hong Jun finally smiled again without saying a word, and waved his hand to let Chao Yun not have to worry anymore. Until late at night, the toxin had gradually cleared up. Hong Jun fell asleep first, still tossing and turning in his mind, thinking about Kun God and Li Jinglong, wondering what Yu Zaoyun would say after connecting with them.

After waking up from sleep, all the strength came back. Zhao Yun looked in the mirror and untied the blood-stained bandages wrapped around his body.

"Hello!" Hong Jun was both surprised and happy.

Zhao Yun is no longer the original serpentine appearance, his appearance has undergone obvious changes, the outline of the eyes has shrunk and become more suitable, the eyes have turned black, and the cat's eye slit no longer appears. The figure has become more symmetrical, the scales on the hands and feet have also faded, and the animal nature has been completely removed.

He stared blankly at himself in the mirror, Hong Jun stepped forward, held his chin to let him open his mouth slightly, Zhao Yun's tongue licked around his lips, the rosy lips and tongue were exactly the same as those of the human race.

Hong Jun smiled and said: "It seems that everyone will look good after cultivating to adulthood!"

First Yuzhou, then Chaoyun, once reborn and reborn as human beings, they all became beautiful men. This is the normal behavior of big monsters, Chao Yun blushed slightly, and wanted to salute Hong Jun, Hong Jun hurriedly waved his hands. And at this moment, the ghost king's voice said from outside the room: "The skin is not bad, it can be the dream lover of boys and girls."

Chaoyun hurriedly put on his clothes, and the ghost king first saluted Hongjun. Hongjun knew that after a night of discussions, he would definitely have an arrangement, so he asked Chaoyun to stay with him, and he and the ghost king left the Luoyang Exorcist Department.

There were two horses prepared outside, the ghost king signaled Hong Jun to get on the horse, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Hong Jun replied: "The poison is temporarily removed, and the spell cannot be used."

The ghost king rode his horse to lead the way, and replied in front of him: "The most important thing to win a war is often not how strong your cultivation and mana are. Victory or defeat is already determined. It is your heart that decides all of this."

Hong Jun replied: "It sounds like something Li Jinglong would say."

"That kid knows better than you." Ghost King said, "Without spells, you can't fight. It's a very dangerous thing. Yes, compared with Garuda and King Kun, we are very weak..."

Hong Jun stared at the ghost king's back and his cloak flying in the snow. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the ghost king and Yuzaoyun seemed to be more confident than he imagined. And this kind of confidence, actually vaguely has the same goal as Li Jinglong.

"...but destiny is on our side." Ghost King continued.

It was an extremely difficult feeling to explain. Hong Jun even had an idea that his allegiance to him was not all because he was the orthodox successor of Chongming, but in the dark, the ghost king and the fox king had similar ideas to them. place. And if we talk about the serious position, Hong Jun's position has always been unclear. There is only one person who is so persistent: Li Jinglong.

In other words, rather than saying that they support themselves, it is better to say that the person Ghost King and Fox King really recognize in a sense is Li Jinglong behind him.