Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 215: Blue Flame Burning Demon


At the same time, Hong Jun took the ghost king and Yu Zaoyun through the corridor to the ruins of the main hall of Mingtang.

Hong Jun stopped, and said to Yuzao, "Can you find the whereabouts of Hanba?"

Yuzao said, "Follow me!"

Yuzaoyun led the way, and he and Hongjun left the promenade and came to the ruins of the Mingtang Hall. After bypassing the ruins, there was a huge square courtyard. Deep in the courtyard, there was a tunnel leading to the ground. Hong Jun remembered that Mo Zhigen and Lu Xu had been to this place before the Luoyang city was broken, and there was an exit of the earth veins under Mingtang town!

"It's near here." Yuzaoyun sniffled and said, "It's a corpse."

"Can you tell the difference?" Ghost King was very surprised.

"Your corpse aura is different from his corpse aura." Yuzaoyun looked around and said, "It's not here anymore, could it be on your body?"

There was a loud noise in the distance, and it was obvious that another building was destroyed by Qingxiong. The ghost king said: "The fight was serious, it should be attracted away, trouble."

Hong Jun said: "I won't carry it with me, go down and have a look."

Hong Jun dragged the chain of thousands of machines and staggered down to the ground. Sure enough, the leylines used to counter Anlu Mountain were still there, and a magic circle appeared in the center of the leylines, just like the formation that stored the magic weapon of King Ming. Four flying knives are suspended in the center, and in the middle of the flying knives is an emerald peacock feather!

"Found it!" Hong Jun said.

Maybe it was intuition, he was also hazy and couldn't explain clearly, but it was just a test, but it was really here!

Hong Jun wanted to go forward to get it, but the magic circle shone with light, forcing him away, and the blue flames of the earth's veins shot up, and the ghost king had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and dragged Hong Jun from behind!

"You will be burned to death!" Yuzaoyun said.

Hong Jun remembered that every time they took Fudoming King's magic weapon from the magic circle, the energy of the earth's veins formed a strong protective barrier. At that time, there was a magic weapon protecting their bodies, which saved their lives. Yuzhou did not have to be admitted by Fudoming King Get it wrong, and you are almost burned to death.

"It has to be lured away." Hong Jun said.

"Don't move." Ghost King replied, "I'll try."

Yu Zaoyun looked towards the exit, obviously still a little worried, and asked, "Can you do it, King of Ghosts?"

The Ghost King didn't answer, but just walked towards the Earth Vein Array, which was designed by Yuan Kun. When he said the words "Suppress me" in the Hall of Ten Thousand Monsters, Hong Jun knew the origin of Yuan Kun and the Earth Vein Array. He didn't know clearly, but since he put the five-color divine light and the immortal-killing flying knife here, he must have set up comprehensive defenses.

"Be careful." Hong Jun said anxiously.

He looked down at the thousand machine chains on his feet, feeling extremely irritable, he was so trapped and couldn't do anything.

The moment the ghost king walked into the magic circle, there was a loud bang, and the blue flames swirled around his body immediately, and then the ghost king let out an angry shout, exuding demon power, resisting the energy of the earth veins.

Yuzao said: "Ghost King!"

Yuzaoyun jumped up and transformed into a human form in the air, still using Yang Yuhuan's appearance, Hong Jun said: "Be careful, you two!" Out of Nine Tails, a large number of blue flames of the earth veins were immediately drawn away.

Ghost King said: "This is a trap!"

Hong Jun: "Don't take it! Let's go!"

The flames formed a storm and raged in the underground space. However, the ghost king and Yu Zaoyun could not get out of the magic circle. Hong Jun wanted to rush forward, but was blocked by the magic circle.

Yuzaoyun said: "There is a chance!"

Ghost King: "You do it! Take away the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife! The five-color divine light doesn't matter!"

Yuzaoyun was also struggling to hold on. For a moment, the formation of earth veins was like a whirlpool. The two demon kings could neither approach the eye of the formation nor get out. Hong Jun suddenly realized a dangerous momentum and turned around in an instant.

Hanba bowed down from the tunnel and murmured, "Why is there another one?"

He seemed to realize that the handsome man on the altar was fake, and he was full of surprise, looking at what happened in the underground space. Hong Jun held his breath immediately, his back felt chills, the King of Ghosts and Yu Zaoyun were still trapped in the magic circle, the earth veins were full of fire, and Han Yan walked slowly towards him.

"Very good..." Hanba murmured, "A group of traitors..."

Han Yan seemed to be a little absent-minded. If Hong Jun had feathers at this time, the hairs all over his body must be standing on end. He was extremely nervous and stared at Han Yan. There was silence in the magic circle for a while, and the blue earth vein flames swallowed the ghost king and Yuzao cloud. Han Yan didn't realize that there were two other demon kings in the magic circle, but walked towards Hongjun.

Han Yan obviously couldn't figure out how Hong Jun escaped from the prison. His eyes moved from Hong Jun's face to his shackles. There is no escape.

"You are a demon clan." Hong Jun said slowly, "An old friend of the ghost king again, it is too late to give up now."

Han Yan immediately let out a wild laugh, and Hong Jun looked at Han Yan calmly.

"What can you do?" Hanba said coldly, "With you now?"

Hong Jun panted slowly, and Han Yan said in a hoarse and gloomy voice: "If your human race hadn't betrayed me back then, how could I have created my current rotten body?!"

When Hong Jun heard the phrase "you human race", his heart couldn't help but beat violently.

"You were once a human too." Hong Jun tremblingly said.

"People's intrigues and fights are more direct and naked than the most vicious demon in the world!" Han Yan yelled frantically, "You should have died long ago! Coward, traitor! The bastard of the demon clan!"

Hong Jun could hardly control his fear and trembling. He observed the surrounding situation all the time, always on guard against Han Yan's instant attack. At this time, he had no foreign aid, no spells, and he would never be Han Yan's opponent. And Han Yan is also very clear that it only takes one move to lock his throat and drag him to Qingxiong.

Han Yan only regarded Hongjun at this time as an ant, and after roaring, he made a move as usual, raised his left hand and grabbed Hongjun like lightning!

At that moment, the corner of Hong Jun's mouth pulled quietly, and when Han Yan swung his arm out, Hong Jun flipped backwards suddenly. Hanba has followed like a shadow to the front of him, and that move is the third time Hong Jun has faced. The same move made him respond to it a long time ago. Immediately following the force of turning back on the spot, he flew up and threw his ankle Thousands of machine chains!

Han Yan never expected that Hong Jun's previous fear and trembling was just a ploy to make him underestimate the enemy, but at the moment when the thousand machine chain was thrown out, Han Yan instantly realized that this guy was not as harmless as the surface! It was too late when he was about to stop, and he rushed to nothing, and Hong Jun used the force of that kick to make the chain on his ankle swing, wrapping around Hanba's tall figure, and then turned over and rode on his back. Back!

Hanba hissed long and loudly, and Hongjun said in a deep voice, "Didn't expect that?" Then he waved the thousand machine chain in his hand, and swung it again, and the chain immediately wrapped around Hanba's neck. When he got down, he was entangled by the thousand machine chain, and the chain suddenly emitted a strong light, restraining him!

Hanba roared angrily, "You!"

Hongjun soared into the air, all he wanted was this moment, and then he kicked Hanba on the back, Hanba showed a hideous expression of fear, and slammed into the earth vein circle! Hongjun's ankle was still wrapped with the thousand machine chain, and the other end was tied to Hanba's neck. After kicking him firmly into the magic circle, the flames of the earth's veins burst out immediately, burning Hanba's whole body.

The third big monster crashed into the magic circle, and the energy of the earth's veins immediately launched a counterattack. Hanba did his best again, triggering the impact of the blue flame storm. Hanba immediately turned around to get out of the magic circle, but a deep voice came from behind.

"I'm sorry, senior." The ghost king appeared from behind Hanba in an instant, swung his arm, and brought Hanba to a sideways fall, knocking him to the ground hard! With a loud noise, Hong Jun was dragged by the chain and almost fell into the magic circle, and managed to stabilize his figure at the last moment.

Hanba screamed wildly, roaring: "You... it's you!"

The King of Ghosts held down Hanba firmly with one hand, and Hanba realized that his underestimation of the enemy was actually going to cost him his life! Immediately launched a more violent struggle, all the energy of the earth's veins rushed towards Hanba in an instant, and poured into his whole body!

Seeing that the pressure in the formation was gradually easing, Hong Jun knelt down on one knee, dragged the chain on his foot, and shouted: "Fox King! Quick!"

All the energies of the earth veins in the magic circle were directed towards Han Yan, and the defense of the eyes of the formation was wiped out. Before it was too late, Yuzaoyun rushed to the eyes of the formation, and snatched the flying knife and the five-color light!

Hanba's wailing sound continued to decrease. In the raging flames, his whole body glowed with blue light. The huge corpse was like charcoal chips that were broken after being burned. It quickly disintegrated and fell apart. The ghost king, but he was wrapped around his neck by the chain of thousands of machines, so he couldn't release his magic power, and the flames of the earth veins spewed wildly around his body, and the demon power kept collapsing.

A generation of demon kings was actually getting weaker and weaker within this magic circle. The ghost king just held Han Yan's chest firmly, and refused to let him leave no matter what. However, his clothes were gradually destroyed, revealing a majestic body, and his chest muscles, shoulders and back gradually began to shatter. Cracked, holding Han Yan's right arm was very severe, gray-black skeletons appeared!

"Ghost King!" Yuzaoyun shouted.

Hong Jun pulled the chain violently and shouted: "Ghost King! Come out!"

No matter how Han Yan struggled, the ghost king was like a mountain, and Han Yan's wailing gradually turned into begging for mercy, moaning: "Let go... I..."

The Ghost King remained expressionless.

Yuzaoyun took away the magic weapon, and the flames of the earth veins became stronger and stronger, like a huge furnace, smelting two ancient corpse kings.

Han Yan said weakly: "You actually want to...put me...to...death...for a half-human, half-demon... bastard..."

"Loyalty to him is your best choice." Ghost King said in a deep voice, "I gave you this chance."

Hong Jun pulled violently outside the magic circle and shouted: "Ghost King! Let him go! I only want you to live!"

The ghost king didn't move at all, and the next moment, the fire of the ground veins covered the sky and covered the earth, instantly engulfing the ghost king and Hanba. Hong Jun uttered a crazy shout, and when he was about to rush in to save people, Yuzaoyun suddenly changed into a human, and dragged Hong Jun from behind!

Immediately afterwards, the Earth Vein Array suddenly exploded and swept away in all directions. Hongjun and Yuzaoyun were knocked away together, and the Thousand Machine Chain flew out, and the other end was no longer connected.

The raging fire in the sky suddenly retracted into the magic circle, and the dead ghost king who knelt on one knee in front of Han Yan's chest slowly got up, grabbed a red inner alchemy with his left hand, turned around and walked out of the magic circle.

Flames ran wildly around him, and Hong Jun sat back, his eyes filled with shock and tears. He saw that the ghost king had been destroyed and his lower body was destroyed, and the muscles all over his body were scorched black. His tall body leaned forward towards Hong Jun, slowly Kneeling down on one knee, he stretched out his left hand, in which was Hanba's gleaming inner alchemy.

On the other side, the front of the Yanqing Palace has been destroyed into ruins. All the exorcists gathered together, but they couldn't help the golden-winged roc. In the strong wind, the white deer flew to the sky, and Yuan Kun showed a shuriken and swiped Then Fei shot, Yuzhou shouted: "Lu Xu! Be careful!"

Yuzhou flew over and bumped the white deer, God Kun then transformed into thousands of shurikens, and sank into the hurricane circle. In an instant, the hurricane had formed a huge killing array full of sword blades, God Kun shouted: "Kill them here! !"

Li Jinglong shouted: "It can't be saved! Retreat!"

Li Jinglong cast a distant glance at Hongjun in the distance. In front of the altar, "Hongjun" was still kneeling, looking at Li Jinglong.

The shouts and the sound of the gust of wind gradually moved away, as if the world was quiet. Li Jinglong held a longbow, bent the bow and set an arrow, and watched Hongjun trembling. Suddenly at that moment, he didn't know where the strength came from, and he burst out with an extraordinary strong will, and shouted: "Hongjun!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Jinglong faced the sharp blades raging all over the sky, and rushed straight to the altar!

Yuan Kun was waiting for this moment, turned around immediately, took off the blindfold, and the black robe swayed in the wind.

His left eye was still bleeding and he said in a deep voice, "Li Jinglong, you lost."

In an instant, powerful energy gushed out from the entire altar, and the magic circle on the ground flashed and gathered towards Yuan Kun! The energy was concentrated on Yuan Kun, and in his other eye, a brilliant galaxy burst out, and time froze in an instant!

The bricks, tiles and broken logs flying in the sky; the big trees on the ground that were swept up by the hurricane; the white deer raised its head and turned around the moment; The moment of completion.

Countless sharp blades froze, then all turned their heads and flew towards Li Jinglong!

Seeing that Li Jinglong's figure was fixed, thousands of sharp blades were about to pierce his body in an instant, and the next moment, a chain flew across the horizon, wrapping around Li Jinglong's waist suddenly and dragging him out of the range of the sharp blades. Li Jinglong only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the whole person flew backwards, and the shuriken poured down like a torrential rain, and fly ash burst out on the ground, flooding the area several feet below the altar.

"Go!" Mo Zhigen shouted.

Mo Zhigen shot several arrows into the sky, the golden-winged roc flew away, the hurricane stopped, the exorcist rushed over, snatched Li Jinglong, and everyone rushed out of the battle group.

Yuan Kun staggered, gasping for breath, with black blood dripping from his eyes, Qingxiong fell to the ground with a livid face, extremely angry, and slapped "Hongjun" aside.

"Take him down and imprison him." Qingxiong said in a deep voice, "Where is Hanba! Call Hanba!"