Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 219: The third day of March


"You have all promised the human race." Yuan Kun said slowly, "Guard their country, protect the rise and fall of the human race, one is Bai Qi, and the other is Li Longji..."

The dead ghost king just stood tall, his tall figure was like a mountain, his sleeves were fluttering in the wind.

Yuan Kun reached out, took off the blindfold, and said seriously: "But how many human beings still remember your kindness?"

Time flies in an instant, and the entire Mingtang, even Luoyang, changes rapidly in the long river of time! Hong Jun left Shili Hehan and stood on the bridge. As the sun rose and set, the hand of the Creator seemed to slap heavily on the hourglass that rules time in the land of China! Spring, summer, autumn and winter change rapidly.

Hong Jun turned around and looked around, and then, all the monster races outside the Ming Hall seemed to be in this grand dream. At that moment, God Kun pushed his power to the extreme. Waking up in shock, he watched the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Countless scenes change, the battlefield full of killings turns the eyes into blood red, and the exorcists of all dynasties hunt monsters everywhere. High-rise buildings rise from the ground, huge iron birds whizzing past, horseless iron carts whistling through, bridges are erected, roads extend in all directions, and trees in the mountains and forests collapse one after another...

The monsters fled in all directions, strange hanging towers soared into the sky, cement trucks buzzed, and flat buildings were lined up and destroyed one by one. The monsters turned into humans, but were subdued by the exorcist with magic, dragged away, and burned to death in the fire .

"Thousands of years later," Yuan Kun's emotionless voice resounded through the minds of the monsters and humans in Luoyang City, "The Exorcist has spread its branches and leaves, and the monsters have no place to stay in this land of China."

"It's been a thousand years."

Yuan Kun said in a majestic voice: "No one can escape the hands of the human race to invade the world..."

Hong Jun could no longer understand the scenes he saw. There were too many strange things like armored institutions, rampant and wreaking havoc on the land of Shenzhou. Until those strange tall buildings were built in front of the Holy Land.

"The demon clan lost their homeland, wandered, and lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. With them, there will always be only despair..."

The exorcists encircled the Holy Land of Tianluo Mountain. Yuzaoyun turned into a nine-tailed celestial fox, and fled hastily with the infant black and white foxes. The blood that gushed from the heart of the nine-tailed celestial fox stained its white fur red. . The group of demons fled to the Zoige Plateau in the west, walked into the ruins of the Wan Yao Temple in the snowstorm, guarded the lost temple, shivering in the cold wind.

Hong Jun closed his eyes, and Yuan Kun's voice came from his ears.

"This is the future and destiny of our entire family."

The magic of Kun God disappeared, and the ruins of Luoyang City were restored to their original state.

In the abandoned hall of Mingtang.

Yuan Kun wore a blindfold, and Yu Zaoyun and the dead ghost king remained silent.

Qingxiong said slowly: "Today you have compassion, just because the monster race is thousands of times stronger than the human race? In the future, we will all be dead bones, and the human race will change dynasties, and all grievances and grievances will be thrown into the river. How about the human race? I have no sympathy for the Yaozu."

"It's okay to go against the sky," Yuan Kun said slowly, "It doesn't matter if you overestimate your own strength, this is our only chance. If the two of you still think that the way is different and don't conspire with each other, then each is the master. Let's fight together." It's over."

Yu Zaoyun looked at the ghost king who died in battle, but the ghost king didn't express his opinion. Qingxiong said again: "The monsters only say that Yuan Kun and I want to abolish the position of Hongjun because of our own selfish desires. I don't even bother to explain. God Kun insisted. Tell you, after all, as the demon king, I think... Yu Zaoyun is doomed to die, but the ghost king is still very likely to witness the future scene with his own eyes, everyone, let’s just leave it at that.”

After finishing speaking, Qingxiong stood up, stepped down from the throne, brushed past the dead ghost king, and left the abandoned palace with Yuan Kun.

"Is that true?" Chao Yun and Hong Jun stood on the bridge together and whispered.

Hong Jun said suddenly: "Actually, I saw you earlier, Chaoyun."

"Me?" Chaoyun said, "What am I like?"

Hong Jun said seriously: "You have completed your mission."

Zhao Yun looked puzzled.

Li Jinglong walked on the empty and deserted street, his martial robe was covered with mud.

"We meet again." A voice said in the darkness.

Li Jinglong is carrying the Wisdom Sword, standing dignifiedly like a mountain.

"Thanks to your care along the way." Li Jinglong said, "To this day, I still remember your kindness in sending Hongjun to Yaojin Palace."

Qingxiong emerged half of his body from the darkness, and said in a deep voice, "It's just going with the flow, since you know you have to fight a battle with no chance of winning, why do you come here?"

"This is my mission." Li Jinglong said slowly.

Qingxiong squinted his eyes, just wanting to peek into Li Jinglong's heart. He had mixed thoughts, but he couldn't grasp the real clue. The only thing he felt was Li Jinglong's longing for Hongjun.

"Maybe." Li Jinglong twirled the golden light arrow between the fingers of his bloody right hand, and said, "You want to fight early?"

Qingxiong sneered, jumped up from the street, turned into a golden-winged roc, turned and flew away. Exorcists hiding in dark houses and ruins appeared one after another. Li Jinglong couldn't hold back, his hand trembled slightly, and his heart was very dangerous. If there was a fight in this alley, without the help of his partners, he might be shot to death by Qingxiong first.

"Where have you been?" Mo Zhigen was bare-chested, and the exorcists all woke up under the dream of Kun God. Lu Xu proposed to come out to find Li Jinglong, fearing that something might happen.

Li Jinglong said blankly: "I..."

Li Jinglong pressed his temples, recalling with difficulty, Artest said: "Just now is the power of God Kun?"

"Too powerful..." Lu Xu murmured, "Is it true?"

Qiu Yongsi said to everyone: "Maybe it's the truth, but maybe it's also part of the truth."

Li Jinglong said "um", Lu Xu noticed that his hands were covered with blood, and asked, "What's wrong with your hands?"

Li Jinglong frowned, and found that he was holding a strip of cloth in his hand. After unfolding, four words were written on it with blood.

"Adapt to circumstances."

Everyone: "???"

It was Li Jinglong's handwriting. I wrote the note myself and held it in my hand. What does it represent

Sunrise and sunset, Hongjun was still leaning against the front of the mansion, looking at the pale sky outside, while Chaoyun was loyally guarding his side, without asking anything, Hongjun fell asleep at some point, and suddenly fell asleep again in the middle of the night. When he woke up, he sat up. There was a slight sound on the beam, and the white fox's tail hung on the beam and flicked lightly.

"Am I wrong?" Yuzaoyun said softly.

"Everyone will die." Hong Jun leaned on the couch and said, "It depends on what you died for. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the way of heaven."

"Like your mother?" Yuzaoyun said again, "She is the woman I admire the most."

Hong Jun asked: "Do you regret it?"

"It's just a little restless." Yuzaoyun replied.

Hong Jun said again: "I did have such a moment of confusion. I was both a demon and a human. It was not my intention for the human race to exterminate the demon race. It was not my intention to see the demon race slaughter the human race."

Yu Zaoyun said: "But the facts are doomed, and we can't change everything."

Hong Jun replied softly: "Does my father and my mother count?"

Yuzao said: "But they are all dead."

Hong Jun said: "Fox King, would you like to be a light that burns your life to illuminate the darkness and the long night; or to be an endless rain that falls on this earth for thousands of years?"

Yuzao Yun: "..."

Yu Zaoyun jumped off the beam and landed on the couch, and Hong Jun said in a daze: "When it comes to knowing love, no one can understand it better than me. I used to regard every day with Jinglong and the Exorcist as my life." For the last day of your life."

"The days in Chang'an, when I think about it now, it's really beautiful." Hong Jun said, "It's like the flowers blooming in spring and the red leaves all over the mountains and plains in autumn. Although it was very short, I saw them all. Asahi bacteria don't know the dark days, and crickets don't know Spring and Autumn, after a hundred years, Li Jinglong and I will leave, unlike you, who can witness every future happening and the doomed death... "

"... But what does that matter?" Hong Jun looked sideways at Yu Zaoyun and said, "I still believe—"

The sun was rising, and a cry came from a distance, interrupting Hong Jun's words. He turned over, got down from the couch with a chain of thousands of machines, and asked, "Where is the ghost king?"

"Waiting for you." The dead ghost king said outside the door, "I am a stubborn person."

Hong Jun put away the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife and the five-color divine light, even if he hadn't been able to control them, he couldn't even fight Qingxiong now. He opened the door. It was a sunny day, and the sun suddenly poured in and fell on him. body.

"Let's go." Hong Jun said.

Li Jinglong and all the exorcists left the ruins of the Exorcist Department. Everyone packed their bags and the sun was rising. Li Jinglong spread his hands and looked down at the cloth strip in his hand.

"Everyone." Li Jinglong turned around, faced the exorcists, and said, "Although the art of war is said, don't fight unprepared battles..."

Everyone looked at Li Jinglong quietly.

"... But the arrow is on the string, so I have to shoot it." Li Jinglong said again, "Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, I have to go to each other. I implore all brothers to follow."

Everyone cheered in unison, Li Jinglong turned around, got on his horse, and the exorcists got on their horses one after another, facing Zhaohui, and riding towards Mingtang.

The hissing sound shook the sky, behind the bright hall, nearly 100,000 monsters were waiting, the golden-winged roc spread its wings and circled down, and the altar was surrounded by monsters. Yuan Kun stood quietly on the altar.

Qingxiong transformed into a human body, and the sun shone on the snow-white reconstructed altar.

"Can you gain something?" Yuan Kun asked.

"Nothing." Qingxiong replied, and the two simply exchanged information. Qingxiong chose to ambush Li Jinglong before the last night, but he never got any useful information.

Yuan Kun replied indifferently: "That's the beginning."

Qingxiong said, "They didn't come."

Around the altar, birds were densely parked on the temporary brick wall, and the water, beasts, and birds gathered together. Immediately after the sound of armor, 50,000 war dead ghouls rode in under the leadership of the ghost king, surrounding the altar. , forming an enclosing circle.

"People of the monster clan, birds, beasts, water dwellers, and... ghouls, all members here, I believe you all saw the prophecy of God Kun last night." Qingxiong cut to the point, "From now on in the world Afterwards, there is no longer a place for our own clan..."

Hong Jun mixed in with the army of dead ghouls, pushed up his helmet a little, and watched Du Hanqing who was climbing up the steps in front of the altar. He dragged the chain, was dressed in ragged clothes, and was already very weak. A gust of wind could knock him down at any time. After he got on the altar, he turned his head helplessly and looked into the distance.

"Thank you." Hong Jun whispered, "Let me do the next thing..."

"It's all about it," Qingxiong said loudly again on the altar, "it was caused by the collusion between the demon king of my clan and the exorcist of the world..."

"I don't agree!" A voice shouted immediately.

Hongjun: "!!!"

Hong Jun turned his head to find out who was making the noise, but on the high wall were two golden pheasants, one red and one green!

Hong Jun never expected that in the end it would be the two green, fat, red and thin who spoke up for him, and he almost cried for a moment.

"Your Majesty has experienced countless catastrophes." The green pheasant said, "If he hadn't joined hands with the exorcist to eradicate the demons, we would all be vassals of Anlu Mountain now. Everyone has forgotten how the brothers were controlled by the demons? Now think Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?"

The red golden pheasant whispered: "Are you courting death?"

"Anyway, the golden-winged roc is king, and we and that carp will be the first to kill." Golden Pheasant said in a low voice, "It won't survive!"

The Yaozu suddenly became agitated, Qingxiong's face was livid, and he shouted angrily: "Presumptuous! When is it your turn to speak?!"

"Your Majesty Qingxiong said it before." A woman standing under the altar said softly, "From now on, there will be no more troubles of being attacked by demonic energy, and suffering of being displaced. We will always remember that His Majesty and the world's exorcist I have spent my whole life working on this, and in the end, it ended up like this, which is unbelievable."

Hong Jun turned his head to look again, as if he had vaguely seen the woman, but couldn't remember who it was.

"What are you?" Rao Qingxiong's eyes were like a torch, but he couldn't tell the origin of this woman.

"The little demon is just a peony on Longmen Mountain." The woman was the flower demon who was controlled by the "sex" in wine, sex and wealth, and said, "Shi Li Jinglong, the director of exorcism, has saved my life. Being imprisoned, how can you avenge your kindness?"

Suddenly the crowd of monsters was in an uproar, many monsters did not buy Qingxiong and Yuan Kun's account, this was something Qingxiong never expected.

Fortunately, another party shouted: "Li Jinglong's crime is heinous! Never let it go lightly! At the beginning, my brothers, sisters, parents and relatives all died at the hands of Li Jinglong!"

The voice came from the beast clan, Yu Zaoyun turned his head suddenly, and saw that it was the fox clan under his command, whose family members were burned to death by Li Jinglong in the imperial examination case.

Where is Li Jinglong? Hong Jun's heart was beating faster and faster. Out of the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help looking for the whereabouts of the exorcists, but none of them appeared.

Yu Zaoyun never reprimanded the monsters under his command. Suddenly, the square under the altar gradually became noisy, and the discussion sounded like a torrent. The monsters here are full of bloodthirsty, cruel and murderous people. There are also those who are gentle and close to the human race. But whether it is a beast of prey or a bird of prey, or a bird swimming in a fish, the thoughts are generally similar, that is, they do not want to be ruled by the demon. It's just because the monsters controlled by the evil energy have lost their ego, and they blindly kill for the sake of killing, which is contrary to the nature of birds and beasts not to fight after they have filled their stomachs. Moreover, An Lushan didn't even let the blood monsters go. Devouring one's own generals to replenish the magic energy is really frightening.

"Human race can't stay!" Another tiger demon roared.

There is a lot of discussion among the monster race, and monsters born from beasts and birds attach great importance to the division of "territories".

"But there is only one demon king!" Another wolf demon shouted, "I only listen to Peacock Daming King!"

Hundreds of thousands of monster clans kept discussing and raging, and a civil war was about to break out. Only the dead ghost clan was extremely disciplined and remained unmoved. Suddenly, the uproar gradually stopped, and instead, is another commotion.