Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 220: Kunpeng unites


A magic circle flashed in front of Qingxiong, and a man wearing a black robe with a rotten face and slowly exuding black energy appeared. It was Yang Guozhong!

Seeing the reappearance of the demon in the moment, the demon clan suddenly became terrified, fearing that they would fall into the day and night and become killers again, so they retreated one after another, keeping silent like cicadas. They thought the Heavenly Demon had been eliminated, so they shouted loudly, but now when the Heavenly Demon reappeared, the monsters still feared the existence of this natural enemy, and bowed their heads one after another.

"The demonic energy in the demon has dissipated." Yuan Kun said slowly, "But the demon seed is not destroyed, and the situation you are worried about will not happen again."

The monsters stared at the man on the stage vigilantly, as if Yang Guozhong had become the protagonist at this moment. The "Hongjun" on the altar kept his head down and remained silent.

"Qingxiong, what do you want to do?!" Yu Zaoyun said sharply.

Qingxiong replied in a deep voice: "Heavenly demons are present in the world, and all demons in China listen to orders together. Even the king of demons in the world must obey. Is there such a saying?"

The dead ghost king roared angrily: "Qingxiong! You really are a ghost!"

Yu Zaoyun shouted: "Don't be afraid of him! He has no magic energy!"

The monsters became quiet one after another, and the fear continued to spread under the altar. None of them dared to resist the demon's despotic power.

"Sister." Yang Guozhong smiled slightly towards Yuzaoyun.

Yuzaoyun panted slightly, with tears in his eyes.

Qingxiong said slowly: "What if we will become the next Heavenly Demon?"

"Think about your king." A clear voice sounded from the height of the wall outside the altar.

Under the sun, Li Jinglong and other exorcists finally appeared! Everyone held the magic weapon of King Ming and pointed to the central altar.

Qingxiong showed a strange smile: "It's finally here, our guest, I've been waiting for you for too long."

Li Jinglong said in a deep voice: "When humans, demons, and demons are fighting, how many people here are following your demon king? He who is fighting alone, has he ever thought of this day?!"

With a finger of the Wisdom Sword in Li Jinglong's hand, "Hongjun" in the center of the altar raised his head.

"I am in charge of the Human Exorcism Department." Li Jinglong shouted in a deep voice, "Today I am only here to kill the demons, and I have no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of the demon clan. Stand up and defend your king. I am willing to make a millennium promise for the emperor. As long as the Exorcist is in charge, he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

The monster clan stirred up again, but Yuan Kun and Qingxiong walked towards the center of the altar. Qingxiong put one hand on "Hong Jun"'s shoulder and said seriously: "God Kun has given those present a glimpse into the future after a thousand years and the fate of the monster clan. How credible is your promise? Human races are all people who betrayed their promises and abandoned their alliances. All the people of my monster race, take down the exorcist, and your king will naturally no longer be deceived."

"Hong Jun" immediately shouted: "Don't do anything!"

Li Jinglong bent his bow and set an arrow, and the diamond arrow pointed at Yang Guozhong on the altar.

Under the altar, Hong Jun's heart suddenly lifted into the air.

Yuan Kun looked at the high wall from a distance, and said two words coldly.

"Take it."

In an instant, the diamond arrow left the string, and the exorcists threw themselves at the altar. The monster clan suddenly became chaotic, and under the orders of Yuan Kun and Qingxiong, the bird clan soared into the sky one after another, and the water clan turned into humans, leaping into the air and releasing ice crystals towards the exorcists.

A split occurred within the beast clan, and the bears and foxes, who had old grievances with the exorcist, charged up the high wall to attack Li Jinglong, while the rest of the tigers and leopards were stunned briefly, not knowing what to do.

Qingxiong and Yuan Kun stepped back, and Hongjun stared at them nervously, as if waiting for a certain moment.

"Follow me, king" the dead ghost king raised his right hand, which had become a bone, and held the rusty bronze sword tightly in his hand.

"Follow me to be king!" Yuzaoyun shouted loudly, and then flew into the air, rushing towards the altar. In an instant, 50,000 war dead ghouls and beasts rushed up the steps, rushing towards the imprisoned "Hong Jun"!

Hong Jun was trapped in the torrent, galloping his horse, and the world was in chaos. The spells of the exorcists could hardly resist the monsters that came forward. Qingxiong whistled and mobilized the birds and water tribes to resist the attack of the dead ghost king.

Seeing Yuan Kun chanting words, the altar suddenly burst into strong light and began to rotate. The arrangement of Kun and Peng immediately took effect, and the passage of time around the altar became extremely slow. down.

However, the birds in the air and the flying aquarium were not affected, and they began to attack the Qin Wang army led by Yuzao Yun and the ghost king. In an instant, the eagles spread their wings, grabbed the dead ghost rushing to the front, and threw them out of the altar. Even the corpse and the armor were torn to pieces!

The ghost king and Yu Zaoyun tried their best, but they couldn't break through the influence of the altar's time magic circle, and the battle between heaven and earth reversed again. The exorcists fell under the altar, but they were affected by the magic circle and rushed forward very slowly.

"Hong Jun" turned his head to look at the two kings Kun and Peng, gritted his teeth and rushed towards Qingxiong, but Qingxiong just raised his hand, and he was pushed away and imprisoned in mid-air!

A very strange scene appeared around the entire altar. The exorcist, the beast race, and the corpse race rushed towards the altar, but their movements were extremely slow, and the closer to the eye of the magic circle, the harder it was to break through.

"Waiting for you will be..."


Yuan Kun took off the blindfold and stood beside the formation, Qingxiong turned around, and the two faced Yang Guozhong in the formation.

Yang Guozhong turned slightly sideways and glanced at Qingxiong.

"Another way to live in this world." Qingxiong said, "It is to seek benevolence and obtain benevolence. Have you ever been enlightened?"

"Come on." Yang Guozhong said, "I'm ready."

Then Qingxiong and Yuan Kun raised their hands at the same time to cast spells. Yang Guozhong was in the center, and let out a painful roar, emitting a strong devilish energy, rushing into the bodies of Qingxiong and Yuan Kun! Yang Guozhong's skin and flesh were completely destroyed in an instant, and he appeared in the shape of a dragon, and then the black dragon was shattered in the wind, leaving the demon soul, the seven souls scattered, and the demon seed wrapped by the three souls.

"No—" Hong Jun, who was suspended in the air and couldn't escape, shouted wildly.

"Hong Jun—" Li Jinglong shouted loudly.

The bodies of Yuan Kun and Qingxiong shone brightly, and a large flash of light suddenly appeared on the altar, exploding in all directions centered on the eyes of the array!

With a loud noise, the exorcists, the army of ghouls, the beast race, and even all the monsters under the altar were swept away by this huge force. The high walls collapsed as if swept by a hurricane, and the entire inner city of Luoyang with Mingtang as the center Instantly destroyed into white ground!

The ashes cleared away, revealing an ancient monster comparable to the size of a palace. It had twelve wings, and its whole body was pitch black, refracting a strange blue light in the sunlight. Its body was as huge as a giant whale, suspended in the air, There are forty-eight eyeballs on the head, and in the eyeballs, there are nebula slowly rotating. Countless tentacles protruded from it, sweeping half of Luoyang City!

The moment the giant beast appeared, the sky and the earth were suddenly pitch black, and it roared with its mouth open.

"I am the master of this Divine State—"

There was a faint sound of thunder in the sky, and the monsters raised their heads one after another, only to see a sharp long horn appearing in front of the giant beast's forehead, like a horn striking the thunder, thunder and lightning roared, gathering on the horn! As soon as it waved its tentacles, the entire street was swept away, and all the houses and towers on the ground were swept away!

"Damn... what is this?!" Mo Zhigen yelled, "Why didn't anyone say to fight this kind of monster?!"

"Kunpeng!" Yuzhou shouted in fear.

Qiu Yongsi was also stunned. No one had ever thought that Yuan Kun and Qingxiong would merge into one and turn into such a terrifying monster. Its huge body completely crushed all attacks, and its tentacles spread out like a net. With Thunder and Frost, it was almost unstoppable.

One of its tentacles wraps around the Hongjun transformed by Du Hanqing, and places it in front of the gaping mouth and sharp teeth. The sharp horns flash with lightning, forming a circle of light, and the deep and hoarse voice resounds in the sky. All the eyeballs erupted with black fire, and roared: "Li Jinglong—"

The dead ghost king shouted on the ground: "Prepare the hook! Drag it down!"

The ghoul soldiers spread out to seek cover, and shot hooks into the air with their powerful crossbows in their hands. But as soon as they hooked the body of the ancient giant beast, the tentacles swept towards them, and they immediately fell on their backs.

"Send me up!" Li Jinglong shouted towards Yuzhou.

"Send me up!" At the same time, Hong Jun shouted towards Chaoyun.

A long fish soared into the sky, carrying Li Jinglong to the mouth of the ancient giant beast.

"It's up to you! Li Jinglong!" Yuzhou Voice shouted.

Li Jinglong bent his bow and set an arrow, stood on Yuzhou's back, and flew towards "Hongjun". At this moment, his hands were shaking constantly, but the arrow was still unable to launch.

"Hong Jun" turned his head and looked at Li Jinglong, with a look of despair in his eyes.

The giant beast's forty-eight eyes were full of black flames, and it roared: "Moths jumping into the flames are extremely ignorant, Fudo Ming Wang, Peacock Ming Wang, today is the time when your divine power will fade away!"

Immediately after the thunder burst from the horn of the giant beast, Li Jinglong caught a glimpse of that moment, loosened the string, released the arrow, and then flew towards "Hong Jun"!

The diamond arrow flew towards the thunder horn of the giant beast with great brilliance, but all the tentacles shot at it together and wrapped around Li Jinglong.

"Hold on!"

Thousands of machines flew across the chain, immediately entangled Li Jinglong's waist, and dragged him straight out. All the eyes of the giant beast opened their eyes, and suddenly realized that they had been deceived, and roared wildly. All the tentacles turned around and moved towards the flying bar Snake rolls!

Yuzhou was so shocked that his whole body became stiff, and he bumped into the fake Hongjun and fell from the air.

Qiu Yongsi ran on the ground, chasing the ancient giant beast, and suddenly saw Hongjun falling from the zenith, he felt bad immediately, and immediately summoned the dragon, flew into the sky, the white deer turned his head, and flew towards Hongjun, Almost collided with Qiu Yongsi.

"Hongjun" fell and was able to get out of trouble, and instantly changed into Du Hanqing in the air. Qiu Yongsi picked him upright and looked at Qiu Yongsi. When Lu Xu rushed over, the two were dumbfounded.

"Why are you?" Qiu Yongsi asked in shock.

Du Hanqing was about to explain, but Zenith was thunderous. Lu Xu looked up and shouted, "That's him!"

Qiu Yongsi immediately put Du Hanqing down, and flew into the air with Lu Xu, Du Hanqing said angrily, "Leave me alone?!"

Immediately afterwards, Yuzhou fell from the sky, collapsed the roof with a "boom", and changed into a human being in the ruins of bricks and tiles, moaning uncontrollably.

"it hurts… "

In the battlefield in the sky, the birds have all dispersed. The ancient giant beast raised all its tentacles to the sky and danced around Hongjun and Li Jinglong.

"You—" roared the giant beast, "you can't stop the fate of destruction!"

Hong Jun and Li Jinglong looked at each other, and then looked at the giant beast.

"You have to try it to know." Hong Jun said, "Don't you think there is something wrong? Both of you."

The black fire became more and more vigorous, and erupted suddenly. The giant beast suddenly realized something, and roared: "Xiao Prison? Xi Prison!"

Immediately afterwards, the sky above the sharp corner of the ancient giant beast was suddenly emptied of thunder, replaced by an inconspicuous spatial fluctuation. In an instant, the sky and the ground, those running wildly and flying, froze in mid-air in an instant.

Li Jinglong said: "Dreamland!"

Hong Jun said: "Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly."

In an instant, the fluctuation turned into a vortex, which suddenly expanded and then contracted, engulfing Li Jinglong and Hong Jun in it!

Yang Guozhong said: "I leave it to you."

That voice was like a heavy hammer, hitting Li Jinglong's mind hard.

"... Looking back, Kun and Peng have the power to penetrate the world and the human heart. They think they have escaped their fate, so why are they not struggling in the doom?"

Ten miles of Milky Way, night. Xie Prison turned into Yang Guozhong, facing Li Jinglong and Hong Jun.

"Leave here." Li Jinglong said, "As long as you are not swallowed, we will have no worries."

Yang Guozhong said: "My monster power has been disintegrated, and I have nowhere to go. If the two monsters Kun and Peng didn't use their real power to continue my life, I wouldn't be able to last these days. The reason they did this was just to keep me alive. I devoured it logically at the last moment. Qingxiong was never afraid of my escape, how could he not leave a mark in my three souls and seven souls? Even if I escape from Luoyang and escape to the ends of the earth, they will find the demon seed."

Hong Jun said to Li Jinglong: "Without the sword of wisdom, once they devour the prison, there is no way..."

"The Sword of Wisdom has been in Di Renjie's hands from the very beginning." Yang Guozhong said, "This sword has been effective since the death of your parents. Otherwise, how would he shoot Kong Xuan?"

Hong Jun was startled suddenly, and Li Jinglong said in a deep voice: "Xiao Prison, if you don't want to escape, and you have nowhere to escape, then let's make a deal, how about it?"

Yang Guozhong didn't answer, but just stared at Li Jinglong silently.

Hong Jun felt Li Jinglong hold his hand tightly.

"After being swallowed, are you still conscious?" Li Jinglong said, "We might as well take a gamble."

"In a short period of time, he is still conscious." Yang Guozhong said.

"Once your demon soul merges with Kun and Peng." Li Jinglong said, "I need you to influence Yuan Kun and use Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly technique, just like when I went back to the past in the battle of Chang'an."

Yang Guozhong smiled and said, "Interesting, what do you want to do?"

Hong Jun said: "You still want to go back?"

Li Jinglong nodded, and said seriously: "I want to meet Hongjun's father."

Yang Guozhong said: "That only exists in your dream, not the real past. Kong Xuan has already entered the reincarnation of heaven and earth, so what's the use?"

"You just have to promise me." Li Jinglong said.

Yang Guozhong said in a deep voice, "What benefits can I get?"

"If you have a body," Li Jinglong said seriously, "I will send your body back to Zhenlong Pagoda. Release your soul, whether you wish to enter the cycle of heaven and earth, or return to Zhenlong Pagoda to be with your father."

Yang Guozhong remained silent, and Li Jinglong said again: "After you die, your sins will be liquidated. Compared with being imprisoned in the body of Kun and Peng, there will never be a peaceful day. I think maybe it is better to deal with it this way to be free, as you like."

Li Jinglong was about to turn around and leave when Yang Guozhong said again: "Wait a minute."

Hong Jun and Li Jinglong turned their heads, and Yang Guozhong said: "Qingxiong will definitely come to test you tonight. If you are penetrated into your heart, your current efforts will be wasted."

Li Jinglong said: "I will fake my thoughts."

Yang Guozhong replied: "Your every move is under the attention of him and Yuan Kun, so be careful."

Knowing what Yang Guozhong said, Li Jinglong had acquiesced to his request and reached the terms of the deal, so he nodded immediately and said, "Don't worry anymore."