Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 221: Exorcism from the gods


Li Jinglong took Hongjun away from Shilihehan, and the two stood in front of the dry riverbed. Hongjun suddenly remembered something and said, "Jinglong, if I enter the dream with the thousand machine chain and my father cuts it off for me, then Is it true that—”

"No." Li Jinglong said, "Dreams cannot change the facts that have happened."

"But how did you do it last time?" Hong Jun asked in surprise.

Li Jinglong said: "That's because God Kun had already changed the trajectory of fate and asked me to go back and establish cause and effect."

Li Jinglong explained to Hongjun his deduction with Qiu Yongsi. Hongjun became more and more confused, and finally said: "I don't understand."

Li Jinglong burst out laughing suddenly, Hong Jun became a little annoyed, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

"When I was explaining," Li Jinglong smiled for a while before recovering, and said, "Thinking of this, you must have three words to tell you: I don't understand."

Hong Jun anxiously said: "Are you still laughing? What should we do in war?"

Li Jinglong said: "Although we can't change the fact that has already happened, we can change the 'cause', and because of the future we will go back to the past and change a certain 'cause' again. This has been reflected along the way."

Hong Jun: "Which reason?"

Li Jinglong said: "Sword of Wisdom."

"Where is the sword of wisdom?" Hong Jun asked again.

"You can't say it now." Li Jinglong said, "Because you are destined not to know. We can't change the past, and we can't change the present, but we can change the future that will happen in the near future. I just need to go back and establish cause and effect once. You The chain of thousands of opportunities will be untied."

Hong Jun said: "But you said that the thousand machine chain can't be untied!"

"That's the past and the present." Li Jinglong said, "It doesn't represent the future."

Hong Jun gave up his plan to find out all this, and finally said: "Okay, listen to you, I believe you. Then..."

Li Jinglong held Hong Jun's hand and looked at him.

"You have to go back." Hong Jun said.

"Don't you have anything else to say?" Li Jinglong said.

Hong Jun looked up into Li Jinglong's eyes, as if they were looking at each other face to face for the first time.

"Jiang Zhongzi, you can't go beyond my wall." Hong Jun murmured.

"Do you regret it?" Li Jinglong whispered, "It's been sixteen years, as if it was just yesterday."

At that moment, Hong Jun felt like a tsunami surged in his heart, breaking through all his defenses. He stretched out his hand, put his arms around Li Jinglong's neck, kissed him, and intertwined with him fiercely. Li Jinglong never expected that Hong Jun would respond to him in this way, immediately hugged him tightly, and kissed him until he was pressed to the bottom of the dry river bridge.

"What do you call this..." Li Jinglong couldn't hold back any longer, panting and unbuttoning his robe.

Hong Jun closed his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Dragon snakes are called 'mating'. Birds are called 'Naochun'." Then he frowned slightly, feeling Li Jinglong's scorching body temperature and domineering aggression .

"Chaoyun! Go away a little more." Li Jinglong said loudly.

"I didn't watch it!" Chaoyun sat by a pier on the bridge, looking at the moon in the sky, and replied, "I know you don't like people watching."

Hong Jun hugged Li Jinglong's naked and scarred shoulders tightly. He still remembered that when he saw Li Jinglong's body for the first time, he had clear muscles and fair skin, but now he was scarred. Every inconspicuous scar was almost stay because of him.

His fingers brushed across Li Jinglong's back and neck, Li Jinglong frowned and looked at him, his movements were as gentle as if he was afraid of bullying Hongjun.

Hong Jun whispered in Li Jinglong's ear, "Did you feel it?"

It was the flames that gushed out of their souls instantly, and the light of the heart lamp instantly illuminated each other's souls. Hong Jun gently bit Li Jinglong's ear, Li Jinglong only felt that the familiar soul seemed to merge with him again in an instant, As a matter of course, they were originally water from the same source, a river that rushed and separated, and finally converged in one place.

As the moon set on the western mountain, Hong Jun and Chao Yun went away. Li Jinglong was lying naked at the bottom of the bridge, with a robe covered in mud under his body.

"The best thing in my life is to climb over that wall and meet you." Li Jinglong said to himself, looking in the direction Hongjun left. Then he sat up, wrapped his outer robe, thought for a moment, tore off a piece of cloth, and wrote the four characters "play by ear" with bloody fingers, turned over and left the bottom of the bridge, took out the Lihun pollen, sniffed it, and sneezed .

In the high sky of Luoyang, the sun and the moon are dark, the thunder is dim, and the ancient giant beasts bloom with silent ripples.

Hong Jun and Li Jinglong held each other's hands tightly, but a huge force pulled Li Jinglong away in an instant.


"Wait for me!" Li Jinglong shouted.

Hong Jun was startled, and then flew forward, the darkness burst out, overwhelming him, completely engulfing him.

The surrounding scenery changed and rotated rapidly, and Li Jinglong saw many moments of death between himself and Hongjun in an instant. Destiny is born like a bubble, rises, and breaks again. The willow leaves are fluttering, and the spring day in Chang'an is bright and beautiful. A sound of "shua" made him return to his former residence again.

"Xiao prison?" Li Jinglong subconsciously asked.

There was no response, Li Jinglong just stood quietly in front of the sycamore tree.

"Yuan Kun?" Li Jinglong asked tentatively again.

Still did not respond, Li Jinglong lowered his head to look at himself. Unlike the last time he entered Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies, this time he did not get smaller, and still retained his adult appearance. A child's voice came from next door, Li Jinglong's heart skipped a beat, and he heard Xiao Hongjun's angry questioning voice.

"Why do you want to move?" Xiao Hongjun asked.

"Why do you always ask why? Huh?" Jia Yuze said to Xiao Hongjun, "There are not so many whys."

Kong Xuan knocked on the window in the study, signaling to stop the noise outside, Jia Yuze said: "Your father is going to be angry, go and help mother choose vegetables."

Jia Yuze took Xiao Hongjun into the kitchen, took some money and came out after a while, and told Kong Xuan that he was going to buy some food and drink, so that he could pay attention to the child, Kong Xuan agreed, and Jia Yuze hurried out.

Li Jinglong was originally leaning on the wall, but now seeing Jia Yuze leaving, he turned over and quietly approached the study door.

"Come in." Inner Kong Xuan said without waiting for Li Jinglong to knock on the door, "Where is the visitor?"

Li Jinglong was about to push the door, but his body passed through the door.

I am a soul? Li Jinglong was very surprised.

After entering, Li Jinglong thought briefly, knelt down and worshiped, Kong Xuan was startled, and quickly reached out to help him up. When he touched Li Jinglong, he found that he was in a spiritual state, and his body was emitting a faint light of a heart lamp.

"You are... the successor of the lamp, the Chen family?" Kong Xuan was shocked.

Li Jinglong said: "Please accept my three worships first, and let me talk about the rest slowly."

Kong Xuan was surprised, but he didn't refuse, and he received Li Jinglong's three bows. Every time Li Jinglong fell down, it was a big gift with his forehead touching the ground. When he finally raised his head again, Kong Xuan realized the clue instantly, and said in a trembling voice, "You are... Li Jinglong?"

Li Jinglong didn't expect Kong Xuan's eyesight to be so strong, but he recognized himself at a glance, got up immediately, and nodded.

"You are the grown-up Li Jinglong." Kong Xuan murmured, "What's going on? How...how did you come back?"

Li Jinglong stared at Kong Xuan, and Kong Xuan motioned him to sit down again. Looking at Li Jinglong, Li Jinglong said: "I still don't sit down, otherwise it's easy to fall and squat."

Kong Xuan laughed, Li Jinglong pondered for a moment, and murmured: "Is this a dream? Uncle, are you living in my dream, or... is this the real past?"

"Zhuang Sheng Xiaomeng." Kong Xuan said, "Yuan Kun asked you to come back?"

Li Jinglong grasped the point keenly in an instant, Kong Xuan said: "This is not a dream, this is my present and your past. To be precise, it is the past that you cannot change."

Li Jinglong said: "I have a guess, uncle, please listen first."

Hong Jun turned around in the darkness, seeing countless bubbles rising and shattering.

That is the future of the Yaozu known to God Kun.

And in the countless futures, there is an extremely small bubble, and two people are reflected in the bubble.

Li Jinglong recalled the past, he didn't know what the outside world was like, and whether delaying here would affect the battle situation in Luoyang, so he tried to make a long story short and told Kong Xuan most of the details of his first return.

At the same time, Luoyang battlefield.

"It doesn't move." Lu Xu said, "What's the matter?"

Mo Zhigen and the others looked up at the sky, and Artest said, "Try to attack it now?"

"No, it's too high." Qiu Yongsi frowned, "Hong Jun and Chang Shi seem to have some connection with it, attacking it now may not help."

The ancient behemoth was suspended in the air like this, and there was a small solidified space in front of it, while Hong Jun and Li Jinglong were also floating, with their eyes closed, their hair fluttering, and they were frozen in the air.

The battlefield on the ground was coming to an end, the birds rose to the sky one after another, and the beasts were gradually repelled by the army of dead ghosts.

Chang'an dream.

After listening to Li Jinglong's description, Kong Xuan said, "Your guess is probably not bad. I can teach you something that has been ignored by you all the time. There is indeed a spell that can travel through time in the world, but this spell must be separated from the physical body and only attached to it." It exists in three souls and seven souls."

Li Jinglong realized it in an instant after being so impressed!

God Kun's so-called "peeping into fate" means traveling through the long river of time with his three souls and seven souls, and seeing the future! And "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly" is to send Li Jinglong's soul back to the past! In sleep and dream, the soul exists independently of the body, this is the time for the soul to shuttle back and forth!

The last time Li Jinglong returned to Chang'an sixteen years ago, it was his adult soul that entered his childhood body, so his body at that time was occupied by his adult soul, and all memories remained in his adult body. In his consciousness, it's no wonder that when he was a child, he completely forgot about the past when he met Hongjun!

"So." Li Jinglong murmured, "I returned to the real past..."

"Yes." Kong Xuan replied, "that is, at this moment, I am sure that I am real and not part of your dream, because dreams can only describe me as you know. For example, I can tell you something you know. Things I don’t know; for example, I promised Xie Prison that when Silk Star reaches the age of sixteen, I will let him worship Xi Prison as a teacher.”

"I know that." Li Jinglong replied.

Kong Xuan was a little surprised, and said: "Silk Star was born in Tianluo Mountain in Bashu."

"I know this too." Li Jinglong said again.

Kong Xuan: "..."

"I took him to Dunhuang..."

Li Jinglong: "I have seen the dead ghost king in battle, looking for a way to separate the demon species, I also know this."

Kong Xuandao: "You actually know so much? No, even Silk Star himself doesn't know... you..." He seemed to understand something, nodded slowly, with a smile on his face, and said, "It seems that you have grown up After growing up, it’s still as good as it is today.”

Li Jinglong still frowned, Kong Xuan said: "When I was a child, Silk Star liked the ghost king's rattle very much. I don't think the ghost king will tell you such things. Don't you know which famous big man the ghost king is? He..."

"I don't know." Li Jinglong said, "But I believe it." As he spoke, he pondered again: "I was just thinking, I asked Fudo Mingwang to ask... Fudo Mingwang also appeared in the form of a soul..."

Kong Xuan said sternly: "You can't change the past that has become a fact."

"That's right." Li Jinglong said, "I just came back to the present to push everything to happen and become my 'cause'."

"That's exactly the reason." Kong Xuan said happily, "You have to think clearly about what I need to do. I don't think you came here to catch up with me."

Li Jinglong told Kong Xuan everything from the establishment of the Exorcist Division, and Kong Xuan's face became serious after hearing the beginning.

"That is to say..." Kong Xuan frowned, "You... are the person who succeeds Di Renjie and founded the Exorcism Division?"

Li Jinglong nodded, and Kong Xuan said in a deep voice, "Who else is there besides you in the Exorcist?"

Li Jinglong started from the fact that the separation of the six organs was a foregone conclusion, thinking of his partners in the Exorcism Department, this somehow verified his guess.

"Canglang, Zoroastrian High Priest, Dragon Subduing Immortal, Silk Star." Li Jinglong murmured.

"That is to say, you have to make full preparations and gather your future companions." Kong Xuan said seriously.

"Yes." Li Jinglong nodded first, then shook his head, and said, "No, because I am a soul now, and I cannot write letters. When I enter my current body, my nine-year-old self, after the matter is over, will write again. I lost all my memories... I can't summon them, um." Speaking of this, Li Jinglong vaguely seemed to understand something, and suddenly looked up at Kong Xuan!

Kong Xuandao: "Your purpose is to save Silk Star, I can write the letter for you."

Li Jinglong woke up like a dream: "Then please uncle, it's just this letter..."

Kong Xuandao: "I will ensure that it is sent out smoothly, regardless of whether I am still alive in the future."

Li Jinglong: "..."

What kind of person is Kong Xuan? He had already guessed what Li Jinglong meant here, and as the King of Peacock Daming, he even vaguely had a premonition that his life would not be long.

When Li Jinglong faced Kong Xuan, he seemed to see another Hongjun. The father and son looked very similar, with a heroic look in their eyebrows. The difference was that Kong Xuan had a bit of elegance and open-mindedness honed over the years. Maybe there is nothing in this world that can change him except his wife and children, and it happens to be what he cares about, and in the end he couldn't keep it...

Kong Xuan took the letter paper and said earnestly, "You can tell me how to write the letter."

Li Jinglong said from the side that Kong Xuan had written several envelopes, and Li Jinglong said: "I still remember the day I met Hongjun, which was the fifth day of September in the twelfth year of Tianbao.

Kong Xuandao: "I will arrange it properly, don't worry."

Kong Xuan stopped writing, as if he wanted to ask something, and looked at Li Jinglong, but he was afraid that he had broken an unspoken rule, while Li Jinglong was still thinking, and was relatively silent with Kong Xuan.

"Silk star... has he survived?" Kong Xuan said.

"If you want to know, why don't you see it for yourself?" Li Jinglong said seriously.

Kong Xuan was stunned and said, "Can I live until Silk Star grows up?"

Li Jinglong didn't answer, just looked at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuandao: "In the future, something terrible will happen to you, so you will come back to ask for help and come to me..."

Li Jinglong said: "To be honest, you and your aunt may not survive this year."

The corner of Kong Xuan's mouth raised slightly, and after a long silence, he said, "As long as Silk Star can be happy, it's worth it."

"It's because of my mistake..."

"Mom!" Xiao Hongjun's voice said outside the study, "Dad still not coming out for dinner?"

"Shh, there are guests." Jia Yuze replied from outside the window, obviously he had been listening for a long time.

Li Jinglong looked sideways at the window and let out a long sigh.

"What else do you need me to do?" Kong Xuan was a little uneasy and asked, "Finally, young man."

The sky was spinning, and the golden light was shining. Hong Jun returned to the abandoned exorcism department again. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him. It was the moment before his parents died.

Xiao Li Jinglong set up a formation in the courtyard, and it changed day and night. In the afternoon, under the blazing sun, Xiao Hongjun was led by Xiao Li Jinglong, stepped into the formation, burned with golden fire, and bled all over his body.

"Father... Mother..." Xiao Hongjun knelt in the magic circle, his face was burned beyond recognition by the golden fire, and a terrifying voice wailed in his throat, "Help me...I...it hurts...ah..."

Li Jinglong opened his eyes and turned himself into a warrior in golden armor, and Di Renjie's voice rang in his ears.

"Now you only have the Wisdom Sword in your hand." Di Renjie said, "Do it."

Li Jinglong couldn't help shaking, and uncontrollably pulled the longbow with both hands, aiming at Xiao Hongjun in the magic circle.

"This was definitely not my intention..." Li Jinglong choked up, "Hong Jun... I'm sorry..."

Hong Jun's soul floated above the ruins of the Exorcism Department, staring at Li Jinglong in a daze, and tremblingly said: "Jinglong? What do you want to do?"

Hong Jun flew to Li Jinglong, hugged his neck, and whispered: "It's all over, Jinglong, why do you want to go through it again?"

Li Jinglong closed his eyes in pain, tried his best to clasp his fingers and refused to let go of the bowstring, but he was powerless, his fingers finally let go of the bowstring!

The next moment, the gate of the Exorcist Division collapsed, and the wooden gate was washed away by a torrent. Kong Xuan turned into a phantom, rushed into the magic circle, and met the arrow that the golden armored warrior spun from the string—

Kong Xuan propped up the five-color divine light, and rushed towards the arrows of the six golden instruments, but the next moment, the arrow easily tore up the five-color divine light and sank into Kong Xuan's chest!

Jia Yuze rushed into the magic circle, with disheveled hair, hugging Hongjun who had been burnt to charcoal, and let out a heart-piercing scream!

Kong Xuan fell to his knees powerlessly, the hilt of the sword appeared on his chest, trembling, holding the Wisdom Sword pierced into his chest with one hand. Jia Yuze's black hair like a waterfall turned into snow in an instant...

Hong Jun didn't dare to turn his head, for fear that the tears would burst the embankment.

"Xing'er..." Kong Xuan tremblingly said in a blur of consciousness, "Xing'er... look at... I..."

Hong Jun choked up and said, "Father..."

"You have to... be good." Kong Xuan's lips trembled, and he whispered, "Father and mother... will always guard... you..."

When the words fell, blood dripped from the corner of Kong Xuan's mouth, he closed his eyes, smiled, and the hand holding the sword hilt shone brightly. With a flash of white light, Hong Jun suddenly felt a huge force coming, and he was ejected from the dream.

Li Jinglong staggered forward, facing the storm blown by Kong Xuan, and got in front of himself when he was a child.

"You... have to remember." The golden armored warrior said in a deep voice.

Xiao Li Jinglong didn't come back to his senses until now, and looked at the golden armored warrior with a blank face.

"You have to... always... be kind..." Li Jinglong said to his past self, "the future... only has... a glimmer of life... never afraid of death, and never afraid of suffering..."

"The living are passers-by, and the dead are returnees."

For some reason, what Li Jinglong thought of was these simple four sentences.

"Heaven and earth travel against each other, and we are in sorrow together... Eternal dust."

As the storm intensified, Li Jinglong let go of his hand, left the body of the golden armored warrior, and was blown out of his dream.

High in the sky in Luoyang, the motionless ancient beast set off a shock wave in just a short moment, and then roared, and a huge force swept Li Jinglong and Hong Jun away!

The two of them were in mid-air, opened their eyes suddenly, and flew towards Hong Jun towards Yun, but Hong Jun shouted: "Save Jing Long!"

Chao Yun had to fly to Li Jinglong again, and at the same time, Qiu Yongsi flew from behind and caught Hong Jun.

"When did you escape?" Qiu Yongsi shouted with a smiling voice.

"Jing Long!" Hong Jun had no time to answer, only to see the ancient behemoth furiously roaring, "You little thieves!"

Immediately afterwards, countless tentacles brought thunder and fire, all of them headed towards Li Jinglong!

At the same time, the human army led by Guo Ziyi has arrived outside Luoyang City. There are thousands of troops and horses. Looking up, the sky has become a battlefield between the exorcist and the ancient giant beast.

Li Jinglong landed on Ba Snake's head and shouted: "Fly to high places!"

Mo Zhigen roared angrily on the ground: "If you have any killing moves, hurry up and use them! The treasures at the bottom of the box should be taken out!"

In the dark sky, the ancient giant beast was furious, and suddenly the horns on its head led thousands of thunderclaps, forming a giant net with dense tentacles everywhere, vowing to smash Li Jinglong into powder. Ba She tried her best to break out from the heavy shackles in all directions, and rushed to the sky!

Li Jinglong untied the Wisdom Sword behind his back, held the sword and sheath in his hand, and murmured: "It turns out...it's you."

Immediately afterwards, the giant net of thunder and lightning came down, and Qiu Yongsi immediately lowered his altitude. Lu Xu shouted: "Get out of here! The whole Luoyang will be destroyed!"

It was too late to say it and then it was too fast, Ba Snake went out to sea like a fish, leaped high into the sky, and drew an arc of light. At the highest point, Li Jinglong drew his Wisdom Sword and said in a deep voice: "The last magic weapon! At my request! Kong Xuan!"

The wisdom sword is full of golden light, like a divine light breaking through the sky in an instant, as Li Jinglong lets go, it spins and flies to the earth!

In the interlacing of rays of light, the Wisdom Sword instantly turned into a huge Heavenly Sword and was nailed to the ground with a bang. Immediately afterwards, countless strong lights of souls spun around the sword body, and the sword spirit rose from the ground, bursting out with a burst of energy that could destroy the world.

The god manifested in the radiance that shone through the night—

Peacock Daming King is here!

Sensing this powerful force, the Heaven and Earth Meridian rotates instantly, forming a vortex ring. In the giant ring of energy, the peacock's chirping resounds through the sky.

"Father?" Hong Jun was stunned for a moment.

Everyone forgot about the battlefield for a moment, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

The Peacock Daming King shakes off his brilliance and is covered in armor.

Kong Xuan wears a jade-flame gilded cloud helmet, a Xuanluo helmet, a wind and thunder jade armor on his shoulders, and Benluan combat boots on his feet. With his long hair flying, he rises to the sky! In an instant, the ancient giant beast let out a fearful roar.

"Why are you-"

"Second brother, long time no see." Kong Xuan said in a deep voice.

Thunder's huge net suddenly pressed down, and Kong Xuan's left hand was closed, and the jasper peacock feather held by Hong Jun disappeared immediately, appearing in Kong Xuan's hand, and then Kong Xuan shook off the five-color divine light, soaring into the sky, the divine light spread out a barrier, covering The entire Luoyang city.

The five-color divine light collided with the thunder, and the thunder in the sky dissipated in the sky instantly.

"Your father's ability..." Lu Xu murmured, "You... Hongjun, may I ask, are you your own?"

Hong Jun: "..."

Hong Jun dragged his ankle chain, jumped onto the roof, looked up at the sky, and felt his whole body trembling. The ancient behemoth roared: "You are dead! Kong Xuan!"

"The soul hasn't entered reincarnation," Kong Xuan said indifferently, "it's just because the obsession is gone."

The tentacles of the ancient giant beast rolled over, Kong Xuan held the five-color divine light with his left hand, and swept the sky with his right hand, and the four throwing knives held by Hong Jun on the roof disappeared immediately.

"From childhood to adulthood." Kong Xuan's voice echoed in the sky, "I have never taught you martial arts, Xing'er, see clearly."

The next moment, Kong Xuan floated in the air, facing the ancient giant beast, bent down slightly condescendingly, and raised his hand to guide the flying knife with his sword finger. King Daming's divine power erupted, and the flying knife let out a roar like moving mountains and filling the sea. Tens of thousands of meteors criss-crossed and shot at the ancient giant beast!

The giant beast's tentacles snapped suddenly, blood spilled from the sky, and it screamed in pain. Hong Jun shouted on the ground: "Father!"

Kong Xuan returned his hand again, and the four flying knives became the Zhanxianmo Knife, spinning in the air, and then swung a knife aura with a thunderous force, and wiped the ground. With a sound of "ding", the thousands of machine chains on Hong Jun's ankles were instantly disconnected.

Hong Jun shook his wings of flames covering the sky behind his back, like a prisoned bird finally freed, he soared into the sky!

Kong Xuan was suspended in the air, and the aura of the soul around him continued to fly away. Li Jinglong knew that once he left the Wisdom Sword, he would not be able to last long, so he shouted: "There is no time! Hurry up!"

Kong Xuan raised his right hand, and the Zhanxian Modao disintegrated, and returned to Hongjun's hand with the five-color divine light. He then stretched out his left hand towards the ground, and the Wisdom Sword flew up like a shooting star and returned to his hand.

"Order." Kong Xuan said in a deep voice, "This is the moment we've been waiting for."

Hong Jun flew to Kong Xuan and raised his hand to wipe away his tears.

"Carry me!" Mo Zhigen shouted.

Bailu carried Mo Zhigen into the sky, Yuzhou carried Artai, and Qiu Yongsi rode Jiao, and flew into the sky one after another. The holders of the six weapons rushed towards the ancient giant beast at the same time.

Li Jinglong pulled out the longbow and mounted the diamond arrow, Hong Jun put his hands together, and the demon rope appeared, Kong Xuan turned and flew into the air, sword energy criss-crossed, the ancient giant roared in pain, and his eyes spewed out magic fire, but he still couldn't help it. Struggling, there was a scuffle in the sky, and the ancient behemoth tried its best to turn around, trying to escape Luoyang City.

"Don't let it go to the human army!" Lu Xu shouted.

There was an army outside Luoyang City, and the Asuka and the Shuizu were ordered to vacate and attack the exorcists.

"Shoot the birds!" Guo Ziyi shouted after observing for a while.

All the Tang soldiers held strong crossbows one after another, and shot sharp arrows into the sky, and the birds and flying aquariums immediately fell like shooting stars. The pressure on Li Jinglong and others eased.

Everyone poured their mana into the six vessels, and Fudo Myoko's magic vessel emitted ten thousand golden lights.

However, at this moment, the ancient monster turned its head and roared, black flames erupted from its eyes, forming countless ghosts, and grabbed Hong Jun. Hong Jun blocked it with five-color divine light, only then remembered that the divine light could not stop the demonic energy, and shouted anxiously: " leave me alone!"

Li Jinglong abandoned the magic weapon, sacrificed the heart lamp, and shot it like a fire, blocking a blow for Hong Jun. The ancient giant roared and charged, and the monstrous magic fire burst out of its mouth, flooding Li Jinglong.

Kong Xuan said in a deep voice, "What are you waiting for?"

Kong Xuanzhi's words resounded in his ears, and Hong Jun suddenly burst out with powerful strength, shouted angrily, drew a circle with his left hand to gather the immortal flying knife, discarded the five-color divine light, and dragged four meteor-like tail flames towards the The monstrous darkness spurts away!

Li Jinglong tried his best to carry it with the light of the heart lamp, Yuan Kun's body appeared in the darkness, his eyes erupted with blazing black flames, and he pushed Li Jinglong with both hands, and two shurikens appeared in his palms.

"This is... your end..." Yuan Kun said in a deep voice.

The shuriken flickered with cold light, filled with blood, and at the moment of Li Jinglong's throat, Hong Jun rushed from behind, shouted loudly, and the flying knife flew out, colliding with Yuan Kun's shuriken!

In an instant, the shuriken turned into tens of millions, and the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife also turned into tens of millions. The blood stream star and the four-color flame illuminated the faces of Li Jinglong and Hong Jun in the darkness, and a crazy collision began!

Li Jinglong: "Hong Jun!"

"Wow—ah—" Hong Jun gritted his teeth and endured the huge tsunami-like power. Amid thousands of meteors colliding with each other, his consciousness suddenly became extremely clear. The rainstorm-like gap, with flashes of light, rotated and nailed Yuan Kun's chest.

Straight into the handle!

Yuan Kun let out a wail, and the torrential rain of sword blades between heaven and earth disappeared immediately, and the magic fire collapsed and exploded in all directions. Immediately afterwards, the ancient giant beast roared up to the sky, and separated again amidst the loud noise.

The giant kun spewed blood and flew up, while the golden-winged roc slammed into the ground.

"They are separated!" Lu Xu shouted.

Li Jinglong said: "Lu Xu, Yuzhou, and Chaoyun will deal with it! The rest will clean up Qingxiong!"

The exorcists immediately separated, Li Jinglong led the crowd to the ground to encircle Qingxiong, while Lu Xu and Chaoyun flew into the air to chase the giant kun.

"Even if you win for a while, the only thing waiting for you is eternal death..." The giant kun sprinkled blood in the sky of Luoyang, but he showed no signs of escaping. He stretched his six wings and opened his huge mouth, with a blue light flickering in his mouth.

"You are dying!" Lu Xu roared angrily.

Lu Xu and Chaoyun rushed to the sky, Yuzhou shouted: "It will die together!"

On the ground are Guo Ziyi's 100,000 Tang troops, and there are countless beasts all over the place. Yuzhou has seen Yuan Kun's killer move. Once the water of the sea is poured down, how many people will die. Immediately afterwards, God Kun released thunder, It was actually going to meet the monstrous sea water and kill all mortals here in one fell swoop!

However, at this moment, reinforcements arrived from the western land. The reinforcements consisted of more than a thousand people, all of whom were wearing fiery red armor. Voice.

Before Lu Xu and Chao Yun got close, the flood fell with the force of the sky!

"Wow, no way! We encountered such a big battle when we came here?!" Ashina Qiong shouted, "Hurry up! Shoot it down from the sky!"

The rest of them were Zoroastrian fire warriors brought by Ashinaqiong, they got off their horses one after another, each recited a mantra, and in an instant, thousands of fire meteors flew up on the ground, roaring and shooting towards the giant kun in the sky!

Ashinaqiong released the spell, and the flames surrounded his body, summoning the Zoroastrian war god Bahram, holding a flaming spear, turned into a flame, stabbed at the giant kun, the giant kun roared, and the flood turned its direction and deviated from the ground army.

Yuzhou rushed across the roof, turned over in the air, turned into a long fish, and soared into the air. Immediately afterwards, the thunderbolt bloomed gorgeously in front of him, so dazzling that it could hardly keep its eyes open.

"Stupid!" The giant kun's voice resounded, "Ant-like aquarium—"

Yuzhou: "..."

The thunder and lightning slashed down like a catastrophe, the scales of Yuzhou's body were scorched and scattered, and then came the unstoppable sea of rage, and the electric light opened an arc in the turbulent sea waves rushing down from the sky.

At that moment, Yuzhou saw only the giant kun that spewed seawater and wanted to turn Luoyang into a marsh for thousands of miles. It leaped vigorously under the impact of seawater and crossed that arc. All the thunder and lightning between the sky and the earth gathered together and penetrated Its body, followed by a dragon roar—

Its forehead burst out with golden horns, its body turned into a long dragon, and its sharp claws curled up. It suddenly bumped into the giant kun and twisted it violently. Xiangluo River. The water volume of the Luo River suddenly surged, and it rushed downstream like a thousand troops.

"The merits and virtues are complete." Yuan Kunzhi said indifferently, "It's a pity that you..."

Yuzhou opened his eyes wide.

Yuan Kun: "I am destined to die at the hands of the human race you guard... in the hands of... the exorcist..."

Immediately, countless images were poured into Yuzhou's mind, the sky and the earth were vast, the snow was flying, the giant dragon fell to the world, and an old man walked towards him leaning on the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and stretched out his hand to cover its bright eyes.

In an instant, Lu Xu had rushed to the top of the giant kun, and suddenly pressed his hand to the giant kun's forehead, and shouted: "Wake up!"

With a loud noise, the hallucination was forcibly expelled from Yuzhou's mind.

Yuzhou paused for a while, and the giant kun turned around to break free from its control, only to see the yellow-gray giant dragon in the air said in a deep voice, "I don't care!"

Yuan Kun: "You..."

Immediately afterwards, Yuzhou grabbed the giant kun, and with the force of the dragon claws, he tore off the two wings on one side of it alive! The giant kun howled in pain, and Ba Snake shouted: "You have become a dragon! Don't forget brother!" The next moment, Ba Snake entangled up and bit the giant kun's back. The giant kun had completely lost its strength and fell to the ground hard. Make an earth-shattering sound.

Outside Luoyang City, when the giant kun smashed to the ground, the Tang troops fled one after another, each armed with a strong crossbow. Dragon, Ba Snake, and Kun each shrunk in size and turned into humans. Yuan Kun stumbled, spat out a mouthful of blood, and knelt on the ground. Tang Jun rushed up again, pointing at Yuan Kun in the middle with a strong crossbow.

In the city of Luoyang, the golden-winged roc was whipped up by a hurricane, surrounded by demonic flames, soared into the sky, and charged into the sea of clouds. Kong Xuanping sent out a burst of vigor that swept through everyone, and the exorcists immediately flew into the sky and broke through the clouds!

Thousands of feet high in the sky, the sea of clouds billows, a lone moon shines on the sky, the golden-winged roc spreads its wings and sings, suddenly the wind surges, and the devilish energy sweeps through the heavy clouds, forming a hurricane circle!

At the same time, in the city of Luoyang on the ground, the dead corpses burst into black air, rose into the sky, and gathered around Qingxiong one after another.

"I never thought...Kong Xuan, you and I...would have today..." Qingxiong's voice resounded through the sky, "At the beginning I was just... I hope you can get rid of this demon species one day...why...you actually to treat me like this... ”

The soul of Kong Xuan watched Qingxiong quietly, and said in a low voice: "See you in the next reincarnation, second brother."

Li Jinglong shouted: "All members of the Exorcist Division are ready!"

Everyone shouted: "Listen!"

Li Jinglong said in a deep voice: "Bring me a magic weapon! Hongjun! Help me!"

The crowd surrounded the golden-winged roc, Mo Rigen offered sacrifices to the eclipse moon bow, Atai offered sacrifices to the Great Sun Golden Wheel, Kong Xuan offered sacrifices to the Wisdom Sword, Qiu Yongsi offered sacrifices to the demon pestle, and Hong Jun offered sacrifices to the demon rope.

Li Jinglong's body is full of radiance, descending from the gods!

The Dharma Body of Burning Lamp appeared in the long night, manifested in the sky, held the lamp formula to shine on the earth, and shined on the golden-winged roc. The golden-winged roc kept struggling, but could not fly.

"It's over." Hong Jun whispered, and immediately clasped his hands together, Mo Zhigen's eclipse moon bow and Artest's big sun golden wheel flew towards Hong Jun.

The sword of wisdom in Kong Xuan's hand and the magic pestle in Qiu Yongsi's hand flew towards Li Jinglong.

Holding the eclipse moon bow, Hong Jun flew around in the air. Tie the demon rope to make the bow string, hold the eclipse moon bow in hand, rotate the nine-character mantra on the big sun golden wheel, and return to the bow body.

Li Jinglong divided his palm, and the light in the center of his hand shone with strong light. Under this strong light, the Wisdom Sword became an arrow, the Subduing Demon Pestle turned into an arrow body, and the King Kong arrow became an arrow feather!

Hong Jun carried the huge bow in his arm, Li Jinglong pulled the huge arrow, put one on the eclipse bow, and buckled the string.

All the exorcists and Kong Xuan yelled at the same time, each lost their magic power, and suddenly the bow and arrows, all parts of their bodies lit up with strong lights.

The golden-winged roc struggled for the last time and roared unwillingly. Li Jinglong stretched out his left hand and put his arm around Hong Jun's waist.

"Lord Fudo Ming! Lend me my divine power!" Li Jinglong shouted.

Fudo Mingwang's divine words resounded like heaven, and the nine-character mantra vibrated in turn, closing in the bow!

The light of the heart lamp penetrated the long night, and the hands of the burning lamp were folded, and the light in the sky disappeared suddenly, and the whole world was dark, except for the light on the bow and arrow, which was like a blazing sun, shining all over the field.

That arrow is like the breeze blowing up at the creation of the world; it is also like the brilliant thunder bursting out at the end of the world. It creates all living beings and destroys all things. The scorching sun bursts out and the stars burst out.

The hand of the god who came to the world once in a thousand years pulled the night, turning day and night, and the golden light bloomed.

The arrow is off the string, exorcism!

The strong light only flashed, awakening all the sleeping beings on the earth, like thunder and lightning, drawing a crack in the sky, illuminating the land of Shenzhou. The golden-winged roc let out a roar that shook the sky. To be shot through by that flash—just for a moment.

A soul transformed into the figure of Yang Guozhong, was pierced through with a bang, separated from the golden-winged roc, turned into a hovering dragon soul, threw it into the sky, and was freed.

At the top of the sea of clouds, the golden-winged roc burned in the fire of light, and the light penetrated the demon seed in the heart, and the sea of flames covered the sky and covered the sky, burning all over the rolling clouds.

As soon as the dawn came, all the exorcists floated in the sea of clouds. Qingxiong appeared, pressed his chest, bowed in pain, and said in a low voice, "All calamities will come to me..."

"Qingxiong." Hong Jun said sadly.

Qingxiong said: "Give up eternal life, give up the only chance to save the whole family, Hong Jun, have you never regretted it?"

"I saw death in life." Hong Jun hovered beside Li Jinglong, and said softly to Qingxiong, "I also saw life in death. I saw countless reincarnations of life and death. People are like this, monsters are like this, It is also true that the two races ebb and flow.”

"And no matter when...where." He smiled slightly and said, "There will always be people like me and Jing Long. I saw a young man riding a Ba snake, and the Ba snake turned into a dragon, driving away the demons, and the Holy Land was also destroyed." revived after its decline."

"... I saw the collapse of the Wan Yao Temple, and I also saw new life growing in the ruins."

"I saw the vegetation wither, and I also saw the phoenix nirvana." Hong Jun finally said, "Heaven and earth, all living beings, all things, we, you, and them have been like this since ancient times."

Hong Jun clasped his hands together, Qingxiong smiled sadly and said, "That's all."

All the exorcists clasped their hands together and watched as the celestial demon seeds dispersed. Qingxiong's whole body shone with light, which spread into light spots and rose to the rolling river of Tianmai. At dawn, it was like an eternal torrential river, flowing endlessly. If so, it will be the same in the future.

"Boy, I have to go too." Kong Xuan said to Hongjun.

All of a sudden, the spells under the feet of the exorcists were withdrawn, and everyone broke through the sea of clouds, fell down, and yelled at the same time. When Hong Jun got nervous, Kong Xuan said: "It doesn't matter, someone will catch them, I just want to chat with you."

On the ground in Luoyang, everyone was staring at the sky at the moment. Seeing them fall, Yuzhou immediately turned into a dragon and soared up to pick them up. However, Qiu Yongsi summoned Jiao and caught everyone first.

"Do you need it?" Chao Yun said sourly.

Yuzhou: "I want to show off."

On Jiao, Qiu Yongsi said, "Go up and have a look?"

Li Jinglong waved his hand and said, "Wait for them on the ground."

He knew that Kong Xuan and Hong Jun must have a lot to say when they met this time, but at dawn, Kong Xuan was about to leave the world and go to Tianmai to enter reincarnation.

Kong Xuan and his son are sitting side by side on the cloud, facing the east, the dawn is shining, and the golden glow is rolled up in the sea of clouds.

"No matter how many years it takes." Kong Xuan said, "Whenever and where, there will always be people like us."

"Are you and mother too?" Hong Jun said.

"At first I didn't know that she was the reincarnation of a goddess." Kong Xuan thought for a while and replied, "Reincarnated again and again, she has long regarded herself as a human being."

Hong Jun suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Jing Long has modified the cause and effect, that is to say, you have been in the sword, why didn't you come out to see me earlier?"

"The secret curse imprisoned me in the sword. Since I died, I can only leave the sword of wisdom once." Kong Xuan turned his head to look at his son, and smiled, "After the long night is over, when the day comes, I will dissipate and return to the sword." Tianmai. Did they ever say you look like me?"

Hong Jun nodded, and Kong Xuan nodded too.

"Do you hate us?" Kong Xuan said, "I hate my parents for giving birth to you."

"How come?" Hong Jun trembled, "I never hated."

Kong Xuandao: "Father is ashamed of your mother, but also of you. But I know that neither of you hates me. When you miss Dad, just look in the mirror." Kong Xuan laughed again: "Daddy has always been at your side."

Under the sunlight, Kong Xuan's figure faded away, Hong Jun couldn't help panting, pain and sorrow enveloped him instantly, he missed his father and mother day and night, waited for so many years, but finally saw only this brief moment one side.

"The living are like passers-by, and the dead are like returning home. The heaven and the earth are traveling against each other, and we are all in sorrow." Kong Xuandao, "Why should you care? My son, you and I are destined to meet again in the cycle of reincarnation one day."

Hong Jun: "But you..."

"I will be your son in the next life, and you will be my father." Kong Xuan said with a smile again, "It's a deal."

As he said he stretched out his little finger, Hong Jun went to hook it, but it was empty. Under the sunshine, Kong Xuan finally lost his soul, but at this moment, Hong Jun suddenly saw a shining woman in the sky. Feilai opened his arms and hugged Kong Xuan tenderly.

"Xing'er." Jia Yuze said softly, "You are a good boy, and you are my mother's pride."

The dawn light shone through the sky and the sky disappeared in the clear blue sky. Hong Jun was still sitting on the cloud in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, suddenly a pair of arms passed through the cloud and hugged him by the waist, but it was Li Jinglong who couldn't help but hug him. in arms.

"Go home." Li Jinglong said, "From now on, there will be no separation."

Hong Jun's mood suddenly improved. For some reason, he noticed the dragon under Li Jinglong's feet and said, "Hey, where did the dragon come from?"

"I don't know." Li Jinglong said casually, "It insists on coming to pick you up."

"It's me!" Yuzhou roared angrily.

"Wow, you have become a dragon?" Hong Jun said in disbelief, "How did you change? Did you jump into the Dragon Gate?"

Li Jinglong said politely to Yuzhou: "I'm really sorry, there are too many things that surprised everyone today. You jumped the dragon gate and transformed into a dragon... It's too late for everyone to be shocked."

Yuzhou's tail emerged from the sea of clouds, and a small part of it was burnt. It said in despair, "Look at you! Hongjun! You didn't even watch me jump into the Dragon Gate, it was all for nothing!"

Hong Jun laughed, and hurriedly appease Yuzhou, Huanglong descended to the ground, Luoyang water receded, and returned to Luoshui, the ground was in a mess. Li Jinglong shouted: "Where are people? Where did they go?"

"Here it is!" Qiu Yongsi shouted.

Hong Jun was almost tripped by a person in the mud, and that person was Mo Zhigen, who said weakly, "Here it is!"

Lu Xu lay in the mud and said from a distance: "I'm here—Hong Jun—"

"Why even you..."

Everyone was in disarray, lying on the muddy ground, one with the earth. Li Jinglong searched for a long time, but couldn't find Ashinaqiong. After asking, he found out that Ashinaqiong, Zoroastrian guards, and Tang Jun were in Los Angeles outside the city. riverside.

The blood of the giant kun flowed all over the ground and was piled up on the river bank. The exorcists came to the bank with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Yuan Kun, he..."

"Dead." Qiu Yongsi said, "Kunpeng is one body. When you shot Qingxiong in the sky, he fell to the ground and died."

Hong Jun put one hand on the side of the giant kun, and the dead ghost king and Yu Zaoyun led the rest of the monster clan over, while the birds landed on the ground one after another, full of fear for a while.

"I pardon you." Hong Jun said.

The Human Race and the Monster Race are clearly separated, divided into two camps, each staring at each other vigilantly.

Li Jinglong said to Guo Ziyi: "Old General Guo, now Luoyang has been taken back, as for the Yaozu..."

Li Jinglong's expression was very difficult, Guo Ziyi thought for a while, and said: "Of course it's all up to your exorcist to mediate."

Guo Ziyi and the 100,000 troops met with Li Jinglong and the others and had a big fight. Who would dare to overstep their authority? It is a blessing not to be bullied by monsters.

Hong Jun said: "This God Kun used to be the demon king of his clan, let him be buried in water."

The monsters stepped forward one after another, and worked together to push Yuan Kun's body into the Luo River. The giant kun submerged in the middle of the water, drifted towards the Yellow River with the current, and finally fell into the sea in a mighty way.

At the same time, a meteor flew towards Hangzhou and fell into Zhenlong Pagoda.

On the top floor of Zhenlong Pagoda, Ye Ming's light soul emerged, and Yang Guozhong's light and shadow soul slowly came to his father and knelt down on one knee.

Lo River.

"You... well, those who are homeless, go back to the Holy Land." Hong Jun said to the remaining monsters, "I will be back in a while."

The corpse ghost king nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Long live my king!"

All the demons said one after another: "Long live my king! Long live! Long live!"

The remaining less than 50,000 monsters knelt down on the plain, and Hong Jun motioned them all to get up. After all, it was not good for Tang Jun to watch.

Yuzaoyun took a few steps forward, and Li Jinglong remembered that Guo Ziyi had met Yang Yuhuan more than once. If Yuzaoyun became a noble concubine, if Guo Ziyi read his book instructing monsters to confuse the emperor later, he would really be unable to wash away by jumping into the Yellow River. Cleared up, he hurriedly signaled Yu Zaoyun with his eyes not to change into a human being at this time.

"Your Majesty going back to Chang'an?" Yu Zaoyun understood Li Jinglong's meaning and asked.

Li Jinglong said decisively: "Fox King, I will arrange it for you."

One fox and one person, one question and one answer, Li Jinglong knew that Yuzaoyun still wanted to see Li Longji, and Yuzaoyun was just asking for a promise, so he smiled and said: "Thank you, then let's take everyone back to the Holy Land first, and promise not to give up." You make trouble."

Hong Jun looked blank: "What are you talking about?"

In an instant, the monster army was already mighty, and they evacuated in front of Tang Jun. Li Jinglong discussed with Guo Ziyi about the handover of Luoyang. The city was almost destroyed. Li Jinglong thought it was okay, but no one told me Losing money.

"Okay!" Hong Jun returned to the mud, sat with everyone, and stretched his waist. Li Jinglong hadn't come back yet, so he finally finished playing. But thinking about it, I feel a little inexplicably lost.

"Why is your father so powerful?" Lu Xu said, "You are not half as good as him, are you?"

Hong Jun said: "Lu Xu, can you stop mentioning this?"

"He has practiced for a thousand years." Qiu Yongsi said, "How many years has Hong Jun cultivated? Can this be compared?"

Everyone thought about it, and they all laughed. Hong Jun asked, "Where are you going next?"

"Go home." Artest said, "Your sister-in-law hasn't picked it up yet."

Hong Jun thought where there is still a home, and asked again: "Go back to Chengdu?"

"Chang'an!" Qiu Yongsi laughed, "Guo Ziyi called back, so I didn't listen."

"He wasn't there just now." Lu Xu said.

Hong Jun suddenly remembered that Chang'an had recovered, which meant that they could return to the Exorcist Division again!

On the third day of April, the warblers were flying and the grass was growing. The Tang army was still fighting Shi Siming's remaining troops. Everyone returned to Chang'an City. The relics of the great escape were still vividly remembered, and many people had moved back to Guanzhong one after another. The capital of the Tang Dynasty is full of waste, and there are no monsters for the time being.

And the demonic energy diffused in the Guanzhong area, after destroying the demonic seeds with an arrow that day, all rose to the Tianmai and were completely purified. The imperial court is still in Lingwu, and it seems that they have been frightened of being beaten, and they may not be able to move back for a year or so.

Hu Caravan brought Tranduo and Chen Feng from Bashu, and before the cicadas began to sing in the summer, Chen Feng reunited with Li Jinglong, Hong Jun and others, and immediately threw himself into Hong Jun's arms, screaming non-stop.

Chen Feng: "Shall we fight monsters?"

Qiu Yongsi: "There are no monsters."

On a summer night, everyone was sitting in the patio enjoying the cool air. Chen Feng ate watermelon and said, "Zhao Zilong is a monster."

"I'm a dragon!" Yuzhou said angrily, "I'm a dragon! How can I be a monster?"

Chao Yun hurriedly said: "I am a monster, Your Highness, just hit me. I will play with you."

Everyone: "..."

Qiu Yongsi shook his folding fan and looked at the letter intently. Hong Jun asked, "What's wrong?"

"Grandpa asked me to go back." Qiu Yongsi said.

"I'm going to your house to play!" Chen Feng said.

"Well..." Qiu Yongsi glanced at Chen Feng and said, "Not now, how about next year?"

Li Jinglong realized that Qiu Yongsi might be going back this time to prepare for Qiu Qiu's funeral. After all, his grandfather was old.

"I'll go back tomorrow and spend more time with the old man." Li Jinglong said to Qiu Yongsi.

Hong Jun also felt something, and patted Qiu Yongsi on the shoulder, Qiu Yongsi just smiled at them.

Ashinaqiong said: "We have to go back first. We just took everyone to live in a new place. The king and queen haven't shown up yet."

"Hongjun, are you going with us?" Trundeau said with a smile.

Hong Jun wanted to go a little bit, but he was reluctant to leave this place. Li Jinglong said to them: "Those who have traveled long distances, you haven't settled down there yet, so don't bother me for now, and go and see it in the spring of next year."

Artai said to Hongjun, "Houbi, you must come."

Hong Jun said: "I've wanted to ask for a long time, what exactly does Houbi mean?"

"Hey," Ashinaqiong said, "it means dear, enthusiastic, and greeting. Monkey competition means that monkeys are competing with each other..."

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Trundeau interrupted Ashinajon, saying, "Hey baahoubi, that means dear babes, or dear babes."

"Go home and bring a monkey to show everyone?" Mo Zhigen joked.

Li Jinglong was busy winking, but Ashina Qiong smiled and said: "Don't worry! I had to bring it this time, but think about it, let him watch the clan first..."

"Wow." Everyone booed immediately, asking Ashinaqiong to explain clearly, Ashinaqiong waved his hands hurriedly and said, "I haven't been promised yet."

The next day, Li Jinglong and others bid farewell to several people. Mo Rigen and Lu Xu came back lazily. Seeing Chen Feng pestering Li Jinglong and Hong Jun all day long, Mo Zhigen looked at it for a long time, suddenly thinking. The Exorcism Division has been recovering for a long time, and there is no case in Chang'an City. Only Yuzhou and Chaoyun travel between the Holy Land and Chang'an, and the monster and human races are also in peace. Mo Zhigen can't help but feel a little depressed.

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Milky Way crossed the sky, and the Zhongxi Market in Chang'an City reopened, and everyone gathered in the courtyard to drink. Mo Zhigen tapped the wine glass with his chopsticks and said, "Chang Shi, I want to go home for a while."

"Are you going to leave too?" Hong Jun was very reluctant, looking at Lu Xu, the one he was most reluctant to part with was Lu Xu.

Lu Xu seemed to have done something wrong, and said to Mo Rigen, "I said no."

"Go." Li Jinglong smiled, "Where do you want to go? The Exorcism Division is not a prison, and there is no case to investigate anyway. We will go outside some other day."

Hong Jun remembered the things Li Jinglong had promised him, one of which was "eating delicious food all over the world", but now that the chaos in Anshi is not over, it is far behind the prosperous age, and there is nothing to eat.

Mo Zhigen had a little drunk on his face, and said with a smile: "Go back to Shiwei, Lu Xu wants a daughter, please ask the wolf god, and see what can be done."

"He's a man!" Hong Jun said, "Is there a way to ask the Wolf God for this kind of thing?"

Lu Xu said: "Don't listen to him talking nonsense, doesn't he claim to be a wolf god himself?"

Hong Jun thought about it, and always felt that it was strange to hear these words. Li Jinglong laughed, patted Mo Zhigen on the head, and said: "Drunk, drink less."

"Really not." Mo Zhigen muttered, lowered his head a little, swayed back and forth, and said, "Feng'er is so cute."

"Then you still hate him?" Lu Xu laughed until his stomach ached. Hong Jun knew that Mo Rigen liked children, so he said to Lu Xu, "Is there any medicine that can make a man..."

"Then, no, yes, yes!" Lu Xu said, "Kong Hongjun, you are going to tease me, and I have turned against you."

Hong Jun stood up with a smile, and carried Mo Zhigen back to the room with Lu Xu. The next day, when Li Jinglong woke up, he saw that Mo Zhigen and Lu Xu were in the room, and as soon as they were all there, they packed up a few clothes, knowing that they were only leaving temporarily.

Yuzhou and Chaoyun are nominally Hongjun's left and right protectors, and they travel between Chang'an and Bashu from time to time. In the spring of the following year, Chao Hongjun, the ghoul who died in battle at the Holy Land, asked Yuzhou to help move bricks and prepare to expand several places, so Hongjun dismissed the two guys together.

"Okay, it's just the two of us now." Hong Jun watched Li Jinglong reply and sent Chaoyun away.

"Is your son not human?" Li Jinglong signaled Hongjun to look at Chen Feng who was shoveling mud in the corner.

Hong Jun touched his head and said, "Forgot."

"How long do you have to live before you get tired?" Li Jinglong said, "When will you go to the Holy Land to be your king?"

"Where are you and where am I?" Hong Jun hasn't lived in Chang'an yet.

"Where are you, I am." Li Jinglong smiled and kissed Hong Jun's face.

Hong Jun only feels that this life is so long, and he is so tired of being so tired with Li Jinglong every day, but he never feels bored. Although Chen Feng is lively and active, he also sleeps for a long time. In addition, he has developed the habit of sharing rooms since he was a child, and sleeps in his own room every day. Even though Li Jinglong was in the way of his son's face when he woke up, it was difficult to move his hands and feet. But as long as Chen Feng takes a nap at noon, he can do whatever he wants.

At night, when everything is silent, you can let go of the torment. In the end, Hong Jun couldn't stand it anymore, and agreed with Li Jinglong that he could only do it three times a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

However, this rule applies in winter, but not in spring. In spring, Li Jinglong doesn't have to deal with cases, and Li Jinglong has a lot of savings. In spring, he feels warm, like a male dog in heat, and he doesn't want to be with Hong Jun all the time.

"Feng'er seems to have gone out." Li Jinglong looked outside the room, and the spring day was fine.

"Forbidden!" Hong Jun immediately said, "He came back just after taking off his clothes last time! Can't we wait until night?"

Li Jinglong said: "Then put your arms around and kiss."

Hong Jun knew that anyone who said "only one kiss" would have to finish it all in the end, just as there is no reason to leave after listening to a play, so he said: "Then give me a kiss, I'm going to buy vegetables." Gently kissed Li Jinglong on the lips, and quickly walked away.

Before leaving, Hong Jun ordered again: "Continue to finish compiling your Demon Fu Lu, I'm still waiting to see it."

Li Jinglong had no choice but to cheer up and go into the study to sort out the monsters he encountered over the years, such as fox monsters, turtles, plague gods, snow girls, phoenixes...

The spring breeze and the flying peach blossoms are intertwined and chasing, the blue sky is like washing, the spring is sunny, Chang'an has regained its thriving vitality, Hongjun passes through the West Market, the bookstore has just opened, and a few children outside are surrounding a stall.

"Playing with money at a young age!" Hong Jun said, "It's not good!"

The children raised their heads, and one of them shouted "Ah?" Suddenly, Hong Jun realized that this was not his son? !

"You... Feng'er!" Hong Jun was angry.

Chen Feng hurriedly said: "Vote for me."

Hong Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you voting for?"

It was a pot-throwing stall. There were wooden figures and wooden horses, porcelain vases and antiques, which were claimed to be valuable things collected during the war. A pot was placed far in front of each item, and they were used to make money. Every penny and an arrow were thrown. Walk.

Chen Feng took a fancy to a gold-plated bronze dragon cup, and the corners of Hong Jun's mouth twitched. Wasn't this from the former Yang family? In the past, Concubine Yang Gui often put a plate on the dragon cup, and the plate was filled with people's fat and people's ointment. Hong Jun used to eat cakes and throw dishes. I don't know how Chen Feng likes this.

"Leave me here." Hong Jun thought to himself, "I'm going to throw a knife wherever I point, throwing a pot is just a trivial matter." So he rolled up his sleeves, bought ten arrows and threw them up.

Half an hour later, outside the alley, Chen Feng ran in quickly.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, lifted the curtain of the study, and looked inside.

Li Jinglong came out, bowed and squatted, and asked, "What?"

"Mother lost all the money for buying vegetables." Chen Feng whispered in Li Jinglong's ear, "Let you take some money and send it to him."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Li Jinglong hugged him, kissed him on the face, and asked: "This is impossible, he will gamble?"

Chen Feng went to get the tea cup from the corridor, drank some water to quench his thirst, Li Jinglong frowned deeply, and asked Chen Feng again, but Chen Feng couldn't hide it, so he had to say something, and urged Li Jinglong to get the money quickly. Li Jinglong had no choice but to take two gold cakes, and led Chen Feng to the market.

After Hong Jun shot fifty arrows, he had no money and just stood there, watching others shoot one at a time, thinking that he must not throw away the one that Chen Feng ordered, but thinking about how others can hit it, he himself Can't hit it

Seeing Li Jinglong coming, Hong Jun said, "Come and try? I still owe twenty Wen."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Li Jinglong knew what was going on when he saw the stall. When he was a dandy, he had to do a lot of idle things. Throwing pots and turning dishes in the stall had to be rigged. Can this little trick fool him

"Quick!" Hong Jun said, "I voted for that dragon for your son, I'm so mad!"

"I couldn't hit the shot either." Li Jinglong said with a smile, "I'm so lucky, if you can't do it, I can't."

The stall owner looked at Li Jinglong suspiciously. This guy is an outsider. He never knew that Li Jinglong was famous in Beijing before, and said, "Did you bring the money? Small business, no credit..."

Li Jinglong threw the piece of gold cake into the plate "dangly", and people with good things around came to watch.

"Exchange forty arrows." Li Jinglong said, "First come with one set of ten arrows, and you will remember the rest."

"Okay—" the stall owner thought to himself that the fat sheep is here.

Li Jinglong held an arrow, weighed it, from left hand to right hand, then from right hand to left hand, aimed for a long time and then put it down, and said to Hongjun: "My luck is really bad."

"Forget it." Hong Jun smiled, "Let's go home."

"No more votes?" Li Jinglong said.

With the arrow in one hand, Li Jinglong leaned over without looking at the pot. Hong Jun thought that Li Jinglong was going to talk to him, but he didn't expect Li Jinglong to kiss him on the lips suddenly. The onlookers booed again in an instant. At that time, there were many dandies in the Tang Dynasty, and the intimacy between men and men was very common. The passers-by on the street only thought it was funny. Immediately after, Li Jinglong threw the arrow into the pot with a sound of "Dang".

Hong Jun and Chen Feng immediately cheered together!

Li Jinglong shot another arrow, and at the same time, there was a sound of "clang", and all the pots in the entire stall hit!

The stall owner's face turned livid immediately, and Li Jinglong said, "Everyone, come up and share."

The good-for-nothings rushed forward and divided up the rest except Chen Feng's dragon bag. Li Jinglong signaled the stall owner to change quickly. The stall owner said: "The stall has to be closed! It's gone!"

Li Jinglong said: "We are also a small business, so we can't just let you go."

There was another burst of laughter, and Hong Jun felt that the stall owner was probably killing chickens to save money, and gradually understood, he said: "Let him go. He didn't do anything bad."

Li Jinglong let go of the stall owner amidst laughter, and the stall owner ran away in a hurry. Li Jinglong asked Chen Feng to climb on his back, and carried him and Hong Jun to buy vegetables and go home.

"Didn't you say you were unlucky?" Hong Jun teased.

Li Jinglong said: "I don't rely on luck, I rely on strength." As he spoke, he showed a magnet in his sleeve. Hong Junfang suddenly realized.

Under the setting sun, Chen Feng fell asleep lying on Li Jinglong's back.

Hong Jun said: "Then, do you rely on strength to fight?"

"It's all about strength." Li Jinglong said seriously, "Since I met you, I have been unlucky all the way."

Hong Jun and Li Jinglong stood in front of the alley, Li Jinglong was carrying Chen Feng on his back, Hong Jun was vaguely upset, but felt that this scene seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"Then you will have no luck." Hong Jun looked at Li Jinglong dissatisfied.

Li Jinglong said: "You only have one time in your life."

"Oh? When?"

"In one spring, I climbed over the wall of my house and met you... Now that I think about it, that day really used up all the luck in my life."

—Tianbao Fuyaolu·End—

"Happy Mid-Autumn Festival: Fighting Chanjuan in the Frost of the Moon" Author: Feitian Yexiang