Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 83: Dual cases concurrently


After breakfast, Li Jinglong didn't go back. He turned into an alley with Hong Jun, came to the door of a house, knocked on the door and went in. Hong Jun had been here twice, and it was the Chen family.

"What's wrong?" Hong Jun asked in surprise.

Li Jinglong pondered for a moment, and said to Hongjun: "I dreamed about something last night, so I came here to take a look."

Seeing that it was Li Jinglong, Webster hurriedly carried the child out. The child was already one year old and was crawling around. When he saw Li Jinglong and Hong Jun, he yelled "ah" and "ah".

"Dream of a heart lamp?" Hong Jun glanced at Li Jinglong.

Li Jinglong didn't answer, and paid some money to Webster. Webster hurriedly said that enough is enough, and the money is endless, but Li Jinglong told her not to refuse, and asked, "Have you ever had a nickname?"

"It's called Hou'er." Wei Shi said, "It's said that Chang Shi is a Marquis. I wanted to take him there to kowtow to you, but I couldn't find a place after looking around."

Wei Shi wanted to kneel, but Hong Jun hurriedly helped him up, Li Jinglong said: "I will choose a few words to send to you another day, if you don't mind it, I will choose a make do with it."

Webster was very grateful, and Li Jinglong simply visited the child, then came out with Hong Jun and walked slowly along the street.

Hong Jun didn't speak, as the spring breeze blew, he felt that Li Jinglong seemed to have something on his mind, so he stepped forward and pulled his sleeve, intending to call him, but Li Jinglong took his hand, held it in his own, and clasped each other's fingers.

Li Jinglong tightened his fingers, and said to Hongjun: "Hongjun, you said, is it destined that the heart lamp will fall on me?"

Hong Jun's expression moved, and he replied: "Yes, this is fate."

I didn't study it carefully before, but now that I think about it, many things were wrong and caused one after another. If I hadn't chased the flying mastiff back then, I wouldn't have run into Li Jinglong, and my heart lamp wouldn't have shattered. And if the heart lamp is handed over to the real descendants of the Chen family, he may have been completely controlled by Lu Xu, who was demonized as early as in Dunhuang, and killed Li Jinglong and Mo Zhigen...

... Everything seems to be destined by God's will. Hong Jun seriously recalled the past, and only felt it was amazing. But what Li Jinglong said reminded him of another memory.

The past that is still vague, even the people involved have completely forgotten it.

Li Jinglong was thinking while walking, and when he reached the door of the Exorcism Department, Hong Jun let go, Li Jinglong opened the door, Hong Jun had to wash his pants first, and walked into the courtyard quickly.

"Yadanhou." A man's voice said from the courtyard, "You are too busy."

Hong Jun hurriedly stopped, only to see a person standing in the courtyard, it was Yang Guozhong!

Li Jinglong was startled, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Yang."

Everyone in the Exorcist Department waited, only Qiu Yongsi could chat with the officials. Mo Zhigen, Lu Xu, and Ashinaqiong had never been in the officialdom, let alone the ones who came here were under one person and among ten thousand people. The prime minister. Li Jinglong once stated clearly that the prime minister made things difficult for him. Everyone knew that Yang Guozhong was not on their side, so they all avoided greeting Yang Guozhong to avoid being tricked by him.

Li Jinglong signaled Hongjun to go back to the room first, and made a gesture of "please" to Yang Guozhong, and asked him to wait in the hall after apologizing, and went to change his clothes first and came out to treat the guests. It was the first time for Yang Guozhong to accept this kind of treatment. Manchurian officials, from the three provinces to the county lieutenant, who saw him without being respectful and groveling

However, the exorcist, a group of lawless villains, dared to hang him in the courtyard! Even if Li Jinglong came back, he still went to change clothes first! What's even worse is that the Exorcist Division was under his direct jurisdiction when it was established, and Li Jinglong was his old subordinate, so arrogant and domineering.

Unexpectedly, Li Jinglong went to change clothes, just to gain time to think. There were no cars, no horses, and no attendants outside the alley. No one followed from Dali Temple or the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Only Yang Guozhong was alone. Why? How long has he been here? Arrived early this morning? That's why Artest came to tell him to go back as soon as possible...

... Visiting early in the morning, it must be a matter of great importance. Several questions quickly passed through Li Jinglong's mind. He washed his face, briefly wiped himself in the room, buttoned his martial sleeves, and hurried into the hall.

Yang Guozhong's face was unkind, Li Jinglong just pretended not to see him, and parted his hands a little, signaling to the right minister if he had something to say.

"I must have been to Zhaoling." Yang Guozhong said in a deep voice.

"I've been there." Li Jinglong was not surprised at all, Yang Guozhong's eyes and ears were all in the city, and he couldn't hide his whereabouts from him.

"Have you found out about the monsters that appeared in Huaqing Pool in Lishan Mountain?"

"No." Li Jinglong shook his head.

A fish and a peng suddenly appeared in Huaqing Palace flying out of the hot spring pool. Based on what the soldiers on duty said, Li Jinglong speculated that they were probably the two demon kings, Kun and Peng. Since they were related to Hong Jun, he didn't intend to tell him.

"Does the Zhaoling matter have anything to do with monsters?" Yang Guozhong asked again.

Li Jinglong pondered for a moment, frowned, looked at Yang Guozhong, and said, "It's not clear yet."

Yang Guozhong: "What happened in Zhaoling?"

Li Jinglong: "I haven't found out yet."

Yang Guozhong leaned forward slightly, and said in a low voice: "Yadan Hou, the situation has been sent to the Taishi Supervisor, the imperial concubine's birthday is approaching, you should know what those guys at Yushitai are worried about."

Li Jinglong immediately knew that Yang Guozhong couldn't sit still, and thought that you are afraid of impeachment now. When he was about to explain, Yang Guozhong said word by word: "Do you know how many people died in Qianling last night?"

Li Jinglong: "!!!"

Yang Guozhong looked at Li Jinglong with an unfathomable expression, and said, "You probably don't know about it, anyway, the twenty-five guards outside the Qianling Mausoleum were slaughtered overnight, their necks were all broken, and no whole body was left."

Li Jinglong secretly thought it was bad, and couldn't help but start to face up to the matter, and Yang Guozhong said again: "Are you going to see it yourself tonight?"

"Leave immediately, what does your majesty say?" Li Jinglong got up and said.

"The news is in Dali Temple." Yang Guozhong replied in a deep voice, "I don't care what method you use, you must find out as soon as possible what kind of monster this is!"

March 18th, Tianbao thirteenth year.

Case: Qianling is haunted by ghosts

Difficulty: Earth level

Area: Qianling Mausoleum on the North Peak of Liangshan Mountain

Involved: Unknown

Case: On the night of March 17, a demon appeared outside the Qianling Mausoleum on the northern peak of Liangshan, killing twenty-five guardians of the mausoleum.

Reward: If you catch the monster, the Yang family will be rewarded heavily.

Remarks: Do not alarm His Majesty, alarm anyone, etc., or your life will be lost!

Li Jinglong immediately called all his subordinates to gather, Yang Guozhong walked out quickly, and said to Li Jinglong: "Cheng Xiao, Cheng Xiao of Dali Temple, is still investigating the Zhaoling case, so we must try to cover this case."

"Your Prime Minister." Li Jinglong replied in a deep voice, "Human life is at stake, and the truth shall prevail."

Yang Guozhong took a deep breath, as if wanting to get angry, Mo Zhigen and others came out, only watching Yang Guozhong leave angrily.

"Follow me!" Li Jinglong led the crowd to ride through the alley, but instead of leaving the city, they turned into Artest and Trundeau's restaurant.

As soon as Artest saw that everyone was getting ready to go, he knew that something had happened, and he took the horse and wanted to leave, but Li Jinglong said it was okay, and only ordered everyone to go in and sit down.

"It's too late to call you back." Li Jinglong explained, "Let's talk here."

Trundeau was about to serve wine, but Artest set out tea and said, "I just received a letter from Yongsi, I'll be back soon, let's see what he has to say."

In the Lanling Amber Winery, Li Jinglong entered the private room, and everyone sat down, Artest asked Trundeau to look outside and keep people away. Li Jinglong told everyone what Yang Guozhong said in detail.

Mo Zhigen murmured: "Another one?"

Qianling is the place where Wu Zhao and Li Zhi were buried together. Since the tomb was named, few people go there. Every year when Li Longji worships his ancestors, he alone does not go to Qianling, because he still has a grudge against Wu Zhao.

Ashinaqiong laughed when he heard the words, and said, "What do you mean? Have all the ghosts of the former emperors come out to scare your emperor?"

"Hey, be careful what you say." Artest said, "The place is borrowed from the emperor."

Hong Jun said: "I'm pretty sure that guy in Zhaoling is a prison."

"I'm sure too." Lu Xu said.

"Hmm." Li Jinglong nodded, and pondered, "I also saw it with my own eyes, it is indeed Xie Prison, or in other words, it is the clone of Xie Prison."

Artest looked at Li Jinglong, Li Jinglong seemed to be thinking about something extremely difficult to draw conclusions, and said to himself: "This will be troublesome..."

"It's not him." Mo Zhigen said.

"We can't make a conclusion yet." Li Jinglong said, "But it's complicated in this way, if it's not him... who is it?"

"What's the trouble?" Hong Jun was a little out of his mind again. He always felt that Mo Zhigen, Artest and Li Jinglong had reached some kind of strange consensus, while Lu Xu and himself were completely out of the situation.

"What are you talking about?" Hong Jun saw that the atmosphere was silent, only he was completely out of the situation, and suddenly felt a little sad. Even though his relationship with Li Jinglong had become different, it seemed that they were still protecting him, When everything is hidden from him.

As soon as his subtle expression changed, Li Jinglong immediately noticed, and hurriedly said: "Hong Jun, it's actually..."

"It's okay." Hong Jun wanted to get up and said, "I'll boil water and make tea for you."

Li Jinglong took his arm and refused to let him leave. After hesitating for a moment, as if making up his mind, he said, "I won't tell you, just because I'm afraid you will be troubled."

Mo Zhigen made a cage gesture, and Li Jinglong nodded knowingly, meaning that Hong Jun is not afraid of prison at least for now, so it doesn't hurt to let him know.

"Tell me." Hong Jun said.

"In these days, we have been inferring." Li Jinglong leaned against a piece of wood behind the case and frowned, "Where is the lair of the prison? Will it turn into a human like a nine-tailed fox, lurking in the In Chang'an City?"

Lu Xu said seriously: "When I was in Dunhuang, I heard Xie Prison say several times that the nine-tailed sky fox in Chang'an City is dead, and it must be near Chang'an."

"I have checked the inside information with Lu Xu in detail." Mo Zhigen interjected, "Only these information."

It was only then that Hong Jun realized that they were already promoting and secretly investigating what he didn't understand.

"So?" Hong Jun said, "What's the conclusion?"

Normally, Hongjun just listened to the conclusion, but this time, even Li Jinglong was a little undecided.

With the sound of footsteps outside, Li Jinglong immediately became vigilant. Hearing Trundeau's conversation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Artest hurriedly opened the curtain and said, "Yongsi is back!"

Hong Jun laughed, and Qiu Yongsi squeezed into the private room dressed in travel and dust, and said, "Oh, I'm so exhausted. Sister-in-law, come and have some tea!"

After Qiu Yongsi walked for a few days, Hong Jun always felt that something was missing in the Exorcism Department, and now it is finally full of people.

"How is Luoyang?" Li Jinglong asked.

"Let's talk about yours first." Qiu Yongsi took the teacup, took a few gulps, and said, "I'll add more after the chat."

"Changan has a big trouble." Li Jinglong said.

"No way." Qiu Yongsi groaned, "I thought you guys were drinking here and co-investigating the case."

The carp demon rode on Hong Jun's lap who was sitting cross-legged, and said, "Second brother, go on, where do you think the prison is?"

Li Jinglong said: "It's in Chang'an, most likely, it may be in Xingqing Palace, and there is a great possibility that it is by His Majesty's side."

"Ah?!" Hong Jun was surprised.

Everyone was silent, Lu Xu glanced at Li Jinglong, then at Hongjun. Hong Jun then remembered a certain "talent" of Li Jinglong that Lu Xu once said. He can always miraculously come up with incredible conjectures from the many missing information.

"Why do you say that?" Hong Jun couldn't help asking.

Mo Zhigen said: "Although this is outrageous, but when Chang Shi mentioned it, I think it is very possible."

"Xie Prison is well aware of the situation in Chang'an City." Li Jinglong took a sip of tea and said slowly, "There are two explanations, one: the ears and eyes report to him at any time. Two: He is in Chang'an City."

"Combined with the last time after the death of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, the demon tribe scattered. At least for a period of time, there were no more demons in the city. After the Nine-Tailed Fox was destroyed, the prison must put another eyeliner on Chang'an, but the Nine-Tailed After the fox died, I paid special attention to the situation in the city, and there was nothing abnormal."

"Leaving Chang'an, going to Liangzhou and then returning, I checked the files of Dali Temple, and there was nothing abnormal."

"Hongjun, Qingxiong also told you that the Demon King is in Chang'an. So I guess based on this, Xie Prison has never left, it has always been here."

Hongjun: "..."

Qiu Yongsi obviously also knew what Li Jinglong guessed at the beginning, and interjected: "If I were it, there would already be a nine-tailed celestial fox leading the charge. It must not be difficult to lurk by Your Majesty's side."

Li Jinglong nodded and said: "It is very likely that it is a certain adult in the court."

Hong Jun said: "This is impossible!"

Although Hong Jun didn't know Tang Chaotang very well, he had also met many officials with Li Jinglong. It would be quite scary to say that the Black Jiaoxie Prison was lurking among the officials.

"We don't have any clear clues." Li Jinglong said to Hongjun, "There is only a vague direction, and Xie Prison must be very, very careful. In fact, if it reveals clues, it is unreasonable."

Qiu Yongsi nodded and said: "Yes, once there are obvious traces that make people follow the vines, there is a problem."

"Think about it." Artai said, "Even Mrs. Guo Guo can be replaced, and another official, what's the difficulty for Xie Prison?"

When Hong Jun thought about it, it was very possible, and Li Jinglong said: "In fact, since the day Mrs. Guo was executed, I have been vaguely suspicious."

"Who could it be?" the carp demon asked.

"The first suspect is Yang Guozhong." Li Jinglong said.

Hong Jun couldn't help feeling chills down his spine, and said in a trembling voice, "Impossible!"

He has seen Yang Guozhong many times, and every time he doesn't feel like he has changed like a monster. Qiu Yongsi said: "It is very possible that a big monster like Xie prison can change as he pleases. If ordinary exorcists can see it, it is also possible Don't mess around."

"But now I don't think it looks too bad." Li Jinglong frowned, "The second suspect is Gao Lishi."

"Not like." Qiu Yongsi shook his head.