Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 89: Frame up


In the imperial study, Li Longji said to Li Heng again: "I'm very tired, you go down and rest."

Li Heng had no choice but to resign. For a moment, only Yang Guozhong and Gao Lishi were left by Li Longji's side. Gao Lishi apologized and said with a smile: "Your Highness is still young, so it is understandable."

"Heng'er is justifiable." Li Longji said, "Li Jinglong's crime is unforgivable. In order to perform such a play, he dared to dig the Li family's ancestral grave!"

Gao Lishi ordered the guards to bring up the witnesses, and after a while a man came, who was the prince's guest.

"March 18 night." Gao Lishi said, "Can you see where the prince has gone?"

"Report to Your Majesty, all my lords." The guest said with a sense of humor, "The prince prepared a car for the night and went to the Exorcist. This matter was the idea of several adults, in cooperation with His Highness, and the Exorcist."

"What did you hear?" Li Longji trembled with anger and said, "Speaking carefully, I won't hold you accountable."

The guest was apparently bought by Gao Lishi with a lot of money and placed under Li Heng's command. He had already been instructed by Gao Lishi to make up a story on the spot:

How could the prince hope to persuade Li Longji to stop indulging in beauty, so he happened to borrow the magic of Li Jinglong's exorcism division to pretend to be a ghost, so as to scare his majesty and so on. So Li Jinglong negotiated with the prince and went to the emperor's mausoleum to get the materials for the practice. Unexpectedly, it would get bigger and bigger later, and Li Jinglong might not be able to control it, so he wanted to stop in advance. The prince was extremely persistent, so on that night, Li Heng went to persuade Li Jinglong.

After listening, Li Longji remembered Li Heng's face just now, and it seemed that there was something unspoken between Li Jinglong and Li Jinglong. Immediately without making a sound for a while, Gao Lishi waved him down, and said to Li Longji: "Your Majesty, I thought it was nonsense after hearing what this person said earlier, so I didn't report it. The real crime deserves death..."

Li Longji signaled that there is no need to speak, and Yang Guozhong said again: "Your Majesty, there is still one witness, come here now?"

When the second celebrity arrived, he kowtowed to Li Longji first in the study, and said: "My minister Cheng Xiao, Cheng Xiao of Dali Temple, pays homage to Your Majesty."

"How did Li Jinglong interfere and intervene in the matter of the imperial mausoleum?" Yang Guozhong asked.

"He said... since the Exorcist Division took over, the Exorcist Division will investigate from the beginning to the end." Cheng Xiao replied, "Dali Temple can no longer interfere."

"When you entered Zhaoling, did you ever see a black dragon?" Yang Guozhong asked again.

When Li Longji heard it, he seemed to think of something, and frowned.

"I have never seen it." Cheng Xiao replied seriously, "Kong Hongjun said that, but I have never seen a black dragon."

"What's unusual in the imperial mausoleum?" Yang Guozhong asked again.

"Report to Xiangguo." Cheng Xiao replied, "There is not much abnormality in the Qianling Mausoleum, and there are no footprints on the ground. The only abnormality is the dead soldiers. In the end, Li Jinglong's monsters made my entourage smell a kind of medicine and come back. From now on, I won’t be able to remember anything... the content is all in the transcript, please read it through Your Majesty, the Prime Minister, and General Gao.”

When Yang Guozhong was about to let Cheng Xiao go down, Li Longji said, "I heard that you and Li Jinglong are old acquaintances?"

Cheng Xiao bowed again, and Li Longji said, "What do you think about this case?"

"The theory of ghosts and gods is really false." Cheng Xiao replied, "I don't know why, it seems that since the beginning of last year, there have been more and more strange things in Chang'an, and there are rumors..."

Li Longji's expression changed, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Yang Guozhong hurriedly said: "Forget it, let's go down."

But Li Longji said: "That's right, I pardon you not guilty."

"There must be monsters in the country... that one." Cheng Xiao replied with his head down, "Put the fate of the country on this false theory, and it is easy to spread rumors. Since there is an exorcist, the people believe that there are monsters. This is also inevitable."

"The monster, I saw it with my own eyes." Li Longji seemed to be getting older, leaning on the couch, closing his eyes, and said, "I don't want to believe it either."

Cheng Xiao said: "Sometimes what you see with your own eyes is not necessarily true."

These words suddenly hit Li Longji's heart, just like Wu Zhao's "resurrection from death".

"Since you took over earlier." Li Longji regained his composure and said, "You are still in charge of this case. As for Li Jinglong, the Emperor's Mausoleum is of great importance and has something to do with the ancestral temple, how dare he collude..."

Afraid that Cheng Xiao was present, Li Longji did not say "colluding with the prince", but continued: "...you must teach him a lesson for playing this trick! Let him be taken into custody first, whether it is a demon or a ghost, or someone is deliberately playing tricks just to criticize Concubine, Cheng Xiao, you must give me an explanation before your birthday."

Cheng Xiao hurriedly bowed to accept the order, Gao Lishi said again: "What should we do with the rest of the Exorcist Department?"

Yang Guozhong said again: "All of Li Jinglong's subordinates have unique skills. In my opinion, it's better..."

In the Department of Exorcism, Li Jinglong had been out all afternoon and did not return overnight, but being called into the palace was a common occurrence, and Hong Jun and the others were used to it. However, in the early morning of the next day, when Dali Temple came to preach to everyone, the entire Exorcism Department exploded in an instant.

"Transcript?" Mo Zhigen asked blankly, "Where is our long history?"

"I was imprisoned in the palace." Huang Yong wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, and said, "Hurry up and record the case first, but I didn't expect it to be exposed, alas!"

Everyone was shocked, and Hong Jun realized that something was wrong, and he was about to enter Xingqing Palace to find Li Jinglong, but Huang Yong persuaded the Exorcist to stop him. He also told the detailed process, which was related to the imperial tomb, and it seemed that the holy face was furious. Let everyone not act rashly no matter what.

"I can't even write Chinese characters, what kind of recording?" Lu Xu said angrily.

"Should I also record it?" the carp demon said, "'Everyone' must not include me, I'm not human."

"Someone will write for you, just draw a bet." Huang Yong persuaded again, "Your parents' history has been rectified. At this time, don't mess around."

In the eyes of this group of exorcists, no army, no officials, or even the emperor of the world are threats at all. Normally, Li Jinglong suppressed him, so he was polite and courteous with ordinary people in Chang'an. Now even Li Jinglong was arrested. According to Hongjun's character, he must have killed all the way in and brought people out.

Unexpectedly after the recording, Dali Temple didn't say any more, Hongjun wanted to find Cheng Xiao, Cheng Xiao just avoided seeing them, and let everyone back.

"I'm going to save Chang Shi." Hong Jun said suddenly.

"I support you." Lu Xu said, "Let's go together."

"Calm down, both of you!" Mo Zhigen said, "Isn't this already discussed?"

Everyone gathered in the Exorcism Division, and Hong Jun said: "What are you discussing? Everyone has been arrested! Why did the emperor arrest him?" What's more troublesome is that now he can't even find the enemy target!

"Xie prison has made a move." Qiu Yongsi said, "Changshi has already said hello, if Xie prison takes the first step to deal with us, this will be the situation."

"Who could it be?" Hong Jun asked.

"Yang Guozhong." Mo Zhigen said without thinking, "He didn't run away."

In an instant, Hong Jun felt a crisis, that is to say, all the actions of the Exorcist Division have been under the supervision of the prison. And Li Jinglong fell into the enemy's hands, and he still doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

Lu Xu said: "The next step may be to deal with us, when will you come?"

Mo Zhigen waved his hand and said: "Can't you guess what Xi Prison is thinking? He wants to use our hands to deal with people and things that he can't deal with."

Hong Jun looked anxious, and Qiu Yongsi explained to him again: "Don't worry, Hong Jun, Chang Shi has made arrangements. Let's set up a leader for the time being... Just you, big fool."

"You're a big fool." Mo Zhigen said, "You're bigger than me, and you still call me stupid?"

Everyone: "..."

On weekdays, when Li Jinglong is around, the exorcist will listen to Li Jinglong's orders. Occasionally, when he is away, everyone is used to listening to Mo Rigen. It seems that there is a strange first-come-first-served system among this group of exorcists. According to that day, everyone enters the deserted The order of the exorcism department, of course, everyone skipped Hongjun by default.

"Me and..." Mo Zhigen looked at the crowd and began to arrange and combine. He was not at ease to hand over Lu Xu to anyone, and finally said, "Ashi Naqiong, let's go to the Yang Mansion to monitor the movement."

Ashina Qiong said "um", and Mo Rigen said to Qiu Yongsi and Lu Xu again: "You two go to the military camp in Anlu Mountain to find out what's going on, don't disturb them."

Qiu Yongsi nodded immediately, glanced at Lu Xu, and set off with him.

"Hong Jun and I are going to Xingqing Palace." Artai said to Mo Zhigen.

Mo Zhigen made a look at Artest, meaning that you have to keep an eye on Hongjun, Artest immediately understood and nodded. Hong Jun was very worried at first, but he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his companions were idle on weekdays, but unexpectedly reliable at this special time.

After nightfall, Hong Jun carried the carp demon on his back, and he and Artest slipped outside the palace wall of the Xingqing Palace. I still remember that half a year ago, when the Exorcist Division performed its first mission, Li Jinglong bent his bow and set an arrow here, and shot the upper The little fox in the palace a hundred paces away.

"The second child was caught and caught, but the demon didn't catch him, but he was caught instead." The carp demon said behind Hong Jun, "What's the reason for this?"

"Huang Yong said he was framed..."

Hong Jun was inexplicably anxious, climbed up the palace wall, reached out and pulled Artai, and the two rolled over without a sound.

"It's your turn next, right?" the carp demon said again.

Artest replied: "No matter who framed Chang Shi, his attitude is obvious. He doesn't need to attack us at all. He just needs to wait for us to make a move before sending him to our door."

The person who made the arrangements came to do this, and they were extremely scheming. The Exorcist only listened to Li Jinglong's orders. Once he was detained, no matter what they did, this group of people would definitely retaliate. If they want to arrest people by hand, the prison must be like walking on the ground for them, and they can escape whenever they want.

Let Dali Temple be temporarily incorporated? Cheng Xiao couldn't control it at all, but they were easy to use their tricks to turn things around by investigating the case. The best way is to just leave it alone, wait for Hong Jun to save people, and send him to the door, angering Li Longji, so that Li Jinglong can't be cleared of the crime.

When Hong Jun heard this, he stopped suddenly, but Artest comforted him: "Just be careful, let's go."

In the garden of Xingqing Palace, three court ladies were playing with a parrot on the porch. Artest took off the Barbat from behind, motioned Hong Jun to cover his ears, and played a few times lightly. When the melody spread, the court ladies leaned on the piano. The railing fell asleep in the spring night.

The two tiptoed along the corridor. Artai explained to Hongjun: "Chang Shi suspects that if Xie Prison is in Chang'an, he will definitely find an opportunity to deal with you. After all, the devil seed in your body is what Xi Prison wants most..."

Hong Jun's heart trembled, and Artest said comfortingly: "But as long as everyone is here, the prison will not touch you."

"Yes." When Hong Jun heard this, his heart couldn't help but feel warm.

"Then how do we get rid of all the troubles?" Artest looked around to confirm that no one was there, and whispered, "The first step is naturally to choose to deal with Chang Shi first, as long as the exorcist cannot gain the emperor's trust, They can be dismantled one by one. When something happened to the emperor's mausoleum, everyone was suspicious... And then, Xie prison thought that he controlled Changshi, so he could negotiate terms with us... If it is not bad, Xie prison will take the initiative to find Mo Rigen... and we just need to make sure Changshi is safe."

"Why do you usually discuss so many things?" Hong Jun followed behind Artest, diving through the dark night without anyone, and asked, "Chang Shi never said a word to me."

"He is afraid that you will be uneasy." Artest smiled gently and replied, "I hope you will be happy every day, and don't let these things become troubles."

Hong Jun: "..."

When the two arrived outside Deyu's study room, Artest stopped suddenly.

In the thick black night, a lingering black smoke condensed in the imperial garden, showing a huge figure, it was the monster they had seen in the imperial mausoleum! The guards outside the study passed out without a sound before they noticed it.

The black smoke flew from outside the imperial garden wall, and the whole body seemed to have tens of thousands of reptiles moving, slowly forming a body, and walking towards the study where Li Longji was. Hong Jun was shocked. When he looked back at Artest, he was pulled violently by Artest, and the two hid behind the pillar.

The monster gradually gathered into shape, with its arms touching the ground, and its back bowed, its body seemed to be filled with Gu insects... The tomb was dark before, and you couldn't see your fingers, but you couldn't see clearly. When I saw it now, the monster was holding the ground with both hands, and it turned out to be in the shape of an ape!

Hong Jun vaguely remembered that he had heard of this monster before, and immediately put the carp monster down, and said in a low voice, "Zhao Zilong, do you think this is an ape?"

"Gu Ape!" The carp demon hurriedly yelled, "Hongjun! Stay away from it!"

Artest was also dumbfounded. The two just wanted to enter the palace to find Li Jinglong, but unexpectedly they bumped into this monster by mistake. The next moment, the gu ape quickly transformed from body to head, shaking off the crown clothes, and suddenly changed into another pair. appearance.

Hong Jun held the flying knife, trembling uncontrollably, and said, "Who is that?"

"Emperor..." Artest said, "I just don't know which one it is, Li Zhi or Li Xian? Don't do anything, Hong Jun! Let's see the situation clearly!"

Hong Jun resisted the urge to go out, and the carp demon said again: "This guy is extremely difficult to deal with, and your throwing knife is hard to kill him, Hong Jun, be careful!"

At that time, I saw the emperor transformed by the gu ape, in the form of a middle-aged man with a mediocre appearance, raising his hand and pointing at the imperial study room—the study room suddenly opened! Gu Yuan walked in, and Li Longji let out a terrified roar from inside.

"Where is the evildoer - come!"

Artai pulled Hongjun, the two rushed to the front, it was too late and then quickly, something happened in the imperial study room, there was a "boom" in a moment, countless Gu insects flew out, shot out of the imperial garden, and flew to the sky. Hong Jun watched the Gu worm fly away, but Artest said, "Check Your Majesty!"

The study room was brightly lit, Li Longji was already lying on the chair, passed out, Hong Jun secretly thought that something was wrong, he stepped forward to test his breath, and then felt his pulse, but luckily he just fainted from fright. There was another shout from outside.

"There are assassins..."

"Help me..."

The carp demon shouted outside: "Someone is coming to catch you, go away!"

Hong Jun parted Li Longji's lips, fed him a refreshing medicine, turned around and ran out with Artest. The carp demon had already gone to hide, while Hong Jun and Artest rushed through the imperial garden, and someone immediately shouted: "The assassin is there!"

"Where did these straw bags come from?"

Artest was really a disaster, he turned around angrily and wanted to give the guard a slap, but Hong Jun stepped forward and said, "Go! It's too late!"

Hong Jun stepped forward and entered a door, and Artest squeezed in. This place was actually behind a screen of Jinhualuo. Artai waved his fan, and the lights went out in Jinhualuo, leaving the room desolate. On the other side, another guard knocked on the door and said, "The assassin came here just now!"

"No one came."

Accompanied by the sound of several strings, a deep male voice said slowly.

There are still people in Jinhualuo! Hong Jun and Artest looked at each other in shock.

"Enter by the front door and exit by the back door." The male voice continued, "Going to the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

Outside said again: "Thank you Master Li Guinian!"

The person in the golden flower falls is Li Guinian, and after a few more strings, he said, "Come out."