Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Chapter 93: Fragments of the past


The white light flashed again, the south of the Yangtze River was windy and the grass was growing in March, Hong Jun and Lu Xu were suspended above the willow embankment, seeing their father propping up a small boat, and the young self lying on the side of the boat, looking at the fish in the lake.

The mother suddenly threw out her slender hand from the side, splashing water on Xiao Hongjun's face, Xiao Hongjun's face was full of astonishment, and the mother laughed.

Both Hong Jun and Lu Xu couldn't help laughing.

During the thunderstorm, in the temple on the top of the mountain, a black flood dragon flew over and transformed into Yang Guozhong.

Hong Jun and Lu Xu looked at the courtyard, while Yang Guozhong and Kong Xuan stood side by side in the porch, looking up at the rain.

"He's not the one who forced us to move," Hong Jun said.

"It's strange to say." Lu Xu looked at Kong Xuan and Yang Guozhong, and said in surprise, "Why does your father sometimes seem to be an enemy of Xie Prison, and sometimes like a friend?"

Hong Jun frowned and said: "It's been several years, maybe they have reconciled. Or, they were deceived by the prison... Do you hate him?"

Lu Xu replied: "Life is impermanent, birth, old age, sickness and death are always destined. What's the use of hatred? If I hadn't been controlled, my parents would not have died. Just like you, I killed my parents."

"But it was the prison that caused all of this." Hong Jun said seriously.

"What's the use of hate?" Lu Xu said, "Besides, the prison will die sooner or later."

"Have you seen the future?" Hong Jun asked.

"I believe it." Lu Xu replied.

As spring and autumn come, yellow leaves fall, and the scene changes, Hong Jun suddenly returns to Chang'an many years ago. At that time, he has grown up, and he ran out of the hospital quickly, looking back.

"Kong Hongjun!" Mother's voice shouted.

Xiao Hongjun let out an "hey" and gestured to Li Jinglong on the courtyard wall, and Li Jinglong immediately hid behind the courtyard wall, while Xiao Hongjun hurried to the flowerbed, pretending to look down at the earthworms.

"Mother is going out for a while." Mother tidied up the embroidered bag in her hand and said, "Shangxi Market sold things, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"All good." Xiao Hongjun replied boredly.

"Why aren't you clamoring for meat recently?" Jia Yuze asked in surprise, and then went out.

"Why was my family so poor when I was young?" Hong Jun said.

Lu Xu replied: "My family was poorer than yours when I was young."

Hong Jun couldn't laugh or cry, his former mother had to embroider things to support the family, and his father was nowhere to be seen, as if he had gone out to practice medicine to earn money.

"Brother! Brother!" Xiao Hongjun shouted towards the wall.

Li Jinglong, who was a child, popped up again and said, "Your mother is gone?" As he said, he put down a crooked rope ladder, and Xiao Hongjun climbed up, and the two put the ladder away.

Hong Jun and Lu Xu flew over the wall. At that time, Li Jinglong was less than ten years old. He opened a food box and handed it to Xiao Hongjun.

"You're hungry." Lu Xu said expressionlessly.

Hong Jun was ashamed to see it. He was so ashamed when he was a child, but Lu Xu immediately comforted him: "I ate everything when I was a child. My family is too poor and I can't get enough to eat."

Hong Jun didn't know who to blame. Looking at himself as a child, he felt very sad.

After eating, Xiao Li Jinglong played chess with Xiao Hongjun in front of the porch. After a while, Xiao Li Jinglong spread out a book, and Xiao Hongjun taught him to meditate and practice exercises.

"Why are you always depressed?"

"Because I have monsters in my heart."

"Is the monster in your heart a depressed one?"


"It can be cured, don't worry, wrap it on your brother."

"It can't be cured, and neither can my parents. They quarrel every day."

"Do you hate him?" Lu Xu said.

"It's too early to love." Hong Jun said helplessly, "What can I do?"

Hong Jun and Lu Xu sat side by side on the wall. Time flies and the sun is shining brightly. Hong Jun gradually begins to feel a little familiar, as if those memories that belong to him are slowly coming back bit by bit.

Xiao Li Jinglong taught Xiao Hongjun how to dance and dance in the yard, and the two pushed and tripped, bathing in the sun.

"What's the matter?" Little Li Jinglong said.

Someone called Li Jinglong outside, Xiao Hongjun took a step back and said, "Someone called you, you go."

"No." Xiao Li Jinglong was serious, looking at Xiao Hongjun with a smile.

Xiao Hongjun felt sad again.

"Brother taught you to chuiwan." Xiao Li Jinglong took a wooden stick and kicked a ball. Halfway through the game, Jia Yuze came back and looked around the room. Xiao Hongjun hurriedly climbed up the wall. When saying goodbye, the two Each of them clawed at one side of the wall and looked at each other seriously. Xiao Hongjun hesitated to speak, and finally turned over and ran away.

Hong Jun said in a daze: "If a seven-year-old child told you that there was a monster living in his body, would you believe it?"

Lu Xu was startled, Hong Jun frowned slightly, and said: "Many children like to make up whimsical things, no matter who they tell, no one will believe it, right?"

Lu Xu pondered: "Do you think he has long been Di Renjie's pawn?"

Li Jinglong on the other side of the wall packed up the wooden sticks of hammer balls, went to the eaves, picked up a book, and bowed his head to read.

"No." Hong Jun shook his head lightly, and said, "Look at him, there is no lie in his eyes."

Lu Xu also discovered that at that time, Xiao Li Jinglong always smiled when talking to Xiao Hongjun, and smiled when he saw him, as if the whole person had become different, and after Xiao Hongjun left, Xiao Hongjun Li Jinglong seemed to be still happy, and he couldn't help but look up when he heard voices coming from the next door.

Hong Jun suddenly said: "Can you find the memories of the day I first met him?"

"I'll try." Lu Xu whispered, then closed his eyes, and clenched Hongjun's hand.

Time passed, it was late autumn, Kong Xuan's family moved into the courtyard, Xiao Hongjun had just got off the carriage, nine-year-old Li Jinglong was walking through the back alley, carrying a bamboo tube, there were bugs chirping in the bamboo tube, he Before stepping into the house, he turned his head and glanced inadvertently.

And Xiao Hongjun stood outside the carriage, staring blankly at Li Jinglong at that time.

When Li Jinglong saw Hongjun, he stopped and froze on the spot.

Xiao Hongjun looked at the bamboo tube in Li Jinglong's hand, very curious, no one spoke to anyone, time seemed to freeze.

Kong Xuan said in the courtyard: "Hongjun!"

Xiao Hongjun hurried in, and Li Jinglong seemed to be surprised. Hongjun thought, what are you surprised about

"He is surprised that you are beautiful." Lu Xu said.

This is Hong Jun's conscious world, and Lu Xu felt it when he thought.

Lu Xu said: "Look at him, he is dirty. Most of the children you see on weekdays are not much better."

"Jing Long's family is rich." Hong Jun said with a smile, "The playmates I make should be okay."

That being said, Hong Jun's appearance and temperament when he was a child were different from ordinary people after all, and he could see it himself. Compared with the current Li Jinglong, the young Li Jinglong was not as handsome as he is now, but rather slovenly, looking a bit sloppy. He is dispirited, like a big kid who likes to get into trouble everywhere.

Li Jinglong's mother passed away very early, and no one took care of his food and clothing. It was not until he was a teenager that he slowly learned how to behave like a son and buddy. Later, he joined the Longwu Army as a soldier, and only then did he become heroic and dignified. The charm of self-discipline. When I was a child, the whole person looked oily and not flattering at all.

"This is your first meeting." Lu Xu said.

"It's quite unusual." Hong Jun replied in a low voice, "But I didn't say anything, so it can't be counted."

"I'll look for it for you again." Lu Xu said again.

Lu Xu closed his eyes, the rays of light spread out, and the autumn air was refreshing. Not long after the Kong family moved in, the boxes and sundries were still piled up in the courtyard. Xiao Hongjun was obviously bored. He rummaged through things and found a book, which was exactly what he had given to Li Jinglong. That monster scroll.

He lay down on a pile of cloth, flipped through the scroll for a while, and fell asleep in the pile of cloth. It just so happened that Xiao Li Jinglong climbed up the camphor tree in his house to dig out a bird's nest, and turned his head inadvertently, seeing Xiao Hongjun sleeping soundly in the autumn, he forgot about the bird's nest, lay down on the branch, leaned out and faced down Look.

Xiao Hongjun fell asleep soundly, Xiao Li Jinglong looked at him for a while, and said to him: "Hello!"

When there was no response, Xiao Li Jinglong threw a stone over to wake him up, but still got no response—Xiao Hongjun looked at him vigilantly, then turned and went back into the house.

"That's the first time I spoke." Lu Xu said, "It's quite unusual."

Hong Jun originally thought that their meeting in childhood had some kind of fateful meaning, but he didn't expect it to be as ordinary as the countless trivial things that happened in the thousands of ordinary days and ordinary nights in this vast world.

"Was it the first time I spoke to him?" Hong Jun asked again.

Lu Xu replied: "I guess..."

"Okay." Hong Jun said helplessly, "Although it must be very common, I still want to see it."

White light flashed by, and it was still the wall.

Xiao Hongjun raised his head and looked at the blue sky over the wall—there was a heavy lock hanging on the gate of the courtyard.

Xiao Hongjun leaned his ear to the door, listening to the din from outside, with a lonely and sad expression, like a caged bird.

He listened for a while, then pulled out a scale hook attached to a rope.

Lu Xu: "..."

Hong Jun held his forehead with one hand.

Lu Xu: "You have learned to climb walls at this age, and I am still catching earthworms in the ice and snow..."

Hong Jun: "Stop talking..."

Xiao Hongjun flicked the hook a few times, but he missed the hook and fell down. He had an idea and went to hook the neighbor's wall instead. There are tiles on the door wall that are not easy to hook, but the wall of the neighboring courtyard is hooked.

It was a clever plan for Xiao Hongjun to push on the wall and use the other side's courtyard wall to sneak out. He climbed up the wall wheezing, and suddenly a person appeared in front of him. Xiao Hongjun yelled instantly, and Xiao Li Jinglong also yelled. Xiao Hongjun never expected that there were still people climbing over the wall, and Xiao Li Jinglong stretched out his hand like lightning and grabbed him tightly.

"What are you doing?!" Xiao Hongjun shouted.

"I let go." Xiao Li Jinglong said expressionlessly.

"Don't!" Xiao Hongjun shouted hastily, "Don't let go!"

"Brother." Little Li Jinglong said, "Your mouth is so soft."

Xiao Hongjun blushed instantly, and just happened to climb over the wall when he was climbing, but he remembered that he didn't bump into it, and shouted: "No!"

"It's here."


"I let go!"

Xiao Hongjun had never been bullied like this before, and instantly burst into tears with a "wow", Xiao Li Jinglong hung one hand on the wall, and hurriedly said: "Okay! No! No!"

"elder brother… "

As soon as Li Jinglong backed down, Xiao Hongjun gave in, crying with tears on his face.

Xiao Li Jinglong's face was pleasantly surprised in an instant. He didn't expect that Xiao Hongjun would give in. He immediately jumped onto the wall and rode, pulled Xiao Hongjun up and hugged him, and then received another loud cry, and then Xiao Li Jinglong hugged Xiao Hongjun horizontally. Hong Jun, actually just climbed over the wall and jumped down!

Hong Jun and Lu Xu looked together in mid-air, their eyes full of curiosity.

"Give you something to eat, don't cry."

"Kiss, don't cry..."

"Hey, hey, okay, don't cry!"

"I want to go home… "

"Taste this first, and then send you back."

The crying on the other side of the wall suddenly stopped. Xiao Hongjun was chewing something, and he couldn't stop pushing Li Jinglong who was pushing towards him. The two children leaned against the wall and squeezed back and forth. Li Jinglong seemed to feel that It was fun, so he laughed.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Hongjun, right? You are the son of Dr. Kong..."

"Don't go. I still have some here. You see, this is more delicious... Yes, come back, that's right."

The leaves of the camphor trees are rustling, and the summer sun is shining. The figures of Xiao Li Jinglong and Xiao Hongjun flicker and appear in every corner of the backyard of the Li family. Sometimes they are the two children hammering balls, and sometimes they are fishing for shrimps in front of the fish pond in the backyard. It is snowing At that time, a snowman was built.

The courtyard walls of the Li family and the Kong family were also demolished and replaced with bushes. At dusk, Kong Xuan stood in front of the bushes and called Xiao Hongjun to go home. Xiao Hongjun waved to Li Jinglong and turned back to have dinner .

As soon as Xiao Hongjun left, the courtyard gradually became desolate, and the Li family was empty.

"Where's his father?" Lu Xu asked.

"Let's go on an expedition." Hong Jun replied, "Either the yamen is busy, and it seems that he said before that his father is a military officer."

Xiao Li Jinglong returned to the room, ate a few pieces of snacks, lay on the porch and looked at the sky, and Hongjun’s mother’s laughter came from the next door. When he listened carefully, it was Kong Xuan who told a joke, saying that Hongjun was like a chicken that shed its hair , so that Xiao Li Jinglong couldn't help but smile.

The light turned dim, and Xiao Li Jinglong was lying on the couch, sick, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he couldn't stop panting. In the dark room, Xiao Hongjun slowly approached the sick Li Jinglong.

Xiao Li Jinglong couldn't help panting, looked sideways at Xiao Hongjun, and said in a low voice: "Father... Mother..."

Xiao Hongjun looked at him sideways, while Li Jinglong's chest heaved and he was panting slowly.

Xiao Hongjun hugged Li Jinglong and stuck to his body, hugging him quietly, listening to his heartbeat.

"I'm so cold..." Little Li Jinglong said, "Where's your father...?"

"Going away." Xiao Hongjun just hugged him like this, and whispered, "It's been a long time, brother, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm going to die." Xiao Li Jinglong replied, his chest was like a bellows when he spoke, "Stay with me for a while...don't go..."

Xiao Hongjun jumped out of bed, ran out, and when he came back, he was holding a pack of medicinal materials in his hand, and began to boil the medicine for the patient on the bed. Xiao Li Jinglong opened his eyes, his vision gradually blurred, and he grasped and fished aimlessly with one hand. Finally, Xiao Hongjun climbed onto the bed and gave him medicine.

Little Li Jinglong's face turned pale, his whole body trembled, he gritted his teeth, but couldn't get it in. The medicine trickled down the corner of his mouth and onto the couch. Xiao Hongjun tried a few times, but all ended in failure. Xiao Li Jinglong could only breathe out, but could not take in any more.