Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 41: past


"Then..." Zhou Luoyang didn't know what to do anymore, so he had to say, "The peach blossom you provoked yourself, you have to find a way to solve it yourself, and others are suspicious of me now."

"Whatever they think," Du Jing continued to look down at his book, "I don't care."

"But I care," Zhou Luoyang said helplessly, "I don't care what I am told, I just don't want them to always talk about you like this... Du Jing."

Zhou Luoyang moved a chair, draped the back of the chair, and straddled in front of Du Jing.

Du Jing didn't look at him, just stared at his book, but he didn't turn a page for a long time.

"I don't want to go on like this." Du Jing suddenly raised his head.

Zhou Luoyang was startled, but he didn't expect Du Jing's topic to jump so much.

Du Jing: "I feel very annoying."

Zhou Luoyang immediately said: "Okay, whatever they think..."

"I think you're annoying." Du Jing changed his face when he said that in an instant, with a hostile look in his eyes. He was still controlling himself, his body trembled a little with a little excitement, "You are annoying! Zhou Luoyang!"

Zhou Luoyang immediately fell silent. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Are you feeling uncomfortable now, Du Jing?"

Du Jing took a deep breath, tried his best to control his mood, calmed himself down, lay down on the bed, and put on headphones.

"Let's go out for a walk?" Zhou Luoyang asked, knowing that Du Jing could hear him.

"I want to drop out." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

He turned manic. Zhou Luoyang felt it a few days ago. This was the first time he really saw Du Jing's transition, and it was also the first time he felt his aggressiveness.

A few days ago, Du Jing rarely said a lot, not to Zhou Luoyang, but to "that person".

That person's name is Sun Xiangchen, a freshman boy and junior junior brother.

After the sophomore year, the archery club was faced with recruiting new students. The president tried every means to fool the famous marksman Du Jing, hoping that through his sturdy skills, he could recruit a few more junior sisters and junior brothers for the club.

Du Jing didn't really want to go, but he couldn't beat the president, so he agreed to perform three arrows on Zhaoxinchang, saying that he would only perform three arrows, and refused the request to open the bow from left to right.

That day, Zhou Luoyang had just finished class and went to help in the club. He saw a huge crowd of people on the recruiting field, and they were all surrounded by people watching Du Jing perform archery. Everyone was bombed, and Zhou Luoyang himself was bombed.

Zhou Luoyang thought to himself, my mother, Du Jing is going to be famous again!

It has been more than half a year since the last outbreak of illness, and gradually, no one mentioned it anymore. Today, Du Jing wore all the equipment, and the president also specially borrowed a set of splendid brocade clothes for him. Du Jing's hair is very short, wearing a mask, covering the scars on his face, showing a high nose, ancient costumes have abstinence and self-discipline momentum, the upper body makes him tall, especially spirit, three arrows hit the bullseye.

On that day, the school forum was full of 360-degree photos of Du Jing, and the video was also posted on the Internet. On the second day, the president successfully completed the recruitment task for the next few years.

Of course, many people just came to see Du Jing, but when there were too many people and the venue was too noisy, Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang didn't want to go.

Three days after the archery performance, a little junior added to Zhou Luoyang's WeChat. Zhou Luoyang didn't react at first, thinking that some girl asked him to contact him. But not long after, this boy named Sun Xiangchen found him.

He has a similar style to Zhou Luoyang, clean and tidy. At first, he met a few times at lunch in the cafeteria, and Sun Xiangchen took a plate and sat down with them.

"I'm Xiangchen," Sun Xiangchen said to Zhou Luoyang, "did you see the Moments I posted?"

"Oh—" Zhou Luoyang said, "it's you."

Du Jing: "?"

The reason Sun Xiangchen found them was to ask for lessons in archery skills, and Zhou Luoyang patiently pointed him, but he did not tell Du Jing about such trivial matters, because Sun Xiangchen himself never mentioned Du Jing.

This little junior brother bought drinks for Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang, and Zhou Luoyang readily accepted it, thinking that he was quite sensible. Next, as long as he acts with Du Jing, Zhou Luoyang will always meet him. Sometimes when playing basketball with Du Jing, Sun Xiangchen would bring the ball over and join them.

Zhou Luoyang quickly became acquainted with the child, but Du Jing still maintained an attitude of keeping strangers away, hardly speaking to Sun Xiangchen. No matter what Sun Xiangchen said to him, Du Jing just nodded coldly.

"The meal you asked him to bring me?"

After returning to the dormitory one day, Du Jing asked Zhou Luoyang.

"Ah," Zhou Luoyang said, "yes, when I handed in my homework at noon, he asked me why I didn't go to the cafeteria, and then asked what you were eating, so I asked him to bring it to you."

Du Jing didn't like other people coming to the dormitory, but since he troubled Sun Xiangchen to run errands, he didn't say anything.

Zhou Luoyang felt that Du Jing might be a little uncomfortable because he was intruded into his life, and said, "I won't bother him next time. You don't have class in the morning, I'm afraid you'll be hungry. What did he say?"

Du Jing said: "It's nothing, just ask how our beds are together."

Zhou Luoyang laughed and said, "He is your fan brother. He asks me all day if I slept with you."

Du Jing said, "I asked if I could borrow a book to read. I lent him the book."

Zhou Luoyang snorted, and the next day, he saw Du Jing replying to the news again, and at a glance he knew it was Sun Xiangchen.

"He finally added you," Zhou Luoyang joked, "I knew his goal was you."

Du Jing was startled and asked, "How do you know?"

It was obvious that every time Sun Xiangchen looked for Zhou Luoyang, the topic of concern was always Du Jing. I asked them why they didn't go to the archery club, they couldn't come out to play, and they didn't go to the exhibition...

When Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing went to the lecture, Sun Xiangchen would go there ahead of time to help them take a seat.

"He really admires you," Zhou Luoyang said before thinking in any strange direction, "and wants to move to our dormitory."

Du Jing said, "I'm not familiar with him."

"Let me see what you guys are talking about?" Zhou Luoyang glanced at Du Jing's cell phone, and Du Jing handed it to him: Sun Xiangchen has been sharing interesting things with Du Jing, but Du Jing didn't pay much attention to it, only the other party mentioned it. When the team was on the team, Du Jingcai couldn't help but refute him a few words.

Sun Xiangchen and Du Jing like the same team, but what Zhou Luoyang supports is their opponent. Originally, the two of them could talk about everything together, except for football and basketball, which were always easy to quarrel. So they tacitly stopped mentioning their respective natal teams.

But the appearance of Sun Xiangchen filled this gap. The players he liked happened to be also liked by Du Jing, so he started a brainless blow. Du Jing once watched live NBA games and occasionally expressed a few opinions. .

"Yo," Zhou Luoyang said sourly, "a fan of your team."

Zhou Luoyang looked through Du Jing's chat records, how much more does this kid worship? It's like taking Du Jing as an idol.

"He didn't use this tone when he talked to me!" Zhou Luoyang was a little shocked that boys could be so enthusiastic about boys, he couldn't help laughing and crying, "Look at this little mood of worrying about gains and losses, you can be your fan."

Du Jing said, "Isn't that when I'm talking to you? I'm servile."

When Zhou Luoyang heard this, he wanted to throw his phone and said, "No way! This is obviously my attitude! I usually talk to you, and I always look at your face."

Du Jing: "Didn't you find out? I always reply in seconds when you send me a message, just like this kid. When I send you a message, you always leave me on the air."

"Hey! I'm busy, okay?" Zhou Luoyang smiled, "I can't always take out my phone in class."

"No matter how busy I am, I will get back to you as soon as I see your news." Du Jing said.

Du Jing put the phone away and didn't want to talk about Sun Xiangchen. He turned on the computer and helped Zhou Luoyang do his programming, saying, "I'm your licking dog, and I have to do your homework for you."

Zhou Luoyang: "Yes, so you are destined to not be able to buy a house, because licking a dog can't house it."

Zhou Luoyang is really annoying programming class, he didn't plan to take this course at all, because Du Jing chose it, he chose it with him, the class was boring, and the lecturer was an old lady, which made him doze off, and finally threw the homework to Du King, let him make two copies.

Sun Xiangchen is a healthy and sunny boy, Zhou Luoyang can feel that he really admires Du Jing very, very much. What he did for Du Jing, Zhou Luoyang was ashamed when he compared with him—

Including but not limited to occupying seats for elective courses, playing meals, buying drinks while playing, sitting at the archery range and reading clothes for Du Jing, reading novels that Du Jing often reads, buying clothes, sneakers, and books of the same brand as him; looking for delicious food Let's try the restaurant first, and then ask them to go together. I even found a friend who was studying abroad and asked Du Jing to sign a poster of his favorite football star, signed to: Vincent.

But Du Jing didn't receive most of them, especially the Kobe poster.

Later, Sun Xiangchen also wanted to give Du Jing a new mobile phone.

Sun Xiangchen is not a rich second-generation, but a child from an ordinary family. Zhou Luoyang can't bear to see him like this. Du Jing is indeed very rich, but he doesn't care much about the level of consumption. The poet's father left him a lot of inheritance. After buying a Ferrari and crashing it, he still has a lot left.

Buying a pair of sneakers is as easy for him as buying a bottle of water at the commissary.

Zhou Luoyang's feet are 43 and Du Jing is 44. They can't change their shoes, but in order to match two pairs of Yuanyang shoes, Du Jing can buy four pairs of sneakers with a total of 20,000, just because Zhou Luoyang He said, "If only we could change our shoes."

If Sun Xiangchen came according to Du Jing's consumption, he would definitely eat soil.

"New phone?!" Zhou Luoyang was dumbfounded when he saw the unremoved phone on Du Jing's desk.

"He said he got it by lottery," Du Jing said lightly. "He already has one, so he said he gave it to me. Tomorrow you can take it back for me and let him sell it."

"You have to pay it back yourself," Zhou Luoyang said, wiping his wet hair, "something someone gave you."

"I'll go to the follow-up tomorrow," Du Jing replied, "he's going to take a computer class."

"How could such a good thing not fall on my head?!" Zhou Luoyang said, "This is too discriminatory! I'm going to be jealous!"

"Do you want it?" Du Jing said, "then take it."

Zhou Luoyang said sourly: "Forget it, someone gave it to you."

The original meaning of Zhou Luoyang's so-called "jealous" means that Sun Xiangchen was originally their junior and junior brother, and he only sent things to Du Jing and not him. Zhou Luoyang was very sour, but Du Jing raised his head and glanced at Zhou Luoyang.

He put the phone aside, and the two didn't have any further conversations about it.

"He is too kind to you." Zhou Luoyang sighed.

"Yes." Du Jing said casually, and lowered his head to reply to Sun Xiangchen, thanking him for his phone, but he couldn't accept it.

Zhou Luoyang suddenly felt a little unhappy. He didn't feel the slightest bit before, but even in the relationship between the same sex, sometimes he would be jealous.

No one cared about Du Jing before, so Zhou Luoyang could logically occupy him. He knew that he was Du Jing's only friend, and Du Jing could not do without him. Since the two were familiar, he could do whatever he wanted, and asked him to do this. do that.

Of course, Zhou Luoyang still loves him very much and will pay attention to his condition at any time. Once it is confirmed that he is not sick, he will not care about anything else. He will go to repair the water heater in the bedroom, buy cigarettes and let him go downstairs, and let him help him in games. Ranking, ask him if you don't understand the homework. It was a headache to read the book, so let Du Jing read it first, and then give him a dictation after reading it.

Du Jing has always been submissive, more obedient than her boyfriend, occasionally insomnia at night, and even helping Zhou Luoyang's game hang up and level up.

It was not until Sun Xiangchen appeared that Zhou Luoyang suddenly realized that he was actually not that good to Du Jing.

"Why are you being so nice to him?" Zhou Luoyang couldn't help asking Sun Xiangchen in class once.

Sun Xiangchen said: "Brother Jing is super cool, and he is very honest. He has read a lot of books and is my idol!"

"Yes." Zhou Luoyang admitted, but he knew in his heart that he was indeed a little jealous.

"Du Jing." That night, Zhou Luoyang glanced at the phone on the table and said to him.

Du Jing: "?"

Du Jing turned to look at Zhou Luoyang.

Zhou Luoyang said: "Go downstairs and buy a pack of cigarettes for me, I don't want to go out."

"Have you run out of the last one you bought?" Du Jing asked blankly.

"Those who don't like this brand," Zhou Luoyang made his unreasonable request, "It's too boring."

Du Jing got up, took the key and went downstairs.

Zhou Luoyang's mind was a little more balanced. By calling Du Jing, he could effectively calm down his unhappy mood, and he felt a little bit of joy. It was good for Sun Xiangchen's male god to buy cigarettes for him.

When Du Jing came up, he bought him a whole stick of cigarettes and said, "Did you buy fake ones last time?"

In fact, Zhou Luoyang rarely smoked. He only smoked one or two before the exam, and he didn't smoke in the bedroom. He knew that Du Jing didn't like the smell of cigarettes. But they had spent the winter together, and it was too cold to be out on the balcony. Du Jing took the initiative to ask him to stay in the bedroom, turn on the air purifier, and let him smoke casually, and this habit was retained.

Du Jing took the half pack left over from the last time Zhou Luoyang smoked, took out one, put it under his nose and smelled it suspiciously, like a dog.

"You can't smell it again," Zhou Luoyang kicked Du Jing and said, "You come back, what did you smell?"

Du Jing said, "Throw it away."

Zhou Luoyang: "If you keep me, I will... give it back to me!"

Du Jing: "It's not enough for you to buy one?!"

Du Jing was about to throw the remaining half a pack of cigarettes into the trash, but Zhou Luoyang suddenly got angry and said, "Bring it!"

Du Jing didn't speak, as if he felt something, picked up the remaining cigarettes, returned them to Zhou Luoyang, and sat back in his seat in silence.

"How much?" Zhou Luoyang asked, "I'll transfer it to you."

"I'm a little sick," Du Jing said suddenly, "Maybe I'm going to get sick, don't talk to me."

Zhou Luoyang suddenly became worried and wanted to go to see Du Jing, but he was afraid that he should say something that he shouldn't have said. After Du Jing bought cigarettes that night, he was silent for a whole night. When Zhou Luoyang woke up the next day, Du Jing had already left the bedroom.

He picked up the phone and went to return it to Sun Xiangchen, but this morning, Sun Xiangchen didn't come to class either, and he didn't know where he went.

Zhou Luoyang was absent-minded for half a class, then skipped class, went to Sun Xiangchen's dormitory, put his mobile phone on his desk, and explained to his roommate, passing by the main road in the middle of the campus, he saw that Mobile was issuing a student card, and there was a lottery event. . There are six stacked cell phones on the side.

He sent a message to Du Jing and asked him how he was doing. Du Jing replied to him in seconds: [I'm driving, I'll talk later.]

Not long after, Sun Xiangchen also sent him a message: [I'm with Brother Jing and accompany him to the follow-up. Brother Luoyang, will you come out for lunch later?]

Oh, so it was an appointment? Zhou Luoyang felt a little uncomfortable. After all, Du Jing never asked himself to accompany him to the hospital for follow-up consultation. In fact, Zhou Luoyang didn't mention this in order to respect him.

But this idea was quickly thrown behind by Zhou Luoyang.

He reviewed himself and felt that he really needed to be nice to Du Jing, otherwise he would be "snatched" by Sun Xiangchen.

He stood in front of the moving booth for a while, thought about it, and decided to leave the campus.