Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 44: Now


"We've never made an appointment to come to Vietnam together before."

Zhou Luoyang suddenly felt something and said to Du Jing.

Du Jing bought juice in front of Tianhou Temple and bought a pack of local cigarettes for Zhou Luoyang. Zhou Luoyang hadn't smoked for a long time.

"That candy looks good," Zhou Luoyang said, "the smoke doesn't taste good."

Du Jing threw away the cigarette and bought him a packet of coffee candy.

"There is nothing to do in Ho Chi Minh City," Du Jing replied casually, "most tourists go to Nha Trang."

After Zhou Luoyang arrived in Vietnam, he changed his clothes and put on tourist-style floral shirts, white shorts, and sneakers with Du Jing. Without waiting for the result, they wandered aimlessly around. Most of the items arranged by the tour group in Ho Chi Minh City are one-day trips, and the next day will go to popular areas such as Nha Trang.

Today they are going to visit the cultural relics protection association in Ho Chi Minh City. Zhou Luoyang likes it very much, even walking in the streets and alleys to see the plane trees and buildings planted during the French colonial period.

"But I like it very much," said Zhou Luoyang, "because it has another name, Saigon."

Du Jing said in a trance, "I know you, and I will always remember you. At that time, you were still very young."

"You still remember!" Zhou Luoyang said.

"Of course," said Du Jing, "the first book I borrowed from you was "The Lover."

As the two walked side by side, Du Jing suddenly jumped up, picked a flower from the treetop above his head, and handed it to Zhou Luoyang. Zhou Luoyang took it and stuck it on the roadside fence.

The Cultural Relics Conservation Association is an official organization and is supported by the Vietnamese government's funding. The office is very small, a two-story building. After the last theft case, I could see that there were extra guard posts outside the house, but it was just a pretence.

Zhou Luoyang went in to greet the chairman of the association and exchanged a few words. The other party had already received news from Chen Biaojin in advance. He had a heavy accent in English, and what he said over and over again was nothing more than a matter of cultural relics protection. Chen Biaojin was still in Hong Kong and did not come back.

When Zhou Luoyang said goodbye and left, he stood in the lobby on the first floor of the association and glanced at the displays and furnishings in the association.

"Are these antiques valuable?" Du Jing asked.

"It's worth the price," Zhou Luoyang replied, "but it's just so casual, locked in the hall of the association, full of dust, no wonder it was transferred, and Huang Ting should come over to investigate."

Du Jing took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures. No staff stopped them for a while. However, when he left the association and walked through a sunny alley, Zhou Luoyang suddenly moved Du Jing and motioned him to look.

Du Jing turned his head and glanced, and immediately hugged Zhou Luoyang, pushing him to the side of the wall, propped up against the wall with one hand, and put the other hand in the pocket of his shorts.

Behind it was a dilapidated van. The driver was standing outside smoking a cigarette. He casually looked into the alley, but what he saw was Du Jing blocking Zhou Luoyang's back.

The scene looked nothing but an ordinary young couple that can be seen everywhere in Saigon.

The driver didn't look much, as if he felt the danger intuitively, spit out half of the cigarette butts, got in the car and left.

Du Jing took the phone out of his pocket without looking at it. He stuck out the alley and took a photo. When he got it back, he looked at the license plate on the photo.

"Why do I feel like I've seen that car somewhere?" Zhou Luoyang said.

Maybe outside the Tin Hau Temple, maybe in the Mali Aman Temple, the local black cars that pull tourists are similar in appearance, with worn and dirty bodies and mottled advertisements posted outside.

"You have good eyes," Du Jing looked at Zhou Luoyang indifferently and said, "It is indeed one of them."

"Do you remember it all?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"Roughly." Du Jing called Zhuang Li, and at the same time sent the photo, and said, "Let's see where this car is going."

Zhou Luoyang glanced at it by accident, but found a crucial clue. The van did not pull tourists, but parked outside the Cultural Relics Protection Association, which was a bit suspicious in itself. There are no attractions nearby, what does it come here for

Zhuang Li found the corresponding tracker and said, "S3A201 license plate, no passengers today, leave your location and head towards Taodie District."

"Continue tracking." Du Jing instructed, hung up the phone, found a cafe on the road, sat down with Zhou Luoyang, started lunch, and ordered a cup of white coffee.

"The scenery here is so beautiful," Zhou Luoyang said. "It didn't rain today."

"The scenery is so beautiful?" Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang ate the spring rolls, moved his eyes to Du Jing's face, and stared at him to eat.

"What do you always look at me for?" Du Jing said again.

"Then where do you want me to look?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Do you look at the ceiling? Are you still staring at me?"

Ever since he got off the plane, Zhou Luoyang has been thinking about Huang Ting's words, about his relationship with Du Jing, and about where they will go.

When the two of them were together, they seldom used their mobile phones unless necessary. They either talked or looked at the scenery. Zhou Luoyang was also a little strange. Every time he was with Du Jing, his mobile phone disease would be cured naturally. , the environment will also be quiet.

"I want to requisition your mobile phone." Du Jing said.

"Boss, please." Zhou Luoyang said.

Du Jing took Zhou Luoyang's mobile phone, pondered for a moment, then entered a few numbers and successfully unlocked it.

"It's still the same password." Du Jing said.

"I'm used to using the password," Zhou Luoyang replied, "I'm too lazy to change it. What are you going to do?"

"Look at Mr. Lu's circle of friends." Du Jing said.

"Lu what?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"Lu Zhongyu," Du Jing said, "your admirer."

Zhou Luoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Don't joke around."

If it wasn't for Du Jing's mention, Zhou Luoyang would have almost forgotten about this person. At this moment, he said, "Didn't you also add him?"

"He blocked me." Du Jing said casually, clicked on Lu Zhongyu's chat interface, and saw the last chat record between Zhou Luoyang and Lu Zhongyu.

[Do you like Groot?]

[Yes, I like him.]

[But I feel like you don't like him very much. You are very cold in the secret room, and you ignore him like you are pretending.]

[We're not together, it doesn't mean I don't like him. To tell you the truth, I like him, he doesn't like me.]

[Why do I feel like I'm upside down?]

[Whatever you want.]

Du Jing raised his head from the screen of his mobile phone and stared at Zhou Luoyang, his eyes were deep and complicated.

Zhou Luoyang was bathed in the sunlight pouring in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, under the dense and broken leaves of the plane tree, the shadow of the sun was like lingering stars under the blowing of the wind, his hair, his eyelashes, his clear eyes, handsome and with The outline of a slightly melancholy expression was covered with a velvety light.

Zhou Luoyang: "?"

Du Jing suddenly said, "Have you been tortured by me to the point of being a little depressed?"

Zhou Luoyang gave him a strange look and said, "No, why do you say that?"

He took a sip of his white coffee, his melancholy expression turned blank and puzzled, and then he laughed.

"You rarely have this kind of expression before." Du Jing held the phone, his lips moved slightly, as if trying to hide something, his speech speed became much faster, and he said: "Do I always make you feel overwhelmed? "

Zhou Luoyang replied: "No, not really, I just... just... "

"Just what?" Du Jing frowned slightly, and the big hand holding the phone trembled a little.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Luoyang noticed Du Jing's abnormality and said, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Du Jing returned to his senses and replied unnaturally, "Just what? Tell me!"

"Hello," Zhou Luoyang said, "Boss? Are you all right?"

Zhou Luoyang kicked him lightly under the table, Du Jing's expression returned to normal, and he shook his head, as if he wanted to force an idea out of his mind.

With a swipe and a click of his thumb, he deleted all the conversations between Zhou Luoyang and Lu Zhongyu.

Zhou Luoyang: "???"

Then Du Jing opened Lu Zhongyu's circle of friends, and Zhou Luoyang felt that Du Jing might have to change his stage again.

But he didn't say it, so as not to cause a psychological suggestion to Du Jing. He craned his neck and saw Lu Zhongyu's state.

"He's here too!" Zhou Luoyang exclaimed in surprise.

In Lu Zhongyu's circle of friends, there is the scenery of Ho Chi Minh City, and there is a positioning below.

Du Jing suppressed his irritability and said, "It's very efficient."

Zhou Luoyang said in disbelief: "He brought the little priest here? I didn't add the victim's WeChat, I knew earlier..."

"What?" Du Jing asked in confusion, "Victim?"

Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing looked at each other, Du Jing explained, "He is the victim."

Zhou Luoyang: "!!!"

Only then did Zhou Luoyang know that he had been wrong all along!

"Then... who would kidnap him?" Zhou Luoyang said, "Isn't that kid playing e-sports? Why... "

"He is of Vietnamese descent, his mother is Vietnamese, and his father is Chinese." Du Jing said, "Did you not read the investigation materials that Zhuang Li brought out? It's on the table."

"I..." Zhou Luoyang didn't really look at it, after all, he didn't want to know too much about Du Jing, especially in front of Zhuang Li, so as not to embarrass them.

This week, Luoyang will understand it all - the real target victim should be Lu Zhongyu, and the kid who is pretending to be a priest is a trafficker sent by Vietnam to lure him into the bait!

"He will rest in the hotel for an afternoon," Du Jing said. "Tomorrow, he will visit the city again, and then he will be arrested again. There is still time."

Just at this moment, Zhuang Li called and said, "Brother Jing, that car is going to an address in Taodie District. This address has no clear Google location. It is the ruins of a rubber processing factory."

Du Jing was wearing earphones, and before he could order, Zhuang Li added: "I also found another clue, Brother Jing. There are three cars in total, and these three cars are in Tianhou Temple, Delta State, and Mariaman Temple. I have been to this place. It is 22 kilometers away from the driver's house, and this place is not a garage. I suspect this is their transfer station."

"Blind people can see it." Du Jing said coldly, "Send the location to my mobile phone and drive the car to where I am."

Du Jing took off his headphones and glanced at Zhou Luoyang.

Zhou Luoyang said, "Investigate? I'll go with you, let's go."

Zhuang Li drove the car outside the cafe, and the two got into the car. Zhuang Li stared at the computer screen placed on the co-pilot and tracked the vehicle's location. The black car had only stayed for less than three minutes and had already left.

[I'm going to change stage. ] Du Jing typed a line on the phone and showed it to Zhou Luoyang.

My God, what do I do now? Zhou Luoyang thought to himself.

[Are you manic?] Zhou Luoyang asked.

[Um.]Du Jing typed a word.

Zhou Luoyang put his hand beside Du Jing and held him, Du Jing tightened his five fingers, Zhou Luoyang rubbed his palm, and then interlocked with his ten fingers. Du Jing's strength was a bit strong, and his fingers hurt when he held it.

He knew that Du Jing was patient, and at this moment he must have wanted to shout or destroy something to vent, but in front of Zhuang Li, he was trying hard to endure.

The off-road vehicle was parked outside a small village, Zhuang Li went down to buy water, and checked the situation nearby, while Du Jing quickly walked up the hillside behind the village to look out and picked up a telescope.

"There are no buildings," Du Jing said, "I can't see clearly in the woods."

"Don't go there," Zhou Luoyang said, "I'm afraid there will be surveillance nearby."

Nearly 500 meters were surrounded by barbed wire, with a few discarded tires piled in the middle. There were all woods nearby, and there was a pond on one side. Du Jing jumped down the hillside, and Zhou Luoyang said, "Wait, Du Jing!"

Du Jing pointed to the hillside and asked Zhou Luoyang to wait. Zhou Luoyang was afraid that he would suddenly bump into the other person and follow Du Jing.

There are a few ruts on the wasteland leading to the middle of the forest. Du Jing glanced at it, and Zhou Luoyang glanced at it with a telescope, and said anxiously: "Du Jing, come back!"

But Du Jing didn't hear him. He kept approaching the woods, and was about to leap over a ditch when Zhou Luoyang rushed to the barbed wire fence, quickly caught up with him, dragged him into the concrete ditch, and held him down.

Du Jing earned a little, and Zhou Luoyang said anxiously: "There are people in the woods, you didn't see it just now!"

Du Jing didn't move, the two heard the sound of the gun being loaded and the sound of conversation at the same time. Du Jing's eyes changed slightly, he turned over, pressed against Zhou Luoyang, and covered his mouth and nose with his back facing outwards.

Zhou Luoyang's heart was beating wildly, Du Jing put his other hand into his trouser pocket and put on a finger tiger. Zhou Luoyang pressed his hand on his eyes of Versailles. Just as they were about to spin, they heard footsteps leaving at the same time.

Zhou Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Du Jing didn't speak, and stuck his head out to see that two locals, armed with submachine guns, got into another car and left.

"This is where they connect." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang said, "If they shoot in this ditch just now, we'll be dead. It's useless for you to block with your back."

Outside the cement ditch was a barbed wire wall. Even if Du Jing jumped up suddenly, he would be blocked by the barbed wire, but bullets couldn't stop them. If he fired a few shots, they would be swept to death in the ditch.

"Yes." Du Jing said, "I don't know if the Eye of Versailles will work if we die."

Zhou Luoyang remembered that their biggest reliance was the reversal of time. Once in retrospect, the dead would be resurrected, and everything would return to twenty-four hours ago, but in the end, death would still be caused. And the parties who started the time retrospective, that is, the two of them, what will happen if they die

He didn't dare to try so easily.

Du Jing dragged Zhou Luoyang from the gully and slowly retreated to the hillside. At the same time, another figure ran towards them from the east side of the hillside.

"Who is that?" Zhou Luoyang wondered.

"Huang Ting." Du Jing picked up the binoculars and glanced at it.

"Why are you here?" Huang Ting carried a long bar on his back and walked up the hill quickly. After hiding in the tree with them, the car in the barbed wire circle had already driven away.

Du Jing ignored him and took out a black box from the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

Zhou Luoyang looked at Huang Ting with inquiring eyes, and Huang Ting said, "I got a delivery note from an informant of Interpol, and they regularly deliver handicrafts to Pingxiang City, Guangxi. I went to the loading and unloading department for a walk in the morning. Circling, found an unlicensed car, chased it all the way, and lost it twice halfway, what did they do here?"

"This is a joint location," Zhou Luoyang replied, "but both sides of the joint have left."

After listening to what Zhou Luoyang said, Huang Ting understood roughly and said, "You have to monitor this place. Do you have any extra manpower? Or put a camera in the past. I'll find a way to borrow a drone..."

Du Jing opened the black box, took out a palm-sized bird specimen, and opened the software on his mobile phone.

He shook the bird. Zhou Luoyang and Huang Ting looked at the specimen together and found that the bird's skeleton was made of light metal, and its body was covered with thick feathers. Du Jing touched the start button on the phone, and the bird flapped its wings and flew.

Huang Ting said helplessly: "It's good to have money, and there are all kinds of bionic devices."

Du Jing didn't answer, and threw the phone to Zhou Luoyang. Zhou Luoyang said, "I won't... I'm afraid it will break."

"Crash, crash." Du Jing said solemnly, walked aside, and called Zhuang Li.

Zhou Luoyang tried to control it, but the bird flew very steadily and flew into the woods. Zhou Luoyang said, "How much is this equipment?"

"I don't know!" Du Jing said angrily, "Don't ask me anything!"

"Stop at the top of the tree and have a look." Huang Ting made a round of understanding.

Zhou Luoyang stopped several times, barely stopped, and pushed the Bionic Bird reconnaissance machine control software on his mobile phone to turn its head to the center of the open space in the woods.

Huang Ting and Zhou Luoyang saw the whole picture of the clearing in the woods.

"Du Jing," Zhou Luoyang said with a trembling voice, "Come and take a look."

There were still people in the open space, and Zhuang Li had his hands tied behind his back, his mouth gagged, and the barrel of a gun was pressed against his forehead.

Du Jing rotated the dial once, took off his watch, and threw it to Zhou Luoyang.

"Get in the car and wait for me on the road."