Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 48: Now


When Zhou Luoyang opened his eyes, he heard the sound of rain outside, and in the dimly lit ward, a nurse was giving him an injection.

Zhou Luoyang's hands and feet were tied to the hospital bed with leather cuffs, and he changed into hospital gowns.

What about Du Jing

The nurse said something in Khmer, which he didn't understand, and thought to tell him not to move.

"What injection did you give me?" Zhou Luoyang said in a trembling voice.

"Painkillers." The nurse understood and answered him in blunt Chinese.

Cambodians often deal with Chinese people and can speak simple Chinese, but in a small shabby hospital, even a nurse can speak Chinese, what does this mean

Before that, she had contact with the Chinese.

The drug played a role, and Zhou Luoyang's body pain was relieved and gradually calmed down.

Is Du Jing still alive? They are not in the same ward. Zhou Luoyang looked around and saw mottled walls and a dilapidated wooden window. Outside the window was a dark green forest. It was not time to tell when it was raining. Counting the moment when the helicopter crashed, it was already daytime. .

Why are they suddenly attacked? Zhou Luoyang's heart was beating wildly. Did Huang Ting betray them? No, it's impossible, Huang Ting doesn't look like a bad guy. And even if Zhou Luoyang couldn't see through Huang Ting's identity, as a detective, Du Jing couldn't make such a low-level mistake.

From Wanshi to Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh City, Huang Ting did not show any abnormality.

So, was his informant betrayed them? I don't know how Huang Ting and Zhuang Li are now, whether they have been caught.

Du Jing may be in a nearby ward. He was hurt more than himself. The moment he fell, Du Jing protected him, causing him to fall into a coma. And at the time of the crash, they didn't even have time to set the time back.

The drugs Du Jing was taking conflicted with certain drugs, so they could not give Du Jing random drugs... Zhou Luoyang remembered, he must meet Du Jing as soon as possible, what time is it now? Where is he

Zhou Luoyang tried to struggle, but the leather cuffs on his hands and feet were not tight, but it was difficult to break free. He was handcuffed to the hospital bed.

The room was silent, and Zhou Luoyang heard the sound of the hospital bed overturning not far away, and then the doctor and the nurse rushed over from the corridor outside the ward.

"Du Jing!" Zhou Luoyang shouted from the air, "is that you?"

Without getting any answer, Zhou Luoyang shouted a few more times, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and two people walked in.

The head is a Southeast Asian man with a fierce face, wearing a local camouflage uniform, followed by a young man, it is Ruan Song!

Zhou Luoyang was quiet, and the moment Ruan Song appeared, he knew it was over and they were in the hands of KCR.

He didn't try to struggle any more, just looked at Ruan Song calmly.

The soldier said something to Ruan Song, and Ruan Song came over and opened the leather cuffs on Zhou Luoyang's wrists and ankles.

"I have prepared clothes for you," Ruan Song pointed to the locker on the side of the ward and said, "You can change into it."

There was an ominous premonition in Zhou Luoyang's heart, but he didn't ask. He opened the locker, which contained his torn clothes. The passport and the lipstick gun confiscated from Supu were taken away.

He glanced at it, and beside him was a set of Cambodian national costumes.

"Get dressed and come out and come with us," Ruan Song added, "don't try to escape, there are many guards around here, there are trees outside, and there are power grids in the woods, they will shoot you as soon as you run away. I'm not joking with you, only with cooperation can you have hope of life."

Zhou Luoyang: "Where's Groot?"

Ruan Song said: "He will not be in danger, at least not now. It will depend on your performance."

The soldier asked Ruan Song something in a tone that seemed very dissatisfied. Ruan Song explained a few words to him. The soldier did not speak any more, and rudely reprimanded Zhou Luoyang in Khmer language. Zhou Luoyang could hear that he meant to hurry up.

He was taken out of the corridor and glanced at the ward not far away. He suspected that Du Jing was locked in that ward now, but he did not dare to act rashly, knowing that they would really shoot and kill. Not intimidation.

If you die here, no one will intervene, it can only be regarded as another case of missing persons.

He was taken out of the hospital and got into an off-road vehicle. The off-road vehicle drove into the dense forest without roads. Zhou Luoyang found that the soldiers driving the car did not use any navigation and drove to the roadless places in the woods.

Ruan Song reminded again: "All communications are blocked here, you can only connect to their wireless network, and no one will come to rescue you."

Zhou Luoyang hummed: "Thank you for your reminder."

Then, Ruan Song closed the curtains around the car, as well as the partition between the car and the cab, so that the environment outside the car could no longer be seen.

"Why do you do this?" Zhou Luoyang said.

Ruan Song did not answer.

In the long silence, Ruan Song said, "Who are you? What is your business? Is it okay to live well in Wanshi? Why did you come to Cambodia to seek death?"

Zhou Luoyang didn't answer either.

Ruan Song said, "Do you like Lu Zhongyu?"

Zhou Luoyang replied: "I think too much, I don't feel anything about him at all, but I don't want to see him die, I want to try to save his life."

After that, Zhou Luoyang looked at Ruan Song seriously and said, "Why?"

Ruan Song said: "My wife is in their hands and owes the casino more than two million yuan."

Zhou Luoyang finally understood, and he couldn't help laughing and crying: "Two million, what about it?"

Ruan Song suddenly had a resentful expression in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "What about it? What about it? You can get two million? If you can, would you be willing to give it to me? Do you know what two million can buy? ? Can buy several lives!"

Ruan Song's expression distorted, Zhou Luoyang took a deep breath, thought about it, and finally said nothing.

"Then have you earned enough money?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"If Lu Zhongyu wins," Ruan Song said almost indifferently and cruelly, "that's enough."

"Win what?" Zhou Luoyang said.

Ruan Song did not speak any more.

Zhou Luoyang estimated the time. After nearly an hour, the car stopped and he was taken out of the car again.

He looked back, but Ruan Song didn't get out of the car, only looking at him with a cold expression on the off-road vehicle.

It was a peculiar manor located in the dense virgin rainforest. Zhou Luoyang was about to look up when he had another gun butt on the back of his head, telling him not to glance at it. In front of the door is a security fence of spiral barbed wire, with cameras everywhere. Zhou Luoyang speculated that the place where he came in should be the back door of the manor.

He saw a lot of signal blocking cars.

The off-road vehicle that sent him drove away, and Zhou Luoyang walked along the mud into an underground cement passage. When he came in, he felt that there should be a lot of ammunition hidden here.

The underground space is very open, with chandeliers hanging from the concrete roof, and under the chandeliers, many soldiers are playing poker around the table. Looking at their military uniforms, Zhou Luoyang could not connect with the government forces of any country.

Maybe a mercenary

Zhou Luoyang entered the elevator. The soldier took out his card and swiped his card. There were only two floor buttons in the elevator. After arriving, he handed him over to another bodyguard in a suit. The bodyguard made a "please" gesture and took him through a long corridor, and then into another elevator to the other floor in the manor.

The interior of the manor is decorated in a colonial European style, and there are two more bodyguards guarding the door. Zhou Luoyang glanced at it, and according to the judgment Du Jingping taught him, Zhou Luoyang compared the appearance of the bodyguards with their training marks, and saw that any of them were very difficult to mess with.

The bodyguard opened the door for him and led him into a rather luxuriously decorated study. It was a cloudy and rainy day at dusk, but the lights in the study looked brilliant. A Southeast Asian man in his 40s is sitting behind a desk, wiping one of his pistols.

He cast a glance at Zhou Luoyang and showed a strange smile.

"Hello, what's your surname?" the Southeast Asian man said in Chinese, "My name is Honghou, you are Chinese, you can call me Brother Hou."

"No expensive, surnamed Zhou." Zhou Luoyang said calmly.

He began to look at the layout of the room. There were so many cultural relics that a private museum could be opened. Buddha heads, Vishnu statues, elephant gods, bronze shrines, embroidered carpets of the monkey god Hanuman, Nepalese pagodas, Chinese Porcelain, Byzantine sculptures, modern abstract paintings... On both sides of the bookshelf, there is also a Meiji-era samurai sword.

In the center hangs a longbow and an arrow, which are from the Siamese period.

Honghou took out two pieces of A4 paper from the drawer. There was a photo of Zhou Luoyang on the paper, and a simple personal data recorded in Khmer script was on the bottom.

"You are an antique dealer?" Hong Hou said with a smile.

"Can I see your treasure?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"Yes," said Honghou generously, "the Chinese are our friends, just look at it."

Zhou Luoyang walked to the samurai sword and pulled it out a little.

Honghou said, "Do you like it?"

Zhou Luoyang replied: "During the Meiji period, it was made of jade steel, that is, sponge iron. Where did you get it?"

Honghou smiled and said, "A Japanese rich man lost it to me in a bet."

"Casinos are huge profits," said Zhou Luoyang.

Honghou loosened his fingers and said thoughtfully: "Yes, huge profits business, but because of you Chinese, business is not easy to do now."

Zhou Luoyang returned the samurai sword to its sheath, made a soft noise, and said, "What conditions do you want before you let us go?"

Hong Hou said: "Let's take a look at your performance in the trials first. Frankly speaking, it's not very good, but your performance at the last minute surprised me a bit."

Honghou pressed the button on the desk, a projection was dropped from behind Zhou Luoyang, the lights in the study were turned off, and the whole process of their escape in the escape room in Wan City half a month ago was projected.

Sometimes the lens zooms out, sometimes zooms in. Different monitoring areas have different distances, but in a few moments, they condensedly showed some of Zhou Luoyang's choices and important moments in the secret room. Until finally, standing in front of the altar, when Zhou Luoyang had to choose to shoot at one of them, the high-resolution surveillance camera shot him directly in the face.

Zhou Luoyang: "..."

Hong Hou said: "I noticed you during the trial stage, and of course, your gay lover, or sexual partner?"

Zhou Luoyang never imagined that he and Du Jing would be under the surveillance of Honghou for a long time during their escape from the room with Du Jing!

"You guys..." Zhou Luoyang's voice trembled. They had already made relevant guesses before, but when the answer was revealed, he was still extremely shocked!

Honghou spread his hands, showing a strange smile, and said: "In the fourth season of this year, at first I was afraid that I would not be able to gather people, but I didn't expect you to come to the door. Speaking of this, please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks. ."

He looked at Zhou Luoyang meaningfully and said, "With you, and your partner, there are now six players in total. The fourth season can be held as scheduled. Let's make an agreement, how about?"

Zhou Luoyang knew that there must be a gun in his desk, but he didn't know if he rushed to the samurai sword and drew the sword, how likely would he cut off one of his hands and take him as a hostage.

But Honghou didn't seem to be defenseless, and Zhou Luoyang finally dismissed the idea.

"What agreement?" Zhou Luoyang said solemnly.

Honghou pressed another button, and a promotional video dubbed in English appeared on the projection, with subtitles in Russian, Japanese and Spanish below. Under the aerial camera, the magnificent Angkor Wat was displayed in front of them, accompanied by a narration.

"Mysterious Khmer culture, where the gods descend, ancient temples lost for thousands of years..."

It was a promotional video that Zhou Luoyang once saw outside the secret room of Wanshi, in which six adventurers entered the interior of the Angkor Wat temple and began to explore, surrounded by dangers, until they finally reached the moment before the altar.

"I propose that you and your companions officially join us for the fourth season," Hong Hou said. "The rules are very simple, similar to the trials, except for a small difference."

Zhou Luoyang murmured: "In addition to the real adventure, you may die in the maze at any time, this is a small difference."

"Yes." Honghou leaned on the large leather chair, with his feet on the desk, showing his shiny military boots, with a dagger sticking beside the boots, "The formal scene is not something that can be compared to a simple secret room. , are you looking forward to it?"

Without waiting for Zhou Luoyang to answer, Honghou said, "Maybe you can decide who lives and who dies in the end, but you have to cherish the opportunity you have, and don't be like a tryout."

Zhou Luoyang said: "If we come out alive, what can we get?"

"The 10% stake for all participants," Hong Hou said, "is nearly 2.7 million US dollars, and this number is still rising. Or pick one from my collection and take it away."

Zhou Luoyang is not so stupid, he knows that even if he wins, this group of people will not let him survive - otherwise their live broadcast of bloody killing games on the dark web, as well as the hiding place, all the facts of the crime will be exposed by him.

Most likely, after the competition is over, he will be sold to the back-of-the-envelope sponsor, who will give orders from behind the camera to torture the champion of the competition to death.

"What if I refuse to participate?" Zhou Luoyang said.

"You shouldn't ask this question." Hong Houyi smiled.

Zhou Luoyang thought about it and said, "I need to convince my friends."

"No need, he will definitely come, as an Interpol." Hong Hou said seriously, "This is our biggest highlight this year. According to the performance of the primary, you two are the biggest dark horses in the fourth season, don't it disappointed me."

"Yes, but I have one more condition." Zhou Luoyang said.

Honghou motioned to Zhou Luoyang and said.

Zhou Luoyang pondered for a moment, and then said: "Give us back everything we have, and I am willing to cooperate with my companions to participate in the competition."

Hong Hou said, "How can that be done? You have a silenced pistol, although I don't know where you got it from. It affects the balance of the game too much."

Zhou Luoyang said: "I originally had a gun in the game settings."

Honghou thought for a while, and Zhou Luoyang said again: "You can take away your mobile phone, but I think after the helicopter crash, the mobile phone is useless. Are you afraid that we will contact the outside world? We have a watch, a pistol, and a finger. Tiger, return them all."

Honghou pulled out a cigarette from his desk and said, "Then, we have to change the rules of the game. You can bring things in, and other people can naturally."

Zhou Luoyang said: "It's fair. You can also equip the other contestants with some equipment, such as body armor? I think it might be more fun."

Honghou said: "It's a new way to play."

Zhou Luoyang naturally knew that Honghou was not worried that they would send signals to the outside world. If the isolation of the secret room was reasonable enough, even if there was a mobile phone inside, it would not be able to send out the location.

It is impossible for them to carry out this killing show in Angkor Wat with great fanfare. The only possibility is to restore an Angkor Wat-like space underground as much as possible.

"I will discuss it with the designer." Hong Hou said, "You can go down and rest. Three days later, the fourth season will start. Before that, you must recharge your batteries and don't be so nervous that you can't sleep."

Zhou Luoyang: "I want to be with..."

"We can't meet before the game," Hong Hou said, "please."

Zhou Luoyang knew that the only possibility of rejecting Marquis Hong was to be blindfolded, taken out, sent to an uninhabited jungle, shot to death on the spot, and the body disposed of.

He didn't ask any more, turned around and left. Naturally someone was waiting outside and took him to a guest room.

At the same time, Du Jing's hands were cuffed in front of him and he was taken into Honghou's study.

"Please sit down."

Honghou obviously knew that Du Jing's strength was not in the same order as Zhou Luoyang.

"You seem to be seriously injured," Hong Hou said. "The arm is broken, there is a little bleeding in the internal organs, and the soft tissue is contused. As long as you take a good rest these days and participate in the competition in three days, there should be no problem."

Du Jing had a bandage and a splint on his left hand, and gauze and Band-Aid were attached to his face.

"The place is good," Du Jing said, "I can enjoy life."

"Ah, smart people," said Honghou, "I like dealing with smart people the most, especially smart Chinese."

Hong Hou opened the drawer and took out two transparent plastic bags, one of which contained Du Jing's watch, a USB flash drive, and a finger tiger.

The other contained the passports and letters of introduction of Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang.

Honghou first flipped through Du Jing's passport, letter of introduction, etc., and said casually:

"Thanks to you," said Honghou, "we finally caught the legendary Huang Ting, and admired your predecessors. This master player has been around for a long time, but unfortunately it has never been fate."

After reading Du Jing's profile, Honghou opened another transparent plastic bag, holding the watch strap of the Eye of Versailles with his fingers, looking over and over.

"Beautiful," said Honghou, "a rare watch, but I have seen another one that is exactly the same."

"That's my token of love," Du Jing said, "I hope you don't do anything that you regret."

"Oh?" Honghou said, "Your gay lover gave it to you?"

Hong Hou threw the watch over without thinking, and the shiny surface drew an arc in the air. Du Jing raised his hand and caught it firmly.

He moved his fingers and put it on his wrist.

"A person can achieve an unprecedented potential for love," Hong Hou said.

"Yes." Du Jing didn't even look at Honghou, he turned the date chuck around the dial, looked at him politely, and said, "Now let's talk about the conditions, what do you want?"

Honghou tried on Du Jing's finger tiger again, moved his fingers, tried a few punches, and then threw it over.

"Don't use it on my site." Honghou said again, and took out the third plastic bag, which contained Supu's lipstick gun. He used it to face himself, and Du Jing reminded kindly: "Be careful of misfire."

"Hmm." Marquis Hong said solemnly, but did not throw the lipstick gun along, but Du Jing had already obtained the Eye of Versailles, which was the most important to him, and the rest was just to wait patiently.

The windows of the guest rooms are equipped with anti-theft bars, all around are fireproof materials, the doors are locked, and there are surveillance cameras in the four corners of the ceiling, even the bathrooms. Other than that, it is exactly the same as a high-end hotel.

There were several sets of clothes in the wardrobe, one of which looked a bit strange, Zhou Luoyang remembered it - it was worn by an actor in the escape room, and it seemed that they arranged for themselves this role.

Zhou Luoyang picked up the electronic clock by the bed and glanced at it, it was seven fifty in the night.

They also asked Du Jing to participate, which meant that Du Jing was absolutely safe for at least these three days.

Zhou Luoyang was still in pain, lying on the bed gasping for breath. After a while, the waiter brought dinner, Cambodian local dishes, and gave him a menu, meaning that you can order whatever you want.

Zhou Luoyang picked out a few dishes, and after having a hasty dinner, he casually flipped through the travel magazines in the room, most of which were about Phnom Penh's tourism projects. He looked around the surveillance cameras and knew that someone must be watching him closely around the clock.

This is an escape room in another sense - Zhou Luoyang thought, he must find a way to get the Eye of Versailles back.

Eleven fifty-nine minutes and fifty-eight seconds.

Fifty-nine seconds.

The moment all the numbers returned to zero, Zhou Luoyang suddenly returned to the helicopter!

Du Jing's calm voice sounded in his ears: "Huang Ting, leave there, we are exposed."

Immediately afterwards, the sound of RPG firing sounded, Zhou Luoyang immediately turned sideways, and Du Jing hugged each other tightly.

With the loud noise, the missile fired by the bazooka hit the cockpit of the helicopter, and the sky was spinning. Zhou Luoyang was dazed for a while, and then he hugged Du Jing's head with his backhand.

"This time point was chosen too badly." Du Jing said.

"I asked them to keep all our belongings!" Zhou Luoyang shouted at the moment of falling.

"You've laid the groundwork beautifully, I've got it, and the forced landing begins." At this time, Du Jing was still in the mood to tease, "Three, two, one, the parachute is unavailable, I wish you good luck."

Du Jing pressed his chest against Zhou Luoyang's forehead, hugged him gently in his arms, raised his head, reflected the moment the helicopter disintegrated, and the splendid galaxy filled the sky.

There was a loud noise, fell to the ground, disintegrated, and the two were thrown out together.