Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 49: Now


"Du Jing!" This time, Zhou Luoyang's fall was lighter than the last time. Although his eyes were still dark and bright, he quickly pulled off his seat belt and staggered towards the sea of fire.

The raging fire engulfed the entire forest, Zhou Luoyang took Du Jing out of the fire ring and slapped the burning spot on his body.

Du Jing was much better than the last time. He hung his left arm and put his right hand on Zhou Luoyang's shoulder, staggering out of the woods.

Dog barking, human voices came, and KCR people came.

"Who are they?" Zhou Luoyang said in disbelief with bruises on his face.

"Mercenary." Du Jing gasped in a low voice, "There must be a problem somewhere."

Zhou Luoyang did not dare to force Du Jing to escape, and if he escaped now, he would not be able to escape quickly. The two hid in a hidden corner, and Zhou Luoyang quickly explained to Du Jing what happened in the first twenty-four hours in a low voice.

Zhou Luoyang: "Did... someone betray us?"

"It's possible," Du Jingyan said concisely, "but KCR still doesn't know who I am, it's not that Huang Ting leaked the news."

Zhou Luoyang was reminded like this, and immediately realized the problem - apart from the identity of the owner of the antique shop, Honghou only thought that Du Jing's identity was also a criminal policeman! What is the basis for the judgment? Besides them, KCR also caught Huang Ting and Zhuang Li? So I mistakenly thought the four of them were colleagues!

Du Jing said: "As long as Huang Ting and Zhuang Li escape successfully, they will not be able to confirm our identities... When Marquis Hong met me, I deceived the Eye of Versailles."

"Take it, I'll lure them away, and if you escape, try to activate it after twelve noon. If it doesn't escape, activate it before you get caught, so we'll be back at noon the day before..."

Du Jing pressed Zhou Luoyang, but Zhou Luoyang said, "No, let me go."

Zhou Luoyang pushed Du Jing away and said in a low voice, "Go to Huang Ting! Be sure to confirm that they are still alive! In this kind of place, I can't escape at all! It's difficult to protect myself!"

Du Jing's success rate in escaping the scene is obviously much higher than that of Zhou Luoyang. After all, he has received professional training for survival in the wild.

Du Jing held Zhou Luoyang's wrist tightly, and the two looked at each other silently.

His lips moved, as if he had something to say.

"Luoyang." Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang nodded in relief, turned and ran to the source of the voice.

Du Jing looked at Zhou Luoyang's disappearing figure silently, his eyes were like a bloodthirsty leopard in the darkness.

Zhou Luoyang walked slowly towards the mercenary, raised his hands, the enemy surrounded him in the dark, gave him a gun butt, and Zhou Luoyang passed out.

When he woke up again, he was still in his hospital bed, experiencing the same nearly identical day again.

"Where is your friend?" This time, Hou Hong asked politely, "Do you think he will definitely come to save you?"

Zhou Luoyang remembered the last conversation he had with Honghou, and Du Jing should have escaped successfully.

Even if he knew what Honghou was going to say next, he did not make any predictions so as not to arouse Honghou's vigilance.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zhou Luoyang said, "If you attack and hijack scholars, it will lead to a diplomatic incident."

Honghou suddenly laughed and said, "Diplomatic incident? Mr. Zhou, are you really here for archaeology when you came to Cambodia?"

"Otherwise?" Zhou Luoyang stepped aside, took out the samurai sword in Honghou's study, glanced at it, and pushed it back into its sheath.

Honghou took out a transparent plastic bag with Supu's lipstick gun in it.

"Then please explain," Honghou said, "Why does an archaeologist hold this?"

Zhou Luoyang said easily: "There is always something to protect yourself."

Honghou said, "I think, why don't we make a deal?"

Then, Zhou Luoyang experienced yesterday's game commentary. Just when Honghou wanted to speak again, Zhou Luoyang suddenly said: "We want to hold a real-life competition and let the gold owners bet. Do you have enough people for this game?"

"Not enough," said Honghou, "one more."

"I remember that there were far more than six people missing." Zhou Luoyang added.

Hong Hou nodded and said, "Not everyone is willing to cooperate. When we found the candidates for participating players and brought them to the rest area, we found that the quality of some players is really incompetent. In games, we want to go all out and have fun. ,right?"

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

Hong Hou added: "It is not easy to screen out outstanding players. The audience is more critical than before."

Zhou Luoyang said, "Whoever refused to cooperate, or whom you felt was inappropriate, were all killed by you?"

"It was dealt with," said Honghou, "but you are not in the scope of dealing with it."

Zhou Luoyang's hand trembled slightly, but this time, Honghou did not let him make a decision on the spot.

"Go back and think about it." Hong Hou said, "I think the sixth candidate should come soon."

Zhou Luoyang was taken to the guest room again and placed under house arrest.

He glanced at the electronic clock. It was half past seven at night. This time, Du Jing did not go back to the time. Not only did he not go back to midnight, but he also didn't go back to the noon of the previous day. Luoyang would be in a coma and return to twelve noon the day before.

Nothing happened that night, but Zhou Luoyang knew that Du Jing and Huang Ting might have reunited and were searching for his whereabouts.

This was the first time in months that he did not share a bed with Du Jing.

However, he found strangely that the insomniac became himself, and without Du Jing by his side, he couldn't sleep. The information became intricate, and in the two repetitions of the day, bits and pieces of clues seemed to form another map with hidden meaning.

Under the hood, what else is there that they don't know

Zhou Luoyang tried to sort out the whole thing - just like Du Jing's previous speculation, there was generally no deviation. An organization controlled by Honghou abducted people from China and other countries, tricked them into Cambodia, and let them participate in real-life escape rooms for the riches of various countries.

As can be seen from the subtitles of the promotional video, as one of the businesses, Honghou uses the audience tickets and bets for each season to make profits. Drugs, arms, antiques, etc... KCR fights against the government, raises money for mercenaries, and realizes it through darknet transactions.

Xiao Wu and Lu Zhongyu are the contestants they have identified in advance, and Honghou calls the process of these people's escape room in foreign countries "trials", that is, through the monitoring in the secret room to make the first place. round filter.

Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing entered their trials by accident, so they left a record.

But how did Honghou discover them, the whole process of chasing them all the way from mainland China to Cambodia? At what point was the identity revealed? The first vigilance at the junction was fine, but they quickly turned the clock back.

When attacked by mercenaries, they clearly knew that Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang were on the helicopter. Looking back on these few days, Zhou Luoyang seemed to be under surveillance in front of the Mali Aman Temple. Maybe the other party has been eyeing them since then.

Before entering the Mariaman Temple, Ruan Song had not seen them, so it should not have caused Ruan Song's vigilance.

The only possibility is that someone knew that they went from Wanshi to Hong Kong, and then arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, and informed Honghou in advance. Hong Hou could not pinpoint their actions in Ho Chi Minh City.

So far, he has not mentioned Huang Ting, which is proof.

Yes! Zhou Luoyang finally found the most important point - Honghou did not mention Huang Ting!

Earlier he said "your friends", not "your friends"!

He didn't know the existence of Huang Ting and Zhuang Li, only he and Du Jing!

Then the informer who reported the news to Honghou may not know Huang Ting's existence.

There is a more important question: the whistleblower seems to have no idea of Du Jing's identity? In other words, he deliberately concealed Du Jing's identity from Marquis Hong.

Who is this person

Zhou Luoyang sorted out the clues, but was even more confused. He believed that Du Jing must be doing the same analysis at this moment. He was in a daze, half asleep and half awake, dreaming of the moment the helicopter fell, and the sense of weightlessness made him fly up on the seat. However, in the blink of an eye, he appeared on Du Jing's Ferrari.

Du Jing drove at the fastest speed, and the moment he flew out of the cliff - Zhou Luoyang turned to look at him.

Du Jing let go of the steering wheel, turned to his side, put one arm around Zhou Luoyang's waist, and lowered his head to kiss his lips in front of the abyss of life and death.

The room door rang and the door was opened.

Zhou Luoyang woke up suddenly, unable to open his eyes due to the sunlight, and couldn't stop breathing.

The pajamas got wet, and Zhou Luoyang hadn't lost control in his dream for nearly half a month.

"The boss asked you to wash up as soon as possible and come out." A bodyguard said in English.

"You go out." Zhou Luoyang frowned and said impatiently.

He washed in a hurry, changed the clothes and cotton underwear prepared in the closet, the service in the manor was obviously very thoughtful, and all the daily necessities were prepared for him.

Zhou Luoyang changed into a white shirt and black shorts in the closet, and came out wearing sneakers.

Two bodyguards took him downstairs.

The manor is bigger than he thought, and it seems that more than half of the area is open to the public. When Zhou Luoyang heard the sound of the car and wanted to look out the window, the bodyguards did not give him the opportunity. He walked down quickly and entered a resplendent hall.

It was a huge casino with gaming tables and slot machines everywhere. Zhou Luoyang could see that someone was playing baccarat, with Southeast Asians, Chinese and white people mixed together.

The bodyguard took Zhou Luoyang to a card table and opened a chair for him.

Hong Hou was on the other side, playing Texas Hold'em with Du Jing.

"People are here, what's next? What are you betting on?" Honghou said to Du Jing.

Zhou Luoyang didn't speak, he glanced at Du Jing, and Du Jing turned his head and glanced at him to confirm that he was not injured.

The corners of Du Jing's eyes carried the bruises that he had fallen into the woods the day before.

Du Jing didn't talk to Zhou Luoyang, but said to Honghou: "What do you want to bet on?"

Du Jing wore a white shirt on top and trousers on the bottom. He slightly stroked the sleeves of his shirt, revealing the Eye of Versetti on his wrist.

Zhou Luoyang felt relieved when he saw that it was already twelve o'clock and the watch was still in Du Jing's hands.

"Bet on him?" Hong Hou smiled, "If you win, take the person away."

Du Jing said: "If he loses, of course I will stay with him, which is reasonable."

Honghou lit a cigarette and said, "Are you gambling?"

"Don't." Zhou Luoyang said.

Du Jing waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

Zhou Luoyang put his hand on Du Jing's wrist and held down the eye of Versailles. Just as he was about to rotate, Du Jing put his other hand on the back of Zhou Luoyang's hand, stabilizing his movements, meaning that there was no need to do so. .

The dealer restarted the game, Du Jing ate the candy, picked up the cards in his hand, and put his thumb against it, making Zhou Luoyang take a look.

A 3 of spades.

Zhou Luoyang did not speak, the two sides opened the cards, Honghou laughed and showed his cards to Du Jing, Du Jing lost.

"Very good." Hong Hou said.

"Very good." Du Jing said the same, "Suppose I die, all the prize money will be given to him, let him leave alive."

Honghou said seriously: "It's not necessarily the two of you who won in the end, but as long as the winner is either of you, I will do the same."

"I will try my best." Du Jingman said casually.

Hong Hou said: "I look forward to your performance. We have always respected the players who volunteered to participate."

Zhou Luoyang: "You..."

Du Jing put a hand on Zhou Luoyang's shoulder, turned sideways, got very close, his lips moved slightly, and his breath was full of coffee candy.

He looked into Zhou Luoyang's eyes seriously and said, "It's destined that we will be together wherever we go."

So, Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang lived in the same suite, two days before the start of the game.

This time, Marquis Hong gave them excellent treatment. The surveillance was still in place, but the standard of accommodation was upgraded. It must be because Du Jing took the initiative to send them to the door.

After all, voluntarily participating in this kind of competition means that you have to bear the consequences that you know. Most of them are for money. The courage is commendable. Naturally, KCR also gave enough respect to those who knew they were going to die.

"In previous competitions like this," said Zhou Luoyang, "did anyone volunteer to participate?"

"Maybe," Du Jing entered the room, and started to unbutton his shirt, undress, and said, "It's just that we didn't get to see it. After all, not everyone who wants to participate has a chance. As soon as he entered the battle royale, he collapsed and cried. Shouting endlessly will greatly affect the viewing quality of the game."

"How did they judge that I was suitable?" Zhou Luoyang was really puzzled.

Du Jing looked at his half-naked body in the mirror. After the crash the day before yesterday, he had a lot of scratches on his body.

"I don't know," Du Jing said. "I think you're very clever at first glance? Wife, help me with a medicine. I can't reach it from behind."

Zhou Luoyang watched Du Jing, Du Jing brought the potion and sat with his back to Zhou Luoyang.

Zhou Luoyang: "How did you find this place?"

Du Jing: "It's very simple. After standing in the nearby town for half an hour, someone from them naturally found me and brought me here."

Zhou Luoyang didn't ask Du Jing if he had made arrangements, or what kind of proper arrangements he had made. He knew that since Du Jing successfully entered, he must be ready to fight.

I have to admit that this move is indeed very beautiful. Compared to being caught and handcuffed, Du Jing has taken the lead to a certain extent. Honghou is not afraid of revealing their location, nor does he care what Du Jing can do.

Honghou holds a separatist military force and has close ties with Vietnam. He provides services for many chaebols in Europe and the United States. As long as China and the United States do not send bombers to bomb his base, even the local government of Cambodia can do nothing to him.

The disappearance of the foreign population was blamed on Vietnam by him, and the people who came to Ho Chi Minh City for tourism disappeared from the world.

Zhou Luoyang gave Du Jing medicine, Du Jing put on his shirt, opened his chest, turned to look at him, looked at each other, and knew that there must be surveillance and monitoring in the room.

"Did you miss me?" Du Jing raised his hand, and his fingers gently swept Luoyang's profile next week.

"A little." Zhou Luoyang replied, "What are you going to do now?"

He knew that Honghou could see what they were doing at any time as long as he wanted to, and what they were playing was the identity of a same-sex couple.

"Sleep," Du Jing said, "I'm sleepy, I haven't slept for thirty-six hours."

Zhou Luoyang lay down on the bed, Du Jing stretched out his arms, naturally put him on the pillow, and when he pulled his arms, he pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Zhou Luoyang heard his heartbeat.

In Zhou Luoyang's ear, Du Jing said with a volume that only two people could hear:

"He doesn't know anything, he just thinks we are here for archaeology in Cambodia. You are an antique dealer invited by Sotheby's, and I am your bodyguard."

"Impossible," Zhou Luoyang said in a low voice, "he has discovered Supu's silencer gun."

Zhou Luoyang wanted to ask Huang Ting and Zhuang Li if they had escaped the danger, but at this time, they must not make the slightest mistake, so they had to hold back.

At the same time, he also thought that Huang Ting mentioned a colleague who had never shown up and was discharged from the peacekeeping force. Maybe this dark chess can play an unexpected role.

"Trust me, I've already guessed who sold him the news." Du Jing moved his lips slightly, let go of him a little, adjusted his posture, and hugged him comfortably, like holding a doll, kicking He rested on his waist, placed him under his protective space, closed his eyes, breathed evenly, and fell asleep.