Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 50: future


At the moment when the helicopter fell, Du Jing resisted the impact for Zhou Luoyang and broke two ribs. When he woke up the next day, Zhou Luoyang began to realize that something was wrong, because when Du Jing spoke, there was an obvious fault in his breathing.

Imprisoned in KCR's casino, there is really no condition to go to the inspection. Fortunately, the fracture was in the rib, and Du Jing had also learned how to deal with it, so he asked the bodyguard for an elastic chest strap, put it over the shoulder and back, and simply tied it on.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Luoyang asked worriedly.

Du Jing checked the box sent by KCR, and answered lightly, "There will be no problem."

This morning, the rain stopped and the sun was shining. Under the surveillance of the bodyguards, the staff brought the two people's equipment - Du Jing got a brand new finger tiger, and Honghou had found out that the original finger tiger had anesthesia and could not return it to him.

In addition, it is a suit tailored to his figure and a pair of sunglasses without electronic equipment.

"For game balance," Hong Hou explained to them through the room's hands-free intercom, "I made a small modification to the equipment of the two of you."

On the collar of Du Jing's shirt, an English name: Hyp is embroidered with gold thread.

Zhou Luoyang got a set of tourist attire, white shirt, black shorts, and sports white shoes for ease of movement. His code name is also embroidered with gold thread on the shirt: Tha.

Just when he was thinking about what the two names represented, Du Jing opened the box and let him take a look.

Inside was that lipstick gun.

Zhou Luoyang understood it in his heart, and carefully put the lipstick gun into his trousers pocket.

"Please set off when you are ready." Hong Hou's voice said on the phone, "I hope you have enough rest these few days, and you will not be too nervous to fall asleep."

Zhou Luoyang said easily: "It's okay."

Du Jing put on the eyes of Versetti.

"It seems that you cherish this watch very much." Honghou said.

Du Jingman said casually, "If I die in the game, please let it be buried for me."

"Definitely." Honghou replied easily, "But don't underestimate yourself. Even if you are injured and have difficulty moving, your strength assessment is still very strong."

The bodyguard made a "please" action and took the two out.

They first passed through a long corridor. Zhou Luoyang didn't ask him anything about Huang Ting's arrangements, and Du Jing didn't say anything. He just turned his head slightly, as if looking at the surrounding environment of this hidden casino from behind his sunglasses.

Zhou Luoyang thought he was about to go out from the ground, just like when he was caught, he didn't expect that after entering the underground garage, there was a concrete passage in the depths of the garage. , but did not follow the car.

The sightseeing car started on its own and drove them into the darkness.

There was no light in the darkness, and there was a gust of wind ahead.

Zhou Luoyang's heart jumped wildly. He finally knew why Honghou was so big. Once he entered the area sealed by cement, all communication devices would lose their signals completely.

He subconsciously held Du Jing's hand, while Du Jing turned his palm over, his fingers tightened slightly, indicating that he didn't have to worry.

The sightseeing car was entered into the automatic driving program, turned several times, and traveled for a full fifteen minutes. The length of the underground cement tunnel has far exceeded one kilometer. Whenever he passed a fork in the road, Zhou Luoyang wondered if he could escape by jumping out of the car now? But presumably since Honghou let them ride the sightseeing car in the dark alone, he was already prepared. Run around and end up starving to death in the dark.

Zhou Luoyang couldn't help but wonder, how much human and financial resources would it take to dig such a tunnel in the mountainous area of Cambodia? Just to hold a competition is obviously not realistic.

Maybe using old underground ruins or tombs for renovation? No, what underground ruins can stretch for so long

"It's too far," Zhou Luoyang murmured in the darkness, "like an ant nest."

"I guess this was a mining area," Du Jing said.

Zhou Luoyang immediately understood, and Du Jing added: "It later became one of the guerrilla bases of the Khmer Rouge."

After the many twists and turns, the sightseeing car finally stopped at another platform with lights on. The voice of Honghou came from the car: "Now you can get off."

Du Jing glanced at his watch and said to Zhou Luoyang, "It took thirty minutes."

The sightseeing car drove away, and the loudspeaker on the platform sounded Honghou's voice again: "Go forward, enter one door each, and your names are already written on the door."

Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang held hands and stood in front of the eight doors with the names of Tha, Hyp and the rest of the players. The eighth door on the farthest had no name.

"Let's do this first," Zhou Luoyang whispered, "I'll meet later."

Du Jing hesitated for a moment, then hooked his finger towards Zhou Luoyang, Zhou Luoyang got a little closer.

Du Jing lowered his head, kissed the corner of his mouth, shook off his sunglasses with one hand and put it on, and said, "Go ahead."

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

He knew that there was surveillance everywhere, maybe at this moment, the live broadcast on the dark web had started, and the audience was watching their every move.

The door with the names of Hyp and Tha opened on both sides, and Du Jing and Zhou Luoyang entered separately.

The door closed and Zhou Luoyang was locked into a small room.

"Please pick up the wireless headset on your left and wear it all the way. This is one of your most important communication tools. Don't lose it." Hong Hou said, "Next, I wish you good luck."

Zhou Luoyang picked up the small headset on the table and put it on. This time, the headset was replaced with another synthesized female electronic voice.

"Hello, Thanatos."

When Zhou Luoyang heard the name, he immediately understood what his and Du Jing's respective code names symbolized. Du Jing's "Hyp" is the abbreviation of "Hypnos", and his "Tha" is "Tanatos" - representing the gods of sleep and death in Greek mythology!

Does the fact that these two gods are twin brothers has anything to do with him being the only weapon that kills people

"Looks like I'm going to be a god of death faithfully." Zhou Luoyang looked around at the furnishings in the room. There was nothing but the table. The table was still welded to the ground, and there was a surveillance camera on the ceiling.

The electronic voice didn't answer at first, and only answered after a few seconds: "Yes. Please don't be distracted next, listen carefully to your game tasks, the prompt information will only be played once, which is related to the final game."

Zhou Luoyang frowned slightly, thinking about whether the voice came from artificial intelligence, or whether the real voice has been processed, as if neither. The electronic voice can obviously judge his query and answer it, but there will be a delay in the speed. Is it because of the problem of data transmission

"Wait for the other players to be ready," the electronic voice said again.

Zhou Luoyang was silent, and a few minutes later, the electronic voice sounded again: "All players are ready."

"You are a tourist who has longed for Khmer culture since you were a child. You are fascinated by the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat. You quit your job, saved a travel expense, and came to this strange country to fulfill your childhood dream."

Zhou Luoyang said: "Oh, this is too bullying. I worked hard to save a travel expense, and the final destination is Angkor Wat? I would rather go to Rome. The cultural confidence of your Cambodians is more exaggerated than that of Koreans... "

"You're hiring locally... Ha, ha, ha... Please don't interrupt."

"Search the list of texts and go back to the beginning of the sentence."

Zhou Luoyang: "…"

The sentence "Search the text list and return to the beginning of the sentence" was pronounced in English, but Zhou Luoyang immediately judged the truth of the electronic sound! This is manipulative! The embarrassing simulated laughter shows that someone entered in text, and then through the translator, it was converted into voice to communicate with Zhou Luoyang, the contestant!

The explanation of the rules of the game is a copy and paste text entered in advance, and it will be completely repeated without being interrupted.

In other words, behind this electronic sound, there is a manipulator inputting instructions.

Knowing this, it seems useless, but it may be of great help to Zhou Luoyang at some critical moments.

"… There is a young man in the area who is living in poverty after his mercenary career. He keeps begging, hoping to be your bodyguard and get a sum of money to bury his comrades."

"Ultimately, you agreed to let him accompany you into the Angkor Wat ruins because he lacked the necessary identification. You had no doubts, but before entering Angkor Wat, you picked up a dropped weapon at the entrance of the ruins... "

At the same time, the room shook violently and roared!

In the deafening voice, Zhou Luoyang almost stood unsteadily, barely holding on to the table, and the electronic voice without emotional fluctuations continued: "You entered the ruins, started to explore, and accidentally broke through Angkor's organs. I fell into the ground in a dark alley…”

"Wait!" Zhou Luoyang shouted.

That room was indeed an elevator, and the elevator fell as fast as a jumping machine. Zhou Luoyang's heart couldn't take it anymore.

"...In the dark underground world, you must find a way to get out of here alive and rendezvous with the bodyguards as soon as possible..."

The room suddenly turned over, the door opened, and Zhou Luoyang was thrown with that force, and Zhou Luoyang suddenly fell into a slope-like passage, shouting, "Wait!"

"Remind again, please keep wearing the earphones at all times during the expedition. Losing the earphones will be punished by death..."

"Do not communicate any real-world content with any player in the arena, including but not limited to identity information such as names, or you will be punished. After three punishments, your game will end, and you only have one life, so please be careful. "

"The relationship between characters in the qualifiers has been adjusted, please do not apply the hatred model in the qualifiers."

"Just to be prudent, don't trust anyone including teammates with the same short-term goals as you, don't tell anyone, your carry-on."

Zhou Luoyang slid through the entire tunnel and hit an active secret door. With a loud shout, he slammed into the secret door and fell into the darkness.

Fortunately, there was a buffer in the darkness. After Zhou Luoyang fell, he was immediately caught by a soft mass.

That's a big sponge.

"I wish you a smooth customs clearance." The electronic voice fell into silence after saying the last sentence.

Zhou Luoyang pressed the sponge and stood up slowly, surrounded by darkness.

He didn't speak, but he heard a voice not far away, "Is there anyone?"

"Yes!" said another voice at once, "let me out!"

Zhou Luoyang got up, but accidentally bumped into the iron grid, making a sound.

"How many people are there?" Another man's voice asked.

"Don't move around," Du Jing's patient voice sounded in the darkness, "After your eyes get used to the darkness, think of a way to come out."

When Zhou Luoyang heard Du Jing's voice, he felt a lot more at ease. He felt around in the darkness, and all he touched were brick and stone walls. This was an extremely small cell with only one fence in front of him, and a lock was hung on the fence.

His eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and he saw a fluorescent dial on Du Jing's wrist not far away.

Unlike the first time, they were locked in the same cell. Instead, there are one, two, three... seven, seven cells in total.

Seven contestants were held separately.


Someone turned on the light and shone towards them. The pale light was extremely dazzling. Du Jing immediately said, "Don't turn on the light, save the electricity."

Zhou Luoyang quickly regained his composure and tried to move the lock on the cell door. It was heavier than the escape room he played in Wanshi, and seemed to be more difficult to destroy.

"I am your ruler, now, the key clue to successfully escape is related to Cell No. 1," at this time, the electronic voice came from the earphone, said, "But now, don't tell the contestants in Cell No. 1. "

Zhou Luoyang was shocked, and sure enough, someone issued an instruction to the player! Who are they? Is it the audience

"Don't open your mouth to answer. Next, you need to find a way to convince contestant No. 1 to open the prison door for you and save you out." The electronic voice said again.

Through the dim light, Zhou Luoyang saw several people in the cells, all of them raised their hands subconsciously and held down the earphones.

Only in Cell No. 1, there was no movement. The player didn't seem to have received any instructions, or the "manipulator" behind him was missing key clues.

"Let's count first," said a familiar voice. "How many people do we have here? Can you understand what I'm saying?"

That was Lu Zhongyu's voice! Finally met him!

"Yes," said another unfamiliar voice from the previously lit cell, "starting from the innermost, you are all Chinese..."

Immediately afterwards, a warning in English came from the corridor of the cell.

"Breach of the rules, mild penalty, your number of penalties remaining: 2."

Suddenly, there was a scream from the cell!

There was silence in the corridor, and no one spoke.

"Damn," the unfamiliar voice gasped after a while, "the earphones have power!"

"Don't take it off." Du Jing said.

After another silence, Du Jing said, "Is it better? Be careful and report the number."

"One," someone said, "am I number one?"

Lu Zhongyu said, "Two."

The unfamiliar voice said: "Three."

"Four." Someone in Cell Four replied.

There was silence for a while, and no one spoke in the fifth cell.

Du Jing said: "I'm the sixth, there is someone across from me, but he doesn't speak, I hear the voice."

Zhou Luoyang was in the innermost cell and said, "I should be the seventh."

"It's ten twenty-five now," said Du Jing's voice.

"This tour..." said the man in Cell No. 1. "This expedition has no time limit."

"Damn," the man was still talking to himself in the electrocuted cell number 3, "Damn! I'm like a beast!"

"What do you guys do?" Zhou Luoyang suddenly said, "I am a tourist, and in the other cell, I hired a bodyguard."

Du Jing gently kicked the cell door and made a light noise, indicating that I was the bodyguard and that I was here.

"I'm a botanist," said the man in Cell No. 1. "Overseas Chinese."

"I'm the captain of the mercenary," said Lu Zhongyu's voice in Cell No. 2, "Come in to investigate the underground ruins."

"I'm a professor, a professor of theology," said the man who was electrocuted in Cell No. 3, apparently still in a little pain, "I'm here to investigate."

"I'm Vietnamese, an archaeologist," said the man in cell number four.

The cell group fell silent again, and at this moment, Zhou Luoyang's earphone issued an instruction.

"Among these people, there is a killer," the headset said, "extremely dangerous. Once you find out the identity of the other party in the process, you must try to kill him as soon as possible, but don't use a gun, remember that you only have one bullet, save it for the last. "

Everyone stopped talking at the same time. Zhou Luoyang thought that they must be listening to the instructions in the headset at this time, and the instructions must be very different. After all, others don't have a gun like him.

Compared with the previous secret room entertainment, this game has one more archaeologist, and obviously everyone in the scene has become more serious and less talkative.

Lu Zhongyu said, "Let's think of a way to get out first."

"Can't open the lock," said the botanist with a clanging sound in Cell No. 1. "This lock can't be brute-forced, hello! Look at the lock? There's a key in the lock."

Zhou Luoyang touched the lock and said, "Wait? What do you mean?"

The headset immediately said, "Don't tell them your lock isn't keyed."

"The lock in each cell goes through the hole of the other key and locks one key." Lu Zhongyu replied.

But Zhou Luoyang did not touch the key in the lock.

"We need the first one," Du Jing said, "outside the wall of one of our cells. Hey, No. 5, are you still alive?"

If there was no accident in Cell No. 5, it should be the priest, but he never said a word.

Lu Zhongyu: "Who told you about the key?"

Du Jing didn't answer, and the archaeologist said, "Whose hands is the lamp? Turn on the lamp and see?"

"Professor?" Zhou Luoyang said.

The professor replied, "I don't want to turn on the light right now."

Zhou Luoyang thought about it, suspecting that the "Professor" gave him instructions from his earphones.

"Tell him you know where the clues are." He said again in the headset, "After you get the key, let him be the first to open your bodyguard's door, and then let your bodyguard open your cell door."

"I know where it is," Zhou Luoyang said immediately, "on the wall on your left, there is a key, botanist."

The man in Cell No. 1 immediately turned around and said, "I can't see it."

"I see," Lu Zhongyu said, "click on the left."

Everyone looked at the "botanist", and he reached out to reach it, but it was always less than ten centimeters away.

"Look for tools," Du Jing added, "there must be tools in the cell."

Everyone began to grope in the dark cell, and finally Zhou Luoyang found a detachable iron rod with a ring on the head of his iron fence.

"Come on, use this!" Zhou Luoyang rolled the iron rod along the ground.

The botanist took off the key, reached out tremblingly, and tried to open his lock.

"Don't be nervous." Everyone comforted.

"Can't open it." The botanist's heavy breathing came from the darkness, and then he said to himself, "This key can only open the door of someone else's cell."

Zhou Luoyang immediately understood that the door opening mechanism of the key was all designed.

"Let him open the bodyguard's door first," said the earphone.

Zhou Luoyang said, "Open the door of Cell No. 6 first."

Du Jing said, "Throw the key here."

The botanist did not move.

"Open mine first." In Cell No. 3, the "Professor" said immediately.

In Cell No. 4, the archaeologist also said, "Open mine first."

Du Jing said: "Open mine, this is a chain key, open a cell door, other people can be opened."

The botanist said, "Who should I listen to?"

Zhou Luoyang replied, "You decide for yourself."

Lu Zhongyu said, "Vote, I will vote for No. 6."

"Do you know each other?" "Professor" No. 3 asked suspiciously.

No one answered, and after a while, the botanist said, "Three votes for six."

"Then I'll vote for No. 6 too," said the "Professor" in Cell No. 3.

When the words fell, he threw the key to Du Jing. Du Jing tried to open the lock and opened it, but the moment he unscrewed the lock, the key was stuck in the keyhole and could not be pulled out again. , however failed.

The other key that was locked in the lock came out, and as a result, Du Jing also had a key in his hand.

"Let your bodyguard drive you first." The command was issued in the headset.

However, Zhou Luoyang didn't say a word, and when Du Jing walked out of the cell, he walked towards him without any hesitation.

"Go and open someone else's." Zhou Luoyang said to Du Jing, "Look at what's in Cell No. 5."

Du Jing reached out his hand and touched the lock, and immediately understood, with a low "shh" sound, turned around and walked towards Lu Zhongyu's cell.

"Open mine." The botanist shook the fence and said.

The electronic voice said to Zhou Luoyang: "Why don't you obey my orders?"

Zhou Luoyang didn't answer, and the electronic voice said seriously: "I can punish you, but now I don't think it's necessary, you'd better listen to me honestly."

Zhou Luoyang still didn't answer. Hearing the door of the cell, Du Jing released Lu Zhongyu.

Lu Zhongyu got his key and walked towards Zhou Luoyang. Zhou Luoyang said in a low voice, "Go to open someone else's, I should be the last one..."

Du Jing: "Are you sure?"

Lu Zhongyu didn't answer, he opened the door of Zhou Luoyang's cell, he was electrocuted, shouted, fell to the ground and kept twitching.

"Wait!" Zhou Luoyang said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Breaching the order..." Lu Zhongyu took a long time to recover, struggled to get up, and said, "It doesn't matter, it will be fine in a while."

"Boss, come out." Du Jing said.

The prison door was opened, and Du Jing took Zhou Luoyang's hand and took him out.

Zhou Luoyang was the only one, he didn't have the next key, and the mission got stuck here. The rest were kept in the remaining four cells, and no one spoke, watching the three of them.

Suddenly, Zhou Luoyang felt that the scene was extremely terrifying, and just like that, the rest of the cells could no longer be opened.