Tiandi Baiju

Chapter 52: future


"I can't hear what you said." The voice of the translator in the headset said, "But we can find a way together to solve this mystery, stop disobeying my orders, I want you to survive more than anyone, after all, I There are a lot of bets on you."

Zhou Luoyang guessed that the Dominator might be able to see the arrangement in the room through the camera, which means that he could see the key hanging on the wall that was blocked in the blind spot of his vision.

But after arriving in the second room, the direction the Dominator saw from the monitoring angle was similar to the area the player could see, and they could not get more effective clues.

It's an interesting game, if you don't lose your life - thought Zhou Luoyang.

The intricate identities of the contestants and the mutual distrust between people are like the Tower of Babel separating them. Every link uses a carefully designed mechanism to cause the contestants to be suspicious of each other. In addition, behind each contestant, there is a Dominator, giving instructions to them.

But this order is not 100% implemented, and the player cannot communicate directly with the ruler behind it.

The player's voice was cut off halfway through, and the rulers could only judge whether he faithfully executed the command through the images sent back.

But the monitoring is still there. Zhou Luoyang judged intuitively that there must be another monitoring party in the darkness who is closely watching their movements. All the sounds and pictures will be transmitted to them intact, that is, Honghou’s team.

Each Dominator has three punishment chances, and once they are used up, the player may be electrocuted directly, or may be out of the game. Therefore, the Dominator must also carefully consider how to make the player obedient without electrocuting him prematurely.

But the Dominator's instructions are not completely sensible, and in some places, players need to make their own judgments, which forms a game.

There are deceptions and games everywhere, big and small, between players and players, players and secret rooms, players and rulers... Zhou Luoyang thought to himself, if Le Yao knew that he participated in this kind of competition, he didn't know what he would think.

I hope that Du Jing has made arrangements before coming in. Zhou Luoyang does not want to see anyone die. If everyone is alive and passes the final level together, what will happen

This is a difficult but very challenging idea.

"Groot?" Zhou Luoyang thought of this and said anxiously, "How is the situation?"

"Why don't you come closer?" In the headset, the Dominator said.

Zhou Luoyang still didn't take action. He didn't want to cooperate too much with the ruler behind him. He stood five meters away from the statue and observed Du Jing.

The gilded monkey god Hanuman has half of his face hidden in the shadows, creating a strange atmosphere.

"The monkey god's tail can be turned," said Lu Zhongyu.

"Try it." Xiao Wu and Lu Zhongyu worked together, shaking Hanuman's tail, the pedestal made a dull sound, and the monkey god turned towards the center and began to rotate. After a circle, it returned to its original position.

Du Jing raised his head and checked the face of the monkey god. Lu Zhongyu shook off the Swiss Army knife that the game had given him, and moved the connection between Hanuman's tail and his body.

"Don't brute force," Kun said. "If you break it, you will be electrocuted."

This must be the prompt coming from the headset. Du Jing, Kun, Lu Zhongyu, Xiao Wu and De'an surrounded the sculpture, only Zhou Luoyang and Ruan Song stood aside.

Zhou Luoyang glanced at Ruan Song, but Ruan Song avoided his gaze.

The Dominator said in the headset: "Look at its eyes, or weapons, or somewhere else."

The dominators in Zhou Luoyang's group obviously have some experience.

"I'll take a look." Zhou Luoyang finally came to the sculpture and looked at the monkey god. The monkey god looked at the opposite wall with his eyes.

He turned his head and glanced at the wall, there was nothing unusual.

The Dominator said, "What about turning?"

Zhou Luoyang said, "Turn around again?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Luoyang, and Lu Zhongyu shook the monkey's tail and turned it around again. At this time, Xiao Wu immediately said, "Wait."

Xiao Wu pressed the earphone, thought for a while, and said, "I think the eyes of the monkey god can shine."

"What do you think this is?" Kun said. "Like a sink."

Kun pointed to the back of the monkey god, and everyone looked at it. Behind the raised tail of the monkey god, there was a small hole for water.

Du Jing took a closer look and saw that Hanuman's gem-set eyes, one red and one green, seemed to have holes in them. He turned to look at the brazier.

"It's very hot." Zhou Luoyang said.

Du Jing waved his hand, indicating that it's okay, he bent down and pushed the brazier, but there was no movement.

"Use this." Kun took out a glass bottle with a screw cap, unscrewed the cap, and walked to the brazier, where there was burning kerosene.

"It will explode." Lu Zhongyu said.

"It should be heat-resistant," Kun said.

Xiao Wu said: "Try it, don't break it."

Xiao Wu and Du Jing worked together to gently push the brazier to tilt it, and the kerosene in the brazier slowly poured into the glass bottle. The flame was still burning, Zhou Luoyang said: "Enough! The ground is about to spread out!"

The kerosene immediately burned the ground, but it was only a small puddle, which would go out on its own after a moment of burning. Then, they poured oil into Hanuman's tail, lit the oil, and the flames flew up immediately, surrounding the whole body of the monkey god statue, sending out a thick plume of smoke.

Du Jing took off his suit, covered Zhou Luoyang's mouth and nose, and made him step back a little.

Flames shot up from behind the monkey god, rays of light were projected from his eyes, and two rays of light in his eyes were projected on the wall.

"Nothing." Ruan Song finally spoke.

Zhou Luoyang said as the Dominator ordered, "Turn around again and take a look, slow down."

Everyone began to rotate the monkey statue again, and the light swept across the wall. When facing the northeast, a small window appeared on the wall, reflecting the light. The windows are fixed to the wall and are of the same colour, only the reflection makes them visible.

"What's in it?" Everyone began to study the small glass window.

"I can't see it," Du Jing said. "One-way glass."

Everyone reached out and touched it, not knowing how to open it, and after solving the first mystery, the process got stuck again.

The archaeologist De'an suddenly stood up and said, "Try brute force?"

Du Jing has seldom spoken since Zhou Luoyang was electrocuted. Zhou Luoyang was afraid that he would turn into depression at this time, but he did not dare to say more.

"Brute force cracking will be electrocuted." Lu Zhongyu said.

"Electrify," De'an said, "I haven't been electrocuted yet, so I'll accompany you once."

The ruler of Zhou Luoyang suddenly said in the earphone: "Don't get close to it."

At this moment, Du Jing got up, put on a finger tiger, and wrapped his fist with a suit jacket. Zhou Luoyang held Du Jing, and at this time, he decided to listen to the ruler.

But there's always someone to try, and the archaeologist De'an said, "Give me the weapon, I'll do it."

Du Jing glanced at Dean and handed him the thing. De'an said, "Let's go." After everyone stepped back a little, he punched the small glass window with his finger tiger, and the glass window made a soft sound, shattered inward, and flew away.

"Hey," De'an said again, with another finger at the tiger, "good stuff."

Du Jing looked at De'an, De'an finally returned the finger tiger to him, reached into the glass window cabinet and touched it, and said, "There should be a key... hey!"

Just when everyone calmed down.

De'an screamed in an instant, and everyone shouted suddenly, only to see him dragging a snake out of the glass window!

The snake bit the back of his hand and immediately wrapped around his right hand. Zhou Luoyang immediately stepped forward to save him, but Kun shouted: "Take it to the fire! Be careful not to splash it!"

Zhou Luoyang immediately brought De'an to the brazier. The snake was roasted and fell into the brazier.

The snake was burned to death, but Dean was bitten on the back of his hand.

In an instant, his face was pale, and Zhou Luoyang immediately bit the hem of his shirt, tore a strip of cloth, and quickly wrapped it around his wrist to block the blood flow.

"Squeeze down and take a look." Xiao Wu also panicked.

Dean began to suck the back of his hand forcefully, spitting out poisonous blood.

The Dominator said to Zhou Luoyang in the earphone: "He is dead, don't worry about him, go and look at the cabinet."

Du Jing suddenly said, "What did you feel in the cabinet?"

De'an said: "No... only this snake!"

"I told you," Du Jing said indifferently, "priest."

In an instant, everyone looked at Ruan Song who was standing aside, and Zhou Luoyang immediately understood that when De'an was poisoned, Ruan Song took advantage of the confusion and touched the glass cabinet.

"This." Ruan Song took out his hand from his pocket, spread it out, and a brass key appeared in his hand.

"Find the keyhole," Lu Zhongyu said, "find a place where De'an can rest."

"How are you?" Zhou Luoyang asked Dean anxiously.

Dean shook his head, sweat dripping from his forehead. The snake was already dead, and they didn't even have time to identify what kind of snake it was and whether it was poisonous, but in a place like this, they probably wouldn't have prepared serum to save their lives.

"Can you take care of him?" Professor Xiao Wu said to Zhou Luoyang.

"Okay," Zhou Luoyang said, "I can't help you much, leave it to me."

De'an reluctantly said: "I'm fine, fine... Maybe this snake is not poisonous, you see, the blood is red."

He couldn't stop sucking the back of his hand, spitting out bright red blood, Zhou Luoyang couldn't judge for a while, so he could only help him up.

Du Jing quickly found the keyhole and said to Ruan Song, "Come here."

Du Jing motioned to Ruan Song, inserted the key into the lock hole, and the second stone door was opened.

"Come in." Du Jingyan said concisely.

Zhou Luoyang lifted De'an's arm, put it on his shoulder, and led him into the Shimen. Before leaving, Lu Zhongyu went to the glass cabinet to look around to confirm that there was nothing left inside.

After the second gate, there is a tortuous corridor, De'an said, "I can walk by myself."

A peculiarly shaped room appeared in front of him. After opening the door, there was a pedestal beside him, and a simple lounge suddenly appeared inside. There is a long table and seven chairs in the lounge, and a Vietnamese baguette is placed on the long table with paper under it.

"You can rest in there for two hours," the Dominator said, "to replenish your strength."

Zhou Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the ruler was also going to rest. According to Du Jing's watch, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

"How are you?" Zhou Luoyang looked at Dean worriedly.

De'an nodded reluctantly and said, "Let me sit for a while, I'll be fine in a while."

His breathing became heavier, and his face was pale. Everyone looked at him, but no one spoke.

There was a shower curtain hanging in the room. Lu Zhongyu lifted the curtain and glanced at it. Inside was a toilet.

At the same time, an English broadcast came from a corner of the room: "Contestants, please take off your headphones and put them on the pedestal at the entrance to charge."

Zhou Luoyang took off his and De'an's earphones, everyone stepped forward and put the earphones in one by one. When all the headphones were embedded in the pedestal, Hong Hou's voice rang out.

"Very unexpected," said Hong Hou. "It seems that the Chinese have excellent team spirit. After leaving the second stage, all members of the team survived. It seems that our season will be very exciting."

No one spoke, Zhou Luoyang raised his head and looked at the four corners of the room, but did not find any surveillance cameras.

"Here, you can rest as much as you like." Honghou said, "In two hours, the lights in the safe house will be turned off, and then you will put on your earphones and set off. Don't worry, there is no surveillance in the safe house, and you can have free conversations. I I won't be eavesdropping on your conversations anymore, big brother keeps his word."

Under the pale light, everyone was exhausted and sat down each, looking at the baguette on the table, no one moved.

"Eat?" Xiao Wu glanced at botanist Kun and said.

Kun shook his head, took off his scholar hat, bowed and stroked his hair.

"Not hungry," Kun said, "very thirsty."

Zhou Luoyang was much better than the last time he came in. He knew that in the secret room, people would be sweating constantly and thirsty faster than usual.

"There is no water." Zhou Luoyang checked once and saw that there was only food in the safe house but lack of water. It was intentional, maybe they would fight for drinking water later.

"Take a break," Lu Zhongyu said. "Just take the bread with you when you leave later."

Du Jing's words were extremely rare today, and Lu Zhongyu also noticed it. He glanced at Du Jing and asked, "Groot, are you feeling well?"

"He doesn't like being in closed scenes very much," Zhou Luoyang replied for Du Jing, "It will be fine later."

Du Jing took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine."

"You know each other?" Professor Xiao Wu finally asked.

They sat at the long table, no matter what they said at this time, they would not be punished, and they could finally chat.

Zhou Luoyang thought more than knowing? Du Jing and I are here for you.

Kun turned his head and said, "This is a safe house, there are no cameras."

Xiao Wu said: "But I guess there are still monitors, I can't trust them."

Du Jing said: "It doesn't matter, we are in the same situation as each of you."

At this time, Du Jing finally started to speak. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table and said, "Next, listen carefully, I'll only say it once."

Zhou Luoyang suddenly noticed something unusual. Kun, Xiaowu, Ruan Song, Dean and Lu Zhongyu all showed serious expressions at the same time and looked at Du Jing.

"I will do my best to keep each of you alive." Du Jing said to the crowd.

what happened? Du Jing's silence just now was fake? Why did his state recover as soon as he came to the safe house? Zhou Luoyang immediately glanced at Du Jing, and Du Jing made a simple gesture to signal him not to speak.

"Who are you?" Xiao Wu wondered.

Lu Zhongyu seemed to understand and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you next."

"Don't interrupt me." Du Jing lowered his head, looked at his watch, and said, "There is not much time, but if not everyone can live, I will give priority to ensuring that we both can live."

With that said, Du Jing pointed to Zhou Luoyang and expressed his attitude to the rest of the people.

No one spoke, Du Jing said again: "But as long as you survive the last level and get on the car back, I will be sure to let everyone survive."

"At that time, you will naturally have won, and you will survive if you win. This is nonsense." Ruan Song said bluntly.

Zhou Luoyang asked back: "Do you really think so? Do you think that after participating in this game and knowing their location, they will let you go?"

Lu Zhongyu said to Ruan Song, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Luoyang was puzzled. Does Lu Zhongyu really know Ruan Song's identity? He and Ruan Song came to Vietnam. When they left the scenic spot, Lu Zhongyu was abducted. It stands to reason that he did not know what Ruan Song would become next. Ordinary people will only think that Ruan Song is also a victim.

But Lu Zhongyu seemed to be smarter than he thought.

Kun Wang looked at Lu Zhongyu, smiled helplessly, and said, "What's the matter with the two of you?"

"I don't know him," Ruan Song said.

The dinner fell silent again, Xiao Wu looked at Zhou Luoyang and Du Jing, and then looked at Lu Zhongyu and Ruan Song.

At this time, De'an's breathing became heavier and he asked, "Is there any water?"

"No," Zhou Luoyang said in a low voice, "Hold on for a while, maybe you can find water after you leave the safe house later."

"Or go first?" Du Jing asked the crowd.

"Take a break," Xiao Wu said tiredly, "I can't keep up with my physical strength."

At 4:30 in the afternoon, they had been on the move for six hours in a row, and judging from the situation, the next link seemed to be quite long.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Zhou Luoyang suddenly remembered and said, "There may be water in the toilet, I'll take a look."

Zhou Luoyang checked the toilet, but found that it was a vacuum type, which meant that there was no sewage pipe underground, so he had to give up.

When he came out, Du Jing stepped on the long table and looked up at the lamp on the ceiling.

After the shower curtain, De'an didn't care about where he was. He lay down on the side of the toilet, with his feet on the ground, and whispered to Zhou Luoyang, "You... What's your name? Are you... Chinese?"

"Yes," Zhou Luoyang knelt beside him, put his ears close, and replied, "I am."

"Where are you from?" Dean said in a weak voice, "I ask you one thing."

Zhou Luoyang felt that Dean was indeed poisoned, and it was quite serious.

"Don't talk," Zhou Luoyang replied, "you'll be fine."

Zhou Luoyang tried his forehead and said, "Groot!"

"Yeah." Du Jing replied from outside the bathroom.

"He has a fever," Zhou Luoyang said, "De'an has a fever."

"This... for you," Dean said. "Just a minute, leave me alone."

De'an took out a black book, Zhou Luoyang turned it over, and saw that most of the area was blank. On the first ten pages, there were staves drawn and many notes.

"If you get out alive..." Dean whispered, "Tell my sister, she..."

"How old are you?" Zhou Luoyang asked.

"Twenty-two," De'an said in a low voice, "I just quit my job not long ago, and I hardly keep in touch with my family... I studied computers, I... I used to like gambling, which was not a good habit, and I spent a lot of money in my family. Later, I came to Myanmar…”

"This is Cambodia." Zhou Luoyang reminded.

"Cambodia?" Dean smiled wryly and said, "Oh, it's Cambodia... I don't know."

De'an was apparently also arrested, and said, "My real name is Jiang Yupeng."

He said intermittently: "I wanted to... win some money, more than two million, but the last time I tried to wash my hands, I was caught by the casino. Tell my sister, I... I'm sorry for her, do you have a pen? Yes... I'll give it to you. Can you remember your phone number?"

"Du Jing!" Zhou Luoyang finally said.

Du Jing opened the shower curtain and glanced, seeing De'an's pale face, gasping for breath, knelt down on one knee and propped up De'an's eyelids with his fingers, and looked at his pupils.

De'an suddenly grabbed Zhou Luoyang's wrist and said, "It's easy to remember, easy to remember, don't forget..."

The back of his hand that had been bitten by the snake was swollen purple and black, and he reported a string of phone numbers.

"I remember." Du Jing said calmly, then turned to go out.

Dean nodded tiredly and smiled.

Zhou Luoyang had no choice but to comfort him: "You rest for a while, it's alright."

"Luoyang, come out." Du Jing said outside.

When Zhou Luoyang went out, Lu Zhongyu was using his Swiss Army knife to divide the bread and said, "One portion per person, eat when you're hungry."

Everyone got a piece of bread, and Ruan Song looked at the bread blankly. Lu Zhongyu gave De'an's share to Zhou Luoyang and said, "The archaeologist, you keep it for him."

Zhou Luoyang let out a weary sigh, lying on the table, Du Jing glanced at his watch, an hour had passed. They were thirsty and tired, and the key was no water, so everyone had to talk less to maintain their physical strength.

"He's lying to you." Ruan Song said suddenly.

"Who?" Xiao Wu asked cautiously.

"Du Jing." Ruan Song finally said Du Jing's real name, and said to Du Jing, "Your name is Du Jing, isn't it?"

Du Jing put on his finger tiger and did not answer.

Zhou Luoyang said, "Little Priest, we don't understand, where did we offend you?"

"You didn't offend me." Ruan Song said, "This game has been explained clearly in advance. If you want to keep yourself alive, you must find a way to kill other people."

Lu Zhongyu didn't answer, but stared at Ruan Song stubbornly.

Xiao Wu remained silent.

"Yes," Kun said, "that's a hint from the Dominator."

Ruan Song said: "If I were a spectator, I would never want to see the players having a good time, working together in harmony and working together to make it to the finale."

"Of course," Du Jing put on his finger tiger and said casually, "It's interesting to have a fight to the death, isn't it?"

"So they are a group," Ruan Song said, ignoring Du Jing, "his words just want to gain our trust, so that we can follow their arrangements in the future."

But then, Du Jing turned around and punched Ruan Song on the side of the face.

"Don't hit people!" Xiao Wu roared suddenly.

Kunze stood up and said displeasedly, "Speak up if you have something to say! Don't do it!"

"Don't hit people," Lu Zhongyu said slowly, but did not get up, "he is not your opponent, and such a casual punch is enough."